题型:0115 期中题难度:来源:
B. 6
C. 7
B. It is one of the easiest ways.
C. It is one of the quickest ways.
B. A web site
C. A job
B. By taxi
C. By bus
B. Buy some stamps for her.
C. Post some letters for her.
试题【听1-5段材料,回答以下问题。 1. How many shirts does the man have? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 2. What doe】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. He was ill during that time.
C. He did a lot of part-time jobs.
B. Ask the teacher for help
C. Have a good rest tonight.
B. Give a speech
C. Listen to a speech.
B. She enjoys the election very much.
C. She likes to shake hands with many people.
B. A double room with bath.
C. A double room with a king-size bed.
B. An engineer
C. A writer.
B. £95
C. £190
B. How to relieve stress.
C. How to eat regularly.
B. She has two little sons.
C. She has got three part-time jobs.
B. About 8 hours
C. About 9 hours
B. Cook different cookies.
C. Eat a piece of dark chocolate.
B. The day after tomorrow
C. Next week
B. Lunch
C. Umbrellas
B. Do some homework
C. Read the handout
B. The field trip leader
C. The driver of the school
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