B. He works in the Student Center.
C. He is a fulltime student.
B. He was too busy to make it.
C. He wanted to join a better band.
B. A pianist.
C. A singer.
B. Joining a new band.
C. Giving up performing.
试题【听下面一段对话,回答第1-4题。1. Which of the following is TRUE about the man?A. He has lost i】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. 3 points.
C. 5 points.
A. Read a short story.
B. Take a major test.
C. Write an essay.
B. On Wednesday.
C. On Friday.
B. Go to a party.
C. Meet his boss.
B. He is not free at the moment.
C. He won"t leave till the last minute.
B. Her character.
C. Her appearance.
B. The room will be warmer.
C. The lights will be switched on.
B. The new shoes do not look good enough.
C. He doesn"t care where to put the new shoes.
B. He thinks it"s dangerous.
C. He likes taking the bus.
B. The train.
C. The car.
B. She hasn"t finished her task.
C. She has no time to write her book.
B. He has forgotten to write his reports.
C. He has finished reading all the books.
B. Excellent memory.
C. Natural voice.
B. Recite the answers to possible questions.
C. Get some information about the company.
B. Not to bring it up in a roundabout way.
C. To let the interviewer mention it next time.
- 1改革开放以米,在我们社会生活中出现了许多“时尚词汇”、“流行语言”,如网络文化、信用卡、知识产权、依法维权、休闲、打的、
- 2试计算用9g氯化钠能够配制溶质的质量分数为15%的氯化钠溶液多少克?
- 3不等式3(x+1)≤14的非负整数解是______.
- 4She has _____ friends. She always plays by herself.A.fewB.a
- 5下列各组物质的分类,正确的是 [ ]A.同位素:红磷、白磷 B.非电解质:Cl2、CH3OHC.非极性分子:CO
- 6今年财政部将证券交易印花税税率由3‰调整为1‰(1‰表示千分之一).某人在调整后购买100000元股票,则比调整前少交证
- 7比较全面地检验了民族资产阶级两面性的运动是A.五四运动B.国民会议运动C.五卅运动D.省港大罢工
- 8阅读下面的文言文,完成1——4题。 张煌言,字玄箸,浙江鄞县人,明崇祯十五年举人。时以兵事急,令兼试射,煌言三发皆中。
- 92011年3月31日发表的《2010年中国的国防》白皮书指出:面对共同的机遇和挑战,中国坚持互信、互利、平等、协作的新安
- 10用粉笔写在黑板上的字,时间越久越不容易擦掉,这主要是因为A.分子间有引力B.扩散现象C.白粉粘在了黑板上D.以上说法都不
- 1设复数z=1+i(i是虚数单位),则2z+z2=( )A.-1-iB.-1+iC.1-iD.1+i
- 2从语句简明的角度考虑,下面的一段文字应该删去的是哪几处?条形码是标志要出售的商品的身份证。条形码是由表示商品信息的数字代
- 3根据图中所示的溶解度曲线,回答下列问题:(1)NaCl和纯碱晶体(NaCl·10H2O)均属于 _________ 物质
- 4已知W、X、Y、Z为短周期元素,W、Z同主族,X、Y、Z同周期,W的气态氢化物的稳定性比Z的气态氢化物的稳定性强,X、Y
- 5对下列句子中加粗词语的解释,完全正确的一组是 [ ]A. 吾与点也——与:赞成/百姓皆以王为爱也——爱:爱护
- 6 I met Billy the last summer before college. He was handsome
- 7(2011•临沂)去年秋季以来,我市某镇遭受百年一遇的特大旱灾,为支援该镇抗旱,上级下达专项抗旱资金80万元用于打井,已
- 8下列词语中划线字解释不正确的是 [ ]A.忍俊不禁(禁受;耐) 繁弦急管(吹奏的乐器) B.得失
- 9高三(1)班的毕业晚会上,各学科任课老师都来了,主持人要请某老师上台讲话。请你设计一段串台词,欢迎这位老师上台讲话。(哪
- 10按人口迁移的方向划分,当前发展中国家的人口迁移的主要类型是[ ]A、由国内向发达国家的人口迁移 B、由城市向城市