B. Biking activity.
C. Writing workshop.
B.5:00 p.m.
C.7:00 p.m.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第 1-3题。 1. Which of the following shows what the room is like? 2. What】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Two days.
C. The whole of last week.
B. By taxi.
C. By bus.
B. Papers piled while he was on vacation.
C. He has too much work to do.
B. She hasn"t been invited to the Christmas party.
C. She doesn"t want to spend Christmas with the man.
B. Go straight, turn left and pass the hotel.
C. Go straight, turn left and pass the shop.
B. He wants something to eat.
C. He can"t stand the cold weather.
B. 7:00.
C. 7:20.
B. New flat buildings will be built for them.
C. The area will be opened for business purposes.
B. She is weak and helpless.
C. She is agreeable and practical.
B. She is peaceful.
C. She is determined.
B. She needs more time for study.
C. She is not satisfied with the pay.
B. Only at weekends.
C. Late in the week.
B. The woman didn"t get the job.
C. The man let the woman be a trainee.
B. A classical house.
C. An ordinary house.
B. Repairing and guarding.
C. Cleaning and washing.
B. It"s too expensive.
C. It"s worth buying.
B. Customer and salesman.
C. Housewife and shopkeeper.
- 1通过下列实例,请你判断下列动物中学习能力最强的是( )A.黑猩猩用树枝取食白蚁B.大雁南飞C.猴子拉车D.蚯蚓走“迷
- 2天花板上用电线吊着一个重为G电灯,电线的自重不计,用一根能够承受34G拉力的细线系在距悬点O1为 1.5m处的O点,沿水
- 3对微量元素的认识,正确的是 [ ]A.所有的微量元素都是对人体有益的 B.有的微量元素是人体不需要的 C.微
- 4下列说法正确的是A.c(H+)>c(OH一)的溶液一定显酸性B.常温下,pH=6的溶液一定是酸溶液C.电解稀硫酸或氢氧化
- 5--Must we take out the trash now?-- .You can do it aft
- 6“建设24小时自助图书馆”是2012年武汉市惠民“十件实事”之一,是市委、市政府践行以人为本理念,建设“文化五城”的重点
- 7鸟卵都是受精卵,在适宜的条件下都能孵化出雏鸡。[ ]
- 8学校每周都有一次升国旗仪式,每当奏响中华人民共和国国歌、五星红旗冉冉升起时,我们都会感到无比的骄傲和自豪。历史上确定五星
- 9已知m、n均为非零有理数,下列结论正确的是( )A.若m≠n,则m2≠n2B.若m2=n2,则m=nC.若m>n>0,
- 10下列关于酗酒的说法中,不正确的是[ ]A.诱发心血管疾病 B.麻痹神经中枢 C.使人精力充沛
- 1Christian Eijkman, a Dutch doctor, left the Netherlands for
- 218世纪,法国出现了一批反对封建专制制度的启蒙思想家,其中主张由开明君主执政,把教皇比作“两只脚的禽兽”,把教士比作“文
- 3(文)(1)已知动点P(x,y)到点F(0,1)与到直线y=-1的距离相等,求点P的轨迹L的方程;(2)若正方形ABCD
- 4三角形的两边长分别为3和6,第三边的长是方程x2-6x+8=0的一个根,则这个三角形的周长是 [ ]A.9B.1
- 5大于而小于2的所有整数是 .
- 6如果约定街在前,巷在后,则某中学在4街与3巷的交汇处,用有序实数对表示它的位置是( )A.(3,4)B.(4,3)C.
- 7某居民区的月底统计用电情况如下,其中3户用电45度,5户用电50度,6户用电42度,则平均用电( )度.A.41B.4
- 8已知某溶液中只存在OH-、H+、Na+、CH3COO-四种离子,若该溶液中含有两种溶质,则这四种离子浓度大小顺序可能是(
- 9新疆的哈密瓜又大又甜是因为当地的气温( )A.白天高、晚上低B.白天低、晚上高C.白天晚上都高D.白天晚上都低
- 10默写古诗文中的名句。(1)补写出下列名句的上句或下旬。①_______________,君子好逑。(《诗经·关雎》)②_