B. In a tailor" s shop.
C. In a department store.
B. $15.15
C. $55.15
B. She will take the pink one.
C. She’ll take the white one.
B. To increase the local employment rate.
C. To reduce the number of workers from other places.
B. Run a training course.
C. Lead an easier life.
B. Manager and customer.
C. Interviewer and manager
B. It is dangerous but exciting.
C. It is easy and rewarding.
B. Nobody was injured.
C. Karen was physically hurt.
B. A serious injury.
C. A mad woman.
B. In a classroom.
C. In a library.
B. A weekend trip.
C. A radio programme.
B. See the man off.
C. Go shopping.
B. She went to the wrong place.
C. She couldn"t take the cake back.
B. Mum"s.
C. Jack"s.
B. Do some cleaning.
C. Give her 10 dollars.
B. Quite satisfactory.
C. A bit disappointing.
B. The drinks.
C. The service.
- 1水螅和涡虫的共同特征是( )A.有脊柱B.有口无肛门C.有口有肛门D.有呼吸系统
- 2Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading
- 32013年12月2日我国用火箭成功发射了“嫦娥三号”月球探测器,在“嫦娥三号”随火箭升空过程中,能量转化情况是_____
- 4Scientists said the smaller the airborne particles, the more
- 5某班级的探究小组研究氧化铜能否在氯酸钾的受热分解中起到催化剂的作用,设计了如下实验:(一) 制备氧化铜(1)称取5.0
- 6如右图所示,该装置是利用光电管产生光电流的电路。下列说法中正确的是( )A.K为光电管的阳极B.通过灵敏电流计
- 7在平面直角坐标系x0y中,反比例函数y=kx的图象与y=6x的图象关于x轴对称,且过点A(m,3),求m的值.
- 8下面对有关名著名篇的说明,不正确的两项是( ) A.《女神》首先体现着的是一种破旧立新、勇于革命的大胆叛逆精神
- 9—Who is he ?—_____. [ ]A. Aunt Mary B.
- 10一位哲人说过:“人在饥饿时只有一个烦恼,吃饱以后就会生出无数烦恼。前者是生存的烦恼,后者是发展的烦恼。”这一说法所包含的
- 1 You won’t feel happy at school___________ you get on well w
- 2以下顺口溜属于合理消费的是 ( )A.我去电影院,不买盗版看B.泡吧我不去,买书受教育C.不买“耐克”穿,我
- 3冶炼硅的过程中,会发生副反应3C+SiO2 SiC+2CO↑,对该反应下列叙述正确的是:A.反应中SiO2是氧化剂,C是
- 4如图所示为一水平放置的转盘,使劲转动其指针,并让它自由停下,下面叙述正确的是( )A.停在B区比停在A区的机会大B.停
- 5We are often _____ by the doctors to eat more healthy food a
- 6—What"s _____ name? —He"s Wilson. [ ]A. he B. he"s C. hi
- 7一辆运输液态氨的罐车在途中 侧翻,发生泄漏。短时间内,车周围出现“白雾”,这是由于液氨 _____导致空气中的水蒸汽 _
- 8达尔文的自然选择学说是十九世纪自然科学三大发现之一.下面关于自然选择学说的叙述,错误的是( )A.生物的变异是不定向的
- 9完形填空 Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find lif
- 10This kind of paper ______ for making stamps. [ ]A. use B