B. To ask her to a party to be held in his old house.
C. To pick her up to a party in his new hours.
B. At 1:00 a.m. on Saturday.
C. At 1:00 a.m. on Monday.
B. She will stay as long as they do.
C. She can do her writing there.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答1-3题。1. Why does the man telephone the woman? A. To ask her to a party】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. At Miss Maggie’s house.
C. At Mr Robinson’s office.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Manager and secretary.
B. Mr French asked Miss Maggie to bring him a cup of coffee.
C. Mr French’s office might be in any country but France.
B. At the age of eighteen.
C. In 1961.
B. An actor.
C. A farmer.
B. Two.
C. Three.
B. An air hostess.
C. A hostess on the bus.
B. The services include rest rooms as well as food.
C. The services include some food music.
B. She was working on a plane.
C. She was working as a cook.
B. Air travel offers more and better services than ground travel.
C. Ground travel can sometimes offer more services than air travel.
B. Mike is no longer her good friend.
C. Mike is now her good friend.
B. She lost her cell-phone.
C. She missed her bus.
B.She will look for a doctor.
C. She will call the police.
B. Last year.
C. Last week.
B.The film is not interesting.
C. The woman is too tired.
B. She comes from India.
C. She hasn"t learned English long enough.
B. She is ill.
C. It"s too cold.
B. A bookshop.
C. Their hobbies.
B. Turn off the radio.
C. Turn on the radio.
B. Mother and son.
C. Husband and wife.
- 1林肯成为美国历史上最受人民爱戴的总统之一,其最主要的原因是[ ]A.扩大了美国的领土
- 2(8分)请根据下列装置回答有关问题:(1)写出图中标有①、②的仪器名称:①为 ;②为 。(2)若用上述装置制取二
- 3(12分)选用适当的试剂和方法除去下列物质中的杂质(括号内)填下表:除杂质的试剂:①氢氧化钠溶液 ②溴水 ③生石灰
- 4现有如下器材:天平、砝码、刻度尺、烧杯、水,设计一个测量正方体糖块密度的可行方案,要求写出:(1)实验原理是:_____
- 5汽车正在走进我们的家庭,你对汽车了解多少,一辆汽车性能的优劣,其油耗标准非常重要,而影响汽车油耗标准最主要的因素是其在行
- 6关于对合作的认识,正确的是( ) A.社会需要合作,合作是社会生活正常进行的必
- 7夏至日时,下列说法正确的是( )A.太阳直射北回归线B.北极圈内有极昼现象C.北京正午时的人影达到一年中最长D.南极圈
- 8What he had said and done in the school ______ his parents a
- 9在擦玻璃时。人们时常向玻璃上“哈气”,再擦会更干净。这说明与空气相比,人体呼出的气体中含有较多的 [ ]A.氮气
- 10通过平移,可将图中的福娃“欢欢”移动到图[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 1温度是表示______的物理量.常用的温度计是利用______制成的.使用温度计时,要先观察它的______和_____
- 2— How long does it take to get there? —_______________A.
- 3两电阻串联接在220V的电源上 , 已知它们的总电阻是550Ω, 测得R1两端电压是176V,求R1、R2的阻值各是多大
- 4在CuSO4和的MgSO4混合溶液中加入过量的铁粉,充分反应后过滤,得到的滤渣是( )A.CuB.Cu和FeC.Cu和
- 5His new book _____ next month. [ ]A. will
- 6量筒的应用(1)用量筒测不规则固体体积的步骤如下:在量筒中注入适量的水,读出此时水面所对应的示数V1;把固体浸没在盛有适
- 7某卫视 《 中国好声音 》 节目入选 2012 年十大文化事件。《中国好声音》强调现场的冲突性、选手的实力与情感,剔除了
- 8(1)用符号表示:3个水分子______,1个镁离子______,2个氢原子______,地壳中含量最多的金属元素跟地壳
- 9一个底面积是0.01m2重是20N的质地均匀的实心正方体静止在一个面积是1m2的正方形水平桌面上,那么该物体对桌面的压强
- 10我们把自然资源分为______和______两类.