B. England.
C. France.
B. 5 pm of the same day.
C. 5 am of the same day.
B. 2.
C. 1
B. She knew about the game over the radio.
C. She watched the match at the stadium.
B. On this Saturday.
C. On next Friday.
B. They gave her too much freedom.
C. They helped her economically.
B. They are always allowed to do what they want to.
C. They come from different countries.
B. They control him too much.
C. They are easy to get along with.
B. To make an apology.
C. To look for her friend.
B. A man in a white shirt, blue glasses.
C. A man in a white shirt, black glasses.
B. When following her.
C. When knocking into her.
B. Less than 60,000 words.
C. More than 60,000 words.
B. 70,000
C. Difficult to say.
B. C.
C. X.
B. A famous English dictionary-Webster’s New World Dictionary.
C. The most complete English dictionary.
B. He pushes the shopping cart.
C. He waits for her in a caf ?.
B. Windy.
C. Sunny.
B. Get ready for his paper.
C. Save enough money.
B. $15.
C. $20.
B. He helped her find a room.
C. She had been a guest in his home.
- 1虎门销烟发生后,英国外相巴麦尊在议会上叫嚣:“这是我大英帝国的奇耻大辱!我要求议会批准政府派遣远征军去惩罚那个极其野蛮的
- 2(1)已知cos(x+π6)=14,求cos(5π6-x)+cos2(π3-x)的值;(2)计算:sinπ6+cos2π
- 3利用图1所示电路可以测出电压表的内阻.已知电源的内阻可以忽略不计,R为电阻箱.当R取不同阻值时,电压表对应有不同读数U.
- 4下图是《民国初年东部沿海及长江下游民族工业分布图》。从图中可以看出,当时长江南岸以纺织和食品工业为主。 请回答:(1)民
- 5Mike: Mother, this my friend, Paul.Paul: Nice to meet you, M
- 6若反比例函数y=(k为常数,且k≠0)的图象过点(3,-4),则下列各点在该图象上的是 A.(6,-8)B.(-6,8)
- 7下列各数中,无理数的个数有( )-0.3,4,3-16,-π,2.010010001…(相邻两个1之间依次多一个0).
- 8假设你叫诗凡(Shifan), 你住在杭州,你有了一位英国的新笔友。请你向他介绍一下你的情况。需包括姓名、性别、年龄、外
- 9世界反法西斯统一战线正式形成于下列哪份文献的发表[ ]A、《联合国家宣言》 B、《慕尼黑协定》 C、《雅尔塔决议
- 10设,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 1下列计算正确的是( )A.30.0125=0.5B.3-2764=34C.3338=112D.-3-8125=-25
- 2地球与太阳的平均距离大约为150000000km,用科学记数法表示这个距离为( )A.1.5×107 kmB.1.5×
- 3阅读下面的文字,按要求回答问题。(2分)灰色只有在和其他颜色搭配时,才能显示出它的普遍性,显示它的高贵和纯粹,因此,灰色
- 4根据下面一段文字,概括说明什么是“放线菌”。(不超过40字) 放线菌的细胞一般呈分枝丝状,因此,过去曾认为它是“介于细
- 5解方程组:3x+4y=-53x-5y=4.
- 6句型转换。1. This is my friend,Gina.(改为否定句)______________________
- 7工业革命大大地密切了世界各地的联系。其联系的基本媒介是 A.价格低廉的商品B.具有威慑力的炮舰C.充足的剩余资本D.先
- 8在数列{an}中,a1=1 , an=2S22Sn-1 (n≥2).证明数列{1sn}是等差数列,并求出Sn的表达
- 9甲车在前以15m/s的速度匀速行驶,乙车在后以9m/s的速度行驶.当两车相距32m时,甲车开始刹车,加速度大小为1m/s
- 10甲、乙、丙三种固体的溶解度曲线如图。将t1℃时甲、丙饱和溶液的试管(均有少量未溶解的固体)放进盛有热水(t2℃)的烧杯里