B. Because he was used to leaving food unfinished.
C. Because he was required to do so by the school.
B. He did not take it seriously.
C. He looked down upon it.
B. Cleaning up the bowls and plates.
C. Cleaning up the tables and chairs.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1~3题.1. Why was the man warned to eat up the food?A. Because he used 】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. The man thought it"s not necessary to ask Susan"s opinion.
C. It has nothing to do with Susan.
B. He should lend his car to Bill.
C. He could refuse Bill with a white lie.
B. The man is short of money.
C. The man left his drawing at the bank.
B. The woman wants to buy the man"s car.
C. The woman wants to get a ride from the man.
B. By car.
C. By plane.
B. Last night.
C. This morning.
B. Classmates.
C. Workmates.
B. 3 weeks.
C. Nearly 30 days.
B. He dislikes hot food.
C. He doesn"t eat seafood.
B. Pork.
C. Beef.
B. For a rest.
C. To his home
B. Policewoman and student.
C. Classmates.
B. A red bike.
C. Both A and B.
B. Because there"re too many bikes on campus.
C. Because the bike is hidden.
B. 28.
C. 24.
B. It has a zip.
C. It has a pocket on the front.
B. A pet.
C. Some books.
- 1【题文】若,则用的代数式可表示为( )A.B.C.D.
- 2下列关于力的说法中,正确的是( )①力是不能离开施力物体和受力物体而独立存在的 ②力可以离开物体而独立存在 ③受力物
- 3美国独立以后,北方资本主义经济和南方种植园经济都发展起来,南方种植园使用了大量奴隶。两种制度水火不容。19世纪中期,围绕
- 4某同学在做“研究平抛物体的运动”实验时,让小球多次沿同一斜槽轨道运动,通过描点法得到小球做平抛运动的轨迹。(1)在下列器
- 5 I _____ her voice at once on the phone, though we hadn’t se
- 6(2012•广东)若向量,向量,则=( )A.(﹣2,﹣4)B.(3,4)C.(6,10)D.(﹣6,﹣10)
- 7_____ you speak (说) English? [ ]A. Please B.
- 8已知函数f(x)=x3-ax-1.(1)若a=3时,求f(x)的单调区间;(2)若f(x)在实数集R上单调递增,求实数a
- 9三峡水利枢纽是我国项重点建设工程,它可以缓解我国下列哪一问题( )A.水资源人均量少B.水资源季节差异大C.水资源空间
- 10植物的种子结构中的胚轴将来发育为植物的茎。
- 1阅读下面这首词,然后回答问题。酒泉子(北宋)潘阆长忆观潮,满郭人争江上望,来疑沧海尽成空,万里鼓声中。弄潮儿向涛头立,手
- 2下列各句中,没有语病,句意明确的一句是()A.面对国际金融危机、气候变化加剧、资源能源耗竭等挑战,大力提升和培育低碳竞争
- 3某同学即将大学毕业,他想写一篇关于早期希腊社会的论文,他可以参考以下哪一部著作( ) A.《天方夜谭》B.《自然史》
- 4— What"s this _____ English? — It"s an eraser. [ ]A. in
- 5洋务运动被称之为“中国近代化的开端”,主要体现( )A.最早使用机器生产B.提出“自强”“求富”的口号C.主张政
- 61937年日本出动20多万军队发动八一三事变进攻的地点是[ ]A.北平B.卢沟桥C.天津D.上海
- 72009年6月27日,十一届全国人大常委会第九次会议审议并表决通过了《国务院关于提请审议授权澳门特别行政区对横琴岛澳门大
- 8已知,则( )。
- 9如图是某动物的牙齿剖面示意图,其中说法错误的是( )A.图所示的是食草动物的牙齿B.图所示的是食肉动物的牙齿C.①适于
- 10 计算的结果为[ ]A. B. C. -1 D. 1-a