B. To look after her sister.
C. To find a new job.
B. Five months.
C. Seven months.
B. Playing with him.
C. Feeding him.
试题【请听下面一 段材料,回答第1-3 题。1. Why did the woman go to New York?A. To spend some time wit】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. A problem with traffic rules.
C. A suggestion for city planning.
A. Limiting the use of cars.
B. Encouraging people to walk.
C. Warning drivers of air pollution.
B. It’s worth trying.
C. It’s impractical.
B. Two weeks.
C. Three weeks.
B. Book his flight as soon as possible.
C. Save more money for his trip.
B. They can be twice as expensive.
C. They are on special offer.
B. To tell him about Tom.
C. To borrow his car.
B. At the airport.
C. At a garage.
B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.
C. Mike will go to the airport.
B. Prepare for the lesson.
C. Learn more about the writer
B. To draw the students’ attention to reading skills.
C. To let the students discuss father-son relationships.
B. Discuss in groups.
C. Give their answers.
B. Have supper.
C. Finish his writing.
B. A pilot.
C. A taxi driver.
B. She is able to be a good manager.
C. She learns a lot from her father.
B. Hip-hop.
C. Rock.
B. She will take the man"s side at the meeting.
C. She may not support the man at the meeting.
- 1—How about ______ out for a walk?—Good idea. [ ]A. go
- 2文学名著阅读(13分)小题1:下列各项中,对作品故事情节的叙述有误的两项是(5分)( )A.赤壁之战后,周瑜为
- 312世纪印度著名数学家婆什迦罗给出了一个歌谣式的问题:波平如镜一湖面,3尺高处出红莲。亭亭多姿湖中立,突遭狂风吹一边。离
- 4该图为116°E经线的一段L。读图完成问题。小题1:经线L段最可能跨越的纬度是 ( )A.20°N至25°N
- 5等式成立的条件是[ ]A.x≥1B.x≥-1C.-1≤x≤1D.x≥1或x≥-1
- 6--- Let me help you carry the heavy box?--- _________! I’ m
- 7一般情况下,叶片正面的绿色比背面要深些,这是因为( )A.靠近叶的上表皮栅栏层细胞中含有的叶绿体比较多B.靠近叶的下表
- 8当你做屈肘动作时,上臂的肱二头肌和肱三头肌的活动状况分别是 [ ]A.收缩、收缩B.舒张、舒张C.收缩、舒张D.
- 9社会主义新农村建设的中心环节是( ) A.生产发展B.生活宽裕C.乡风文明D.管理民主
- 10短文填空。 From mountains to oceans to deserts, Earth is fill
- 1下图为“某地地貌和地质剖面示意图”。读图回答1—2题。1、据图判断下列叙述正确的是[ ]A.1为流水搬运和沉积作
- 2因式分解:a2﹣9= ▲ .
- 3小明同学利用电磁继电器设计了一个自动恒温加热鱼缸,如图所示,A为一段软导线,左侧的温度计是电接点水银温度计,B为一个小型
- 4(6分) 某同学进行如下实验,探究化学反应中的能量变化。通过实验测出,反应前后①烧杯中的温度升高,②烧杯中的温度降低。由
- 5 我国温度带的划分:(北→南)________带、________带、________带、________带和____
- 6两根相距为L=1m的足够长的金属导轨如图所示放置,一组导轨水平,另一组平行导轨与水平面成37°角,拐角处连接一阻值为R=
- 7阅读曾必荣《梅叶》一文,完成问题。 ①刚上大学时,经常到校园的东北角去散步。那里有一片树林,一条清粼粼的小河。河岸边有
- 8若ab≠0,则+=( ).
- 9用太阳光照射竖直放置的肥皂膜,观察肥皂膜的反射光,将会看到彩色条纹。关于这些彩色条纹的说法中正确的有 A.所看到的彩色条
- 10如图所示的几何体,是由五个正方体搭成,从左面看到的是( )A.B.C.D.