1. Whose mother was ill?
A. Jeff’s
B. Jack’s
C. Richard’s
2. With whom did the man go traveling?
A. Maria
B. His dog
C. Jeff and Richard
1. What kind of food will the man and the woman eat?
A. American food
B. Indian food
C. Chinese food
2. Where is the restaurant?
A. On Queen Street
B. On Main Street
C. On Rain Street
3. How does the woman know that the Eastern Palace is a good Chinese restaurant?
A. She has been there several times.
B. She has tried it once.
C. She has been told about it.
3. What time will they most likely meet?
A. 7:00
C. 6:45
1. Where does this conversation take place?
A. In a restaurant
B. In a hospital
C. At the office
2. The woman gets a pain in stomach_______.
A. about an hour after she has eaten
B. about an hour before she has eaten
C. just when she begins to eat
3. What can you conclude about the woman’s husband from this conversation?
A. He eats very quickly
B. He doesn’t eat as quickly as his wife
C. He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife
1. What do we learn from about Dave?
A. He enjoyed the movie and the company
B. He enjoyed the movie but not the company
C. He didn’t enjoy the movie or the company
2. Why did Dave say his roommate was a real fool?
A. His roommate thought the Titanic was a Japanese boat during World War II.
B. His roommate believed that the Japanese sank a ship called the Titanic
C. His roommate said that the Japanese won the war using a boat called the Titanic
1. What did the 19th century scientists think?
A. Different part of the brain functions differently
B. It is not easy to say what is not so simple as people may think
C. The way the brain works is not so simple as people may think.
2. How many chemical changes take place in the brain?
A. 10,000 every second.
B. 6,000,000 every minute .
C. 100,000 every hour.
3. How can the brain keep its power?
A. To increase the amount of research done on the brain.
B. To say exactly what each part of the brain does.
C. To give the brain plenty of exercise.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. We can remember everything that happens to us.
B. The power of one’s brain gets weaker as one grows older.
C. We should use our brain less so that it can work better.
1.What time will Jim come back?
A.This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
2.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.The radio.
B. The weather.
C. The Summer Palace.
3.Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A.In a store.
B. In a factory.
C. In a repair shop.
4.Where do you think the talk takes place?
A.At a post office.
B. At a restaurant.
C. On a bus.
5.Why is the woman upset?
A.The lights hurt her eyes.
B. She doesn’t like to stand so close.
C. She can’t hear.
- 1生物小组要在温箱里培养A、B两种菌苗,A种菌苗的生长温度的范围是,B种菌苗的生长温度的范围是,那么温箱里的温度应该设定的
- 2读黄河水系示意图,回答问题。(13分)(1)黄河发源于__________省,入海处所在地是_______省。(2)黄河
- 3当太阳直射在东经120度经线上,北京(东经116度)的地方时是( )A.12时B.12时16分C.11时44分D.
- 4在光照条件下,将体积相同的甲烷气体和Cl2(常温、常压下)混和,得到物质的量最多的是:A.CH3ClB.CH2Cl2C.
- 5目前使用的大多数冰箱采用氟利昂作制冷剂,氟利昂大量使用会引起臭氧层破坏,对此,你认为下列建设中合理的是(填选项前字母)(
- 6—Because of the rain, we’ll have to ______the football match
- 7Never before ________ to ________ what his parents expect of
- 81651年英国颁布《航海条例》,规定凡是出入英国或英国殖民地的货物都必须由英国船载运。1854年英国废除了这一条例。这一
- 9读下面“不同地点昼长随季节变化统计曲线图”,完成下列问题。判断下面三地纬度:A_____________、C______
- 10加强对青少年的普法教育能从根本上遏止青少年违法犯罪现象的发生。[ ]
- 1关于中华人民共和国成立的意义,认识不正确的是 A.标志着中国新民主主义革命取得伟大胜利B.标志着中国半殖民地半封建时代的
- 2用一个正方形在四月份的日历上,圈出4个数,这四个数的和不可能是[ ]A.104B.108C.24D.28
- 3人体从外界获取的信息中,绝大多数依靠哪种感觉器官:[ ]A.口B.鼻C.眼D.耳
- 4[2012·课标全国卷]某一部件由三个电子元件按下图方式连接而成,元件1或元件2正常工作,且元件3正常工作,则部件正常工
- 5 2008年10月8日 全国抗震救灾总结表彰大会在人民大会堂举行,大会表彰了抗震救灾英雄集体和抗震救灾模范。表彰抗震救灾
- 6两小球以95m长的细线相连.两球从同一地点自由下落,其中一球先下落1s另一球才开始下落.问后一球下落几秒线才被拉直?
- 7某无色气体可能含有H2、CO、CH4中的一种或几种,依次进行下列实验(假设每一步反应或吸收均完全),下列说法正确的是(
- 8用如图所示的装置研究在作用力F一定时,小车的加速度a与小车质量M的关系,某位同学设计的实验步骤如下:A.用天平称出小车和
- 9若M={x|n=x2,n∈Z},N={x|n=x+12,n∈Z},则M∩N等于( )A.∅B.{∅}C.{0}D.Z
- 10在中国有一座城市,它为近代中国第一个不平等条约冠上了自己的名字而受辱,它为抗战时期日军在这里屠杀三十万中国军民的罪行而饮