B. The man thought it"s not necessary to ask Susan"s opinion.
C. It has nothing to do with Susan.
B. He should lend his car to Bill.
C. He could refuse Bill with a white lie.
B. The man is short of money.
C. The man left his drawing at the bank.
B. The woman wants to buy the man"s car.
C. The woman wants to get a ride from the man.
B. By car.
C. By plane.
B. Last night.
C. This morning.
B. Classmates.
C. Workmates.
B. 3 weeks.
C. Nearly 30 days.
B. Policewoman and student.
C. Classmates.
B. A red bike.
C. Both A and B.
B. Because there"re too many bikes on campus.
C. Because the bike is hidden
1. What does the man mean?
A. He will be away for a long time.
B. He is willing to do everything for her.
C. He will take the woman to another world.
2. What does the man want?
A. Two single tickets.
B. Two return tickets.
C. One return ticket.
3. What do you suppose the woman probably can be?
A. An athlete.
B. A coach.
C. A teacher.
4. What does the man ask the woman to do the following morning?
A. To phone John.
B. To remember John.
C. To remind him to ring John.
5. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
A. In a department store.
B. In a shoerepair shop.
C. At a track.
1. What is the main idea of the conversation?
A. Parents nowadays are too busy.
B. Family problems are hard to solve.
C. Communication is necessary at home.
2. Why does the woman ask the man to read the story?
A. To advise him to talk more with his father.
B. To help him forget his trouble.
C. To share her feelings with him.
B. 28.
C. 24.
B. It has a zip.
C. It has a pocket on the front.
B. A pet.
C. Some books.
- 1糖尿病患者要多吃糖。[ ]
- 2Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Cen
- 3上海世博会的盛况可以利用卫星,通过 波向世界各地传播;也可以利用 ,通过光波(激光)向世界各地传播.
- 4如图,将菱形沿对角线折起,使得C点至,点在线段上,若二面角与二面角 的大小分别为30°和45°,则= .
- 5Recently our government policymakers are very _______about t
- 6函数满足,则的值为( )A.8B.6 C.5D.与a,b的值有关
- 7在3×4的方格网的每个小方格中心都放有一枚围棋子,至少要去掉( )枚围棋子,才能使得剩下的棋子中任意四枚都不够成正方形
- 8给出下列四个命题:①命题p:∈R,sinx≤1,则:∈R,sinx<1.②当a≥1时,不等式|x-4|+|x-3|<a的
- 9在电子线路中,经天线接收下来的电信号既有高频成分又有低频成分,需要把低频成分和高频成分分开,只让低频成分输送到下一级,可
- 10在一次科技知识竞赛中,两组学生成绩统计如下表,通过计算可知两组的方差为,。下列说法:①两组的平均数相同;②甲组学生成绩比
- 1 北京时间2003年10月15日上午9时整,中国第一艘载人飞船“神舟”五号在酒泉发射升空,载着航天员杨利伟绕
- 2司南是用天然磁石琢磨而成的勺子,放在刻有方位的铜盘上,静止时勺柄指南,如图所示.在图中适当位置,标出司南的N极和S极.
- 3(1)2011年中国宣布突破快中子增殖反应堆技术,使核反应原料利用率提升到百分之六十以上.第一代核反应堆以铀235为裂变
- 4中华世纪坛序言中写道:“大风泱泱,大潮滂滂。洪水图腾蛟龙,烈火涅槃凤凰。文明圣火,千古未绝者,唯我无双;和天地并存,与日
- 5上海市规模最大水环境治理工程——苏州河综合整治取得显著成绩,对消除苏州河黑臭、改善城市环境起到积极作用。这是上海市政府行
- 6某同学用如图所示的装置研究小车在某种布料上的运动情况。他将长木板置于水平桌面上,将其左端适当垫高,并在长木板的右半部分平
- 7下列物质不属于有机合成材料的是[ ]A.合金B.塑料C.合成纤维D.合成橡胶
- 8X,Y,A,B,C,D是中学化学教材中常见的物质,且有图示的转化关系.气体C的式量比气体X的式量大2,D的焰色反应呈黄色
- 9当前各大网站对林则徐这一人物进行了激烈的争论。一种观点认为,林则徐不是民族英雄,相反,他是中华民族的罪人,理由是林则徐没
- 10某星球的半径是地球半径的2倍,质量为地球质量的8倍,则该星球表面的重力加速度约为多少?(地球表面重力加速度取10m/s2