1. How does the man kill time?
A. By eating potato chips.
B. By watching TV.
C. By taking a walk.
2. What does the woman dislike?
A. The square.
B. The parks.
C. The city.
3. What does the man think is the most important?
A. Entertainment.
B. Income.
C. Quietness.
4. What do the man and woman disagree on?
A. Whether the city needs a symbol.
B. Whether the amusement park should be built.
C. Whether the square is a good place for a walk.
试题【听下面一段材料,回答第1-4题。1. How does the man kill time?A. By eating potato chips. B.】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. What kind of English lessons does the speaker recommend?
A. Examination skills.
B. Reading and writing.
C. Listening and speaking.
2. How can a learner take the lessons when he is not online?
A. By using the downloaded sound files.
B. By making conversations with others.
C. By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.
3. What is mentioned as an advantage of the speaker"s online course?
A. It improves learners" English skills quickly.
B. It offers learners better study methods.
C. It helps learners to make friends.
4. What"s the speaker"s idea about learning English?
A. Being confident in learning.
B. Learning English little by little.
C. Having clear learning goals.
1. What did the man win in his dream?
A. A holiday.
B. A new car.
C. Some money.
2. Will the woman come to the party?
A. Maybe.
B. No.
C. Certainly.
3. How long has the woman been an author?
A. About 30 years.
B. About 40 years.
C. About 70 years.
4. What does the woman want?
A. A radio.
B. Some pens.
C. Some batteries.
5. What is the woman doing?
A. Asking for information.
B. Asking for an apology.
C. Asking for help.
1. How many coats does the woman want?
A. 25.
B. 30.
C. 50.
2. What is the order number for gloves?
A. P25G5.
B. P26T5.
C. P28D5.
1. Which city has the woman visited recently?
A. New York.
B. London.
C. Paris.
2. What does the woman like about the city?
A. City life.
B. Weather.
C. Environment.
1. When will it rain?
A. In the morning.
B. In the afternoon.
C. At night.
2. What will cause delays for traffic coming into town?
A. Rain.
B. A fog.
C. Bridge repairs.
- 1生活在宋、齐之间的我国古代著名的科学家是[ ]A.贾思勰 B.祖冲之C.郦道元 D.华佗
- 2已知数列{an}中,如果,且a1=2,则数列的前5项的和S5等于 A.B.C.D.
- 3【题文】已知函数若对任意的,且恒成立,则实数a的取值范围为 &
- 4两圆内切,其中一个圆的半径为5,两圆的圆心距为2,则另一个圆的半径是 .
- 5不用其他试剂,可以鉴别硫酸铜、盐酸、氢氧化钠、氯化钠四种溶液,第二个被鉴别出来的物质是[ ]A.盐酸 B.硫酸铜
- 6下列近代中国社会思潮兴起的先后顺序是①“主之君,立宪公之民;家全国,立宪公全国”②“中华(民国)立国,以孝悌忠信礼义廉耻
- 7某同学做了如下家庭实验:在一个玻璃杯底部放入一支短蜡烛,并铺一层纯碱.点燃蜡烛后,沿玻璃杯壁倒人一些醋(主要成分是醋酸)
- 8______的相反数是-3.
- 9“广州是传统的外贸口岸;福州靠近盛产红茶的武夷山;上海地处长江入海口附近。”这是英国人在《南京条约》中把上述地区作为通商
- 10父母赋予我们生命,我们是父母生命的延续,这就使我们与父母之间结成了世界上最亲密的关系,这种关系表现在[ ]①我们
- 1提取冠军猪的体细胞.以及普通猪的去核卵细胞,结合成胚胎卵,再植入代孕猪.产出克隆猪(1)克隆猪有三个母亲,冠军猪给了它_
- 2下列家用电器中,利用电流热效应工作的是[ ]A.电熨斗 B.电风扇 C.电冰箱 D.电视机
- 3我们把形如因其函数图象十分像汉字“囧”,故亲切称之为囧函数.现在为了方便讨论我们令a=b=1.(1)在直角坐标系上画出函
- 4关于电场线的说法,正确的是( )A.电场线就是电荷运动的轨迹B.在静电场中静止释放的点电荷,一定沿电场线运动C.电场线
- 5对蔬菜进行保鲜措施时,不可采取的方法是 A.增加二氧化碳B.降低氧气浓度C.低温储藏D.提高
- 6在中,已知是边上一点,若,则等于A. B.C. D.
- 7已知函数f(x)=sin2ωx+3sinωxsin(ωx+π2)+1(ω>0)的最小正周期为π.(Ⅰ)求ω的值;(Ⅱ)将
- 82011年两会期间,人民群众对“明星”代表、“企业家”代表的提案和言论表现出特别的关注,因为其“特殊”身份和影响力,人们
- 9评价一首歌的好坏,不仅要看它的旋律是否和谐自然,还要看它的歌词是否健康优美,请根据括号里的要求简评下列歌词,每条在10字
- 10下列句子中,加点的词语使用正确的一句是A.水库建成后,即使遇上十天半月不下雨和多年不遇的大旱,庄稼也能保收。B.这本书已