A. At home.
B. Outside school.
C. In the classroom.
2. What was Mrs.Smith going to do?
A. To visit Jack"s father.
B. To call Jack"s parents.
C. To stop worrying about it.
3. When did the teacher see Jack"s parents?
A. Yesterday.
B. Half a year ago.
C. The day before yesterday.
B. He puts it ahead ten minutes.
C. He always repairs it.
B. She will buy a new watch.
C. She doesn"t know what to do.
A. Future plans.
B. Studying at university.
C. Parttime jobs.
2. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Classmates.
B. Friends.
C. Brother and sister.
3. Which is not the man"s suggestion?
A. To study computer.
B. To find a parttime job.
C. To have time for fun.
B. She ate something bad.
C. She overslept.
B. The man who is speaking.
C. No one.
B. At a new restaurant.
C. In the office.
B. The Mississippi.
C. Virginia.
B. They used native American words.
C. They used words from English.
B. Indians.
C. Northern Europeans.
B. Native American words.
C. Place names.
A. Three days.
B. Four days.
C. Five days.
2. Why won"t the man bring sleeping bags?
A. He will spend the nights in hotels.
B. He has friends along the way.
C. His brother has prepared some for him.
3. Which will the man visit during his journey?
A. Disneyland.
B. Long Island.
C. New York City.
- 1补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。(1)苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。______________,______________
- 2***以伟大政治家的智慧和胆略,从实际出发,提出了解决香港、澳门、台湾问题,实现祖国和平统一的“一国两制”的科学构想,这
- 3下列关于我国民族的叙述表达正确的是A.我国是一个多民族的国家,少数民族共有56个B.我国民族分布具有“大散居,小聚居.交
- 4西汉统治者总结秦朝历史,从“海内新定,同姓寡少,惩戒亡秦孤立之败”的认识出发,采取的措施是A.实行郡国并行制度B.颁布“
- 5根据汉语提示补全句子。1 .我们简洁地考虑了一下最后这个问题。 We _________ the last que
- 6下列有关化学用语使用正确的是[ ]A. CO2的电子式:B. 核内有8个中子的碳原子:C. 钾原子结构示意图:D
- 7将铜丝灼烧变黑后立即插入下列物质中,铜丝变红,且质量变轻的是 ( )A.饱和澄清石灰水B.稀硫酸C.乙醇D.食盐水
- 8读下图按要求填空:1、按要求把相应的地理事物名称写在横线上:海峡:A________海峡,海洋:B________洋,海
- 9如图所示,水平轨道PAB与圆弧轨道BC相切于B点,其中PA段光滑,AB段粗糙,动摩擦因数μ=0.1,AB段长度L=2m,
- 10把命题“有两个角相等的三角形是等腰三角形”改写成“如果……,那么……”的形式为
- 1关于机器的功率,下列说法中正确的是( )A.机器的功率越小,做功越慢B.机器的功率越大,做功越多C.机器的功率越小,机
- 2函数的定义域是 .
- 3已知a+5b-8+(a-3b)2=0,求a,b.
- 4听下面一段材料,完成1-3小题。 1. Bill was asked to ______. A. go to a mov
- 523. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are ma
- 6设复数i-11+i=a+bi (a,b∈R),则a+b=______.
- 7据《山东东吕府馆陶县志》载:清中叶“本邑男耕妇织,各务本业,大布(俗称粗布)一种输出境外,远销晋省。夏麦秋粮,每值丰收,
- 8A为⊙O上一点,则以A为一端点的弦的中点的集合是______.
- 9不等式x>1在数轴上表示为( )A.B.C.D.
- 10在△ABC中,a=xcm,b=3cm,B=45°,△ABC有两解则x的取值范围是______.