B. The winter holiday.
C. The spring holiday.
B. Her job includes the use of foreign languages.
C. She has a well-paid job in Britain.
B. He is not familiar with the situations.
C. He can"t speak foreign languages.
试题【听下面这段对话,回答第1-3题。1. What holiday are the speakers talking about?A. The summer hol】;主要考察你对其他等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Classmates.
C. Teacher and student.
B. Some apples.
C. Nothing.
B. He will help the woman do the homework.
C. He will help the woman with the lessons she has missed.
B. Her family could not afford her college education.
C. She failed the entrance exams.
B. She is a housekeeper.
C. She is a bus conductor.
B. It is busy and tiring.
C. It is wonderful and attractive.
听下面一 段对话, 回答第1至3小题。
B. A new bar.
C. A party.
B. Three.
C. Four.
B. Waitress and customer.
C. Friends.
B. Sheep.
C. Kittens.
B. Because they want to become famous like superstars.
C. Because they want to show that they can shoulder responsibility by raising pets.
B. Students can take part in the drive for animal protection after class.
C. Boy students often raise doggies.
B. They have never been to the seaside before.
C. They have to mail the check before enjoying the holiday.
A. Ten days.
B. Two days.
C. A month.
B. They are going to stay there for four nights.
C. They have to stay in a small hotel.
- 1某广告称某种品牌的八宝粥(含桂圆、红豆、糯米等)不加糖比加糖还甜,最适合糖尿病人食用。你认为下列关于糖尿病人能否食用此八
- 2把所给句子依次填入下文中的横线处(3分)在众多的杰出人物中, , , , , , ,使国家面貌民族命运改变之巨大、形
- 3设函数f(x)=·,其中向量=(2cosx,1),=(cosx,sin2x),x∈R。(1) 若函数f(x)=1-,且x
- 4在人体中,油脂主要在小肠中被吸收,消化过程实质上是在_________的催化作用下,高级脂肪酸甘油酯发生水解,生成___
- 5运用地图最早的国家是( )A.希腊B.中国C.法国D.印度
- 6若4a-9与3a-5互为相反数,则a2-2a+1的值为______.
- 7wikiwiki一词来源于夏威夷语的“wee kee wee kee”,原意是“快点快点”。它是一种多人协作的网络超文本
- 81840年鸦片战争以来,外国列强强迫清政府签订了一系列不平等条约。《南京条约》《马关条约》和《辛丑条约》中列强都要求清政
- 9“我在1492年发现印度大陆以及大批岛屿,我在那绵延六百里长的小西班牙(指海地岛)得告成功.我征服该岛并使它的居民纳贡。
- 10英译汉。1. introduce your family to your classmates ________ 2.
- 1在比例尺为1:1000000的地图上,测得A、B两城市的距离是17.5cm,则A、B两城市的实际距离是( )km。
- 2关于北京众多文化名胜的保护问题,恰当的是[ ]A.绝对禁止游人参观B.将该区修建成一个繁华的商业区,高楼林立C.
- 3One afternoon last year, I went to a hospital in Ghana to vi
- 4某地冬、夏两季等温线分布图,这里地势平坦。图中反映出不同的季节等温线弯曲的方向和南北温差均有较大差异。读图回答问题。小题
- 5下列有关热和能的说法中,不正确的是( )A.炽热的铁水具有内能,冰冷的铁块不具有内能B.汽油机的压缩冲程中,主要是做功
- 6民本思想是中国传统文化宝库重要的思想资源,对中国历史发展产生了广泛而深刻的影响。下面材料是对传统民本思想和中国共产党“以
- 7汽车发动机工作过程由于燃料的燃烧和机械的快速运转;其温度将会升得很高.降低发动机温度是由冷却系统完成的,如图所示.冷却系
- 8以下物质属于氧化物的是( )A.液氧B.纯碱C.食醋D.水
- 9根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)小题1:—What time do you get up in the morning
- 10Many man-made satellites _____ up into space by many countri