A.By all means | B.Never mind |
C.You are welcome | D.Don’t mention it |
56. Sept. 20, 2009
Dear Madam,
My husband and I want to take our four kids and a dog with us on holiday, and we are now trying to find the hotel which allows animals staying with the owners and some discount for children. I wonder if your hotel offers such services. Here is my address:
Independence Ave at 6th St SW·Washington, DC 20560
Yours sincerely,
Jane Turner
57. 100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA, 90802
Nov. 8, 2009
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’d like to give my fiancee a big surprise to find a peaceful cottage inn so that we can spend a comfortable weekend without being disturbed by anyone. We just want to have romance together, and take walks with our pet dog or go for a drink at night. We’ll follow any of your requirements if you have the services we need.
Truly yours,
Paul Smith
58. Sept. 26, 2009
Dear Sir,
My wife and I are both retired form our working posts. We are longing to take a holiday in a quiet seaside country to relax ourselves and enjoy the sights of nature, walking along the beach or going fishing in the bay together. I hope to book a double room in advance. Please give me a reply as soon as possible. Here is my address:
Jefferson Drive at 12th Street SW, 95216
Charlie Green
59. Dec. 20, 2009
Dear Madam,
My family is planning to go on a holiday together before Christmas, and we are looking in your town for a hotel with marvelous sea view, nice furniture and good utensils. Please send me your reply to the following address:
401 N. Carson Street·Carson City NV 89701
Faithfully yours,
I. W. Nelson
60. 326 Glenneyre Street
Laguna Beech CA 96182
Jan. 2, 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are glad to be offered a chance to go and do some explorations in the countryside nearby your town. At night, we’d like to have a good swim in the hotel pool and relax. It’d be wonderful if some other relaxation items are provided. Your reply can be sent to us at your earliest convenience.
Truly yours,
D. Pounds
I sometimes wonder 36 a being from another planet report back about our way of life. “The planet Earth 37 (rule) by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound. It has a face 38 twelve black marks and two hands. Men can do nothing without its permission, and it 39 (fast) its young around people’s wrists so that everywhere men go 40 are still under control. This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves.”
- 1根据反应事实可以推出影响化学反应的因素,下列推理中不合理的是[ ]选项 化学反应事实
- 2阅读下面一首词,然后回答问题。好事近(清)邓廷桢云母小窗虚,窗滤金波疑湿。摇曳柳烟如梦,荡一丝寒碧。天涯犹有未归人,遥夜
- 3如图,四边形ABCD的四个顶点都在⊙O上,且AD∥BC,对角线AC与BC相交于点E,那么图中有______对全等三角形;
- 4在-6.8,中,无理数是哪几个?
- 5上午9时,一船从A处出发,以每小时40海里的速度向正东方向航行,9时30分到达B处,如图所示,从A,B两处分别测得小岛M
- 6世界上许多科学家的重大发现和发明,都产生于风华正茂、思维敏捷的青年时期。爱迪生发明留声机时29岁,发明电灯时31岁;牛顿
- 7如图所示,有3个相同的玻璃瓶里都装有水,且水面高度不同.小李和小华两个同学分别采用了不同的方法使它们发出声音.其中小李用
- 8下列对下边漫画的理解正确的是①政府工作人员应提高行政效率 ②政府工作人员应增强服务意识③政府工作人员
- 9我国历史上的五岳和四大佛教名山都分布在[ ]A、我国地势的第三级阶梯上 B、我国季风区范围内 C、我国内流区域范
- 10制作“叶脉书签”需要100g溶质质量分数为10%的氢氧化钠溶液.请问:(1)配制时需要氢氧化钠固体的质量是 g,水
- 1第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题2分;满分45分)第一节阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项
- 2读图,回答下列问题。(1)图为南亚的一部分,地形区B的名称是_______高原。根据图中风向判断,图示季节印度南部正处在
- 3What must be done if wildlife protection is ?A.successB
- 4读图4,完成第14题。下列有关城市规模与服务功能的叙述,正确的是A.吉林市的服务范围较长春市小 B.农安县提供的服务种类
- 5有人以“《功夫熊猫》‘盗窃’中国的国宝和功夫,编织着美式‘励志’故事”,呼吁抵制《功夫熊猫》,这种观点 [
- 6某学校在对口援助边远山区学校活动中,原计划赠书3000册,由于学生的积极响应,实际赠书3780册,其中初中部比原计划多赠
- 7下列函数在定义域上是增函数的是( )A.f(x)=x2B.f(x)=C.f(x)=tanxD.f(x)=ln(1+ x
- 8【题文】下面是武汉东湖可竹轩上的一副对联,但已打乱,请你排除正确的上下联。(4分)竹影婆娑 明湖 留
- 9阅读理解。 Americans think that travel is good for you . Some
- 10 最美好的东西其实一直都在我们身边,存在于生命中每一个不为人注意的瞬间,只要你用心去生活,用心去感受,人生历