A.machine | B.chemist | C.headache | D.research |
点评:ch的字母组合常发/ tſ/或/ k /等音,注意辨析。
A.police | B.apologize | C.bridge | D.holiday |
A.tight | B.towards | C.timely | D.listen |
A.category | B.persuade | C.lack | D.contrary |
A.breath | B.bathes | C.though | D.southern |
A.experience | B.exhibition | C.examine | D.exercise |
A.route | B.dangerous | C.wound | D.trouble |
小题1:This particular sad event left a deep impression on Pliny.
小题2:With so many different forms of poetry to choose, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.
小题3:It is the forms of people who were caught in the disaster that made the city a monument of human history.
小题4:It was the first time that Helen understood such a complex word.
小题5:He yelled the young girl so that the passengers waiting in line behind him could hear.
小题6:With Helen’s knowledge and vocabulary expanded, she asked more questions.
小题7:I thought that strange that my teacher could not show me love.
小题8:The word think was also a difficult one but she had a breakthrough while worked on a simple task.
小题9:My parents are classical musicians and they named me as a famous violinist.
小题10:In other words, doctors need to achieve balance between being an authority figure and being a friendly human being.
A.nearly | B.search | C.bear | D.heart |
A.machine | B.headache | C.technique | D.research |
A.police | B.apologize | C.bridge | D.children |
A.base | B.season | C.Asia | D.usual |
A.subject | B.true | C.huge | D.busy |
- 1下列物质不属于混合物的是( )A.空气B.矿泉水C.液氧D.石灰石
- 2磁铁周围的磁感线都是从磁铁的______极出来,回到磁铁的______极,任何一点的______方向都跟放在该点的小磁针
- 3小李在回家的路上看见一辆牌号为“闽 A32772 ”的小轿车,这辆车牌照来自A.福州B.合肥C.南京D.沈阳
- 4有关部门向社会公开征集有关“十一五”规划的意见和建议,收到上万封群众来信。建言献策者,有普通农民,也有两院院士,有10岁
- 5We are warned by our teachers not to waste time because time
- 6用超声波清洗器清洗机械手表,这是利用超声波的什么特性?( )A.传播距离远B.穿透能力强C.遇到障碍物能反射D.具有能
- 7我国领土的最北端在[ ]A.曾母暗沙B.黑龙江省漠河以北黑龙江主航道中心线上C.黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的交
- 8—Must we keep the window open all the time? A. No, you must
- 9根据文意,补写出相关内容,使整段话语意连贯。(5分)下雨如果适量,则有利于农作物的生长,如果过量,则会发生灾害;
- 10在平直公路上行驶的汽车,在关闭发动机后,汽车最终将停止,这是因为( )A.汽车所受的重力与支持力平衡B.汽车受到摩擦力
- 1已知角的终边在y轴上,求sin、cos、tan的值.
- 2全部位于北半球,且地跨寒、温、热三带的大洲是A.非洲B.北美洲C.欧洲D.亚洲
- 3阅读材料,回答问题:历史的事实早已告诉我们,朝鲜的存亡与中国的安危是密切关联的。唇亡则齿寒,户破则堂危。中国人民支援朝鲜
- 4She"d rather the small one than the large one.
- 5第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,
- 6材料一:20世纪80年代以来,人类社会发展面临一系列新问题,如南北差距继续扩大、世界人口剧增、全球生态环境日益恶化等。1
- 7青春期是从童年到成年的过渡阶段,主要是指( )A.身高和体重的迅速增长B.内脏器官的功能健全C.第二性征的出现D
- 82008 年下半年一场席卷全球的金融海啸对我国经济社会发展产生了重大影响。某校高三 (l)班同学就“金融海啸对我省经济的
- 9蚯蚓和蜈蚣都是陆地生活的动物,它们的身体由很多体节构成,分别属于( )A.环节动物、环节动物B.环节动物、节肢动物C.
- 10如图所示,水平恒力F1、F2等大反向,同时作用在静止于光滑水平面上的A和B两物体上,物体A的质量大于物体B的质量。经过相