He asked the boy where ____.
A. his mother was
B. was his mother
C. his mother is
D. is his mother
A. his mother was
B. was his mother
C. his mother is
D. is his mother
试题【He asked the boy where ____. A. his mother was B. was his motherC. his mother is】;主要考察你对一般过去时等知识点的理解。[详细]
Julia became quite cross when Mike _____ up, for she had stood in the rain for half an hour waiting for him.
A. turned
B. would turn
C. was turning
D. had turned
A. turned
B. would turn
C. was turning
D. had turned
— This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.
— Yes. I know him very well. He _____ in Africa with wild animals for eight years.
A. is working
B. had worked
C. worked
D. has been working
— Yes. I know him very well. He _____ in Africa with wild animals for eight years.
A. is working
B. had worked
C. worked
D. has been working
- 1下列叙述中,正确的是( )A.物体受到变力作用,物体才可能做曲线运动B.当加速度恒定不变时,物体做直线运动C.在曲线运
- 2下列化合物,按其晶体的熔点由高到低排列正确的是[ ]A.SiO2 CsCl CBr4 CF4B.SiO2 CsC
- 3“天不为人之恶寒也辍冬,地不为人之恶辽也辍广。”这句话表明A.世界的真正统一性在于它的物质性B.自然界先于人和人的意识而
- 4如图,AB是半圆O的直径,且AB=,矩形CDEF内接于半圆,点C,D在AB上,点E,F在半圆上.(1)当矩形CDEF相邻
- 5计算(1)2x23y2•5y6x÷10y21x2;(2)2m-nn-m+mm-n+nn-m.
- 6物体在水平恒力F作用下,从静止开始沿水平面由A点运动了S米,到达B点,则( )A.水平面光滑时,力F对物体做功的平均功
- 7若(a+3b)⊥(7a-5b),且(a-4b)⊥(7a-5b),则a与b的夹角为______.
- 8阅读下面一首宋词,然后回答问题。天仙子张先 时为嘉禾小倅。以病眠,不赴府会。《水调》数声持酒听,午醉醒来愁未醒。送春春
- 9—What club do you want to join?—_______.[ ]A. I can play
- 10只有全面考查根、茎、叶、花、果之间的内在联系,把这些要素综合为一个整体和过程,才能弄清种子的发育、生长和衰亡。分析方法如
- 1食醋和白酒是家庭常用调味品,当然也有其他方面的用途.下列做法不正确的是( )A.用食醋除去热水瓶中的水垢B.用棉纱球蘸
- 2There are many books _____ our school library. [ ]A. n
- 3小明在做家庭小实验时,把下列物质分别放入适量水中并充分搅拌,其中不能得到溶液的是 [ ]A.面粉 B.纯碱C.食
- 4如图甲所示的电池盒,盒外有三个接线柱A、B、C;盒内有三个5号电池插槽,六个接线柱a、b、c、d、e、f;部分连接好的导
- 5用NA表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法正确的是:A.用含0.1mol FeCl3的溶液与足量沸水反应制得的Fe(OH)3胶体
- 6一位科学家的墓碑上镌刻着这样的铭文:“他以神一般的力量,……第一个说明了行星的运动和图像。”这位科学家应该是A.伽利略B
- 7阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一:党的奋斗目标是推翻资产阶级,在中国建立无产阶级专政和实现共产主义。材料二:党的最低纲领,
- 8亚洲流经国家最多的河流在我国境内的名称是[ ]A、怒江B、澜沧江C、雅鲁藏布江D、额尔齐斯河
- 9如图所示,光滑导轨MN水平放置,两根导体棒平行放于导轨上,形成一个闭合回路,当一条形磁铁从上方下落(未达导轨平面)的过程
- 10晋侯赏从亡者晋侯①赏从亡者,介之推②不言禄;禄亦弗及。 推曰:“献公③之子九人,唯君在矣。惠、怀无亲,外内弃之。天未绝晋
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go ahead, by accident, account for, to be honest, even if, get into trouble, be lost in, do with, take a chance, be about to |
— My English isn"t good. — How many years ago ____ English? |
[ ] |
A. did you began to study B. do you begin to study C. have you studied D. had you studied |
When the old man ____ to walk back to his house, the sun ____ itself behind the mountain. |
[ ] |
A. started; had already hidden B. had started; had already hidden C. had started; was hiding D. was starting; hid |