The shoes made in Chengdu are usually of high quality, so they ________ long.
A.wore | B.are worn | C.wear | D.will be worn |
试题【The shoes made in Chengdu are usually of high quality, so they ________ long.A.w】;主要考察你对一般现在时等知识点的理解。[详细]
—Have you found the problem with the computer ?
—Sorry. It ______ .
A.is checked | B.is being checked | C.has checked | D.was being checked |
. I heard she _________ a book last year, but I don’t know if she has finished it.
. I heard she _________ a book last year, but I don’t know if she has finished it.
A.was writing | B.wrote | C.had written | D.writes |
--Have you found your book yet?
--- No, I’m not sure where I________ it?
A.leave | B.had left | C.could have left | D.was to leave. |
---You haven’t said one word about the design, Joe. What’s your idea?
---Sorry. I________about something else.
A.thought | B.am thinking |
C.was thinking | D.had thought |
The professor gave orders to the students that the rest ______ before 5:30.
A.be finished | B.will be finished | C.will finish | D.finish |
- 1读“世界年降水量图”,回答:(1)赤道附近年降水量大多在___________毫米以上。(2)由赤道向两极,年降水量__
- 2是展开式中的第五项,则= ,各二项式系数的和为
- 3据全国假日办公布的《2011年春节黄金周旅游统计报告》显示,今年春节黄金周期间,全国共接待游客1.53亿人次,比上年春节
- 4The moment the 29th Olympic Games _____ open, the whole worl
- 5已知函数=的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.
- 6雅安芦山地震发生后.北京有一批急救药品要尽快运往灾区,最佳的交通运输方式是( )A.航空运输.B.铁路运输C.公路运输
- 7It is ________ certain that all your classmates will be dres
- 8The book you bought is more expensive than _______.A.thatB.m
- 9听对话,回答问题。1. How long will it take them to go there? A. Thre
- 10大合唱时,有同学说:这么高的音我唱不上去,这里的高是指声音的______;大合唱的声音比独唱声音的______大;闻其声
- 1关于声波的说法错误的( )A.固体、液体中也有声波存在B.随着音叉的不断振动,在空气中形成了疏密相问的波动,并向远处传
- 2在绿草地中生活的蚱蜢的体色往往是[ ]A.灰色B.绿色 C.黄色D.褐
- 3在数列{an},{bn}中,a1=2,b1=4,且an,bn,an+1成等差数列,bn,an+1,bn+1成等比数列,(
- 4如图所示,A是半径为r的圆形光滑轨道,固定在木板B上,竖直放置;B的左右两侧各有一光滑挡板固定在地面上,使其不能左右运动
- 5的三边为,在下列条件下不是直角三角形的是[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 6研究人员发现菜豆种子在萌发成幼苗的过程中,体内储存的有机物会发生规律的变化.以下是菜豆种子萌发成幼苗的各阶段示意图,请回
- 7当某一导体的两端电压为3V时,通过该导体的电流强度为0.3A,如果使该导体两端的电压再增加6V,那么此导体的电阻和通过它
- 8两岸关系和平发展的政治基础是 ( )A.坚持一个中国原则B.和平统一,一国两制 C.为了祖国的统一和繁荣D.坚持四个“
- 9【题文】对下列各句中“焉”字的意义和用法分类正确的一项是①于是余有叹焉。②犹且从师而问焉③且焉置土百?④
- 10下图为某河流连续两日的流量变化图。该河可能是( )A.非洲尼罗河B.英国泰晤士河C.珠江D.塔里木河