Tiring as it might be, the military training ______ the best opportunity to make lifelong friends.
A.is believed to be | B.believes as |
C.is believed to being | D.believes |
试题【 Tiring as it might be, the military training ______ the best opportunity to mak】;主要考察你对一般现在时等知识点的理解。[详细]
It is already 6:00. Don’t turn on the computer. Father is _____ to come back at any moment.
A.requested | B.expected |
C.required | D.suggested |
—Why did you leave the water running in the sink?
—My goodness! I guess I ____ to turn off the tap.
A.forgot | B.have forgotten | C.forget | D.had forgottten |
The witness who appeared in court ____ to speak out the truth instead of covering it up.
A.encouraged | B.has been encouraging |
C.was encouraging | D.had been encouraged |
---- You don’t know? It’s said kites _______ well in this area.
A.are sold; are sold | B.are selling; sell |
C.are selling; are sold | D.are being sold; sell |
After the argument, he spoke with the department manager and the problem .
A.solving | B.had been solved | C.was solved | D.solved |
- 1假如你站在岳阳楼上,需要向游客介绍洞庭湖的自然景观,请你拟写一段解说词。在解说词中要恰当引用杜甫《登岳阳楼》及范仲淹《岳
- 2根据你积累的名著知识,在横线处填入恰当的句子,使前后语意连贯,句式一致。 经典滋润心灵,名著丰盈人生。《朝花夕拾》如一
- 3下列各值中不是指交流电有效值的是( )A.交流电表的示数B.灯泡的额定电压C.电容器的耐压值D.保险丝的额定电流
- 4明明用纸(如下图)折成了一个正方体的盒子,里面装了一瓶墨水,混放在下面的盒子里,只凭观察,选出墨水在哪个盒子中[
- 5一男生在校运会的比赛中推铅球.铅球的在空中的滑行高度y(m)与水平距离x(m)之间的关系用如图所示的二次函数图象表示。(
- 6— How often do you go to see a movie? — _____, but usually o
- 7人造卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,它所受的向心力F跟轨道半径r的关系是A.由公式可知F和r成反比B.由公式F=mω2r可知F
- 82009年“世界水日”的主题是:“跨界水--共享的水,共享机遇”.请你根据学过的知识回答有关水的问题:(1)市场上出售的
- 9有关发达国家和发展中国家的说法,不正确的是[ ]A.发达国家工农业生产发达,经济发展水平高B.发达国家以高技术制
- 10某居民小区为了了解本小区100户居民家庭平均月使用塑料袋的数量情况,随机调查了10户居民家庭月使用塑料袋的数量,结果如下
- 1以下是人体几种体液的pH,其中呈酸性的是( )A.胃液:0.9~1.5B.胰液:7.5~8.0C.血浆:7.35~7.
- 2—Do you know the boy is sitting next tu Peter?--Yes, h
- 3食物链和食物网中各生物之间的关系是______、______.
- 4You can’t complain of being lonely you don’t make any effor
- 5与( )互为相反数,的绝对值是( ),﹣1的倒数是( ).
- 6符合对青藏地区描述的是( )A.四序有花常见雨B.旱地麦浪泛金黄C.大漠黄沙驼铃响D.青稞美酒飘哈达
- 7There are a few ________ but little _________ in the cupboar
- 8鉴别NO2和溴蒸汽的方法,不正确的是[ ]A.用蒸馏水 B.降温.加压成液体再鉴别 C.用硝酸银溶液D.用淀粉碘
- 9在盛装浓硫酸的包装箱贴上图2中的标签是
- 10中国人常用,不要只顾眼前利益, 而不顾将来的祸患。世界上英法把[ ]A.巴黎和会B.华盛顿会议C.慕尼黑会议D.