当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happ...
阅读理解。     For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became
very ill, and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died, she asked Elizabeth and me to
go to her room. She held our hands and said, "Victor and Elizabeth, my children, I"m very happy
because you love each other, and because one day you"ll get married. Everyone in the family loves
you, Elizabeth. Will you take
my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you look after them when I have gone."
My mother died and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly. Elizabeth was brave and
helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother"s death.
The time came for me to go to university. I didn"t want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that
I should go. It as hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry would not let
him go to university with me. So I had gone alone.
     On my first day at university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest
scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university.
He ended his talk by saying, "Some of you will become the greatest scientists of tomorrow. You must
study hard and discover everything that you can. This is why God made you intelligent-to help other
     After the professor"s talk, I thought very carefully. I remembered the storm when I was 15; I
remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree. From then on, I wanted to use electricity to
help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life. I decided to work on these two things.
     I started to work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized
that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
     The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped
me, too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day"s holiday during the next two years,
I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.
     After two years, I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was the best in
the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life
begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn
first about death. I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them.
In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead. Day after day, month after month,
I followed death, so it was a dark and terrible time.
     I built a tall mast about 150 metres high, which is higher than the tallest building in the city, to catch
lightning and send the electricity down to my machine in the lab. I believed I could use that electricity to
give life to things that were dead.
     Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life.1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Elizabeth married shortly after Victor"s mother died.
B. Elizabeth was a brave girl who loved Victor and gave him much help.
C. Victor"s mother was very angry when she knew he loved Elizabeth.
D. Victor did not want to leave his family because his mother died not long before.2. Victor did all the following during his research in the university EXCEPT that       .A. he discovered many things and built a scientific machine
B. he learnt much about death both in the hospitals and in the university
C. he worked hard and took only one day"s holiday during the next two years
D. he built a tall mast to catch lightning and send the electricity down to the lab3. According to the author, the secret of life is to        .A. give life to things that were dead
B. use electricity to help others
C. build the best machine to learn about death
D. become the greatest scientist of tomorrow4. Which is the correct order about the life of Victor?① Victor"s mother passed away.
② Victor got help from the professor and other scientists.
③ Victor went to university and attended the professor"s talk.
④ Victor found the answer to giving life to things that were dead.
⑤ Victor experienced a storm, seeing the lightning destroying the tree.
A. ①②③④⑤     B. ⑤①②④③     C. ①③②⑤④    D. ⑤①③②④
试题【阅读理解。     For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happ】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     One of my friends did business with somebody else a few years ago. Their freighter(货船) was
upturned by a storm    1  and their hope, together with their merchandise vanished   2   . He was so
upset by the blow that he became  3   and couldn"t   4   concentrate his attention. His _5_  who suffered
the same catastrophe never lost heart. His days went on as     6   as before. My friend asked him how he
could   7   it. He said:" You curse, you grieve, life goes on as usual; you are happy and enjoy yourself, the world   8   as usual. Which course do you follow?"
    That"s how a person leads his life. When you are optimistic and in a good  9   , your future seems sunny and bright.  10  , when you are worried and have your mind    11   in sadness, your future will turn dark.
The latter situation, if you allow it   12  , will cost you a great deal. You will lose   13   and courage to fight
for the better. You will    14  the joyful things that come your way. They are really the most important, the most reliable part of links of our life. If they get loose and drop    15   , how can you keep happiness?
    There"s a poem   16   : "Whether you are   17   or not, whether you like or dislike, show attention or 
18  , flowers bloom luxuriously all the same." Yes, that"s   19  . Just as flowers keep blooming, fine days
are passing away day after day. How to spend your days - joyfully or   20    - will entirely depend on
yourself.(     )1. A. at the sea      
(     )2. A. in a moment    
(     )3. A. worry          
(     )4. A. even            
(     )5. A. family          
(     )6. A. colorfully     
(     )7. A. do with         
(     )8. A. does            
(     )9. A. condition      
(     )10. A. On the other hand
(     )11. A. caged          
(     )12. A. continue      
(     )13. A. trust          
(     )14. A. let go        
(     )15. A. each other    
(     )16. A. reads          
(     )17. A. know          
(     )18. A. ignore        
(     )19. A. one            
(     )20. A. carefully       B. by the sea    
B. all of a sudden  
B. eager          
B. no longer      
B. partner        
B. sadly         
B. try            
B. runs          
B. situation      
B. Therefore      
B. to cage        
B. going on      
B. confidence    
B. catch up      
B. one after one  
B. which reading  
B. aware          
B. not            
B. that          
B. naturally       C. at sea           
C. in sudden       
C. low-spirited    
C. never            
C. parent          
C. painfully        
C. settle           
C. goes            
C. mood            
C. On the contrary    
C. cage              
C. keeping on      
C. wisdom          
C. give away        
C. one after another  
C. that writes      
C. understand      
C. reject          
C. it               
C. faithfully       D. by sea        
D. at once      
D. high-spirited
D. ever          
D. colleague    
D. wealthily    
D. manage        
D. keeps        
D. behavior      
D. Moreover      
D. caging        
D. to last      
D. ambition      
D. hand out      
D. one another.  
D. that says    
D. aware of      
D. avoid        
D. what          
D. sorrowfully  
题型:安徽省月考题难度:| 查看答案
                                                If You Make a Mistake, Don"t Worry!
      Yeah, you"ll want to forget about them, but mistakes can be useful. Making a mistake doesn"t mean it"s the end of the world. In real life you have to grow and mature, and with that comes some growing pains.
      You know you should have studied hard but you went out with some friends instead. You know you
should have put the money into the bank for a rainy day instead of spending it on all kinds of things you
didn"t need.
      It"s the growing pains called mistakes that most people make when they are growing up. Face them.
You are going to make them. Learn from them. All of the people you wish to copy, such as all the experts
in your business field, have made mistakes. They"ll continue to make mistakes for all their successes.
      One of the major differences between people like them and the vast majority(大多数)of others is that
they don"t let their mistakes stop them. Instead, they use their mistakes as learning tools.
      At the very least, when you make a mistake, you"ll know what not to do. And you can help others by warning them of the mistakes you"ve made. Don"t let mistakes stop you from doing anything. Learn from
them, don"t hide in a closet. Facing up to your mistakes now and later will mature.
       What mistakes are you making right now? Take a look at anything you might be doing wrong. Take a step back and evaluate your situation, then fix whatever needs to be corrected. Then move forward.
       Always remember your mistakes to remind yourself of what not to do for the future.1. Why does the writer say mistakes can be useful? A. Because you can get some growing pains.            
B. Because experts also make mistakes.
C. Because you can mature by facing and learning from mistakes. 
D. Because next time you know that money shouldn"t be wasted.2. Which statement is true according to the writer?  A. Before you make any mistake, you had better lock the closet in your room.
B. Keep your mistakes in mind in order not to make the same mistakes again in the future. 
C. Don"t go out with some of your friends any more.      
D. Forget your mistakes and move forward.3. When we make any mistake next time, we should do the followings except _       __.   A. Think about the reason why we make the mistake.     
B. Try to correct the mistake. 
C. Tell others not to make the same mistake as you do.    
D. Be careful not to do anything.4. From the text, we can infer that __     ___.A. facing mistakes, some people lose heart      
B. mistakes can be of no use   
C. mistakes can be called growing pains      
D. Put away money when it is rainy
题型:安徽省月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Being content with yourself and optimistic about your future is not difficult. Whatever is in the
past is   1  .Learn from it and move on. When you are   2   enough to do this, you will see that
moving ahead is the best definition of living   3  .
     What can you do now? Sure it is   4   for me to tell you to forget the past, 5  it is a whole
   6   to actually do it. Life is a complex set of events, much of which 7 is real, but a large amount
is just your   8  of what really happened.
     Let me   9  with an example. I know not everyone is a football fan, but I am   10 most have
watched at least 11 of a game on TV. Most games and almost all the important games are 12 over
and over on the TV screen right after the game happened.
     When you watched a game, you were 13 of the outcome, saying the player 14 the ball. Then while
watching the instant replay, you realized you were 15 wrong. The player dropped the pass. What you
were certain of never happened.
     In order to 16 on your future, you should try to minimize the effects of your past. Try to find out
how much of the past that you are certain are just 17 . For example, as a teenager, you tried to build
a piece of furniture in your father"s workshop. The piece of furniture looked 18 when you finished, but
it fell apart before you could 19 it to your father. The reality was that the wood you used was faulty. It
was not your building ability. So don"t think yourself to be a 20 carpenter (木匠) and avoid building
anything. Forget the past and move on.
题型:江西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1.A.on    
(     ) 2.A.ambitious
(     ) 3.A.work   
(     ) 4.A.boring
(     ) 5.A.so     
(     ) 6.A.practice
(     ) 7.A.in all
(     ) 8.A.mind  
(     ) 9.A.explain
(     )10.A.deciding
(     )11.A.none  
(     )12.A.studied
(     )13.A.doubtful
(     )14.A.passing
(     )15.A.seldom
(     )16.A.keep  
(     )17.A.mistakes
(     )18.A.weel  
(     )19.A.promise
(     )20.A.handsome
B.of course
C.on time
D.at last    

     Do you know what Fear and Faith have in common? Fear believes in a negative future. Faith
believes in a positive future. Both believe in something that has not yet happened. So I ask you,
if neither the positive
nor negative future has happened yet then why not choose to believe in the positive future?
     I believe during these challenging times we have a choice between two roads: the positive road
and the negative road. And our bus can"t be on two roads at the same time. So we have to make a
choice and this choice determines our belief about the future and the attitude and actions we bring to
the present.
     I"m not saying we shouldn"t have any fear. There are times when fear is a gift. A healthy dose(剂量)
of fear causes us to examine our situation and plan for the future. It moves us to smell the cheese and
expect change. When used wisely it allows us to manage risk and make better decisions. Some fear is
      However, what I have observed lately is a supersized, huge dose of fear that is spreading the hearts
and minds of far too many people. This oversized fear is causing leaders and their organizations to either
act unreasonably or to not act at all. They are either hurrying in a million different directions because
of fear.
 In both cases, fear is leading them to take the negative road to failure.
     The answer is the positive road paved (铺满) with faith and a belief that your best days are not
behind you but ahead of you. With this belief you make the right choices and actions today that will
create your positive future tomorrow. You stay calm, focused and committed to your purpose. You
look for ways to save money and cut costs without making unreasonable fear-based decisions that
sacrifice your future success. You identify opportunities in the midst of the challenges and you focus
on solutions instead of problems.
    Your faith and belief in a positive future leads to powerful actions today. The future has not happened
yet and you have a say in what it looks like by the way you think and act. Fear or Faith. The choice is

1. According to the passage, we can know that ________.
A. Fear and Faith have nothing in common
B. both Fear and Faith trust something in the future
C. neither negative nor positive future will happen
D. people usually choose to believe in the positive future
2. What does the writer mean by saying "our bus can"t be on two roads"?
A. We usually choose the negative road
B. We should choose the positive road
C. We must choose either a positive or negative road
D. Our belief about the future depends on our choice
3. Which of the following about "Fear" is true?
A. We should have fear because it is a gift.
B. Reasonable fear helps to plan for future.
C. Fear can bring cheese and risk to people.
D. Leaders usually have oversized fear.
4. If we have faith in future, we will ________.
A. have the best days ahead of us
B. be committed to saving money
C. stay away from any challenges
D. take powerful actions today
5. What does the writer intend to tell us in the passage?
A. Fear is closely related to faith.
B. Life is full of fear and faith.
C. We should have faith in a positive future.
D. Wrong decisions sacrifice our future success.
     It is well known that the Japanese people"s love of fish is almost as strong as a bee"s interest in
honey. As fish populations were decreasing, fishing companies were forced to fish further and further
away from the shore. Then they had a big challenge - how to keep the fish fresh for longer. So they
decided to keep the fish stored in freezers on the boats. But the public did not like frozen fish. So again
the fishing companies had a new bigger challenge. What they decided to do was to have fish tanks on
their boats. After catching fishes, they would put them in the tanks and keep them living there until they
got back to shore. But in this protected environment, lacking predators (掠食者), the fish stopped moving around. The Japanese public felt these dull fish did not taste fresh, which had an unpleasant effect upon
sales. Once again the fishing companies had an even bigger challenge …
    Stop for a minute! Before we go any further, I would like to ask "What are your challenges? How do
you handle an unexpected challenge? " May I think it this way that you should try to attack your
challenges? Conquer them with a Swiss Army knife. Take the most proper and simple tool that you
can adopt to deal with your situation.
    Now back to our story. How did the Japanese finally figure out the fresh fish problem? Sharks! You
might think the same. Sharks were caught and put into the tanks with other fishes. Don"t sharks eat fish?
Well, they do eat a few fish, but they did also keep more fish active and alert (警觉的). The fish stay
fresh because they are challenged.
   Now, try to keep yourself fresh by finding your own shark to offer yourself a challenge in your own
business and career.
1.The main reason for the fishing company to fish in the far sea is that _______.
A.the fish resource near the shore was decreasing
B.the fishes farther away from the sea tasted fresher
C.people would prefer eating fresh fishes to less fresh ones
D.it was getting harder and harder to keep fishes fresh
2.Which was the best way for the fishing company to keep fishes fresh?  
A.Getting the fishes frozen.     
B.Storing the fishes with salt.
C.Putting the fishes in tanks.      
D.Keeping the fishes with sharks in tanks.
3.The underlined part of the last paragraph means "_______."
A.If you went fishing, you might do as the fishing companies did
B.Try to find a big shark, and you will meet your challenge  
C.To succeed in life, you should always be ready to meet challenges
D.Sharks are usually compared to the challenges in people"s life
4.The purpose for the author to write the passage is to ________.
A.tell the readers how the Japanese fishing companies work
B.tell the readers how the Japanese keep the fish fresh
C.suggest readers looking for challenges to make progress
D.suggest readers finding a shark to keep the fish fresh