当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In the past, travel was considered an essential par...

In the past, travel was considered an essential part of education. Posts and writers realized the  16  of travel and went out to other countries in search of  17 . A man’s education was not completed until he had visited foreign lands.
That travel  18 the mind cannot be denied (否认). Those who remain within the confines of (在…范围之内) their  19  are cut off from the outside world. As a result, they develop a  20_ outlook on life. But those who travel come into  21  with various types of people whose ways of life are completely 22  theirs. They see things with their own eyes and have a better  23  of the affairs of the world. The impressions that they receive while they travel remain  24  in their minds for many years, and all false impressions and ideas are  25  from their minds. Thus, they are able to  26  things in their proper perspective(观点) and make correct  27  and decisions. And being able to make correct decisions is a valuable part of  28 .
It is argued, however, that the 29  of the great variety of books, newspaper, the radio, TV and the Internet today remove the  30  for travel to acquire knowledge. One would study in the  31  and privacy of one’s own home and absorb all the knowledge that one desires. But there are many things they cannot  32  effectively. For example, the love and respect people in other lands  33  for us and the natural beauty of the various parts or the world cannot be described properly in  34  .They have to be seen and felt. Besides, not all can understand everything that they  35  about people away from their homes. To such people, especially, travel is an important means of education.
16.A. value             B. possibility              C. background                     D. development
17.A. work             B. wealth                  C. opportunity              D. knowledge
18.A. comforts      B. needs                    C. uses                        D. broadens
19.A. sights                 B. homes                   C. careers                   D. powers
20.A. happy                 B. broad                    C. narrow                  D. simple
21.A. sight                 B. contact                  C. power                   D. effect
22.A. different from  B. the same                C. similar with           D. familiar to
23.A. protection         B. study                     C. solution                 D. understanding
24.A. little                 B. endless                  C. fresh                     D. important
25.A. removed           B. tired                             C. differed                 D. separated
26.A. do                             B. see                              C. make                    D. buy
27.A. choices                      B. preparations           C. directions               D. judgments
28.A. life                            B. travel                    C. education               D. society
29.A. presence           B. trouble                  C. importance             D. discovery
30.A. need                 B. intention                C. influence                      D. memory
31.A. library                B. mind                    C. comfort                       D. open
32.A. enjoy               B. describe                 C. write                    D. learn
33.A. satisfy            B. get                              C. own                     D. have
34.A. sounds                B. pens                      C. numbers                  D. words
35. A. see                    B. read                  C. talk                      D. hear

16-20 ADDBC   21-25 BADCA     26-30 BDCAA    31-35 CBDDB

试题【第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In the past, travel was considered an essential par】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Women Can’t Keep a Secret
The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study suggests.
Researchers found that women are overcome by a burning desire to share gossip as soon as they hear it. They will typically spill the beans to at least one other person in 47 hours and 15 minutes.
Depending on who the gossip is about, their boyfriend, husband, best friend or mother are most likely to be the initial recipients (接收者) of the information.
The study of 3,000 women aged between 18 and 65 also found that four out of ten admitted they were unable to keep a secret—no matter how personal or confidential the news was.
The study found the nation’s ladies hear three pieces of gossip a week, but end up passing it on to at least one other person.
Three in 10 admitted having the urge to reveal someone’s secret. However, two thirds end up feeling guilty after passing on secrets.
Three quarters say they are capable of keeping quiet about a secret, and 83 per cent consider themselves 100 per cent trustworthy within each group of friends. Yet, four in ten admit to gossiping to a close friend from another friendship group.
More than four in ten think it is acceptable to share a friend’s secret with someone who does not know them, with over 40 per cent saying their husband is their final one they share secrets with.
Fortunately for some though, over a quarter (27 per cent) said they forgot what they were told the following day.
44. How long can women keep a secret?
A. At least two days  B. Longer than two days.  C. Two days.  D. 47 hours and 15 minutes
45. Women will share gossip with all the following except________.
A. their boyfriend or husband   B. their best friend
C. their brother or sister        D. their mother
46. According to the study, ________ women were unable to keep a secret.
A. 1,200    B.1,800     C. 2, 400    D. 3,000
47. Which of the following is true?
A. Most women are not trustworthy
B. More than forty per cent tell secrets to their husband.
C. Few women feel guilty after passing on secrets.
D. Over a quarter think it is acceptable to share gossip.
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Last spring, members of Alaska’s Troop 34, based in Fairbanks, trudged (跋涉) out into the snowy wilderness to take part in their state’s Take a Kid Trapping program. In many parts of the state, beavers (海狸)are pests and need to be controlled.
The 10-to-12-year-old girls found out where beavers lived, set traps, and skinned the two animals they caught. The girls hope to catch ten more beavers so that the entire troop can make mittens and hats with the fur. They also want to cook beaver meat.
Troop leaders and members say the Scouts are doing a good deed by helping control the state’s beaver population. But animal-rights activists say trapping is cruel. They want the Girl Scouts to stop in their tracks.
Beavers aren’t only causing a problem in Alaska. Residents in Sampson County, N.C. , have turned to a local committee to help them battle the growing beaver population there.
County landowners are frustrated after the county spent more than $ 50,000 in eight years trying to reduce the beaver population through a government program. The joint state and federal program included paying money to trappers for every beaver carcass  they trapped.
Many local residents say that the program didn’t work because there were too few trappers. That’s why the county set up its own committee to investigate other ways to control the area’s beaver population.
The county will rely on its own beaver-trapping program. It has hired a trapper to set traps in various areas. The county will pay $10 for every beaver carcass.
Why do many people say that beavers are a nuisance? For beavers to survive, they need lots of water. Water provides the large rodent (啮齿动物)with a place to hide from meat – eating animals. Beavers also store food underwater for the winter. When there’s not enough water in a particular area, beavers get busy building dams.
Beaver dams can cause major flooding and damage to the surrounding countryside as the animals cut down trees to use in their construction projects. Beavers build canals to transport heavy objects.
59.What is Alaska’s Troop 34?
A.A team of the Boy Scouts.     B.An army.
C.A team of the Girl Scouts.     D.A sports team.
60.Why does the troop hope to catch ten more beavers?
A.To fulfill their task.        B.To sell them for money.
C.To get enough fur.   D.To exchange them for mittens and hats.
61.Which of the following statements is true?
A.Sampson County has to find a new way to control the beaver population there.
B.The government program in Sampson County has proved to be a success.
C.The local government has controlled the number of beavers in the County.
D.More and more trappers now start to set traps in Sampson County.
62.Local residents hate beavers because they can ___________.
A.cause damage to dams
B.block up canals with heavy objects.
C.do great harm to construction projects.
D.badly damage the environment and cause floods.
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My workplace, as do many others in our town, supports local services and the needy. One of the main services we _____21________ is our local food bank, a center where free food is made available to those in need.
This year, the food bank is _____22_______ more than in the past. _______23 cannot let the shelves become depleted(被耗尽的) or the food _______24________. Others, ________25______ children, depend on it. With the country’s _______26_______ situtation stalled(停滞) and more people out of work, more people are _____27______ and need supplements to feed their families.
This year, all the _______28______ in our area got together and decided to sponsor a “Food Fight Contest”. The contest will include 3 categories or areas to ______29_____: a) supply the most food, b) donate the most money, _______30______ c) provide the most volunteers. A company can win in all 3 areas or 3 different companies can win in each different area, ______31_____ the results. The contest will begin April Fool’s Day through the end of the month.
We’re kicking off a(n) _______32________ for fun this week. We’re all _______33______ and WE PLAN TO WIN! The last several years, to make donating ________34______, we set up food sculpture competitions between departments. Each department _______35______ bring in cans, sacks of rice, peanut butter, etc., then build and compete for the best _____36_____. The sculptures would be in a central location so coworkers could cast their vote for their ______37______. We tracked how much ____38_____ was provided by each group and then after the competition, all the _______39______ were taken to the food bank. We challenged ourselves to deliver more food and more weight each year, _______40______ it was for a great cause.
21. A. turn to          B. belong to          C. refer to          D. donate to
22. A. supported        B. challenged        C. criticized        D. enlarged
23. A. We             B. You               C. They           D. All
24. A. pile up          B. go bad             C. run out          D. sell well
25. A. only            B. actually         C. even             D. especially
26. A. cultural          B. economic         C. historical         D. political
27. A. hungry           B. anxious           C. unhappy         D. lazy
28. A. schools         B. charities       C. companies        D. governments
29. A. prove            B. stress             C. find              D. win
30. A. or               B. and             C. but               D. so
31. A. focusing on        B. relating to      C. depending on     D. leading to
32. A. campaign         B. adventure      C. ceremony         D. exhibition
33. A. excited           B. involved         C. thanked         D. prepared
34. A. likely            B. fun               C. useful           D. public
35. A. could             B. must             C. would           D. should
36. A. design            B. grade             C. speech          D. play
37. A. group           B. friend            C. hobby           D. favorite
38. A. money           B. food             C. energy          D. attenetion
39. A. gifts             B. goods          C. donations        D. participants
40. A. knowing          B. imagining        C. hoping          D. showing
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One of the most wonderful things about having a positive attitude is that it can touch many people, and it often exists in our everyday life.
Recently, I stopped by a store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the check-out counter said, “That’ll be three dollars in all please.” She then glanced down at the paper I was buying and said. “I’m sick and tired of all this negative stuff-on the front pages. I want to read some good news for a change.” She then said, “In fact, I think soemone should just publish a Good News newspaper--- a paper with wonderful, inspirational stories about people over-coming difficulty and doing good things for others. I’d buy one every day!” she then thanked me for coming in and said, “Maybe we’ll get lucky tomorrow; maybe we’ll get some good news.” And she laughed. She made my day.
The following day after my business appointments. I dropped by the same store again to pick up bottled water and a piece of newspaper, but a different young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said “Good afternoon” and handed her my money. She said nothing, not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my change and in a negative tone ordered “Next!”
It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age; one made me feel great, and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by showing up.
Every morning you should ask yourself this important question. “Who do I want to be today? The Grouch(不高兴的人) or ‘The Good News Girl?’” Your answer will go a long way toward determining the joy and happiness that you will experience in your life.
53. What does the first salesgirl dislike according to her words?
A. Those who have bad manners.         
B. The bad news in the newspaper.
C. The advertisements in the newspaper.   
D. The bad news who break the laws.
54. After he had bought a newspaper on the first day the author _________.
A. was very lucky and excited that day    
B. always remembered the girl’s word
C. read the news in the newspaper carefully 
D. was in a pleasant mood the whole day
55. We learn from the passage that the salesgirl the author met the next day was ________.
A. humorous         B. enthusiastic       C. very cool         D. positive
56. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A. I was very surprised.                  B. I was especially angry.
C. I felt very unhappy.                   D. It hurt my heart badly.
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The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010 - 20) was released over the weekend. Here are some of the highlights:
Four – percent effort
The government says spending on education will be 4 percent of GDP by 2012. globally, average spending on education is about 4.5% of GDP. China spend 3,33% in 2008. according to Hu Angang, of Tsinghua University’s Center for China Studies, even if China reaches that goal, it will only rank about 100 th out of 188 countries.
Administrative rank
Administrative rankings for school leaders are to be phased out to tackle the bureaucracy (官僚机构) problem that limits educational development, according to Cheng Fangping, of the national Institute for Educational Research. Areas like teaching programs, scientific research, and technological development will be more independent.
Vocational Education
The system will be free of charge. According to Wu Yan, of Beijing Institute of Educational Sciences, this will be key to developing China’s production capacity and will improve poor people’s lives dramatically.
Entering college
Universities could eventually have the freedom to choose some of their own high school applicants. Normally, students are accepted based on the uniform national exam scores. Also, students who agree to go to a remote area could be admitted to university under special circumstances. The most likely change could come on the college entrance English test, which might be modeled on the IELTS or TOEFL. Students will be able to take it several times and pick their best score.
56.Which of the following is true in the future according to the passage?
A.Applicants could take the IELTS or TOEFL instead of the college entrance English test.
B.Colleges will be given the right to choose all of their own applicants.
C.Vocational education will be party free to make people’s lives better.
D.Applicants could sit for the college entrance English test more than once.
57.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “uniform” in the last paragraph?
A.formal      B.official     C.same D.united
58.We can learn from the passage even though our country spends 4% of GDP on education in 2012, ________.
A.there will still be 188 countries ahead of China in this aspect
B.China will certainly overtake the global average spending on education
C.there might be nearly 100 countries ahead of China in this aspect
D.China will be the 100 th country to spend over the global average on education
59.From the third paragraph, we can infer that________.
A.school leaders will have more freedom to manage the school
B.schools will have more limits from the government
C.School administrative rankings are to be strengthened to solve the bureaucracy problem
D.schools and research centers will be fully independent from the government
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