当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fas...
Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fast as other kids. But Kevin was__1__with people, for his bright smile and big heart won him plenty of friends.
My friend Randy decided they needed a__2__team for boys.Kevin__3__up and practiced hard. But he simply shot baskets. Or more correctly, he threw the ball at the basket. He had a __4__spot near the free throw line(罚球线). He threw and threw, and it __5__went in.
The team did well but they never won a game that season except the night when it snowed and the opposing team never__6__. At the end of the__7__lot(签)of playing against the best team.
Game day arrived. The game went as__8__.Near the end of the last quarter, Kevin’s team stood nearly 30 points behind. It was then that one of the boys called timeout. ”Coach Randy, ” he said, ”this is our__9__game and Kevin has never made a basket. I think we should let him make a basket.”
The team agreed. Kevin wan __10__to stand at his special place near the free throw line and wait. When the ball was__11__to him, he shot and missed. A moment later, Kevin got the ball again, but shot and missed again.
Slowly the other team seemed to__12__what was going on. Both teams circled the boy by their time and all the other players were shouting, “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone in the __13__ joined in.
Kevin attempted again and again, and one of his shots took a crazy bounce on the basket. Everyone held their__14__.The ball dropped in. Nobody remained __15__. Everyone stood and cheered as if one boy had won a world champion.
That day, an undefeated team kept their perfect record. But everybody won because everybody had participated in a crazy conspiracy(密谋)  of kindness.
A.basketball B.footballC.swimmingD.climbing
A.showed upB.took upC.started offD.gave in
A.give upB.bring aboutC.figure outD.believe in



试题【Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fas】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Women who want to succeed at work should resist the temptation to act like men, scientists have said. Studies show that ambitious women are often less likely to get ahead than those who show more female characteristics. However, if they try to adapt, promotion comes their way. The findings, which will let assertive (过分自信的) women down, suggest that the best way for a woman to succeed in a man’s world is to act like a lady.
Past research has shown that women with self-confidence and other characteristics linked with successful management can be put aside at work in favor of gentle types. It is thought that while such characteristics are highly praised in men, ambitious women are penalized for not being feminine enough. Instead of being seen as strong managers, ambitious women are in an unfavorable situation.
In one US study, researchers explored personal details from university students applying for a summer job at a bank. A women applicant who attempted to apply for special wages to pay her transport or living costs was three and a half times less likely to get a job offer than a similar male. In fact, this kind of woman was the least likely to get taken on.
The latest study set out to explore what women who are naturally assertive could do to get ahead in the workplace. Eighty young men and women completed surveys about their personality while studying in college. Around eight years later, the researchers got back in touch with them to find out how their careers were going. Some had been promoted five times, others just once or twice. The results showed that ambitious women who stick to their decisions had been promoted less than more feminine groups. But the ambitious women who made a conscious effort to not appear to be threatening by “self-controlling” their behavior had done better than those who had carried on ignoring others’ views.
小题1: What does the underlined word “penalized” mean in the second paragraph?
A.Treated badlyB.Asked to leave
C.Looked down uponD.Made sb. have a disadvantage
小题2:According to the passage, if an ambitious woman and a similar man both ask the company for an extra payment, ______.
A.the woman is less likely to be accepted
B.the woman will work harder if she gets the payment
C.the man can make a good impression on the boss
D.they can be both accepted if they use proper words
小题3:The ambitious women in the latest study ______.
A.had been promoted only once or twice
B.tried hard to be as successful as gentle types
C.were more accepted at work after they controlled their behavior
D.filled in the surveys after they graduated from college
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Successful management is highly praised in women.
B.Some women will be disappointed by the massage.
C.Men acting like a lady are likely to be promoted at work.
D.The latest study was aimed at how to become a successful boss.
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.How assertive women can control their behavior.
B.Feminists can do better by controlling their behavior.
C.Acting like a man won’t get women promoted at work.
D.How the ambitious women can avoid acting like men.

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Around 5:30 p.m., I was on the bus one day and everybody on the bus was quiet. People had just  36 from work, students had just finished their 37 class and everybody was a little  38  from a long day. It wasn"t a particularly good day for me  as I was feeling quite tired too. I was just looking outside of the 39 without any specific thought in my mind. It was the same 40  I had seen many times before, people hurrying home.
In front of me, there was a guy sitting in the seat who didn"t look too clean. 41  he was looking out of the window, the guy suddenly 42 to me and pointed at something outside. "Hey, look." He had a big smile on his face. I turned to the  43  he was pointing to and there it was ---- the beautiful Catalina mountains burning with a beautiful  44 . The mountains were coated with bright pink light and shadows. He turned to other people on the bus and told them to look at the mountains. He  45   
" Wow" and " It"s so beautiful" again and again. Everybody on the bus  46  the views indeed.
The  47 view also helped me to 48  my long tiring day with a good feeling in my heart. But, more 49  , I was so inspired to see that this man wanted to 50  the beautiful view with everybody on the bus, total strangers. His 51 act made me accidentally find something that I had lost which I didn"t even know I had lost. He made me  52 that I had lost the feelings and the excitement I  53 have everyday. In my daily life, many things had  54  their color and movement. But he 55 me that things are still there ---- they never get lost.
A.gone by B.got offC.given upD.taken up
小题2:A morning        B. important     C. last           D. boring
A.window B.classroom C.mountain D.city
A.people B.bus C.troubleD.view
A.SoB.Once C.As D.If
A.referred B.attended C.turned D.objected
A.finger B.driver C.direction D.sky
A.sunset .B.memory C.sunrise D.journey
A.wrote B.followed C.discussed D.repeated
A.enjoyed B.impressed C.described D.recorded
A.amazing B.full C.same D.simple
A.saveB.hateC.challenge D.end
A.fortunately B.naturally C.beautifully D.importantly
A.share B.connect C.compare D.comment
A.final B.kind C.violent D.direct
A.decide B.believe C.realize D.learn
A.used toB.was used toC.got used toD.used
A.increased B.showed C.faded D.lost
A.warned B.remindedC.advised D.persuaded

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It was early morning. Peter Corbett helped Mark Wellman out of his wheelchair and onto the ground. They stood before El Capitan, a huge mass of rock almost three-quarters of a mile high in California’s beautiful Yosemite Valley. It had been Mark’s dream to climb El Capitan for as long as he could remember. But how could a person without the use of his legs hope to try to climb it?
Mark knew he couldn’t finish the climb alone, but his friend Peter, an expert rock climber, would be there to lend a helping hand. He and Mark thought that it would take seven days to reach the top.
Peter climbed about 100 feet up and hammered a piton(岩钉) into the rock. Fastening one end of a 165-foot rope to the piton, he let one end of the rope fall down. Mark caught the rope and fastened it to his belt with a special instrument. This instrument would allow Mark to move upward, but would prevent him from falling even as much as a single inch. He next reached above his head and fastened a T-shaped bar to the rope, using the same kind of instrument.
Mark took a deep breath, pushed the T-bar up almost as far as his arms could reach, and began the first of the 7, 000 pull-ups needed to reach the top. High above, Peter let out a cheer. “You’re on your way.”
Seven years before, at the age of twenty-one, Mark had fallen while mountain climbing, injuring his backbone. The fall cost him the use of his legs, but he never lost his love of adventure or his joyful spirit.
For the first four days the two men progressed steadily upward without incident. But on the fifth day an unbearably hot wind began to blow, and as time went by, it became stronger and stronger, causing Mark to sway(摇摆) violently on his rope. But Mark kept on determinedly pushing up the T-bar and pulling himself up. In spite of that, he had to admit that he felt a lot better when the wind finally died down and his body touched solid rock again.
It took them one day more than they had expected, but on July 26 at 1:45 in the afternoon, the crowd of people waiting on the top went wild with joy as the two heads appeared. Mark Wellman had shown that if you set your heart and mind on a goal, no wall is too high, no dream impossible.
小题1:What had Mark Wellman long desired to do?
A.To finish one of the most difficult rock climbs in the world.
B.To be the first to climb El Capitan.
C.To climb the highest mountain in California.
D.To help his friend Peter climb El Capitan.
小题2:How did Mark climb the mountain?
A.He fastened the rope to his wheelchair.
B.He hammered in pitons so that he had something to hold on to.
C.He held on to the T-bar and Peter pulled him up.
D.He pulled himself up using a T-bar and special equipment.
小题3: How did Mark lose the use of his legs?
A.He lost his footing and fell from the side of a mountain.
B.He fell during his first attempt on El Capitan.
C.His legs were broken by falling rocks.
D.While working out in the gym, he injured his backbone.
小题4:What was the worst problem Mark had during the climb?
A.He struck against the rock and hurt his arms.
B.A strong wind blew him away from the rock.
C.He kept falling several inches.
D.While swaying in space, he became terrified.
小题5:How did Mark react to difficulties during the climb?
A.He admitted that he was frightened.
B.He often worried about his friend’s condition.
C.He was able to remain clam and determined.
D.He was joking to cheer himself up.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Lucy complained to her father about her hard life. She wanted to  36 because she didn’t know how to______37___ her problems. She felt tired of fighting and fighting. Once one    ___38____  had been solved, another came.
Her father, a cook, took her into the ___39____. He poured water into three pans. After the water ___40____, in the first pan he put some carrots, the second some eggs, and in the __41____ some coffee. He waited without any   42  .
The girl closed her mouth and waited,   43 by what her father was doing. After about twenty minutes, her father   44 the stove and took out the carrots and the eggs. Then the coffee was ____45___ into a cup.
Turning back to his daughter, he asked, “what do you  46  ?”
“Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she answered.
Her father suggested she   47   the carrots. She did, and felt the carrots were   48 . Then he asked her to take the eggs and   49 them. After peeling(剥)them, she felt that the eggs were hard.  Lastly, he asked her to smell the __50____. She asked impatiently  , “What’s the meaning of this, father?” He explained that  51  had felt the same misfortune to be put into the __52___ water, but had reacted  53 . The strong and hard carrots became soft and weak after a while in the boiling water. The easily ___54___eggs became hard after being cooked. Coffee was very unique --- it could change water.
  55 are you?  ”asked  her father. “When the difficulty knocks your door, what is your reaction? Are you carrots, eggs, or coffee?”
A.give up B.wear outC.catch upD.run out
A.matter B.businessC.questionD.problem
A.roomB.dining roomC.chickenD.kitchen
A.turned offB.turned upC.turned downD.turned away
A.coffeeB.carrot C.eggsD.water
A.HowB.WhoC.When D.Where

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My wife passed away a few years ago, and I went through the worst time in my life. I even wanted to kill myself. Just for my kids, I had to continue to live and work as a small town doctor at my medical clinic in Hawaii. My kids had gone to live on the mainland, and I was alone. Then they asked me to have a family trip.
On our trip, we turned on the TV at the motel and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. Seeing it falling down, I said to my kids:“ I"m going to Afghanistan.”And a few weeks later, International Medical Corps sent me to set up 20 clinics in provinces where people had no health care. In these field clinics surrounded by frightening shoots or deadly bombs ,we were eventually serving 27,000 patients a month in a very busy schedule.Tired and nervous, I gradually had a sense of achievement, a sense of purpose, and my depression went away.
In the years to follow, I went to Indonesia after the tsunami (海啸), Pakistan after the earthquakes, Sudan after the civil war, and Iraq after more and more bombs. Each time after disasters one after another, hundreds of people were killed, wounded and many more had to flee. We once set up movable clinics in an area with 19,000 refugees,_and it was supposed to hold 13,000 originally. Flu broke out, one of the biggest killers of kids in refugee camps, and it spread like wildfire. Water and food were also serious problems. “Adventure or not?”I often asked myself.
When my wife passed away, I thought my life was gone. But in reality, it was just getting started. At the end of her life, she went unconscious. I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would visit and the exciting adventures we would have.
I thought about the moment many times during my“adventures”. I didn"t know how predictive those words would be,but I knew that she was still with me.
小题1:Where has the doctor been in the past few years?
A.Some countries where he could set up clinics.
B.Some African countries where flu broke out.
C.The places where the earthquakes happened.
D.The places that the horrible disasters struck.
小题2:How would the doctor describe his life after he had worked in Afghanistan?
A.Tired and troublesome.B.Busy and risky.
C.Meaningful and helpful. D.Frightening and depressing.
小题3:The underlined word“ refugees” means people________.
A.who are robbed, killed, or woundedB.who suffer from flu in movable clinics
C.who like to take adventuresD.who have lost homes because of disasters
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The doctor"s wife encouraged him to work in foreign countries.
B.What the doctor said to his wife before her death became reality.
C.The doctor"s adventures made him understand the love of his wife.
D.With the true love of his wife, the doctor started to change his life.

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