当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Long time ago, there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell ...
Long time ago, there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell in love with the farmer’s beautiful daughter and wished to   36   her. One day, he went to the farmer to   37   his permission. The farmer looked at him and said, “ Guy, stand out in that  38   . I’m going to release (释放)  39  bulls, one at a time. If you can   40   the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter.”
41  , the young man got out and stood in the field,   42    the first bull. The barn(牛棚) door   43     and out came the biggest bull that he had ever seen. He   44     that one of the next bulls had to be a better   45     than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull   46    .
A few   47     later, the barn door opened again. Unbelievable! The young man had never seen any bull so   48     and fierce as this one in his life. It stood there, pawing(扒) the   49   and eyeing the young man. “ What the next   50    was like ? It had to be a better choice than this one,” he thought. He let the bull pass through again.
The door opened a third time. A   51     came across the young man’s face. This was the weakest bull that he had ever seen. “ This one was my bull,” he   52     to himself. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and   53     at just the exact moment. He threw his hands to catch ...... But to his   54    , the bull had no tail.
Life is full of opportunities.   55    catch the first one.
A.remember B.copyC.askD.answer
A.fieldB.forestC.river D.building
A.seeB.cut C.catchD.discover
A.ImmediatelyB.Quietly C.FinallyD.Proudly
A.talking aboutB.thinking ofC.looking forD.waiting for
A.decidedB.noticed C.suggestedD.learned
A.get upB.go back C.fall downD.pass through
A.famousB.big C.shortD.beautiful
A.fishB.horseC.bird D.bull
A.explainedB.saidC.sang D.flew
A.jumpedB.escaped C.stoppedD.shouted



小题1:联系上下文法。从下文 you can marry my daughter(原词复现)结合上一句中fell in love with the farmer’s beautiful daughter可知此处指年轻人希望娶农夫的女儿。
小题2:联系上下文法。前面提到年轻人希望娶农夫的女儿,因而前往农夫家请求农夫的许可。ask permission请求许可。
小题3:联系上下文法。从第二段stood in the field(原词复现)可知农夫要求年轻人站在田野里。故选A
小题4:联系上下文法。从下文中the tail of any one of the three bulls(原词复现)可得知农夫说他会放出三头公牛。
小题5:联系上下文法。从倒数第二段He threw his hands to catch ...及最后一段catch the first one..(原词复现)可知农夫让年轻人抓三头公牛中任何一头的尾巴,一旦抓住就把女儿许配给他。
小题6:副词辨析。A.Immediately立刻,马上B.Quietly安静地C.Finally最后,终于D. Proudly自豪地。根据语境,年轻人急切的想娶农夫的女儿,自然会立马按农夫的要求去做,故选A
小题7:短语辨析。A.talking about谈论,谈到B. thinking of想起,认为C.looking for寻找D.waiting for等待。句意:年轻人站在田里,等着公牛的到来。
小题8:逻辑推理法。从下文的out came the biggest bull及 the barn door opened again可推断出牛棚被打开,故填opened。
小题9:动词辨析。A. decided对…作出抉择;决定;选定。根据语境他认为下一头牛是更好得选择,这是他的决定,故选A。B. noticed注意到C. Suggested建议,暗示D.learned得知,获悉,不合题意。
小题10:联系上下文法。从下一段It had to be a better choice than this one(复现)可知此处选choice
小题11:联系上下文法。从下一段He let the bull pass through again可知此处选D
小题13: 从“had never seen ”及“ fierce ”可以推断出第二出场的这头牛又大又凶猛,故选B
小题14:第二出场的这头牛趴在地上,注视着年轻人。故选C。A.house房子B. Wall墙壁D.door门,均与语境不符。
小题16:从下一句This was the weakest bull that he had ever seen说明年轻抑制不住心中的喜悦,故选smile。
小题17:根据上一句“ This one was my bull,”推断出这是年轻人他暗自思忖着,故选B
小题18:动词辨析。他调整好他的位置然后在精准的时刻跳过来抓(牛尾巴)故选A.而B.escaped躲避C. stopped停止D. shouted大声喊,均不合题意
试题【Long time ago, there was a farmer who lived with his daughter. A young man fell 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Alexis was hot and tired. With rage in her voice she shouted, "Pull me up!I give up, I hate this. This is stupid!" It was at that moment when Jason, the adviser on the trip, looked at me and said, "Ed, I"m going to go down and talk with her." I then shouted down to Alexis, "Hold on! You can do this. We know you can!"
Jason grasped another rope, put his climbing harness(系带)on and began to repel down the cliff. Within moments Jason was beside Alexis. She had her cheek directly against the face of the rock with her feet barely resting on a small piece of the cliff that jetted outward. Jason said to Alexis, "I know that you have been on this cliff now for what seems like a long time. Your feet and fingers are cramping(痉挛)up and your forearms feel as though they are on fire. But , Alexis, you are strong, look how far up you are already. You have taken one of the more difficult paths up the cliff. Look Alexis, look at the path you have taken."
At that moment, Alexis moved her cheek away from the rock face and looked down. The bright white chalk she used on her hands to give her a better hold, showed the path where her tired hands had moved her upward on the cliff. Jason was right. Alexis had taken the hardest way up the cliff. Jason then looked straight into Alexis" eyes and in a calm voice he said, "You are not alone out here, there are people who care about you, who want to help you and see you succeed. We are going to do this together. Are you ready?" Slowly she shook her head yes and took a deep breath.
小题1:Jason went down the cliff because _________.
A.Alexis took a wrong path B.Alexis was trapped in rocks
C.Alexis didn"t believe in herself D.Alexis" forearms were badly hurt
小题2:We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Alexis was finally pulled up by Ed
B.Alexis regretted having taken the wrong path up the cliff
C.Alexis was immediately sent to hospital after she was pulled up
D.Alexis successfully rock climbed
小题3:The underlined word "hot" in the story means _________.
A.disappointed B.angryC.uncomfortable D.running a high body temperature
小题4:Alexis would probably become _________.
A.more strong-minded B.easier to give up
C.poorer in health D.less interested in rock climbing

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Dear Kind-Trustee-Who-Sends-Orphans-to-College,
Here I am! I traveled yesterday for four hours in a train.It’s a funny feeling, isn’t it? I never rode in one before.
College is the biggest, most puzzling place—I get lost whenever I leave my room. I will write you a description later when I"m feeling less confused; also I will tell you about my lessons. Classes don"t begin until Monday morning, and this is Saturday night. But I wanted to write a letter first just to get acquainted.
It seems strange to be writing letters to somebody you don"t know. It seems strange for me to be writing letters at all—I"ve never written more than three or four in my life, so please overlook it if these are not a model kind.
Before leaving yesterday morning, Mrs. Lippett and I had a very serious talk. She told me how to behave all the rest of my life, and especially how to behave towards the kind gentleman who is doing so much for me. I must take care to be very respectful.
But how can one be very respectful to a person who wishes to be called John Smith? Why couldn"t you have picked out a name with a little personality? I might as well write letters to Dear Flagpole or Dear Clothes-line.
I have been thinking about you a great deal this summer; having somebody take an interest in me after all these years makes me feel as though I had found a sort of family. It seems as though I belonged to somebody now, and it"s a very comfortable feeling. I must say, however, that when I think about you, my imagination has very little to work upon. There are just three things that I know: I, You are tall. Ⅱ. You are rich. Ⅲ. You hate girls.
I suppose I might call you Dear Mr. Girl-Hater. Only that"s rather rude to me. Or Dear Mr. Rich-Man, but that"s rude to you, as though money were the only important thing about you. Besides, being rich is such a very external quality. Maybe you won"t stay rich all your life; lots of very clever men get broke in Wall Street. But at least you will stay tall all your life! So I"ve decided to call you Dear Daddy-Long-Legs. I hope you won"t mind. It"s just a private pet name we won"t tell Mrs. Lippett.
The ten o"clock bell is going to ring in two minutes. Our day is divided into sections by bells. We eat and sleep and study by bells. It"s very lifeful. There it goes! Lights out. Good night.
Observe how precisely I obey rules--due to my training in the John Grier Home.
Yours most respectfully,
Jerusha Abbott
to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs Smith
小题1:Jerusha felt “confused” because ______.
A.she had never written to the trustee before
B.she was not familiar with the college yet
C.she could never find the way to her home
D.she had never traveled on a train berore
小题2:Jerusha thought that she couldn’t be very respectful to “John Smith” because _______.
A.he was a total stranger to her
B.she was sure it was a false identity
C.the name was too common
D.nobody would like to be called that name
小题3:The fact that her day is “divided into sections by bells” makes Jerusha feel______.
A.busyB.restricted by rulesC.pressed for timeD.full of energy
小题4:Jerusha decided to call the trustee Dear Daddy-Long-legs______.
A.in order to show her respect for him
B.because it was one of his inner quality
C.in older to make them feel closer to each other
D.because she had always wanted a father

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Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She felt   1  as no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood.
But everything  2 on National Friendship Day. On that day in class everyone had to make three presents to give to their three best friends. Fiona   3  the task of choosing three from all the dozens of her friends. However, she was the only one in her class who did not  4 a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours  5 . Everyone came and comforted her for a while.But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving.This was   6  what Fiona had done so many times to others.
She   7  that she was a good companion and acquaintance (泛泛之交), but she had not been a true friend to anyone. She had tried to be close to everyone, but now she found that was not enough to create   8  friendships.
When she got home that night, Fiona told her mother about the whole thing. Her mother said,  "You can"t be a close friend to everybody.It"s only   9  to have a few true friends.The others will just be playmates or acquaintances.”
Hearing this, Fiona decided to change her way so that she could finally have some true friends. That night, in   10  , she thought about what she could do to get them. She thought about her mother. Her mother was always willing to  11 her, she put up with all of Fiona"s dislikes and   12  , she always forgave her, she loved her a great deal ... That was what makes a   13  
And Fiona  14 , realizing that she already had the best friend that anyone could   15  .She fell asleep and had a good dream.
A.matteredB.developed C.changedD.appeared
A.playmate B.parentC.friendD.mother

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The advertisement appeared in my e-mail—“1-800-Flowers: Mother’s Day Madness —for just $39.99!” I almost clicked on it, forgetting that those services would not be needed this year. My mother, Margaret Feiddman, died at the age of 89, and so this is my first Mother’s Day without my mom.
In my childhood, my mom appeared to be a typical suburban housewife of her generation. She sewed many of my sisters’ clothes, including both of their wedding dresses and boy’s suits for me. And on the side, she won several national bridge tournaments(桥牌锦标赛).
My mom left many indelible marks on me. The first was to never lose heart and to be independent. My dad died suddenly when I was 19. My mom worked hard for a couple of years. But in1975, I won a scholarship to study in Britain and my mom surprised us all by announcing that she decided to go with me. When I met difficulties, she always said: “You’re a man, so never lose heart, never be knocked down, and try your best to pursue(追求) your dreams.”
My mom’s other big influence on me is a sense of optimism. She had taken her knocks. But every time life knocked her down, she got up and kept on marching forward, encouraged by the saying that pessimists(悲观者) are usually right, optimists are usually wrong, but most great changes are made by optimists.
How I wish to listen to my mother’s words, and give my best regards on this Mother’s Day, but I have no chance now! My best friends, treasure(珍惜)your mother’s love!
小题1:The author mentioned the advertisement to ___.
A.show he’s tired of the advertisements
B.explain he missed his mother very much
C.make you believe that he was very kind
D.urge the readers to buy the present for their mothers
小题2:What experience of the author’s mother surprised the author?
A.That she volunteered to go to Britain with her son.
B.That she gained knowledge all by herself.
C.That she did all the housework by herself.
D.That she won several national bridge tournaments.
小题3:What dose the underlined word “indelible” in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?
A.be out of controlB.be easy to remember
C.be destroyed easilyD.be impossible to forget
小题4:We can know about the author’s mother that_____.
A.She encouraged the author to pursue his dreams
B.she felt very lonely in her late life
C.She never received a present from her children
D.she passed away before the author’s father
小题5:Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.My Great MotherB.Mother and I
C.Treasure Mother’s LoveD.Mother’s Day Madness

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In March 1987, I started a new magazine called Creating Excellence. It was a very proud moment for me. I’d worked hard for over a year to create it, and the premiere issue (首次发刊) was a real success.
Shortly after we mailed 25,000 copies, I received one in the mail. But this one wasn’t as beautiful as the ones we’d sent out. It was marked in red ink correcting the grammatical errors (语法错误) in it. A talented editor had read the issue carefully and found more errors than I could have imagined.
I felt abashed. A magazine called Creating Excellence should be perfect in its content (内容). The stories were good, but the errors this woman had found showed that we were far from being excellent.
At first, I was upset with my editor for not having caught more mistakes, and also upset with the woman who seemed to have taken pleasure in pointing them out. Later, I was upset with myself for not having employed a better editor.
Then I realized that I had to face up to my mistakes. I called the woman who had shown me that we were not so excellent. I thanked her for taking the time to read our magazine so carefully. As painful as it was, I accepted responsibility for it.
Then I offered her the job of editing our publication. The result was a great improvement in it; we could now be very proud of our magazine.
From this I learnt that an upsetting moment could be an opportunity to see the truth, and accepting responsibility could help to prevent one making the same mistakes for a second time, and to make "excellence" a reality.
小题1:From the first paragraph we learn that _____.
A.the author put little effort into his first magazine
B.the author’s job was selling magazines
C.the author was very satisfied with his work
D.the author experienced a total failure
小题2:What does the underlined word "abashed" mean?
小题3:What do we learn about the woman who had found the errors in the magazine?
A.She was causing trouble on purpose.
B.She liked pointing out the errors of others.
C.She contributed a lot to the success of the premiere issue.
D.She ended up joining the magazine.
小题4:What do we learn from this passage?
A.Pride is the biggest enemy of success.
B.Success is behind many failures.
C.Picking holes in something can help you find a job.
D.Accepting responsibility for one’s errors can lead to real excellence.

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