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One morning, teachers arrived to find the little country schoolhouse swallowed in flames. They dragged an unconscious little boy, who went to start the fire in the old-fashioned coal stove to heat, out of the flaming building more dead than alive. He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.
From his bed the dreadfully burned, semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die — which was for the best, really — for the terrible fire had ruined the lower half of his body.
But the brave boy didn’t want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive. Somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive. When the deadly danger was past, he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly. The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the   lower part of his body, it would almost    be better if he had died, since he was doomed to be in a wheelchair all lifetime with no use at all of his lower limbs (肢体).
Once more the brave boy made up his mind. He would not be a disabled man. He would walk. But unfortunately from the waist  down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just hung there, all but lifeless.
Ultimately he was released from the hospital. Every day his mother would massage his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, nothing. Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.
When he wasn’t in bed, he was confined to a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he threw himself from the chair. He pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legsbehind him.
He worked his way to the white fence bordering their lot. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then he began dragging himself along the fence,resolved that he would walk. He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence. There was nothing he wanted  more than to develop life in those legs.
Ultimately through his daily massages, his   iron  persistence and   his resolute determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk slowly, then to walk by himself — and then to run.
He began to walk    to school, then to run to school, to run for thepure joy of running. Later in college he made the track team.
Still later in Madison SquareGarden this young man, the great athlete, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile!
小题1:Which word can best describe Glenn Cunningham according to the author?
A. MiserableB.UnfortunateC.DeterminedD.Disabled
小题2:Glenn got seriously burned _____.
A.when he was playing near the stove
B.when he went to set fire to the schoolhouse
C.when he was probably younger than ten
D.when his teachers were lighting the fire
小题3:Which cannot be inferred from the passage?
A.Glenn didn’t catch what the doctor told his mother so he didn’t worry about his burns.
B.Glenn decided to survive though his lower part of body had lost the sense of feeling.
C.Glenn struggled to stand up by dragging along the fence and other supportable matters.
D.Glenn never stopped practicing walking and running, even after he ran first in the race.
小题4:The doctor advised Glenn’s mother to let Glenn die because the doctor was too______.
A.unskillfulB. practicalC. subjectiveD. irresponsible



试题分析:儿童时代的一次烧伤事故让Glenn Cunningham丧失了行走能力,甚至差点要了他的命。但是他求生的***是那么强烈,以至于抗拒了医生的“死亡宣判”顽强的活了下来,并凭自己的意志达到了世界上的巅峰速度。
小题1:主旨大意题。由文章可以看出Glenn Cunningham是一个十分顽强的人,不向命运和死神低头。Miserable  悲惨的;Unfortunate不幸的;Determined 坚决的;Disabled残疾的。故选C。
小题2:推理判断题。由“One morning, teachers arrived to find the little country schoolhouse swallowed in flames. ”可以看到,当时他还在上小学因此年龄应该很小。故选C。
小题3:推理判断题。由“But the brave boy didn’t want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive. ”可知提他并不是没听懂,而是听见了但没有认同医生的话,决心凭借自身的毅力活下去。故选A。
小题4:推理判断题。医生建议Glenn Cunningham的妈妈让他死掉是因为医生认为他活着可能会一生残疾在床上,即使坐上轮椅也没有事情可以做,生不如死。因此医生的考虑是很实际的。unskillful不熟练的; practical 实际的;  subjective主观的; irresponsible不负责任的。故选B。
试题【One morning, teachers arrived to find the little country schoolhouse swallowed i】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their original position after the wind had died down.
When I think   about the bamboo trees’ ability to bounce back or return to its original position, the word “resilience” comes to my mind. When used in reference to a person, this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other negative situation that stretches the limits of a person’s emotions.
Have you ever felt like you are about to lose control of your emotions? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it.
During the experience you probably    felt a mix of emotions   that threatened your health.You felt emotionally
tired, mentally exhausted and  you most likely bored unpleasant physical symptoms.
Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend, but don’t break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.
A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant moments. Will hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant moment may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having.
If the situation gets toughand   you   are atyour breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo trees, bend, but don’t break!
小题1:What does the underlined word “resilience” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The ability to overcome any difficulty.
B.The quality of hoping for a better tomorrow.
C.The quality of being brave at the breaking point.
D.The ability to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.
小题2:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.Life is like a bamboo tree that never breaks.
B.Whatever difficulties we may meet with in our life, we can bend, but can never break.
C.Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments.
D.If you get over your breaking point, you can survive to live longer and more happily than others.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author was an idle child when he was living near the river.
B.We should try our best not to let our bad times get the best of us.
C.Our being likely to lose control of our emotions is common in our life.
D.We should always believe things may not be as bad as they seem to be.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Bend, but don’t break.B. My wonderful childhood.
C.The bamboo trees.D. Love the bamboo trees and your life.

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Car Talk
When I got the driving license last summer, Mom and I took our first trip around an empty parking lot. Then I found that my mother was not the best teacher for me. It wasn"t that she shouted, or told me that I was doing poorly. As you can imagine, my mother"s "helpful instructions" only managed to make me more nervous.
Since I could no longer practice with her, the job was placed in the hands of my father. The idea of learning from Dad was not one that thrilled me. I loved him dearly, but I just did not see Dad as someone I could be comfortable learning from. He almost never talked. We shared a typical father-daughter relationship. He"d ask how school was, and I"d say it was fine. Unfortunately, that was the most of our conversations. Spending hours alone with someone who might as well have been a stranger really scared me.
As we got into the car that first time, I was not surprised at what happened. Dad and I drove around, saying almost nothing, aside from a few instructions on how to turn. As my lessons went on, however, things began to change. Dad would turn the radio up so I could fully appreciate his favorite Stones music. And he actually began talking. I was soon hearing about past failed dates, "basic body" gym class, and other tales from his past, including some of his first meeting with Mom.
Dad" s sudden chattiness was shocking until I thought about why he was telling me so much in the car. In all the years that I had wondered why my father never spoke that much, I had never stopped to consider that it was because I had never bothered to listen. Homework, friends, and even TV had all called me away from him, and, consequently, I never thought my quiet father had anything to say.
Since I began driving with him, my driving skill has greatly increased. More important, though, is that my knowledge of who my father is has also increased. Just living with him wasn"t enough—it took driving with him for me to get to know someone who was a mystery.
小题1:The author couldn"t practice driving with her mother because             .
A.she couldn"t talk with her motherB.her father wanted to teach her
C.her mother made her nervousD.she didn"t trust her mother
小题2:At first, the idea of learning driving from her father made her             .
小题3:What surprised the author when the driving lessons went on?
A.Her Dad liked modern music.B.Her Dad was the best teacher.
C.Her Dad was a chatty person.D.Her Dad told her his sad stories.
小题4:With her story "Car Talk", the author indicates that             .
A.fathers love their daughters dearly
B.mothers are less patient than fathers
C.family members need real communication
D.it takes time to improve the father-daughter relationship

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Many of us dream of having thousands and thousands of dollar to spend on what we desire We can buy lottery tickets, enter contests or spend hours building a business or invest in the stock market. We are sure that when we have plenty of money, we will be happy.
While having some money does have an impact on our level of happiness, having a lot of money does not. It is reported that Americans whose income goes from $20,000 a year to $50,000 a year are more likely to be happy. But beyond $50,000, happiness does not increase as salaries go up. It is because we are never satisfied. Catherine Sanderson, a psychology professor at Amherst College says, "We always think if we just had a little more money, we’d be happier. But when we get there, we are not."
Daniel Gilbert, a psychology professor at Harvard notes,"The more you make, the more you want. The more you have, the less it brings you joy. We incorrectly assume we’Il get more pleasure from more, and we don’t."
The things money can buy don"t make you happy either. A lot of research suggests that you won"t find the "good life" buying expensive "toys". You finally buy that BMW you"ve always wanted and it soon loses its appeal. Then, instead of wondering if a new car is what really makes you happy, you decide you just need a different new car. It is an endless cycle.
To really be happy, you need to understand what makes you happy in the first place. One secret of happiness is people. Surveys have found that people need people. Those who have five or more close friends are 50% more likely to describe themselves as "very happy". Good relationships have a far greater effect on happiness than larger salary. Andrew Oswald, an economist at England"s University of Warwick says, "B you are looking for happiness in life, find the right husband or wife rather than trying to double your salary."
So invest your time and energy in people. The reward is much bigger in terms of happiness!
小题1:In Paragraph 1 the author intends to tell us the "belief" that
A.we are unhappy because we often lack money
B.people can buy what they want if they have enough money
C.more money will make one"s dreams come true
D.happiness will result from more money
小题2:Which of the following statements would the author agree to?
A.Having some money brings happiness to some degree.
B.The more money one earns, the sadder one becomes
C.Buying expensive things will surely bring pleasure
D.We get nothing from buying expensive things we want.
小题3:Why does happiness not increase with pay rises?
A.Most of us have a psychological problem.
B.People are not content with what they get.
C.It is human nature to be unhappy.
D.Happiness has nothing to do with money.
小题4:In order to find happiness we should
A.always make new friendsB.take no notice of our salaries
C.focus on good relationshipsD.invest our money in our friend

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I went to a group activity,“Sensitivity Sunday”,which was to make us more ____the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “____ a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members,___,chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound-blocking earplugs(耳塞) or blindfolds(眼罩).
Just sitting in the wheelchair was a____experience.I had never considered before how___it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my ____made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not____.Then I wondered where to put my____.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into____.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of____for several hours.For disabled people,“adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的)____.
I tried to find a____position and thought it might be restful,____kind of nice,to be___around for a while.Looking around,I____I would have to handle the thing myself!My hands started to ache as I____the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the____of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)____task.
My wheelchair experiment was soon____.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the____,both physical and mental,that disabled people must overcome.
A.curious aboutB.interested in
C.aware ofD.careful with
A.insteadB.strangelyC.as usualD.like me

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When I settled in Chicago,my new city seemed so big and unfriendly.Then I had a ____ problem and had to go to hospital for a ___ examination.
It seemed a small ____ compared to the one I was about to face,but things started to go ____ right from the beginning.Not having a car or ____ the city,I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B.___ I"d left myself plenty of time,soon it was ___ I was going to be late,as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the ____ direction.
I ___ the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do.I looked into the eyes of a ____,who was trying to get past me.____,instead of moving on,she stopped to ask if I was ____.After I explained my ____ to her,she pointed to a bus stop across the street,where a bus would take me back into the city to my ____.Sitting there waiting,I felt ____ that someone had been willing to help.____,hearing a horn(喇叭)nearby,I looked up to see a car with my new friend ____ at me to get in.She had returned to offer me a ___ to the hospital.
Such unexpected ____ from a passerby was a lovely gift to receive.As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank her,she smiled and told me not to lose ____,for all things are possible.
A.looked atB.waited forC.got offD.ran into

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