当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     The scene in the Hollywood movie The Day After Tomorrow, where global ...
阅读理解。     The scene in the Hollywood movie The Day After Tomorrow, where global warming could soon turn the
global climate (气候) into a new ice age, may never occur, according to new research.
     The next ice age could be 15,000 years away, say European scientists who last month announced a
continuous record of 740,000 years of climate date (数据) obtained from the Antarctic ice.
     Scientists from 10 nations have now almost completely drilled through a 3,000-meter depth of ice high in
the Antarctic mainland. They figure out that the area where summer temperatures can fall to, has at least
900,000 years of snowfalls, kept as neatly as the growth rings of a tree. And the ice and air caught in each
layer (层) have begun to answer questions about the climates in the past.
     The results show that there have been eight ice ages in the past 740,000 years and eight warmer periods.
And by comparing the pattern of global conditions today with those of the past, the researchers reported in
Nature that the present warm period could last another 15,000 years.
     Research suggests that there is a very close connection between greenhouse gas levels and global average
temperatures. It also shows that carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) levels are the highest for at least 440,000 years.
     "If people say to you: the greenhouse effect is a good thing because we would go into an ice age
otherwise, our date say no, a new ice age is not hanging over our heads," said Eric Wolff from the British
Antarctic Survey." Now we have eight examples of how the climate goes in and out of ice ages … and you
can learn what the rules are that go into the climate models that tell us about the future."
     Scientists found that whenever temperatures rose in the frozen record, so did carbon dioxide level. " In
440,000 years we have never seen greenhouse gas get as thick as it is today," said Dr Wolff. 1. In drilling through the ice in Antarctica, scientists have found that _____.

A. the lowest temperature there is
B. the depth of ice is 3,000 meters
C. the ice has existed for 15,000 years
D. snowfalls are kept in certain patterns

2. The information of the global climate conditions in the past can be obtained through _____. A. separating carbon dioxide from the air
B. examining the growth rings of trees
C. comparing temperatures in different areas
D. studying the ice and air caught in each layer 3. We can infer from Eric Wolff"s words that _____. A. there is something wrong with the data
B. greenhouse effect is always a bad thing
C. a new ice age will not come in the near future
D. greenhouse gas will get thick in the future 4. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Research over the Antarctic area.
B. Warm period to last about 15,000 years.
C. Report on the eight ice ages in the past.
D. Hollywood movies and the global climate.
1-4: DDCB
试题【阅读理解。     The scene in the Hollywood movie The Day After Tomorrow, where global 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Excused from recycling (回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute (垃圾道)? You
won"t be for long. Miami"s Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use the chute
and recycle too.   
     In Shantzis" Hi-Rise Recycling System, a chute leads to a pie-shaped container with six boxes that can turn
around when operated. The system, which fits in the same space as the chute and container now in use,
enables glass, plastic, paper, metal, and other rubbish to go into separate boxes.   
     The system is controlled from a board next to the chute door. The board has a button for each class of
recycling materials (as well as for unrecyclables). At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other
floors" chute door and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute. The
computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a particular piece of
equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables   
     Sorting (分类) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery
equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting. Such equipment often makes recycled materials very
expensive, so expensive that tons of recyclables remain wasted. Shantzis believes his system could help
recycled materials become more cost-effective. 1. The purpose in writing this text is _______.  A. to encourage people to recycle their rubbish   
B. to introduce a recycling system for high rises   
C. to describe the use of computer technology in recycling   
D. to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises 2. When he says "You won"t be for long" the writer means that _______.   A. you"ll soon be living in a cleaner building   
B. rubbish chutes will become out of date before long   
C. you won"t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish   
D. it won"t be long before you"ll have to recycle your rubbish 3. Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to ______.   A. lock the other floors" chute doors   
B. check if the container is full   
C. press the correct button   
D. break up the rubbish 4. The biggest advantage of this new system is that ______.   A. it readuces the cost of recycling   
B. it saves time and space   
C. it saves money for people living in high rises   
D. it makes better use of the existing recovery equipment
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world.    1   springs and streams
sometimes means control, particularly in the   2   areas like the desert. The control is possible even without
possession of large areas of   3   land. In the early days of the American West, gun fights were not   4   for
the water resources (资源). And laws had to be   5   to protect the water rights of the   6   and the use of
the water resources accordingly. 
       7   is known to us all, there is not   8   water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes.
Deciding on the   9   of water that will be used in any particular period  10  careful planning, so that people
can manage and use water more  11 . Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water   12   the
water supply forecast (预报).
     The   13   water supply forecast is based more on the water from the  14  than from the below. Interest
is  15  in the ways to increase rainfall by man-made methods, and to get water from the winter snow on
mountain  16 . With special equipment, some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain snow
can be  17 , and with the help of a repeater station, they send the  18  data (数据) to the base station. The
operator at the base station can get the data at any time by  19  a button. In the near future, the forecast and
use of water  20  probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains, not of water
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(     )1. A. Using         
(     )2. A. dry           
(     )3. A. fine         
(     )4. A. unlawful     
(     )5. A. made         
(     )6. A. winners       
(     )7. A. That         
(     )8. A. plentiful     
(     )9. A. type         
(     )10. A. requests     
(     )11. A. effectively  
(     )12. A. leading to   
(     )13. A. correct     
(     )14. A. clouds       
(     )15. A. raising     
(     )16. A. rocks       
(     )17. A. taken care of
(     )18. A. picked       
(     )19. A. touching     
(     )20. A. might       

B. Holding         
B. distant         
B. beautiful       
B. unacceptable   
B. designed       
B. settlers       
B. It             
B. enough         
B. quality         
B. requires       
B. easily         
B. due to         
B. further         
B. sky             
B. rising         
B. tips         
B. made use of     
B. produced       
B. knocking       
B. can          

C. Owning         
C. deserted       
C. rich         
C. unpopular       
C. signed         
C. fighters       
C. What           
C. any             
C. amount         
C. means           
C. conveniently   
C. owing to       
C. average         
C. air             
C. building       
C. cops           
C. piled up       
C. used           
C. pressing       
C. will         
D. Finding          
D. wild             
D. farming          
D. uncommon         
D. written          
D. supporters       
D. As               
D. much             
D. level            
D. suggests       
D. actively         
D. according to     
D. early          
D. above            
D. lasting          
D. trees            
D. saved up         
D. gathered         
D. turning          
D. should         
                                                                      You can make the
                                                                     difference between
                                                                       this…and this 
     This summer, join the International Conservation Scouts on a fun-filled holiday with a difference. Year after
year, young people from all around the world get together at one of our sixteen conservation (环境保护) camp. Their shared aim? To help protect the countryside and its wildlife.
      Many animals and plants are in danger of disappearing forever. The dormouse, a kind of mouse, for
example, needs woodland plants for food and trees to stay in. Its habitat (栖息地) is being destroyed by man
and it needs our help to survive.
     On a conservation camp holiday you will learn all about nature and how to protect it. Our trained leaders
will accompany you and tell you everything you need to know. Because of this you don" t need any experience,
just energy and enthusiasm. You will explore the countryside and work to ensure the survival of hundreds of
animals and plants and still have plenty of time to enjoy the camp"s excellent sports facilities and organized
nature paths through beautiful scenery.
     The International Conservation Scouts is a worldwide organization, so there must be a camp near you, You
can spend a splendid holiday at any of the camps for as little as f 60 including accommodation and food.
     For more information send for a free conservation camps handbook today.
                                                          International Conservation
                                                         Scouts Stanton St John
                                                           Oxford shire OX7 1TL
                                              THEKEY TO SAVING WILDUFE IS TO
                                         FROTECT NATURAL HABITATS: YOUR WORK
                                                    WILL MAKE A DIFFERCNCE
1. The main purpose of this passage is ______.
A. to offer young people a fun-filled holiday
B. to attract young people to attend a conservation camp
C. to persuade people into exploring the countryside
D. to raise funds for the International Conservation Scouts
2. According to the passage, you can ______ at the conservation camps.
A. experiment on the dormouse
B. practise your favorite hobbies
C. enrich your knowledge of wildlife
D. have free accommodation and food
3. Judging from the writing style of the passage, it is ______.
A. a piece of advertisement
B. a science report
C. a passage for professional reading
D. a passage for arguing an opinion
     It"s happened to all of us: we sleeplessly toss (翻转) and turn while the person next door snores (打呼噜)
his way through the night.
     "Millions of people snore, most of whom are men over the age of 20," said Robert Bone, chief of Head and
Neck Surgery at Scripps Clinic in San Diego."As many as 45 percent of people snore, and as many as 25
percent are chronic (慢性的) snorers. Male snorers far outnumber women who snore."
     To help chronic snorers get a good night"s sleep, Dr. Bone treats his patients with Somnoplasty, a
now-proven procedure that he created at Scripps Clinic six years ago. "If you snore loudly and frequently and
do not have other breathing disorders, Somnoplasty may be the solution for you," he said.
     Somnoplasty uses low-temperature radio waves to treat a well-defined area in the soft palate (鄂). A small
prong is inserted into the mouth toward the back of the throat. Then radiofrequency energy is delivered beneath
the surface of the soft palate. The treated part is heated just enough to create an area of coagulation(凝结物).
Over the next four to six weeks, the body naturally tears off the treated part, reducing volume and solidifying
the area that is responsible for snoring.
     The procedure takes place in the doctor"s office, and typically lasts no longer than 15 to 20 minutes.
Patients need two to four treatments, and the procedure is 80 percent effective. Treatment costs only $200 to
$300 and is covered by some insurance. Dr. Bone treats about 800 patients a year.
     "Somnoplasty is the state-of-the-art procedure for snoring," Dr. Bone said. "It can provide much-needed
relief to chronic snorers and their families."
     For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (858) 554-8964.
1. Which of the following is true about the snorers according to Robert Bone?
 A. 45% of the snorers are men who are over the age of 20.
B. Most people in the word are chronic snorers.
C. People who toss and turn sleeplessly will never snore.
D. There are far more male snorers than female snorers.
2. We can learn from the passage that _____.
A. the procedure of Somnoplasty takes place easily and doesn"t take much time
B. the procedure of Somnoplasty is totally safe
C. almost every snorer can be cured with Somnoplasty
D. Dr. Bone may be very rich
3. The fifth paragraph aims to tell us _____.
A. the causes of snoring
B. the suffering of the treatment
C. the complexity of the treatment
D. the procedure of Somnoplasty
4. From what Dr. Bone said at the end of the passage we can learn that ______.
A. he is introducing this procedure to some experts
B. he is quite satisfied with the treatment of Somnoplasty
C. he is good at making ad.
D. Somnoplasty is the best way to treat snoring
5. Where can we possibly find the passage?
A. In a science magazine.
B. In a medicine advertisement.
C. In a health magazine.
D. From a TV talk show.
      We"ve all seen them: perfectly toned famous people on late-night television telling us that we too can
develop rock-hard abdominal muscles (腹肌). It"s easy! Just pay $149.99 for the Torso Track or $149.75
for the Ad-Doer and watch those unwanted inches leave your waist. Americans spend tens of millions of
dollars on various products to firm up their fat around the waist. And did they work? Not necessarily.
Independent studies have concluded that most of these products-no matter who approved them or how
expensive they are-shape your midsection no better than old-fashioned stomach crunches (仰卧起坐). Some
can even cause injury- like the $518.99 Body Shaper-Q8SP, which left electrical burns on some researchers
at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. Others, like the popular Ab-Doer, typically burn less energy than
a gentle walk, according to a study to be published in September by the American Council on Exercise.
     The fact is that many Americans don"t have the biological makeup to develop an obvious abdominal
muscles. They are either unable to get the necessary muscle mass or they can"t lose enough fat to make a
difference. Even if the underlying muscles are well developed, all it takes to hide it is one-sixteenth of an inch
of fat. That"s enough to exclude most healthy women as well as plenty of guys who do crunches every day.
     So what works best? In its new study, the exercise experts researched on the results of the popular
Ab-Doer. A lengthy TV advertisement promises that just 10 minutes a day performing such movements as
"Body Boogies" and "Good Mornings" will "help form those muscles the fun and easy way without diets."
Steven Loy, professor at California State University, Northridge, tested the promise by measuring the
electrical activity produced by the abdominal muscles during three Ab-Doer movements. He and his colleagues
then compared the results with those produced during traditional exercises. They determined that the muscles
were no more active, and in some cases less so, when exercisers were using the Ab-Doer.
     Taking a broader approach, researchers at San Diego State University compared 13 abdominal exercises
for their ability to develop the central abdominal muscles. They concluded, in a report published in May, that
the most effective exercises kept turning the body and worked the muscles the entire time. Among the
winners: the bicycle movements-so called because it looks as if you are riding a bike while lying flat on the
floor-and exercises performed on the "Captain"s Chair", a product typically found in gyms that helps hold the
body in the air while you raise your legs up toward your chest. Researchers suggested that a varied routine
of the different exercises could deliver the best results.
1. Which of the following is the most effective in building abdominal muscles?
A. Torso Track.
B. Ab-Doer.
C. Captain"s Chair.
D. Body Shaper-Q8SP.
2. According to the author, it"s difficult for many Americans to get visible firm abdominal muscles
   mainly because _____.
A. they do not put in enough efforts
B. injuries interrupt their exercise frequently
C. they change their exercise routine regularly
D. how big their muscles will be is determined by birth
3. The author convinces the readers by _____.
A. describing successful cases
B. offering professional suggestions
C. presenting findings of researches
D. comparing advertisements of products
4. What"s the main purpose of this passage?

A. To research and develop in order to create the perfect stomach and exercise machine.
B. To promote proven exercise techniques and to advise against false advertisements.
C. To indicate that diet and exercises are necessary factors for a fit midsection.
D. To sponsor rich healthy lifestyle based on advanced product research.