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题型:0112 期中题难度:来源:
阅读理解。  Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father, "But, Dad, you can"t be healthy if
you"re dead."   
     Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belt-a
mistake 75% of US population make every day. The big question is why.   
     There have been many myths (误区) about safety belt ever since their first appearance in cars some forty
years ago. The following are three of the most common.    
     Myth Number One: It"s best to be "thrown clear" of a serious accident.   
     Truth: Sorry, but any accident serious enough to "throw you clear" is able going to be serious enough to
give you a very bad landing. And chances are you"ll have traveled through a windshield (挡风玻璃) or door
to do it. Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times in cases where people
are "thrown clear".   
     Myth Number Two: Safety-belts "trap" people in cars that are burning or sinking in water.
     Truth: Sorry again, but studies show that people knocked unconscious (昏迷) due to not wearing safety
belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents. People wearing safety belts are usually protected to
the point of having in these accidents. People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having
a clear head to free themselves from such dangerous situation, not to be trapped in them.   
     Myth Number Three: Safety belts aren"t needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour (mph).   
     Truth: When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other, an unbelted driver would meet the windshield
with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 metres. 1. Why did Elizabeth say to her father, "But, Dad, you can"t be healthy if you"re dead"? [     ]
A. He was driving at great speed.
B. He was running across the street.
C. He didn"t have his safety belt on.
D. He didn"t take his medicine on time. 2. The reason father was in a hurry to get home was that he _____.[     ]
A. wasn"t feeling very well
B. hated to drive in the dark
C. wanted to take some exercise
D. didn"t want to be caught by the people 3. According to the text, to be"thrown clear" of a serious accident is very dangerous because you _____. [     ]
A. may be knocked down by other cars.
B. may get seriously hurt thrown out of the car
C. may find it impossible to get away from the seat
D. may get caught in the car door 4. Some people prefer to drive without wearing a safety belt because they believe _____.[     ]
A. the belt prevents them from escaping in an accident
B. they will be unable to think clearly in an accident
C. they will be caught when help comes
D. cars catch fire easily 5. What is the advice given in the test? [     ]
A. Never drive faster than 30 miles an hour.
B. Try your best to save yourself in a car accident.
C. Never forget to wear the safety belt while driving.
D. Drive slowly while you"re not wearing a safety belt.
1-5: CCBAC
试题【阅读理解。  Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father, "Bu】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     Nowadays they are giving homework even during the holidays and I hate that very much. But I think there
is a reason for it. Homework is given so that we can remember whatever we have learnt. Regular drilling and
repetition make perfect. But teachers have started to give too much homework. Anything in excess (过度) is
bad. So homework should be given with the idea of giving students a practice and not to overwork them.
     What"s the use of just homework without allowing children to get an insight (洞察) into the subject? It just
makes them bookworms but nothing else. Homework such as writing some things 5 times at home will just
make them memorize things but not put them into use. I regret to say that teachers find it easy to bundle (归拢)
the children with homework rather than making them get interested to understand what they learn. The same
trend continues even in college. I find that most of the so-called high scorers are unable to answer simple things
in an interview.
     It is OK to give homework. But it should be given less. We are spending most of our time in school and at
least we must be free in our home. If you give homework, we will be very tired and we wouldn"t be able to
pay attention to extra-curricular (课外的) activities, which in turn may affect our physical and mental health.
So please give less homework to us.
    It is part of our work to give students homework. There will be some punishments if we won"t do our
work. So I have to do that though I know such a teacher is not liked by students. 1. Who thinks that too much homework may do harm to students" physical and mental health? [     ]
A. Sunny
B. Jane
C. Sally
D. Johnson 2. Who thinks homework should helps students learn something practical? [     ]
A. Sunny
B. Jane
C. Sally
D. Johnson 3. According to the last paragraph, why do teachers give students homework? [     ]
A. Because they care more about students"mental health.
B. Because they find it easy to control students in this way.
C. Because they will be punished if they don"t give homework.
D. Because they want students to get interested in their studies. 4. What problem do the speakers talk about? [     ]
A. Whether students should be punished without doing homework.
B. What kind of homework should be given to students.
C. What role homework plays in helping students to learn.
D. Whether teachers should give homework to students.
题型:0112 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     A newspaper reporter"s job can be very interesting. He meets all types of people and lives quite a busy life.
He is on the rush for news all the time, then after several years he may get a desk job, and life becomes a bit
more settled. Let"s look at his work a little more closely. In a day he may have to interview the prime minister
of a foreign country, and the next day he may be writing about a football match. Sometimes he may be so
busy that he has hardly any time to sleep. And at other times he may go on for days looking out for news
materials yet return empty-handed.   
     In the beginning, a reporter has to cover a very wide field. After the early years he becomes more
specialized in his work. For example, he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports.
Some reporters may become so specialized that they are asked only to write on a special thing: horse racing,
for example. In most newspaper houses there is at least one special racing correspondent. Some newspapers
have book reviews. Their job is delightful. They read the latest book and then write reviews on the ones they
like. Then there are those who write on films, so they get to see them even before they are shown in the
cinema. How lucky, you would say!   
     A reporter"s job can also be very dangerous. A number of them have died rushing from one assignment to
another, and if there is a flood or a riot (暴乱) they may get hurt or even be killed. Three years ago there was
a reporter whose camera was smashed by a group of men, because they were angry with him for taking their
picture. Dangerous or not, one thing is certain, and that is, their job is never dull! 1. What does the underlined phrase "on the rush" mean in the passage? [     ]
A. on the beach     
B. in a hurry   
C. on the spot     
D. in no time 2. Reporters who write on films are said to be lucky because they _____.[     ]
A. can see the films before most people see them in the cinema   
B. can see more film stars   
C. can pay less than other people   
D. can write anything they like 3. A reporter"s work becomes dangerous when _____. [     ]
A. there is a flood or a riot   
B. there is an interview with the prime minister   
C. there is a football match   
D. he is seeing a horror film 4. From the passage we can infer that, to be a good reporter, he must be all of the following except _____. [     ]
A. brave         
B. strong   
C. quick in mind     
D. well-informed
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
语法填空。    How could the survivors believe it was 1______ (nature)? Everywhere they looked nearly everything 
2______ (destroy). All of the city"s hospitals, 75% of 3______ factories and buildings and 90% of its homes
were gone. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind, 4______, could blow them away.
Two dams fell and most of 5______ bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. The railway tracks were
now 6______ (use) pieces of steel. Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. Half a million pigs
and millions of chickens were dead. Sand now filled the wells instead of water. People were shocked. Then,
later that afternoon, another big quake 7______ was almost as strong as the first 8______ shook Tangshan.
Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. More buildings fell down. Water, food,
and electricity were hard 9______ (get). People began to wonder 10______ long the disaster would last.
题型:0119 期中题难度:| 查看答案
信息匹配。下面是5个人使用因特网的目的,以及6条与之相关的信息, 请为为每个人匹配到最佳的
信息。其中有1项是多余的。 A. I like music very much. I often download MP3 music online. I can get the music I want, such as classical,
     pop, and rock music.
B. I play chess with people all round the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also
    download games from the Internet.
C. I use it more and more to buy books and CDs, and even I bought some clothes on the Internet. It was very
    easy and good.
D. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias (百科全书) and magazines. It"s great because I can download
     pictures or articles and use them in my schoolwork. It"s easy and it"s free.
E. I usually chat with people on the Internet. I make lots of friends. They live in different parts of China, and
    even out of China.
F. I usually write e-mails to my customers (客户) on the Internet. And my customers answer me by e-mail,
    too. It has been a fast way for us to communicate with each other. (     )1. Helen: I find the Internet is very good for shopping.
(     )2. Jack: I use the Internet to play games.
(     )3. Mary: The Internet helps me with my schoolwork.
(     )4. Cindy: I use the Internet to send e-mail.
(     )5. Ruby: I use the Internet to make a lot of friends.
题型:0119 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Dogs may help save the day in the Philippines, as they use their noses to smell out survivors buried by
Friday"s mudslide (泥石流). The team of dogs arrived in the Philippines from Spain, and this Tuesday they
were just beginning their work. Search officials told CNN they hoped the recent rain would wash away the
smell of rescue teams so the dogs could do their job more accurately. The dogs were brought in after sound
equipment found sounds coming from deep inside the ruins, at a place where a school stood before the
mudslide covered it. The sounds could mean people are still alive under all the mud or it could just be the earth
    On Monday, rescue workers worked at the school site until three in the morning, trying to locate survivors,
and they will begin digging again as soon as the dogs think they find someone. Human teams from the US,
Malaysia, and Australia are all trying to help, too. But so far they have yet to locate any survivors. Rescue
workers told CNN that an earlier report that 50 survivors had been found was false.
     How did all that mud bury the village in the first place? On Friday, 2,400-foot Mt Kanabag turned into a
mudslide after two weeks of constant rain weakened it. The mountain crumbled and the mud fell onto the
village Guinsaugon, burying the 1,800 people who lived there. Out of the 300 houses in the village, only 3
were not covered by the mud. The village is on a southern Philippine Island called Levte. Rescue efforts have
been difficult because the village takes six hours to reach from the nearest airport. Hopefully, the dogs can
help their human friends find survivors. 1. According to the search officials" words in the first paragraph, we can learn that _____. [     ]
A. the smell of rescue teams can disturb the dogs
B. the dogs can follow the smell of rescue teams
C. the dogs can"t smell the rescue teams
D. the dogs can tell the differences between people and rescue teams 2. The main purpose of this passage is probably _____. [     ]
A. to show the way to rescue the victims in the ruins
B. to introduce the instruments to save victims in a disaster
C. to tell readers that dogs can smell out victims buried in the ruins
D. to show how to train dogs to save victims in a mudslide 3. How many survivors were found by the dogs? [     ]
A. 50.
B. Only a few.
C. 1,800.
D. None. 4. The reason why the rescue work wasn"t going smoothly was probably that _____. [     ]
A. the rain was heavy
B. so many people were buried
C. it was difficult to reach the village
D. these is little chance to save the survivors
题型:0117 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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