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A. Suggestions on having interviews.
B. Be yourself.
C. Listen before talking.
D. Use your eyes and smile.
E. Forcus your energy.
F. Qualities pf good communication.
1. (     )
     Good communication is vital in modern society. We know that much of the communication is unspoken.
Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. Your
good qualities can make good communication. The personal qualities include physical appearance, energy, rate
of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expressiveness of eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of
others. What should we do so that our communication will be effective? Here are my suggestions.
2. (     )
     Firstly, the trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change character
from one situation to another. They"re the same whether they"re having a conversation with their close friends,
addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being.
3. (     )
     Secondly, whether you"re talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Don"t
break eye contact while talking. As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably, then look directly at those
in the room and smile. This shows clearly that you are at ease. Smiling is important. The best type of smile and
eye contact is gentle and comfortable, not forced.
4. (     )
     You should also absorb other people before showing yourself. You can"t learn anything when you talk.
When you attend a meeting, a party or an interview, don"t immediately start throwing your opinions. Stop for
a second. Absorb what"s going on. What"s the mood of the others - are they down, up, happy, expectant? Are
they eager to learn from you, or do they show resistance? If you can sense what"s happening with others, you
will be better able to reach them. So, listen before you talk.
5. (     )
     How do you get your energy up? Before the meeting, collect your thoughts about the goal of the
meeting-yours and the other"s. Once you go through the doorway, no longer think about yourself. Focus on
the person you are meeting to find out what he is interested in. Properly collected energy comes across when
we sincerely believe something. When you speak with energy, you are involved with your audience and your
message. You create an air of certainty. The audience may disagree with you, but they can"t question your

1-5: FBDCE
试题【阅读理解。A. Suggestions on having interviews.B. Be yourself.C. Listen before talking】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation
than they do planning their lives? I would expand that expression by adding that most people spend more time
"thinking" about their vacation than they do thinking about what"s important in their life.
     While rest and relaxation are a must in living a balanced life, it"s not what we were created to do. After all,
the Master Creator took his R&R (Rest and Recreation) on the seventh day, only after six days of"definitely
directed thought."
      Wallace D. Wattles, wrote "There is no labor from which most people shrink (退缩) as they do from that
of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world." And yet it is the first and primary
labor of achievement.
     My friend Mike Litman wrote an outstanding article this week. It"s called "The Millionaire Composite" and
it analyzes one of the big differences between super-successful people and everyone else. He writes"I recently
visited a Real Estate Multi Millionaire Mogul. What did I see next to his desk? His vision statement, along with
a list of what he values in life - hand written.
      "A few months back, I interviewed an individual who has sold over a billion dollars worth of products on
television. He told me that he reads his life and business vision and goals daily, and that he takes time to
visualize (使看的见) exactly what he wants to create each night before falling asleep."
     What is your life"s purpose or your personal mission statement? Is it written down? Do you review it and
think about it often? Is your life organized around your purpose and a set of goals that support that purpose?
     Without purpose and goals-definitely directed thought-you are like the proverbial "ship without a rudder
(舵)." There is power in your purpose and in your goals. It is the power that takes you over obstacles, the
fuel that propels (驱使) you toward the life you envision. 1. As is known to us all, _____ are a necessity in living a balanced life. A. wealth and relaxation
B. health and wealth
C. work and rest
D. rest and relaxation 2. In the article The Millionaire Composite, ______. A. the writer"s friend is a millionaire
B. the permanent and continuous thought makes the writer"s friend shrink
C. the writer"s friend analyzes one of the big differences between super-successful people and everyone else
D. the writer"s friend advises us to think over our work all the time 3. The underlined word it in paragraph 3 refers to ______. A. an outstanding article
B. the permanent and continuous thought
C. the physical labor
D. a good plan 4. The writer wrote the passage mainly to tell us that ______. A. we should think about our life"s purpose and personal mission often
B. we had better learn how to plan our time
C. we should know what the life is
D. we should know how to become a successful businessman
题型:0127 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从下框的A---F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。 选项中有一项为多余选项。
题型:0127 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
A. Why to turn to alternative energy?
B. How to use renewable energy?
C. The sources of renewable energy
D. What is renewable energy?
E. Where is the solar energy from?
F. The advantages of renewable energy.
     It amazed me-every time I saw Joe he was smiling. It didn"t matter whether he had to   1   at a stop light,
or if he were the seventh person in   2   at the bank , and the teller closed her window just   3   he got there. Joe
always smiled. It made me wonder why he always seemed so   4  .
     Having observed Joe with other people, I also noticed something else. Joe   5   people how they were doing,
and really seemed to listen to their answers. He was   6   if someone was hurt , and had kind words, and   7   to
help in any way he could.
     It made me think… what if I tried to smile more? An   8   of sorts began when I went to a grocery store. I
   9   as I went up and down the aisles (过道)... and people I didn"t even  10  smiled back at me. Some even
  11   ! The little kid in the cart who was giving his mother a  12  time saw me smile and stopped talking…and,
you guessed it-he made a little  13  attempt at a smile. The man in the handicapped cart  14   a person to reach
something… I could get that for him. The smile even  15  to him, and he thanked me and smiled at me.
     As I  16   home, I was smiling. I thought about what I had just  17  , and when someone passed my car and
gave me a gesture, I smiled at him. He looked  18  .
     Now I know a smile is a  19  thing, but what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day? I
couldn"t believe how great I felt.   20   in my life had changed-but maybe it had. For what I learned was that
such a small thing could lift not only my spirits, but those around me as well.
题型:0127 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0127 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. wait     
(     )2. A. advance 
(     )3. A. though  
(     )4. A. patient  
(     )5. A. asked   
(     )6. A. angry   
(     )7. A. agreed   
(     )8. A. example 
(     )9. A. sang     
(     )10. A. welcome
(     )11. A. spoke  
(     )12. A. pleasant 
(     )13. A. weak   
(     )14. A. required 
(     )15. A. spread 
(     )16. A. learned  
(     )17. A. faced   
(     )18. A. scared  
(     )19. A. funny   
(     )20. A. Nothing 
B. suffer      
B. addition   
B. before      
B. active      
B. observed   
B. nervous    
B. offered    
B.  experiment 
B. nodded      
B. greet      
B. laughed    
B. hard        
B. polite      
B. demanded    
B. approached  
B. drove      
B. paid       
B. disappointed
B. worthy      
B. Everything  
C. look    
C. total   
C. while   
C. happy   
C. recorded  
C. fearful 
C. refused 
C. instance 
C. smiled   
C. recognize 
C. whispered 
C. smooth  
C. shy     
C. ordered  
C. advanced 
C. ran     
C. wasted   
C. puzzled 
C. valuable 
C. Something
D. slide       
D. line        
D. because     
D. wise        
D. allowed     
D. sympathetic 
D. used        
D. arrangement 
D. talked      
D. know        
D. shouted     
D. good        
D. sincere     
D. nee ded     
D. reached     
D. moved       
D. sacrificed  
D. annoyed     
D. small       
D. Anything    
     Look closely at the palms of your hands and fingertips. See all the tiny lines? Each of us is born with a
unique set of prints, but it may surprise you to learn why we have them. Palm lines are not for fortune-tellers
to figure out how long we will live, nor are fingerprints there to make a policeman"s job easier. In fact, the
lines and circles that decorate our hands and feet are an evolutionary gift from nature, and they serve two
important functions.
      Our prints are made of raised and lowered skin. The raised areas function somewhat like the tread (纹)
of car tires or the rubber soles (胶底) of our running shoes. When we touch something that is wet, water
moves from these "hills" into the "valleys", which means some surfaces on our skin remain relatively dry.
This is useful, for it allows us to better grip the things we want to hold.
     Our prints help us hold on, but they also have a secondary function: protection. The raised areas serve
as buffers (缓冲物) between our skin and an object, keeping us from getting hurt every time we grip the
hard surface of a bottle or a baseball bat. This is the same reason why, when we walk too far or wear
uncomfortable shoes, we get blisters on the soft skin of our ankles, but never on our heels, like our palms
and fingers, which have prints to protect them.
      It is the random (任意的) flow of fluids inside our mothers" wombs that causes these useful patterns
to form on the surface of our hands and feet. Because they are formed randomly, each person"s prints are
unique, which makes prints accidentally useful as a means of distinguishing between people. Even identical
twins have different prints, which means that no mistakes can be made in determining who did a crime,
provided fingerprints or toe prints were left at the scene.
1. Where can"t you find the tiny lines ____?
A. Palms
B. Fingerprints
C. Heels
D. Ankles.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The tiny lines are the results of evolution.
B. From one"s fingerprints, we can guess his character.
C. Different people have different prints in their fingertips.
D. The prints play an important role in our life.
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Fingertips can help us hold on to things better.
B. There are no prints on our heels.
C. The prints can make our palm dry.
D. Prints can protect us from getting hurt.

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.
                                                                                         -Marquis de Condorcet
      If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your weaknesses, do you think this would make
you feel good? The funny thing is, this is   1   most of us do at one time or another-and some of us do pretty
  2  .
     It"s surely a practice for a   3   in self-confidence and for unhappiness. Let"s say I take a look at someone
who creates   4   artwork on their website and I look at my art, and realize I don"t come   5   to being matched
with him. In fact, I look pretty pitiful. But it"s not a fair   6  . If I looked at my strengths-writing useful and
honest posts-I can see that I have a lot to offer, a lot to be happy about.
     That"s so important-being able to look at your own strengths, and see your true   7  . It"s actually one of the 
  8   to success and happiness.
    I want to talk about this issue   9   an email from a reader recently: I have some teammates from very rich
families. I can"t stop myself comparing my lifestyle with  10 . I must say that my  11  planning is sound enough
to take care of my existing family; and I can take care of new family member also, at least for  12  even if I
lose my current job. But  13   I see or hear them spending so much money after possessions, I start comparing
  14  . How can I stop this habit, without changing jobs?
      This is an excellent but tough  15 . I think it"s  16   to compare ourselves to others, but it often makes us
unhappy even if we have enough and  17  be happy with what we have. My quick advice: try to be aware of
when you start comparing yourself to others ...once you"ve developed this  18   , stop yourself and tell yourself,
"Stop that!” And then  19   thinking about all the things you do have, the things you love, the people you have
and the blessings that  20  has given you. Make this a regular practice, and you"ll start to be happier with your

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(     )1. A. why        
(     )2. A. often    
(     )3. A. rise      
(     )4. A. astonished  
(     )5. A. up         
(     )6. A. comparison 
(     )7. A. strengths  
(     )8. A. reasons   
(     )9. A. because of 
(     )10. A. them      
(     )11. A. financial  
(     )12. A. sometime  
(     )13. A. however   
(     )14. A. then      
(     )15. A. question  
(     )16. A. strange   
(     )17. A. must     
(     )18. A. awareness 
(     )19. A. stop     
(     )20. A. happiness 
B. what        
B. seldom      
B. increase    
B. disappointing
B. close       
B. communication
B. shortcomings
B. keys        
B. regardless of
B. their      
B. annual      
B. some time   
B. Whatever    
B. later       
B. person      
B. natural     
B. can         
B. hobby       
B. help        
B. life       

C. that        
C. usually    
C. drop        
C. shocked    
C. down        
C. competition
C. values     
C. causes      
C. in spite of 
C. themselves  
C. special    
C. some times  
C. wherever    
C. again      
C. phenomenon  
C. difficult   
C. may        
C. tradition   
C. come        
C. success   

D. how              
D. always           
D. f ailure         
D. amazing          
D. closely          
D. connection       
D. weaknesses       
D. means            
D. in case of       
D. theirs           
D. beneficial       
D. sometimes        
D. whenever         
D. thus             
D. reader           
D. important        
D. should           
D. custom           
D. start            
D. confidence