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题型:0114 月考题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     Some businesses and apartment buildings are telling kids to buzz off. A device (设备) called the Mosquito
is being used in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New York to keep kids from gathering in big groups and
causing trouble.
     The Mosquito makes a noise that only kids can hear. About 3,000 Mosquito units have been fixed in the
United Kingdom. In the United States, managers of an apartment building in New York City recently fixed
one to keep noisy kids from taking over the building"s entrance-hall.
     A children"s tights agency in England wants the device forbidden. The agency says the device unfairly
targets teens. Some also worry that the high sounds could hurt young ears. Fans of the Mosquito say it keeps
kids out of trouble and off private property.
     "Mosquito devices violate (侵犯) the human rights of kids. The use of the devices is targeted at kids
because it considers all kids as troublemakers.The devices are also harmful because the noise could hurt kids"
hearing. Besides violating our rights, the Mosquito is dangerous. It could hurt the ears and the hearing of teens,
babies and animals because they are more sensitive," says California eighth grader Kelly Straky."It is not right
to place the device in a public place. Teenagers have as much right to public places as adults. I listened to the
Mosquito sound, and it was extremely loud. It hurts no only your ears but also your whole head. It isn"t just
annoying; it"s painful. It should not be allowed."
     Fans of the Mosquito believe that property owners have a right to decide who can be on their property and
who cannot. Mosquito devices are a method of protecting private property and keeping the peace. Property
laws are put into to protect the public.
     "Yes, I do believe that the rights of teens should be valued, but we must always put ourselves in other
people"s shoes and see the other side. In this case, doing so allows people to understand the negative effects,
such as crime, that loitering (滞留) can have on an area or a community," said Kayla Hill from New York. 1. The underlined phrase "buzz off" in Paragraph 1 probably means _____. A. stay inside
B. go away
C. sit down
D. play games 2. According to the passage, the Mosquito_____ . A. gives off a special smell
B. is a safety tool aimed at youths
C. is mostly purchased by the police
D. is intended for adult troublemakers 3. We can learn from the passage that Kelly Straky _____. A. values the rights teens
B. keeps a close eye on her private property
C. hears the noise of the Mosquito frequently
D. believes many kids are causing annoying problems4. In the last paragraph, Kayla Hill _____. A. expresses her anger at kids
B. suggests protecting kids" hearing
C. argues against the use of the mosquito
D. stresses the need to fix the Mosquito 5. Who are probably fans of the Mosquito? A. Pet owners.
B. Teachers.
C. Shop owners.
D. Parents.
1-5: BBADC
试题【阅读理解。     Some businesses and apartment buildings are telling kids to buzz off. 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读表达。     [1]Sending text messages from your mobile phone while driving is more dangerous than driving after
drinking, which is found by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL).
      [2]The reaction time of people who sent text messages as they drove slowed by 35%, while the reaction
time of those who had drunk alcohol slowed by 12%."This research shows how dangerous it is to text while
driving," researcher Nick Reed said in a statement. He said drivers who texted were distracted by trying to read
small texts on the phone and by thinking about how to write their messages. And using the phone requires them
to put their hands off the wheel. The combination of factors caused the slowness of reaction and the impairment (减弱) of vehicle control.
     [3]One conclusion researchers made about why texting while driving is so dangerous is the length of time it
takes to write a message. The TRL said that writing a text message behind the wheel took 63 seconds, in which a car travels nearly a mile within town centre speed limits and over a mile within motorway speed limits.
     [4]Nearly half of the 18-to 24-year-olds admitted texting as they drove, another survey discovered.
     [5]The TRL study selected 17 people from the 18-to 24-year-old age group to take part in a simulated (模拟的) road test, in which they were on a variety of roads."The participants in this study were almost unanimous (一致同意的) in their view that texting while driving was the most dangerous action on the road," RAC Director Stephen Glaister said.
      [6] "We need to ensure that drivers who love texting understand that texting is one of the most dangerous
things that can be done while in charge of a car," Glaister said in a statement.1. What"s the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)
2. Give two factors which caused the slowness of reaction of a driver while texting. (no more than 20 words) ① . ________________________________________________________________________________
② . ________________________________________________________________________________
3. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
    The researchers inferred it"s the time a driver spends reading and writing a message that ___________
4. What does the underlined word "which" in Paragraph 3 probably refer to? (no more than 2 words)
5. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 8 words)
题型:0114 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It tastes just like chicken away from home, and eating is more than just a way to keep your stomach full.
It is a language all its own, and no words can say "Glad to meet you...glad to be doing business with you..."
quite like sharing a meal offered by your host.
     Clearly, mealtime is not the time for you to say, "No, thanks." Acceptance of the food on your plate means
acceptance of host, country, and company. So, no matter how difficult it may be to swallow, swallow. Or,
as one experienced traveler says, "Travel with a cast-iron stomach and eat everything everywhere."
     Often, the food offered represents proudly your host country"s eating culture. What would Ataiericans think
of a French person who refused to take a bite of homemade apple pie or sirloin? Our discomfort comes not
so much from the thing itself; it comes from our unfamiliarity with it. After all, an oyster has remarkably the
same look as a sheep"s eye; and a first look at a lobster would remind almost anybody of a creature from a
science fiction movie, not something you dip in butter and eat. By the way, in Saudi Arabia sheep"s eyes are
a famous dish.
     Can you refuse such food without being rude? Most experienced business travelers say no, at least not
before taking at least a few bites. It helps, though, to slice any item very thin. This way, you minimize the
taste and the reminder of where it came from. Or, "Swallow it quickly," as one traveler recommends. "I still
can"t tell you what sheep"s eyeballs taste like." As for dealing with taste, the old line that "It tastes just like
chicken" is often thankfully true. Even when "it" is really rat or snake.
     Another useful piece of advice is not knowing what you are eating. What"s for dinner? Don"t ask. Avoid
glancing into the kitchen or looking at English-language menus. Your host will be pleased that you are eating
the food he offers, and who knows? Maybe it really is chicken in that soup. 1. The purpose of the article is to _____. A. introduce unfamiliar food
B. share the writer"s personal experiences
C. suggest ways to overcome a cultural barrier in eating
D. advise on how to politely refuse to eat foreign food 2. According to the writer, people hesitate at strange food mainly due to _____.A. the way it looks
B. safety worries
C. lack of information about it
D. the unfamiliar atmosphere 3. From the article we can infer that _____. A. an American may feel comfortable with sirloin
B. one should refuse strange food after a few bites
C. English-language menus are not always dependable
D. one needs a cast-iron stomach to travel in any country 4. One may say "It tastes just like chicken" when _____. A. showing respect for chicken-loving nations
B. greeting people with different dieting habits
C. evaluating chefs at an international food festival
D. getting someone to try a visually unpleasant meal
题型:0108 月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     "OK, class. Count off (报数)by five."   1   Sometimes, breaking into small groups lasts as long as the class
does. Other times, it signals the start of a"group project"-which means you"ll be working with a few classmates
for a day, several days, or longer on an assignment (任务). 
       2   Most things are done with the help or ideas of other people. Group projects are great practice for high
school, college, and real life, when you will probably have a job that requires working with others. Right now,
group projects can be fun and they often allow you to do a bigger, more interesting project than you could
alone.   3        
     Group projects also give you a chance to get to know kids you might not know or talk with-maybe the
quiet kid in the third row, or the boy who lived down the street when you were in kindergarten.   4   For
example: working on a deadline (最后期限),staying organized, or being patient. And if you"re a little nervous
talking in front of a group, a joint (联合的) project can help you become more comfortable with it. 
       5    If so, you"ll know your whole group is rooting for you! A. Few of us act alone in the real world.
B. Why is this type of project so popular in school?
C. With group work, you can actually learn more in less time.
D. Maybe your group will pick you to tell the whole class about your project.
E. Group projects are also a great way to practice skills you"re not so sure of.
F. When your teacher gives you that instruction, you know what"s coming next.
G. One key to a good meeting is having a leader, who should help the group stay focused.
题型:0108 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The way Westerners communicate tends to (倾向于) be relatively explicit (直率的) and direct. In other
words, Westerners tend to put most of their ideas and feelings into words, and then state these ideas and
feelings clearly and openly. It is generally considered a good thing to"get to the point" and "say what you
mean," and it is largely the speaker"s responsibility to ensure that his/her message is stated in a way that is
clear and easy to understand.
     In contrast (比照), Chinese people tend to communicate in a way that is more indirect and subtle. They
often view direct, explicit communication as unsophisticated (不成熟的) or even rude. They are more likely
to preserve good feelings and relationships by not saying something that might upset or offend (冒犯) another
person. If a Westerner makes a request and a Chinese person responds by saying something like "I"ll think it
over", the Westerner may assume that there is a good chance that the answer will be "yes". In fact, there is a
better chance that the implied answer is"no".
     One interesting example of the Western preference for very direct communication can be seen in what
Western students are taught about how they should organize their writing. Writers are generally expected to
state their point as clearly as possible, generally right at the beginning. Students are taught to begin paragraphs
with a "topic sentence" that states the point of the paragraph. Also, articles should generally begin with a brief
statement of the points to be made -and also conclude with a review of those same points. In contrast, in
Chinese writing it is more acceptable to build up to the point rather announcing it right form the start, although
it is also acceptable to state the point up front.
     It is important to note that Westerners are not all equally direct in their communication styles. For example,
the direct communication style is more typical of Western men than of Western women. Furthermore, even in
Western culture it is generally not considered good to communicate so directly that you hurt other people"s
feelings, offend them, or create conflict.1. What is the subject of the passage? A. Communication styles
B. Features of Western culture
C. Communication skills
D. Politeness in communication 2. When communicating with others, Western people _____. A. pay more attention to others" feelings
B. prefer to express their ideas openly
C. often communicate in an indirect way
D. consider direct communication as rude 3. When writing an article, Westerners _____. A. generally state their point in the middle
B. tend to let readers guess their point
C. usually announce their point from the start
D. like ending each paragraph with a topic sentence 4. According to the author, which of the following are more likely to communicate directly?A. Western men
B. Western women
C. Chinese men
D. Chinese women 5. The passage is developed mainly by_____ . A. showing the effects and then explaining the causes
B. providing figures to support its main point
C. describing the changes in space order
D. giving examples and making comparisons
题型:0114 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its
effect when it can"t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following
suggestions for ways to deal with stress.
     ◆Try physical activity
     When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity.
Running, walking, playing tennis, and working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.
     ◆Take care of yourself
     You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and can"t sleep well
enough, or if you"re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress
repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.
     ◆Make time for yourself
     Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don"t forget, play can be just as important to your overall
well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping
or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.
     ◆Make a list of things to do
     Stress can come from disorganization and a feeling that"there"s so much to do, and not enough time".
Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is
completed. Set out to do the most important task first. 1. Why does the writer write this passage? A. To give descriptions.
B. To make suggestions.
C. To raise problems.
D. To ask for advice. 2. The underlined word "releasing" is closest in meaning to"______".A. getting rid of
B. increasing
C. putting up with
D. transforming 3. What is the best title for the passage? A. Stress-Good or bad?
B. Stress-Fight or flight?
C. Stress-Let it be
D. Stress-Let"s beat it
题型:吉林省期末题难度:| 查看答案
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