当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps firefighters. The computer ...
阅读理解。     In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps firefighters. The computer keeps information about every one
of the 350 000 street addresses in the city. When firefighters answer a call,the computer will give them
important information about the burning building: its position, size and so on. In fact, the computer system has
a lot of ways of helping firefighters with the problems facing them. For example, it can give medical information about invalids (伤残者) living in a burning building. With this information, the firefighters can take special care
to find these sick persons and save them. The Kansas City computer system also keeps a medical record of
each of the city"s 900 firefighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a fireman is injured. With
this medical information, doctors can treat the injured firefighters more quickly and easily.
     The firefighters themselves need the computer"s help. They know about possible dangers and prepare for
them. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and property. Sometimes the lives are those of
firefighters themselves! 1. Missouri is most likely the name of _____.A. a street where firefighters work
B. a city smaller but more famous than Kansas
C. one of the states of America
D. the centre of the computer system2. The computer can give ____.A. all useful information about the city
B. good information about everybody in the city
C. useful information about every street address in the city
D. nice pictures about each building on fire3. The computer system can _____. A. give the firemen important help in many ways
B. have a few ways of helping the firefighters
C. hardly give any useful information for the firefighters
D. put out every fire quickly and safely4. The firefighters know that the invalids in a burning building _____.A. will not save themselves
B. want information from the computer
C. cannot see the dangers
D. need special help
1-4: CCAD
试题【阅读理解。     In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps firefighters. The computer 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     Can you imagine what life would be like if there was no telephone? You could not   1   your friends on the
phone and talk to them. lf fire   2   out to your house, you   3   call the fire department. If somebody  4   sick,
you could not call a doctor.
     In our   5   life we need to communicate with   6   .We do this   7   by speaking to other people and listening
to what they have to say to us, and when we are  8   to them, we can do this very easily.   9   ,our voices will
not travel very far even when we  10   , and it is thanks to the   11   of the telephone that we are   12   able to
communicate with each other  13  hold talks when we are far apart. We can hear each other   14   clearly as if
we   15   in the same room.
      The man who made this 16  was Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman, born in Edinburgh in 1847. Bell, a
teacher of visible speech (可视语言 ), who later moved to Canada,   17   all his time experimenting.  18   
enthusiastic(热情的) was he in his research for means for   19   speech by electricity that he left  20   time for
his day-to-day work and at one time was almost penniless (身无分文).
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A.get on     
(     )2. A.broke        
(     )3. A. should      
(     )4. A.is           
(     )5. A.daily      
(     )6. A. them        
(     )7. A. only        
(     )8. A. speaking    
(     )9. A. However     
(     )10. A. phone      
(     )11. A. experiment 
(     )12. A. not        
(     )13. A. to       
(     )14. A. as         
(     )15. A.are         
(     )16. A. machine  
(     )17. A.spent     
(     )18. A. Very       
(     )19. A. sending    
(     )20. A.some      
B. listen     
B. went       
B. could      
B. are        
B. family     
B. another    
B. mostly     
B. listening  
B. Of course  
B. laugh      
B. improvement
B. hardly     
B. nor        
B. so         
B. were       
B. possible   
B. spending   
B. So         
B. giving     
B. much       
C. see         
C. set         
C. shouldn"t   
C. becomes     
C. school      
C. one another 
C. quickly     
C. close       
C. Therefore   
C. call in     
C. discovery   
C. yet         
C. and         
C. not so      
C. stay      
C. clear       
C. talking     
C. Much        
C. taking      
C. little    

D. call up    
D. put        
D. couldn"t   
D. were       
D. modern     
D. the other  
D. well       
D. friendly   
D. For example
D. smile      
D. invention  
D. still      
D. but        
D. so much    
D. worked     
D. telephone  
D. took       
D. Never      
D. getting    
D. enough     

     The Internet brings us many advantages.
      With the Internet, people can send and receive e-mails. On the Internet, people can skim over news. Using
the Telnet, the user anywhere on the Internet can log into any other machine on which he has an account. It is
possible to use the FIP program to copy files from one machine on the Internet to another.
      But the Internet also brings us troubles.
     Internet use seems to cause a fall in psychological (心理的) health, according to research at Camegie
Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less often, the two-year study showed. And it wasn"t that people who
were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually seemed to cause the
bad feelings.
     Researchers are puzzled over the results, which were completely opposite to what they had expected. They
expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose their
information and to communicate with others.
     The fact that Internet use reduces time used for family and friends may be the reason for the drop in health,
researchers said. Faceless, bodiless"virtual" (虚拟的) communication may be less psychologically satisfying
than actual conversations, and the relationships formed through it may not be so deep. Another possibility is
that exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
     "But it"s important to remember this is not about the technology; it"s about how it is used," said one of the
researchers. "It really points to the need for considering social factors (因素) when you design new inventions."
1. The writer mainly wants to tell us that _____.
A. the Internet can bring people many advantages
B. the Internet use may cause psychological problems
C. the Internet users are not satisfied with their lives
D. we shouldn"t use the Internet
2. Why are the researchers puzzled over the results?
A. Because the results were completely different from what they had thought.
B. Because the Net proved socially healthier than television.
C. Because the Internet users were all healthier.
D. Because the Internet users experienced less depression and loneliness.
3.What may be the reasons why the Internet use causes a fall in psychological health?
A. Internet use reduces time used for family and friends.
B. Virtual communication is less psychologically satisfying than actual conversations.
C. Exposure to the wider world through the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
D. All the above.
4. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
A. What matters is not the technology but how it is used.
B. This passage is not about the technology but about how it is used.
C. We should remember to learn about the technology.
D. We should remember to learn how to use computers.

     Most of us can remember the days when we didn"t use e-mail as an everyday vehicle for communication.
Slowly but surely, it crept (慢慢移动) into   1   . E-mail is a   2   tool for college students at any level. It"s
available 24 hours a day,7 days a week and   3   at holidays. Most universities assign students an account
entrance,   4   there is usually not even an option (选择) involved.
     You can do everything from consulting on homework and projects,   5   classmates, family and friends,
and getting daily new services to  6   you informed of world  7   . But, what are the  8  ? E-mail can be e-jail.
You might   9   hours writing and replying to e-mails  10   you should be busy with the books for an upcoming
  11   ,you might be signed up for so many daily services,   12   horoscopes (占星术), new services, or
personals, that your mailbox is so   13   "junk mail",that finding the  14  e-mails through your box might take
      If you"re a student,  15   is precious. Create and organize your e-mail folders into important school-related
mail, correspondence (通信)with friends and family, and a folder for jokes, horoscopes and other new services. 
  16   put the mail into the proper folders first, and when you"ve finished, head for the important school-related
folder first. Respond to the most important e-mails first and,   17   you have time, you can get to the others. 
       18  your friends from forwarding those tiresome jokes, tiresome quizzes, and chain mails. The minute you 
  19   you"ve got one, delete it   20   so you won"t be tempted to read it.

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(     )1. A. the lives          
(     )2. A. valuable           
(     )3. A. even               
(     )4. A. but                
(     )5. A. keeping touch with 
(     )6. A.keeping             
(     )7. A. accidents          
(     )8. A. advantages  takes  
(     )9. A. spend              
(     )10. A. for               
(     )11. A. Otherwise       
(     )12. A. such as          
(     )13. A. full up with      
(     )14. A. important         
(     )15. A.money              
(     )16. A.Sometimes         
(     )17. A. if                
(     )18. A. Encourage         
(     )19. A.examine            
(     )20. A.later            

B. life              
B. changeable        
B. still             
B. so                
B. getting touched to
B. keep              
B. incidents         
B. mistakes          
B. cost              
B. because           
B. Or                
B. such like         
B. full              
B. necessary         
B. mark              
B. Always            
B. although          
B. Watch             
B. check up          
B. immediately       
C. our lives         
C. favorable         
C. ever              
C. because           
C. losing touch with 
C. leaving           
C. events            
C. wrongs            
C. take              
C. since             
C. But               
C. for example       
C. filled up with    
C. practical         
C. grade             
C. Almost          
C. since           
C. Discourage        
C. find              
C. after           
D. us life               
D. usable                
D. yet                   
D. except that           
D. keeping in touch with 
D. leave                 
D. things                
D. disadvantages         
D. pay                   
D. when                  
D. However               
D. so as                 
D. fill with             
D. possible              
D. time                  
D. Usually               
D. because               
D. Refuse                
D. realize               
D. soon                  
     Mistakes are a part of life. To err is human. Failure is also a part of life, not the end of life. Be happy facing life"s challenges. When you make the effort to be happy and to improve your life, you are actually rewarded along the way.
     Life is like a game and maybe you can award (奖励) points for every effort that has been a success for you. Try it. Add ten points for every achievement. And when you have reached 50 points, just yell, "Hey, I"ve won!" and give yourself a reward. If you happen to have missed your points for whatever reasons, tell yourself,"well, I tried!" which is better than not trying at all. Don"t let it be said you didn"t try.
     What is it that you want to make yourself happy? Actually happiness means different things to different people. For example, an athlete will be happy winning his first race. For a new mother happiness would be seeing her baby"s first steps. Happiness for a poor person would mean having a meal just for today. So happiness for you is really something simple that you want for yourself.
     It really does not have to be big. As a matter of fact you should always have realistic expectations. Make the best out of every given situation. If you expect a certain result from a situation and it does not happen, don"t get despondent. This just means trying harder next time. We all have in us the power to succeed. Don"t let "give up" be a part of your vocabulary.
1. By saying "To err is human", the author means that ______.
A. human beings should try to avoid making mistakes
B. no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes
C. mistakes and failures make up our life
D. human beings make mistakes easily.
2. What"s the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A. Try to reach 50 points.
B. Never stop trying in your life.
C. Award yourself for your success.
D. Don"t be afraid of missing your points
3. The author proves his idea in Paragraph 3 through ______.
A. examples
B. numbers
C. experiments
D. stories
4. The underlined word "despondent" in the last paragraph means ______.
A. frightened
B. disappointed
C. surprised
D. excited
     A ~ 5.4 million contest has been held to create 12 public works of art inspired by the 2012 Olympics.
     Artists will receive up to ~ 500,000 to create works for the Cultural Olympiad during the period of time
before the 2012 London Games. It"s the first major project in the four-year Cultural Olympiad, which aims to
show British art and culture.
     Arts Council England wants artists" to mark a moment in our histories m unexpected ways and places
across the country".
     The Cultural Olympiad will have 500 non-sport events aimed at inspiring people across the UK. It was a key
factor (因素) in London winning the bid (申办) to host the Olympics.
     Holding the Artists Taking the Lead competition, London 2012 organizers called it" the most widely-covered
art prize in the UK".
     Anyone who attends the competition can design works of art in any form, on condition that the art is
inspired by the spirit of the Olympics and the part of the UK in which it lies.
     Nine winning artists from England will each receive ~ 500,000, one from Northern Ireland will receive
~ 190,000, an artist in Scotland will get ~ 460,000 and one in Wales will receive ~ 230,000 But details of how
the completed works of art will be used have yet to be finally decided.
     Chairman Lord Coe said," The Cultural Olympiad brings us back to the beginnings of the modern Olympic
movement, when artists as well as athletes competed for medals. This is the first step in what promises to be
a fascinating journey to 2012."
     Arts Council England executive director (执行董事 ) Moira Sinclair said, " We"re excited to be laying down
such a challenge to artists. We want them to look at their region(地 区) and their connections with fresh eyes... to surprise and delight the world with their special artistic sight."
1. According to the passage, Artists Taking the Lead is to _____.
A. be the first major project
B. show British art and culture
C. inspire British artists
D. send prizes to British artists
2. Which of the following is TRUE of the Cultural Olympiad?
A. It lasts five years from now on.
B. It covers many countries" cultures.
C. It holds at least 500 sports events.
D. It helped London to be the host city for the 2012 Olympics.
3. A winning artist from the western part of the English region will receive _____.
A. ~ 190,000
B. S 230,000
C. ~ 460,000
D. S 500,000
4. According to Moira Sinclair, the art works of the contest should give people _____.
A. inspiration and courage
B. shock and inspiration
C. surprise and delight
D. challenge and surprise