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阅读理解。     It is common and usual to see people freak out when they face challenges in their life. We all
pass in different life problems and challenges. No one is free of life problems. Only a dead man
faces no problem. As long as you are alive, challenges are everywhere.
     How do you face problems and challenges in your life? Problems and challenges are the building
blocks of your personality. They make you who you are. Besides, whether what happened in your
life builds or destructs you depends on how you look at it. If you take your problems as troubles,
they will be troubles and may cause destruction. If you take them as constructive tools, you are going
to be built up on them.
     Problems are everywhere. No one can avoid them. And they are good too. They open up a
different look and opportunity if you are willing to see. When you face troubles, do not frustrate or
freak out. Just cool yourself to think in a different direction. Think in a positive way. Every problem
has its own good as well as bad sides. Focus on the good one. Look at the bright side.
     Besides, there is always a good person, perhaps your mom or dad, or one of your friends, right
beside you who can turn everything into your best if you are willing to turn to them. No matter what
happens, they will be there to help you. Trust them and they will never let you down. All you need
to know is that you are loved wherever you are. 1. What"s the meaning of the underlined phrase "freak out" in Paragraph 1?A. Feel shy.    
B. Stay calm.  
C. Keep up.    
D. Feel upset.2. In Paragraph 2, the writer implies that ______.A. problems cause troubles  
B. attitude is everything
C. challenges can be avoided  
D. personalities are built on failures 3. According to the last paragraph, when we"re in trouble, we ______.A. can only depend on our parents      
B. are not alone
C. should only believe ourselves        
D. are not confident4. What"s the writer"s purpose to write the passage?A. To encourage.  
B. To compare.  
C. To prove.
D. To explain
1-4: DBBA
试题【阅读理解。     It is common and usual to see people freak out when they face challeng】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬)by many, but actually keeping customers
happy is easier said than done.
     Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store(零售店), but instead
will warn their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers and anyone who will listen. Store managers
are often the last to hear complaints. "Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers," said
Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group. "The store loses the customer, but the shopper mus
t also find a replacement
     The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered(塞满了的)shelves, overloaded
racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude sales people.
     During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting
local police to work as parking attendants to direct customers to empty parking spaces. Retailers
can relieve the headaches by redesigning store display, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and
experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions. Most importantly,
sales people should be skillful and polite with angry customers.
     "Retailers who"re enthusiastic and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who
aren"t so friendly." said Professor Stephen Hoch. "Maybe something as a greeter at the store entrance
would help."
     Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead
of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea
what is wrong.1. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?A. Most shoppers won"t complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.
B. Shoppers would rather tell their unhappy experiences to people around them.
C. Few customers believe the service will be improved after their complaints.
D. It is difficult for customers to have easy access to store mangers.2. What does Paula Courtney imply by saying the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?A. New customers are sure to replace old ones.
B. It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.
C. The same products can be bought in other retail stores.
D. Not complaining to the manager causes the shopper some trouble too.3. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?A. Manners of the salespeople.
B. Hiring of efficient employees.
C. Huge supply of goods for sale.
D. Design of the store display.4. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to ______.A. put pressure on stores to improve their service
B. settle their disagreements with stores in a friendly way
C. voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly
D. shop around and make comparisons between stores
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     We live in a very competitive world. Everybody seems to be competing with someone at
some level. Each week we spend hours playing or watching others compete in sporting activities
all over the world. We cannot help being impressed by the level of excellence that these people
     In sport and business, competition encourages excellence in performance. Where there is no
competition, improvement in performance is less likely. Some level of competition is a have-to in
all aspects of life.
     The following story makes this point.
     As two friends are hiking in the forest they encounter a huge, ferocious and obviously hungry
Grizzly Bear. Its next meal has just come into sight, and they are it! The first friend calculates that
the bear will overtake them in 27.3 seconds. At that point, she panics; realizing there is no escape.
She faces her friend, with the fear of death in her eyes. To her amazement, she observes that her
friend is not scared at all. To the contrary, her friend is quickly but calmly taking off her hiking boots
and putting on jogging shoes. "What do you think you"re doing?" the first hiker says to her companion,
"You"ll never be able to outrun that grizzly." "That"s true," says the companion, "but all I have to do
is outrun you."
     We all compete when the motivation is strong enough. However, competition is not the real
purpose of life. Fulfilling the measure of our creation can only be achieved individually.
     Most of time, we are not in competition with any other person, so we do not have to compare
ourselves with others. There is only one person that can fulfill our role and that is us. This means
that others cannot beat us to the finish line because there is no race. This is not to say that others
do not have a similar role to us, but it is never the same. This is important to understand if we are
going to enjoy life. Every human being is unique and cannot be duplicated. In this, I am not referring
to the body, only to the spirit, soul, or the essence of a person.1. The first 4 paragraphs tell us that competition         A. is necessary though harmful
B. only exists in sports and business
C. is unavoidable and beneficial
D. is a fight against oneself2. Why is the story of two friends told in the passage?A. To advise friends to be loyal even in competition.
B. To expose the weak side of friendship when tested.
C. To support the author"s own argument on competition.
D. To offer evidence of necessary competition in life.3. From the last two paragraphs we learn that           .A. competition plays an important role in social development
B. we don"t have to compete since we are all different
C. we have to beat others in order to survive
D. there is more to life than just competition4. As a whole the passage advises the readers to       .A. realize we are living in a world of competition
B. face competition in a balanced state of mind
C. have a strong sense of being a possible winner
D. value friendship however fierce competition may be
题型:四川省模拟题难度:| 查看答案

     Dr David Weeks has spent years studying these so-called "Superyoung" people. Now the
reporter(R) is interviewing Dr Weeks(DW).
     R: Dr Weeks, could you start by telling us exactly what you mean by the expression "Superyoung"?
     DW: Yes, well, I mean a lucky group of people who actually look and feel as much as 18 years
younger than they really are.
     R: Is looking younger than our age just a question of our genes?
      DW: Well, of course it"s one of the important things. But we have many other things to think about.
My study has shown, for example, that a happy life is quite important. They often have friendships with
people younger than themselves too.
      R: And do the "Superyoung" have a lot of children?
      DW: No, in fact the opposite. Our study showed that 15% of the "Superyoung" don"t have children
at all and those that have children usually have small families, one or two children at most.
      R: Is lifestyle important?
      DW: Yes, the "Superyoung" usually sleep very well and have usual or even low blood pressure. Our
study showed that they travel more often and when they do travel they often travel further. Generally
speaking, they are also people who read more and watch less TV than the rest of us.
     R: And do they do a lot of exercise or sport?
      DW: Yes, in fact we found that they are the kind of people who prefer to do sport rather than watch
sport. A strange fact we discovered is that they prefer the sports one person does such as swimming or
walking to playing team sports such as football.

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Years ago,if a teenager had some problems in her life,she might go home and write in her diary.
Now,a teenager with __1__ problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog(博客).
In many ways,a diary and a blog are very __2__.So,what makes blogging different from writing in
__3__ diary?
     The biggest difference is that blogging is much more __4__ than a diary.Usually,a teenager treats
her diary like a book full of __5__ that she does not want to __6__.
It"s interesting that someone who writes in a blog __7__ a diary will probably write nearly the same
     I have a little sister,and sometimes I go online to read her __8__.She writes about things like waking
up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test.__9__ I was her age,I
wrote about the same things,but __10__ in my diary.Then,after I had finished writing,I would hide my
diary in a secret place because I was __11__ that my sister might read it!
     The biggest __12__ with blogging is that anyone can read what you write.If I was angry with a
friend during high school and wrote something __13__ about her in my diary,she would never know.
__14__,if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend,that friend __15__ read her blog and get
     There are also __16__ to blogging,of course.If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary,
"Nobody cares about me,"__17__ would know about it.However,if my sister wrote the same sentence
in her blog,her best friends would __18__ respond(回应)and tell her how much they __19__ her.Blogs
help people __20__ in contact with their friends and to hear what the people around them are doing.(     )1.A.the same    
(     )2.A.familiar    
(     )3.A.a personal  
(     )4.A.attractive  
(     )5.A.thoughts    
(     )6.A.tell        
(     )7.A.instead of  
(     )8.A.blog        
(     )9.A.Since      
(     )10.A.only      
(     )11.A.angry      
(     )12.A.problem    
(     )13.A.unpleasant
(     )14.A.Besides    
(     )15.A.should    
(     )16.A.reasons    
(     )17.A.everyone  
(     )18.A.happily    
(     )19.A.like      
(     )20.A.lose       B.troublesome    
B.an ordinary    
B.as well as    
B.no one        
B.stay           C.difficult  
C.a dated    
C.in favor of
C.get         D.daily        
D.a traditional
D.in spite of  
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     阅读下面的短文。请根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)。1)  One in four people spend more time socializing online, using sites such as Facebook, than they
do in person, according to research.
2)  People now have 11 different ways of staying in contact with their friends from the comfort of
their sofa or bedroom.
3)  These include simple email, messenger, text and several forms of social networking from Twitter
to Facebook, said the survey by online casino Yazino.
4)  It is found even when there is time to see people face to face, like at a weekend, up to 11 percent
of all adults still choose to       .
5) This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal
contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats.
6) It all adds up. The average online Brit spends 4.6 hours a week talking to friends online and only
six hours a week talking to people in person, said Yazino.
7) There is even an army of "extreme sofalisers"-the three percent who spend a staggering 25 hours
or more each week talking to friends via electronic devices.
8) The survey of 2, 000 adults also found 11 percent organize all their social diary around Facebook,
Bebo or other network sites.
9) Yazino founder Hussein Chahine said, "Communication is constantly evolving. Some people are as
used to seeing their friends" online image as they are their face."
10) "We are now just as likely to SMS or email a friend as we are to call them."
11) "People increasingly prefer quick and frequent engagement with instant updates on news than a
prolonged chat and are also finding new ways to catch up with friends from their comfort of their sofa."
12) More than seven in ten text their friends and family and 31 percent use social networking sites
while just 27 percent now use email as their primary means of contact.
13) A further 18 percent use live chat and instant messaging systems. 1. What is the title of the passage? (no more than 10 words)

2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
   Some people see their friends" online image so often that they feel as if                .

3. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the
sentence. (no more than 8 words)

4. List two reasons why many people don"t want to talk to people in person. (no more than 15 words)

5. What does the underlined word "These" (Line 1, Paragraph 3) probably refer to? (no more
than 10 words)
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