当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     Small discoveries in Indonesia are causing a stir(轰动 )  in the science ...
阅读理解     Small discoveries in Indonesia are causing a stir(轰动 )  in the science world. Researchers have
unearthed (挖掘)  tiny bones that they believe belong to an entirely new human species. If that" s true,
it will change how we think about our ancestors.
     Clues that the little people may have lived long ago were first revealed last year in the scientific joumal Nature. Scientists said that they had found the bones of a three-foot-tall female on the island of Flores,in
Indonesia. When they looked more closely, they saw that the nearly complete skeleton(骨骼) belonged
to a full-grown adult. Researchers named her Hobbit, after the tiny heroes of the Lord of the Rings books.
      Now the team is saying it has unearthed even more pieces of the puzzle,including a jawbone  and  
parts  of arms , legs  and  hands  from several individuals , as well as stone tools. They reported their find
in Nature this month. " The new evidence makes it very clear that these people are a new species, distinct
from modem humans," Peter Brown, a scientist on the team, said. They named these ancient humans
Homo floresiensis.
     Brown says that these little people lived as recently as 12,000 years ago. If Homo floresiensis was a
different species from modern humans,that would make our family tree bigger than we knew. It means ,
says Brown ,that  " until recently , a relative shared  the planet
with us. "
       Many scientists think a new species is unlikely. Some argue that the bones must have belonged to
modern humans whose small size was the result of a genetic problem.
       Daniel  E.   Lieberman , a scientist  at  Harvard  University, thinks that the debate over the discovery
is healthy. He believes that the questions and arguments raised by critics will help us learn more about
these unusual skeletons. " Disagreement is an important part of the scientific process" , Lieberman said.
" As far as I"m concerned, the story"s only just begun. "1. Researchers name the skeleton Hobbit because_________.  A. it proves to be a full-grown adult
B. it belongs to an ancient human species
C. it resembles the tiny heroes in a set of book
D. it is a figure described in the Lord of the Rings2. Small discoveries in Indonesia are important because__________.   A. they are about ancestors of modern humans
B. they are revealed in the scientific journal Nature
C. they are made by Peter Brown,a famous scientist
D. they might provide new evidence for human study3. According to Daniel E. Lieberman_____________.   A. the investigation hasn"t begun yet
B. disagreement leads to further research
C. Homo floresiensis doesn"t exist on earth
D. our family tree is bigger than we knew4. What does the underlined word " a relative"  in Paragraph 4 refer to?   A. Another human species.
B. The little people in fictions.
C. Our ancestors like monkeys.
D. One of Peter Brown"s relatives.5. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?  A. History of Indonesian People
B. Arguments Over Human Origin
C. Comparison Between Different Peoples
D. Discovery of a Possible New Human Species
1-5:  C D B A D
试题【阅读理解     Small discoveries in Indonesia are causing a stir(轰动 )  in the science 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A. Sheri Poe  Ryka Inc.
        Since I started this company in my kitchen seven years ago,I always dreamt of what it would be
some day. Focusing on that goal helps me get through tough times. To get the kind of success that you
want, you need to dream big. That"s the starting point. Every success story begins with big dreams. You
need to have big dreams  for yourself , like  being  somebody  rich , famous or fulfilled.You need to have
a clear goal of what you want to achieve.
        Also,l think it"s really important that the people you"reworking with are as committed to the same
goal as you are , so you can support each other and keep each other energetic.
B. Anita Roddick  The Body Shop Inc.
        In America , we have a shop in Harlem where 50 percent of the profits go into the community
development, and the other 50 percent go toward the funding of a similar shop elsewhere in the United
States. The pride that shop brings to the staff and local people inspired me.
     What The Body Shop does successfully is use our facilities in the street and shopping centers to talk
about real human issues like AIDS, recycling, human rights, and community service or to encourage
people to speak out against anything they consider to be unjust. Knowing our products are symbols of
social change is really encouraging.
C. Ben Cohen  Ben & Jerry"s Homemade Inc.
        I"m energized by The people I work with. I"m very relationship-driven, which I think is different
from most entrepreneurs. I"m inspired by doing things that are not normal and that most people think
don"t fit into the business world or don"t make any sense.
        In business, you are judged by the company you keep-from your management team , board of
directors , and strategic partners.Maybe the lady you met in a trade association meeting can help you
secure funding , or the gentleman at a conference can provide you with management advice.
D. Richard Melman  Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
         A number of years ago,l was interviewed by someone who was writing a book on entrepreneurs.
He asked me. " What"s the opposite of work?" I answered. " Lazy. " He started laughing and said,
"Believe it or not, a lot of entrepreneurs say the same thing. "
     The average person thinks the opposite of work is play, but to an entrepreneur,work is play. I think it
all adds up to having fun. It"s  fun  to create ; it"s fun to  entertain, and  it"s fun to make people happy with
our service. When it stops being fun,l"ll stop doing it.
E. Frank Toskan  Make-Up Art Cosmetics( M. A. C. )
        One of the nicest things anyone ever said to me was, "I hate makeup,but I love M.  A.  C. " That" s
what moves me on. Even  people who don " t wear makeup can appreciate our company , what it stands
for,its values, and the way we do business.
        We work from an inverted pyramid , where the customers are always at the top. Our customers
inspire me and keep me going. They and our staff, not money, make me enthusiastic. If I had stayed in
this business just for the money,l would have closed down years ago.
F. Kenneth Cole   Kenneth Cole Productions Inc.
         You can" t be everything to everybody. Fach of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. To be
effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them. You"ll become more successful if
you are able to channel your efforts to areas that you do best. In business, for example, if you know you
are good at marketing, then give it full play. Seek help or assistance in areas that you may be poor at,
such as accounting or bookkeeping. To turn your weakness into strength , consider taking hands-on
learning or training.
1. Bryan : What comes first , the customer or the profit?
2. Olga: How important is an entrepreneur"s ambition to his/her company"s growth?
3. Scott : How does an entrepreneur make use of his/her advantages?
4. Anna:Why do successful entrepreneurs seem to enjoy their work?
5. David : What attitude should an entrepreneur have toward  his/her social responsibilities?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The survival of about one fifth of the world’s vertebrates - animals with a backbone - is considered
threatened, according to new research published in the journal Science. That’s a large fraction of Earth’s
animals, but this new study held some good news too. Conservation efforts by humans have slowed the
loss of many species of amphibians (两栖动物), birds, and mammals. Losses in these groups would
have been about 20 percent greater had it not been for recent action of protection.
     Among the animal-conservation success stories is one about birds called Mauritius kestrels (红隼).
In the 1970s, just four of these birds were left in the world. Through a special breeding program,
scientists were able to increase their number to about 1,000 and release them into the wild.
     Humpback whales (座头鲸) have benefited greatly from recent conservation efforts as well. They
were once on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) list of species threatened
with extinction. But the species is now in less danger, thanks to laws that ban whale hunting. The IUCN
even moved the humpback into “species of the least concern”.
     Over the past 100 years, the white rhino (犀牛) of South Africa has also made an amazing recovery
because of habitat protection. The breed multiplied from just 50 animals to about 17.000. Their home
has been turned into a protected area, safe from poachers (people who hunt animals illegally) and other
     Stuart Butchart, one of the authors of the new study in Science, is encouraged by the positive effects
of conservation. But he says, “Biodiversity (生物多样化) of species is in a frightening state. Its situation
is getting worse. But our results show we can turn the situation around.”
     New conservation policies hopefully are on the way. One hundred ninety-three countries recently met
in Japan at the Convention on Biological Diversity to set goals for preserving threatened wildlife and
their habitats Only 1 percent of ocean and 12 percent of land areas were protected under earlier
agreements. Two new goals set by the group are to designate (指定) 10 percent of the world’s ocean
and 17 percent of land environments as protected areas to help increase endangered-animal population.1. What can we learn from the passage?A. Though there was a special breeding program, the number of Mauritius kestrels didn’t increase.
B. Conservation efforts should not only be made by human beings.
C. Humpback whales are not no the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list now.
D. Because many groups are working to protect wildlife, natural habitats are in good condition.2. Which of the following is not mentioned in people’s conservation efforts?A. Habitat protection
B. Breeding programs
C. Laws of banning whale hunting
D. Creation of studying organizations3. The author uses some successful animal-conservation examples to show that _______.A. conservation works
B. man conquers nature
C. animals are more important
D. law is fair4. From the last paragraph we can infer that _______.A. much more must be done to prevent species from becoming extinct
B. many animals should be removed from the endangered list
C. humans seem to be at a loss in face of the protection of biodiversity
D. people’s concern of species extinction is completely unnecessary5. The purpose of the new goals set by the Convention on Biological Diversity is to ______.A. protect ocean habitats
B. build land environments
C. increase the population of endangered animals
D. control animal population
题型:江西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。      The amount of household waste being recycled in England has increased more than three times in
the past decade, official figures show.
     But householders (住户) are still throwing away more than 60% of their rubbish, the statistics from
the   Department for Environment, Food and Rural Rural Affairs (Defra) found.
     The proportion of household waste being recycled, composted (堆肥) or reused rose slightly last
year from 37.6% in 2008 - 2009 to 39.7% in 2009 - 2010.
      According to the figures, 9.4 million tonnes of waste was recycled last year, up from 9.1 million
the year before and more than three times the 2.8 million tonnes recycled in 2000 - 2001.
      The overall amount of waste being sent to landfill by local councils fell by 2.7% on the previous
year and now stands at 23.7 million tonnes.
      Each English household threw away on average just over a tonne of rubbish in the past, of which
411 kilograms was recycled, composted or reused and 625kg ended up in landfill or burned.
      The amount of waste being sent to landfill by local councils fell by 9.4% to 12.5 million tonnes last
       The Government recently launched a review into England’s waste strategy in a bid to encourage
people to reduce levels of rubbish being thrown into landfills and make it easier for them to increase
the amount of waste being recycled.
      Ministers have been eager to cut the number of wheelie bins and containers people have to deal
with to sort their waste.
      And in a move which could see a reversal (逆转) in the trend towards fortnightly (两周一次的)
bin rounds, brought in as part of efforts to boost recycling, the review is also looking at how the
Government can work with councils to increase the frequency and quality of collections.1. The household waste being recycled in 2009 - 2010 made up _______.A. 60%
B. 37.6%
C. 39.7%
D. 94.%2. The overall amount of waste produced in 2008 - 2009 was about ________.A. 9.4 million tonnes
B. 9.1 million tonnes
C. 23.7 million tonnes
D. 24.36 million tonnes3. A review of waste strategy was launched in England in order to ______.A. make it more convenient to recycle waste
B. call on householders to sort rubbish out
C. make it easier to collect recyclable waste
D. encourage householders to reduce rubbish4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. All the waste will be reused in the future.
B. Fortnightly collection is a waste of resources
C. More waste will be recycled instead of ending up in landfills
D. It will take a shorter time for the waste to be collected5. What is the text mainly about?A. Dealing with waste in England
B. The trend to recycle more rubbish
C. How to recycle rubbish in the future
D. A review of England’s waste strategy
题型:江西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     " I will donate blood as long as I am healthy , that"s a citizen"s responsibility," said Peter Weber, Swiss by
birth and general manager of Four Seasons Shanghai, ___1____donating blood in a blood collection bus
on Friday morning.
     Despite the heat wave    2   the city, nearly 40 employees of the local leading hotel donated this
precious gift, 400ml of blood each, to     3     in need of transfusion.
        4     last week, the city" s blood centers have been thirsty for healthy blood because the need for
blood   5   in summer when traffic and burn accidents are more   6   . But the number of donors decreases
significantLy(明显减少)   7    the hot weather. During the first half of the year, blood donation increased     8     about 5.5 per cent but the clinical( 医学的) use of blood jumped by 11.2 per cent.
        " Right after we heard that the blood centre was short of healthy blood last week, we sent    9    to
our employees calling them to donate , " said  Stanley  Ng , the  hotel"s  human  resources  director.
     "Our staff(共作人员) feel    10   to help the hotel make a contribution to public welfare events. "
     Meanwhile , the  hotel  also  11  leaflets(传单) to 50 nearby office buildings informing and encouraging
their employees   12   the Friday donation effort.
      "I hope my blood will help    13    in need, especially the patients with financial difficulty, " said one
        " Donating blood is good for others and also good for oneself and family. One day, if I or my family
members need to use blood.we   14   receive such help from others. "
     According to the China Blood Donation Law , blood donors can use blood up to   15   they have
donated within five years free of charge. Their family members can also use the same amount of donated
blood , also free of charge.
     In addition,public education on the   16   of blood donation should be improved and more convenient
procedures adapted.
        " The  arrival  of the  blood  collection bus at our hotel makes giving blood     17     more convenient.  Otherwise, it"s quite complicated(复杂的) , with the need to make a trip  to a hospital ( blood collection centre) , " Weber     18   .
      All local residents who are   19    to donate their blood, are invited to contact the city"s blood centre
via two blood donation   20   :6219-1114,6275-8257.
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(     )1. A. while                      
(     )2. A. reaching                  
(     )3. A. doctors                    
(     )4. A. By                        
(     )5. A. falls                      
(     )6. A. ordinary                  
(     )7. A. in spite of                
(     )8. A. by                        
(     )9. A. announcements              
(     )10. A. sorry                    
(     )11. A. made up                  
(     )12. A. to join                  
(     )13. A. that                      
(     )14. A. must                      
(     )15. A. five times
                  the amount    
(     )16. A. difficulty                
(     )17. A. very                      
(     )18. A. wondered                  
(     )19. A. likely                    
(     )20. A. calls                    

  B. if                    
  B. washing                
  B patients                
  B. At                    
  B. drops                  
  B. usual                  
  B. instead of            
  B. at                    
  B. notices                
  B. satisfied              
  B. gave off              
  B. join                  
  B. which                  
  B. can                    
  B. the amount
      five times  
  B. possibility            
  B. quite                  
  B. said                  
  B. possible              
  B. telephones            

C. than                  
C. striking              
C. nurses                
C. In                    
C. raises                
C. common                
C. as a result of        
C. for                    
C. advertisements        
C. interested            
C. sent out              
C. joining                
C. those                  
C. may                    
C. five times
     the number  
C. reality                
C. far                    
C. doubted                
C. willing                
C. addresses              

D. because              
D. leaving              
D. customers            
D. Since                
D. grows                
D. average              
D. in face of            
D. from                  
D. letters              
D. proud                
D. put on                
D. joins                
D. what                  
D. need                  
D. the number
    five times
D. importance            
D. really                
D. answered              
D. unwilling            
D. hotlines            

     I came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Greek and Grass Greek. Others.
came too,and we made these little grey houses of logs that you see, and they are square. It is a bad
way to live , for there can be no power in a square.
      You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle. and that is because the Power of the
World always works in circles. and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were a strong
and happy people, all our power came to us from the respectful circle of the nation, and so long as the
circle was unbroken,the people were getting rich. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle,
and the circle of the four quarters nursed it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth. the
west gave rain,and the north with its cold and strong wind gave strength and continuous power. This
knowledge came to us from the outer world with our brief. Everything the Power of the World does is
done in a circle. The sky is round , and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball ,and so are all the
stars. Birds make their nests in circles .for theirs are the same as ours. The sun comes forth and goes
down again in a circle. The moon does the same , and both are round. Even the seasons form a great
circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle
from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our places were like the
nests of birds , and these were always set in a circle , the nation"s circle , a nest of many nests.where
the Great Spirit meant for us to nurse our children.
      But the Wasichus ( Indian word for " white people" )  have put us in these square boxes. Our
power is gone and we are dying , for the power is not in us any more. You can look at our boys and
see how it is with us. Where we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should, boys
were men at twelve or thirteen years of age. But now it takes them very much longer to be bull-grown.
1 . According to the  passage , the  Indians ____________ . 
A. don"t have modern instruments in their homes
B. refused to take themselves away from round places
C. lived in round places, but then decided to move into square houses
D. lived in round places , but were forced to live in square houses
2. TWO things being compared in the passage are___________.    
A. the Indians" today"s and tomorrow"s living beliefs
B. the Indians" past and present living conditions
C. the Indians" old and new power
D. man"s power versus natural power
3. In the second paragraph "the four quarters" refers to_________. 
A. the four directions
B. the four rooms of the Indian"s house
C. the four seasons
D. the four kinds of natural power
4. According to the author, once the Indians moved into square houses,_______________.
A. they had to move to other houses
B. they forgot the old way of life
C. boys took more time to grow into men
D. everyone was not happy