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阅读理解     Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to
physical and mental well-being, according to a Canadian study.
     For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of heart
disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higher-status positions while job authority
has shown no relationship with workers" health.
     But University of Toronto researchers, using data from 1,800 US workers, found the health of
people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with co-
workers and say work disturbs their home life.
      However the positive aspects of having a power position at work, such as higher status, more
pay and greater independence, seemed to cancel out the negative aspects when it came to people"s
physical and psychological health.
     These latest findings, reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest that the advantages
and disadvantages authority positions basically cancel each other out, giving the general impression that
job authority has no health effects.
     For the study, the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work, life and
well-being.Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had
power over hiring, firing and pay.
     Physical health complaints included problems like headaches, bodyaches, heartburn and tiredness.
Psychological complaints included sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness,
worry and anxiety.
     "This isn"t to suggest that having authority is "bad"-in fact, we show it has benefits...but it is important
to identify the negative sides and deal with them." researcher Scott Schieman said.
Schieman said conflicts with co-workers or involvement of work into home life may destroy physical
and mental well-being by creating stress.
     "These are key stressors that can tax individuals" ability to function effectively, " Schieman said.

1. Work will have a negative effect on job authority"s health probably because __________.
A. they are not fit for their work
B. they have power over hiring and pay
C. they are faced with severe competition
D. they don"t get on well with their co-workers

2. Most people don"t see that bosses have health effects because __________.
A. their health problems are not serious enough to see
B. they have enough money to keep themselves healthy
C. their problems are quite different from those of workers
D. the advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other

3. From the passage we can infer that the study aims to __________.
A. warn people not to be a boss for ever
B. remind the boss to deal with bad effects of their work
C. show that having authority is harmful to one"s health
D. prove that being a boss can benefit a lot

4. The best title for this passage might be __________.
A. Lower-status can affect health
B. Authority can affect health
C. Positive aspects of a power position
D. Disadvantages of being a boss
1-4: DDBB
试题【阅读理解     Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can al】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     Every day,all across the nation,as many as one in four children refuses to go to school.The reasons
are various."School Refusal",formerly known as"School Phobia",is an actual anxietybased disorder.
Many children are vague about their complaints and unable to be sure what is making them anxious,so
it is sometimes regarded as typical childhood will fullness.However,the effects of constant school refusal
can be farreaching for your child"s education.
     So,where"s the line between what"s normal and what"s not?"You need to look at whether it is affecting
the child or family"s normal life,"explains Christopher Kearney,Ph.D.In other words,if a child"s grades are
suffering from frequent absences or a parent"s job is disturbed,it is time to look closely at the issue.
Parents should listen carefully to children who say they can"t go to school because of "untestable things"
such as stomachaches or headaches.While these complaints alone don"t necessarily indicate school
refusal,there may be deeper problems if combined with general complaints about school,talks of threats
at school and so on.
     There are different kinds of behavior in school refusal.Some children are influenced by their friends
who skip school to hang out with their friends,showing a sense of rebellion(叛逆). Some children cling to
their mothers,screaming at the thought of having to enter the school building.
     However,that doesn"t mean that getting a child back into the classroom is impossible.According to
Maryann Roth,a school psychologist and guidance counselor(顾问),parents should attempt to make the
child get back to school,no matter how hard it is.Working closely with school officials and possibly a
specialist to create a plan is a necessary step.

1. The underlined word"vague"(Paragraph 1)is closest in meaning to__________.
A. irregular  
B. unclear
C. curious  
D. unusual

2. According to Paragraph 2,the real reason of "School Refusal" may be that the children__________.
A. are suffering from illness
B. are afraid of endless tests
C. want to stay with their parents
D. feel bored and unsafe at school

3. When facing "School Refusal" of their children,parents should__________.
A. take the problem seriously if their daily life is disturbed
B. discuss the seriousness of the problem with their children
C. take their children to see the doctor immediately
D. keep their children away from their rebellious friends

4. The passage intends to__________.
A. explain that "School Refusal" is a symptom of an illness
B. explain the phenomenon of "School Refusal" and how to treat it
C. remind parents to take good care of their children
D. explain that "School Refusal" is normal and not serious
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     One of the best decisions you can make in your twenties is to explore. Exploring postcollege choices
looks a lot like being lost; in fact, being lost is normal and productive at this stage in life.
     In the past, people were penalized(处罚)for getting lost. For example, dropping out of high school
for a year to explore made colleges think you were hospitalized for mental instability. But it"s a different
story today. Right after college, you don"t get dinged(教训)for taking time off. Most graduate and
professional schools today would prefer the students who take time to go away, have different
experiences, and then come back refocused.
     Why is there so much respect for exploration?Part of the reason is that there is no better way of
figuring out what will make you happy. "We are not very good at using our imaginations when it comes
to how we"ll feel in a given circumstance," says Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard
University. Therefore, he recommends that we test out a lot of different careers. He admits that this
method takes time, but he says it"s worth it because otherwise you"re likely to make a decision based
on money, which does not always lead to happiness.
     What about the people who pull their life together in a tight little package by age twenty-four?
They"re the exception to the rule, according to Wayne Osgood, a professor of sociology at Pennsylvania
State University. He labels these people "fast starters" and explains that they are only about 12 percent
of the population. Some fast starters are just plain lucky: they love the first job they get after college.
The other 88 percent of us have to march through our twenties formulating(规划)a new career plan.
     The good news is that this is what most people are doing in their twenties:wandering, taking trips,
changing jobs every year, volunteering for unpaid work while living at their parents" house, and starting
businesses that fail. All these choices are, surprisingly, right on track for making a good decision about
what to do with yourself in adult life. 1. According to the passage, exploring after college in your twenties __________. A. means you get lost in your life
B. assists you in choosing a suitable career
C. is just a waste of your valuable time
D. is a kind of mental instability2. Exploration is so much respected because __________. A. it helps you to earn much more money than others
B. it improves your imagination in a given situation
C. it is the best way to find your happiness
D. it promises you various choices of careers3. Who can be called "fast starters" ?A. People who find their favorite jobs earlier.
B. People who stand out among others.
C. People who love their jobs very much.
D. People who always carry a small package with them. 4. What statement may the author agree to ?A. The earlier you work, the happier you are.
B. Exploration is to travel around the world.
C. Choosing a career is nothing but easy.
D. An indirect route is the route to happiness. 5. This passage can be classified as __________. A. humorous      
B. argumentative
C. narrative  
D. poetic
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     When we were young, we had dreams and expectations. We imagine things, we keep thinking
about what we want to be, what we want to do, what makes us proud and happy and what we will
     We grew up, and everything seemed like having its own way. We accept our success or failures
and we move on. The change, the need to do the important things, the jobs, the pressures and the
failures, all kill part of our dreams.
     Things have changed, but they cannot really take away the dreams. We still have to dream on, to
realize our desires, our wants, our future, even when we are considered too old for such things. Cornel
Sanders started his business when he was sixty, and started the whole successful KFC business. The
main thing is not the age-whether being too old, or too young, but it is the desire to dream on, and the
courage to realize it.
     Having a dream, taking it to sleep, thinking about it, planning it, and adding all the fun to our dreams
will make us a bit closer to the realization of our dreams.
     Businessmen start with a dream, a simple wish of small restaurant operation, or a huge business of
real-estate(房地产) development, or a training center for English education, or just any other
self-employed money earning fun.
     The ability to dream on is one of the fine qualities of human race that other animals do not have. So
dream on, and put a deadline:make it a giant dream, a small one, an old one, a newfound one, a hobby
related one, a change of life one, a religious one, a stupid one, or just whatever. . . just continue to
dream on. . . Then, Just Go and Do It!1. According to the passage, which of the following may not cause the failure of our dreams?A. Changes in life.   
B. Jobs.
C. Pressures.  
D. Working hard. 2. The writer mentioned KFC in this passage in order to tell us __________. A. If you want to succeed, you have to wait to work at 60
B. KFC is quite popular with all the young people in the world
C. It is not the age but the desire and courage that makes your dream come true
D. Cornel Sanders the founder of KFC had a dream when he was young3. What does the underlined word "giant" in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A. Big.  
B. Small.
C. Wise.  
D. Common. 4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?A. Dream on
B. Dream and Facts
C. KFC and Dream
D. One World, One Dream
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     On the first day of my new high school,I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the
school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, "You"re nervous and that"s okay.
Everyone is afraid of high school." I denied it. I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know
about my fear,even my closest friends.
     On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. The school seemed like a puzzle
that I couldn"t figure out. Was this how the whole year was going to be? I didn"t think I could rise to this
challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock
someone out with it! The schoolmates seemed to regard me as a fool, and they were probably right.
     Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured out. With the exception of
falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at,high school was turning out to be
not so bad. It was actually much better than middle school and much more challenging.
Since then,I"ve been elected vice monitor of my class,which wasn"t much of a victory since only three
people ran for the four positions.
     It is normal to be scared about a new school. Take a deep breath and relax. High school is
something that any student can overcome. Make sure you participate in some outofclass activities
because you"ll find it easier to make friends. Try to do your best, even if it isn"t straight A"s.
     Most important of all, be who you are, whether you"re a "fool", an athlete, or a lower grader. Don"t
try to pretend to be someone you"re not. Now you know the true secrets of high school.1. The main reason for the author"s fear on his first day is that ________.A. he was unable to work out the puzzle
B. his schoolmates were unfriendly to him
C. he was not familiar with the new surroundings
D. his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry2. From the author"s first day experience we can infer that ____.A. his home was far from the school
B. he got to school after classes began
C. he didn"t get any school schedule
D. he didn"t know the right way to class3. After his first week at school,the author ________.A. was still not accustomed to the schedule
B. gradually adjusted himself to the new school
C. found high school not so challenging as he had imagined
D. ran for monitor of his class against three other students4. According to the passage,the secret of the author"s success lies mainly in ________.A. making more friends
B. getting more A"s at school
C. being who he really is
D. joining in outofclass activities
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the fact of friendship for
granted, we often don"t clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number
of people, __1__
     Moreover, a great many relationships come under the general term "friendship". In all cases, two
people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of closeness between
them and the reasons for their interest in each other change greatly.
     At the beginning, much depends on how people meet, and on good first impressions. As we get to
know people, __2__Although these factors are not of the greatest importance, it is more difficult to
have a good relationship with people when there is a big difference in age and background.
     Then, __3__Friends will stand closer together and will spend more time looking at each other than
ordinary friends. Smiles and soft voices also express friendliness, and it is because they may give the
wrong signals that shy people often have difficulty making friends. A friendly look with a wrong facial
expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as
     Some relationships are a result of argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have
the same ideas and beliefs, the same opinion and interests. The more closely involved people become,
the more they depend on each other. And __4__ Equally, friends have to learn to make allowances for
each other, to put up with annoying habits, and to accept differences in opinion.
     In contrast with marriage, __5__But the support and understanding that results from shared
experiences and affections does seem to create a close and lasting relationship.

A. we are usually friends with only a few.
B. many factors can affect friendship and relationship.
C. people want to do friends favors and hate to let them down.
D. argument and discussion can improve personal relationships.
E. we consider things like age, race, looks, economic and social status, etc.
F. we pay attention to actual behavior, facial expression, and the way a person speaks.
G. there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the relationship between two people.
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