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任务型阅读     The five R"s are five questions that we ask ourselves
all the time in order to judge whether we"re doing a good
job for our customers, having positive vendor(小贩)
relationships, and dealing with our peers(同辈人)and
those around us.
    Respect: Have you been respectful to whomever
you"re dealing with whether it"s a customer, peer, or a
vendor? And we define respect not as  a  respect for  a
superior, but a respect for someone because they walk on
this planet with you. And you give them respect equally as
you would do.
    Respond:Have you been responsive to the needs of
your customer or the person you"re dealing with? Many
people say "You didn"t react fast enough"and I actually
don"t agree with that philosophy. I think it"s more that
you"re not responding fast enough.
    Reacting is a very emotional thing. Responding to
somebody involves thinking about what you"re doing so
you can help them. Responding implies that you"re
listening to what they want and what they"re saying, and
you"re trying to find a solution for them.
     Realistic:Have you been realistic about what you can
or cannot do? If somebody comes to us with an unrealistic
goal that they need fulfill (完成), then we need to
immediately tell them that we can"t do it. We will ruin our
own reputation(名誉) through over promising.
    Responsibility: It"s easy for one person to take
responsibility, but it"s difficult in an organization where
each person has a job to do and different people are
shepherding that project. Everybody has to go into it with
the philosophy that this is my project and I own it
collectively(共同地) with everybody else, but I"m going to
make it a personal responsibility when this thing succeeds.
    Remembered:When you walk away from a situation
with a customer, vendor, peer, or anyone in your
organization, are you going to be remembered positively?
And if you have done all of the other four R"s, I think you
are going to be remembered positively.
试题【任务型阅读     The five R"s are five questions that we ask ourselvesall the time in o】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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题型:山西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
Secret to Success—Five R"s
RespectMen were born 1.______. So you
should 2.__________respect to everyone.
Respond3._____fast is very necessary for you
to deal with the customers or the other
persons. So you"re trying to find a
4.__________for them.
RealisticIf the 5. _________ is far over your ability,
you needn"t 6. _____to complete it.
7.__________, it"ll ruin your reputation.
ResponsibilityIn an organization, you 8.________the
job with others. Therefore, everybody
must consider himself as the 9._________.
RememberedI believe you will be remembered
10.____if you have done all of the
other four R"s.
1. equal    2. show   3. Reacting4. solution   5. goal  
6. promise   7. Otherwise 8. share   9. owner   10. positively
     Do you remember piling up building blocks (积木) when you were younger?In order for a great
structure to be created,you needed skill,patience,hard work,and the right blocks.To build a healthy and
happy life,you need skill,patience,hard work,and the right blocks.In life,though,these blocks,or tools,are
called life skills.
     No one wants to feel frustrated.No one wants to feel sick.No one wants to fight all the time with friends
or family.When these issues come up,though,life skills can help you deal with and improve the situation.
     Do you remember the six components of health?They are physical,emotional,social,mental,spiritual,and
environmental.Life skills can help improve these areas individually or,sometimes,together.It just takes
practice.So what are the life skills?
     First of all,an individual should assess his health.Doing this helps the person decide on his current state
of wellbeing and pick the actions and behaviors that will improve his health.
     Second,a person should try to communicate effectively.When a person can clearly state his feelings and
listen effectively as well,relationships with others can improve.
     Third,an individual should practice wellness.This means the person is trying to choose nutritious meals,
avoid unhealthy behaviors,and get enough sleep.
     Fourth,________.Each person will experience difficult situations.Each person experiences anger or
depression at some point in his life.To build a healthy life,though,a person works through the situation.
    Fifth,a person needs to be a wise consumer.A consumer buys products.A wise consumer makes healthy
decisions when buying products and services.
1.The author talks about piling up building blocks in the first paragraph to________.
A.show it is a difficult task
B.compare it with building a healthy life
C.explain how to create a great structure
D.tell readers the six components of health
2.The underlined word "wellness" in the passage most probably means "________".
A.having a lot of money
B.the state of being healthy
C.being content with what one has
D.being not easily upset or excited
3.Which of the following sentences can be used to fill in the blank?
A.a person should learn from failure
B.a person should work hard all his life
C.a person may have troubles every now and then
D.an individual must try to deal with troubles effectively
     A punctual (准时的)person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in
keeping an appointment.
     1. ________He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name.A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained.Time is more valuable than material things.2.________The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable assets as well as the assets of
others". The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters or return calls or keep appointments promptly.3.________He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of
work unless he faithfully attends to every piece of work when it has to be attended to.
     Failure to be punctual in keeping one"s appointments is a sign of disrespect towards others.If a person
is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him.
     Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to doing one"s duty, whether public or private.
Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time.5.________
A. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful with his time and seldom complains
     because he lacks it.
B. The unpunctual man, on one hand, never does what he should do ahead of time.
C. In fact, time is life itself.
D. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.
E. The unpunctual man, on one hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time.
F. All guests present ought to be respected by the host.
G. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.
     If you travel to a new exhibit at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, you will have chances
to see some meateating plants. Take bladderworts (狸藻类植物), a kind of such plant, for example.
They appear so small and grow in a quiet pond. "But these are the fastestknown killers of the plant
kingdom, able to capture a small insect in 1/50 of a second using a trap door! "
     Once the trap door closes on the victim, the enzymes (酶) similar to those in the human stomach
slowly digest the insect. When dinner is over, the plant opens the trap door and is ready to trap again.
     Meateating plants grow mostly in wet areas with soil that doesn"t offer much food value. In such
conditions, these amazing plants have developed insect traps to get their nutritional needs over thousands
of years. North America has more such plants than any other continents.
     Generally speaking, the traps may have attractive appearance to fool the eye, like pitcher plants,
which get their name because they look like beautiful pitchers (a container like a bottle) full of nectar
     The Asian pitcher plant, for example, has bright colors and an attractive halfclosed lid. Curious insects
are tempted to come close and take a sip, and then slide down the slippery (光滑的) slope to their
     Hairlike growths along the pitcher walls ensure that nothing can escape, and the digestive enzymes
can get to work. A tiny insect can be digested in a few hours, but a fly takes a couple of days.
Some of these pitchers are large enough to hold two gallons. Meateating plants only eat people in science
fiction movies, but sometimes a bird or other small animals will discover that a pitcher plant isn"t a good
place to get a drink.
1. From the first paragraph, we learn that bladderworts can________.
A. kill an insect in a second
B. capture an insect in 1/50 of a second
C. be found floating on a quiet lake
D. digest a fly in a few hours
2. If the trap door of a meateating plant is closed, the plant is________.
A. fooling insects into taking a sip
B. producing nectar
C. tempting insects to come close
D. enjoying a dinner
3. Meateating plants can grow in wet and poor soil because they________.
A. can get nutrition from animals
B. don"t need much food value
C. can make the most of such conditions
D. have developed digestive enzymes
4. What can be captured by meateating plants for food?
A. A child.  
B. A dog.
C. A little bird.  
D. A little fish.
Dear Reader,
     Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation.
     Wikipedia is built differently from almost every other top 50 website.We have a small number of paid
staff, just twentythree.Wikipedia content is free to use by anyone for any purpose.Our annual expenses are less than six million dollars.Wikipedia is run by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in
     Wikipedia is driven by a global community of more than 150,000 volunteers-all devoted to sharing
knowledge freely.Over almost eight years, these volunteers  have  contributed  more  than 11 million articles in 265 languages.More than 275 million people come to our website every month to access information,
free of charge and free of advertising.
     But Wikipedia is more than a website.We share a common cause:Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.That"s our commitment.
     Your donation helps us in several ways.Most importantly, you will help us cover the increasing cost of managing global traffic to one of the most popular websites on the Internet.Funds also help us improve the software that runs Wikipedia-making it easier to search, easier to read, and easier to write for.We are
committed to increasing the free knowledge movement worldwide, by taking on new volunteers, and
building strategic partnerships with institutions of culture and learning.
     Wikipedia is different.It"s the largest encyclopedia (百科全书)  in history, written by volunteers.Like
a national park or a school, we don"t believe advertising should have a place in Wikipedia.We want to
keep it free and strong, but we need the support of thousands of people like you.
                                                                                                                                       Thank you,
                                                                                                                                       Jimmy Wales
1. What do the second and third paragraphs mainly talk about?
A. Why you should donate to Wikipedia.
B. How much the workers are paid.
C. How Wikipedia is run.
D. How many people contribute to Wikipedia.
2. All the following are the reasons for the need of your donation EXCEPT________.
A. to keep Wikipedia free for people all over the world
B. to update the software that runs Wikipedia
C. to raise the salaries of the staff
D. to pay the cost of running the website
3. What does the underlined word "That" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A. Free access to all human knowledge.
B. Human knowledge.
C. Every single person.
D. A common cause.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about Wikipedia?
A. It only has 23 workers at present.
B. It will run a national park or a school.
C. It has got much help from other people.
D. It may put some advertisements to earn money.
5. What"s the author"s purpose of writing this text?
A. To introduce the differences between Wikipedia and other websites.
B. To improve the software that runs Wikipedia.
C. To make Wikipedia more popular.
D. To call on people to donate to Wikipedia.
     When I first came to the USA, I made friends with a neighbor who used to live only two blocks away
from my street. This friend taught me a lot about American __1__, but in some __2__I had to learn the
hard way, because we didn"t have enough time together for me to learn all about American customs from
     One day this same friend invited me to a party. It wasn"t a (n)__3__party, only some kind of informal
gettogether. Since it was summer time he had a cookout where most of his American friends and relatives
were known to me, but there were others I had never met before.
     It was the most __4__party for me when I noticed that. Everybody was wearing jeans and simple
Tshirts for the day,__5__I arrived in proper dress with my shoes and my hair all fixed for a fancy party.
It was hard to __6__my embarrassment to the other guests. When one of them turned around and said,
"What nice clothes! What"s the occasion?" I felt my __7__ burning hot. I didn"t answer at all. If she knew
how bad I already felt, she wouldn"t have come near me. But she did. Maybe she didn"t ask __8__to
make me feel bad or uncomfortable, but my reaction had to do with the way I already felt.I could have
told her I had to go to another party afterward, but I did not want to continue the __9__.
     Many times I thought of going home and __10__but I knew they would notice. It would be even
__11__for me because I knew they would quickly think that I felt out of __12__. So I wanted to pretend
that I was OK.
     I have already realized their customs are different from mine, but after I talked to my friend, I was
more convinced that people here are more __13__. They care less about formality __14__it is a special
occasion, like a __15__or a very formal invitation.
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(     )1. A. art    
(     )2. A. ways        
(     )3. A. real        
(     )4. A. exciting    
(     )5. A. as          
(     )6. A. explain      
(     )7. A. heart        
(     )8. A. carefully    
(     )9. A. conversation
(     )10. A. changing    
(     )11. A. worse      
(     )12. A. order      
(     )13. A. indifferent
(     )14. A. unless      
(     )15. A. party      
B. culture      
B. conditions    
B. pleasant      
B. surprising    
B. while        
B. talk          
B. body          
B. intentionally
B. speech        
B. crying        
B. luckier      
B. breath        
B. casual        
B. if            
B. picnic        
C. history      
C. cases        
C. usual        
C. embarrassing  
C. when          
C. speak        
C. face          
C. willingly    
C. meeting      
C. sleeping      
C. better        
C. place        
C. open          
C. as long as    
C. meeting      
D. people    
D. methods    
D. evening    
D. enjoyable  
D. and        
D. say        
D. hand      
D. eagerly    
D. discussion
D. dancing    
D. easier    
D. mind      
D. careless  
D. since      
D. wedding