当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     Every culture has a recognized point when a child becomes an adult, whe...
     Every culture has a recognized point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed and
tests passed.
     In China, although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only see themselves as an adult when
they are 18. In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to
drive. At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license, they drive into the
grownup world.
     "Nobody wants to ride the cheese bus to school," said Eleanor Fulham, 17. She brought the pressure
back to memory, especially for kids from wealthier families. "It"s like you"re not cool if you don"t have a
car," she said.
     According to recent research, 41% of 16 to 19yearolds in the US own cars, up from 23% in 1985.
Although, most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get parttime jobs to help pay.
     Not all families can afford cars for their children. In cities with subways and limited parking, some
teenagers don"t want them. But in rich suburban areas without subways, and where bicycles are more for
fun than transportation, it is strange for a teenager not to have a car.
     But police say 16yearolds have almost three times more accidents than 18 to 19yearolds. This has
made many parents pause before letting their kids drive.
     Julie Sussman, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to apply for his
learner"s permit.
     Chad said he has accepted his parents" decision, although it has caused some teasing from his friends. "They say that I am unlucky," he said, "But I"d rather be alive than driving, and I_don"t_really_trust_my_
     In China as more families get cars, more 18yearolds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to
becoming an adult?
1. Which may serve as the best title of the article?
A. Cars Helping You to GrowUp
B. Driving into the GrownUp World
C. Teenagers" Driving in America
D. Recognized Point of Becoming an Adult
2. 16yearold drivers have more accidents possibly because________.
A. they want to show themselves off
B. they are never experienced drivers
C. older people always drive better
D. they never drive carefully on the road
3. Which may NOT be taken into consideration when deciding whether to buy a car?
A. How well off the family is.
B. Whether the kid is old enough.
C. What traffic condition there is around.
D. Whether it"s practically needed.
4. When Chad said "I don"t really trust my friends…", he meant that________.
A. he might run into his friends if he drove
B. he didn"t agree with his friends
C. he might not be safe if his friends drove
D. he was afraid that his friends might well lie to him
5. The passage mainly gives information about ________.
A. an American culture
B. a cultural difference between America and China
C. a change in the Chinese culture
D. the relationship between driving and a person"s development
1-5: BBCCA
试题【阅读理解     Every culture has a recognized point when a child becomes an adult, whe】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     I"m usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded
that today"s children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for
mental illness 50 years ago.
     Why are America"s kids so stressed? The report cites two main causes: increasing physical isolation
(隔离) brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things and a
growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.
     Considering that we_can"t_turn_the_clock_back,_adults can still do plenty to help the next generation.
     At the top of the list is nurturing(培育) a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. Strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.
     To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for facetoface relationships, and they will get more
     Limit the amount of virtual(虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to. It"s not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.
     Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended
Harvard or Yale.
     Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a
good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn"t have to ruin your life.
1. According to the analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago ________.
A. probably suffered less from anxiety
B. were considered less individualistic
C. were less isolated physically
D. were probably less selfcentered
2. What does the author mean by saying "we can"t turn the clock back" in the third paragraph?
A. It"s impossible to forget the past.
B. The social reality children are facing cannot be forgotten.
C. It"s impossible to slow down the pace of change.
D. Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.
3. The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people"s state of mind are ________.
A. illogical  
B. confusing
C. surprising  
D. questionable
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. To children, anxiety is completely avoidable.
B. TV and computer play an important role in isolating children from the real world.
C. Exercise does not help to lessen children"s anxiety.
D. Sometimes local news about crime and murder also affects children a little.
5. The first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is________.
A. to lower their expectations for them
B. to set a good model for them to follow
C. to get them more involved socially
D. to improve them with a safer environment
题型:江西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Japanese high school students either walk or ride bicycles if the distance is not too great. In other cases, students must take public buses and trains. After junior high school, students attend schools based on their high school entrance examination scores. So some students travel a great distance to attend the school.
     The school day begins at 8:30. Then students assemble in their homeroom classes for the day"s studies. Each homeroom has an average of 40-45 students. Students stay in their homeroom classrooms for most
of the school day. Only for physical education, laboratory classes, or other subjects requiring special
facilities(设备) do students move to different parts of the school. Between classes and at lunchtime,
classrooms can be noisy, lively places. Some schools may have a cafeteria(自助餐厅), but most do not.
In most schools, students bring a box lunch from home, prepared by the mother in the early morning hours.
     Japanese students spend 240 days a year at school, 60 days more than American students. Students in high schools take three years" each of the following subjects mathematics, social studies, Japanese, science, and English. Other subjects include physical education, music, art, and moral(道德的) studies. All the
students in one grade level study the same subjects. Given the number of required subjects, electives
(选修科目) are few.
     ◆Afterschool Activities
     Club activities take place after school every day. Students can join only one club, and they rarely
change clubs from year to year, so the clubs are relatively stable. Clubs are made up of sports clubs
(baseball, soccer, judo, kendo, etc.) and culture clubs(English, broadcasting, science, etc.). New students usually are encouraged to select a club shortly after the school year begins in April. Clubs meet for two
hours after school each day and many clubs continue to meet during school vacations.
1. Most Japanese high school students often have their lunch________.
A. in restaurants  
B. in school cafeterias
C. at home    
D. in homeroom classrooms
2. Students in the USA go to school________days a year.
A. 180  
B. 200  
C. 240  
D. 300
3. The underlined word "rarely" in the fourth paragraph means "________".
A. always  
B. never  
C. seldom  
D. often
4.From the passage we know that________.
A. there are less than 40 students in each class in Japanese high schools
B. students must stay in homeroom classrooms for physical education
C. there are few subjects for students to choose except the required ones
D. there will not be any club activities during school vacations
5. The best subtitle for the second and third paragraphs may be "________".
A. At school  
B. In class
C. Subjects  
D. Homerooms
题型:江西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     As the global financial crisis hits the economy, it"s tough finding a job-especially if you"re competing with thousands of other hopeful students. Sometimes you get the interview, but don"t quite seem to land the job because you don"t have related experience. Don"t despair! Here are a few tips that might give you an edge.
     ★Get connected to your network and try to expand it. Talk to friends, family and acquaintances. Let
everyone know you are looking for a job.
     ★Prepare your resume (个人简历) carefully and be sure it"s perfect. Have someone else read it over
for typos (打字错误) and grammatical errors. Get professional help. It"s worth the money to present yourself well. If money is tight, read books on resume writing from your public library or search for free help on
the Internet.
     ★When you apply for a job, be sure you match and list any skills listed on the posting with the skills
you have. If you get an interview, be sure to describe those skills thoroughly. Just having the skills is not
enough. Expressing your abilities well can make all the difference in getting the job.
     ★Research typical interview questions and practice interviewing. Be well prepared for every interview.
     ★Don"t be afraid to accept a position for which you are overqualified-if there"s room for
advancements. Many great job advancements come from first doing well at an entrylevel position. If you
have the right skills and attitude, it won"t be long before you"re in the job you want.
     ★Volunteer for a few weeks in your field of study to gain experience if you feel your resume needs an
     ★When deciding what to wear for an interview, think about the position level and the dress code of the organization.
     ★Use every tool available to you. For example, this site has many job links for your use.
     Good luck!
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the failing to find a job?
A. The global financial crisis.
B. The serious competence.
C. Your lack in related skills.
D. Your lack in related experience.
2. What"s the author"s advice on the resume?
A. To read it over several times by yourself.
B. To get professional help even if it costs.
C. To copy something from books.
D. To publish it on the Internet.
3. If you lack related experience you can________.
A. make up some in your resume
B. read books to get secondhanded one
C. do some related voluntary work
D. get some training at schools
4. Which of the following statements on interviews is RIGHT?
A. Have a few questions ready to ask the interviewer.
B. Describe clearly your ability to the interviewer.
C. Refuse the interviewer"s offer of another position.
D. Wear new clothes for the interview.
5.The purpose of the text is to________.
A. show how to prepare for an interview
B. wish people good luck
C. encourage people not to despair
D. give advice on how to find a job
题型:江西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Boys need friends, suffer when they don"t believe they have any, and worry over the ups and downs of relationships. Many adults believe that somehow boys need friends less than girls do, in truth, though, no
boy is an island; boys value their friends throughout childhood and adolescence and are happier and
healthier when they have solid relationships with peers(同龄人).
     Despite the common belief that girls are better at relationships, most boys consider their friends a very
important part of their lives, and boys may actually be better at keeping friendships than girls are. A recent study of 10 to 15yearold boys and girls found that girls" friendships are actually more fragile. Girls tend to
say and do hurtful things to each other more frequently than boys, and girls are more hurt by the end of a
     Boys are the living definition of the phrase "peer group"; they love games with rules, competition, and doing things together. Boys seem to enjoy, even need the opportunity to test themselves against others, and many lasting friendships begin in karate(空手道) class or on the basketball court. Competence and skill
are widely respected; being picked last for a team or left out altogether is an experience that can haunt
(萦绕心头) a boy for years.
     As boys mature, the friendship becomes even more important, and it frequently widens to include girls. During the teen years, friends can become the most important part of a boy"s life-and a part in which his
parents are not included. The confusion of being a teenager leads boys to form close bonds with friends.
There is the sense for many boys that a friend is someone who is "always there for me", someone he can
trust. They may be partners in crime or partners in study, but the friendship of adolescent boys can run
surprisingly deep.
1. The common belief of adults is that boys________.
A. don"t care about others as much as girls
B. don"t value friendship as much as girls
C. have the same friendship as girls
D. have healthier friendship than girls
2. According to the text, boys" friendship________.
A. is usually built around active play
B. tends to be in small groups
C. can bear mutual hurt between friends
D. doesn"t suffer from failure
3. The author mentions the study in the second paragraph to prove ________.
A. many people believe girls are better at relationships
B. most boys consider their friends very important
C. boys may be better at keeping friendships than girls
D. boys may be more active in a friendship
4. As a boy gets older, he tends to________.
A. widen his circle of friends to include different kinds of people
B. shift his focus from his friends to himself
C. leave his parents out of his friendship
D. be confused about what a friendship is
5. What"s the best title for the text?
A. Friendships between Boys and Girls
B. Boys and Their Friendship
C. Childhood and Adolescent Friendship
D. Tips on Making Friends with Boys
题型:江西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Imagine waking up to a world where China is the world"s leading superpower, astronauts are busy
walking on Mars and a brand new political party is ruling the UK? Well, this could be reality in 14 years if some of the predictions of 100,000 Britons are correct.
     The survey asked the people of the UK how they pictured the world in 2025.
     Nearly half believe Prince William will be crowned King of England instead of Prince Charles although one in six think the monarchy (君主制度) will have been abolished. A quarter of those surveyed believe
a new party will form the government in 2025 although the same number of people think that Labor will
be back in power.
     On the world stage 60 percent think China is set to become the world"s leading superpower, while 30
percent of people think Great Britain will be made up of four selfgoverned countries.
     Meanwhile technology will have come on in leaps and bounds. Four percent are optimistic that there
will be a permanent human base on Mars while one in ten expect a colony of humans to be living in space. More than half questioned in the MSN study predict people will watch all their favorite shows via TV sets hooked up to the Internet. Two thirds believe cosmetic surgery(整容手术) will have become common
and one in six think we will look after our own health using computers rather than________.
     But at least we can amuse ourselves with the daily comings and goings of pop singers and reality stars, as more than half think that "celebrity(明星)"will be a registered profession.
1. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 10 words)
2. What character do most people questioned think China would act as in the world in 13 years? (no more than 3 words)
3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
4. What did 30 percent of the people surveyed think about the UK? (no more than 10 words)
5. What does the word "Labor" (Line 6, Paragraph 3) refer to? (no more than 8 words)
题型:江西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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