当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Come r...
Come rain or come shine,it’s important to know how to check the weather forecast.A quick
look at the newspaper can  36 whether you should carry an umbrella, sunglasses or a warm coat when you go out.
A weather report usually   37 with the heading“Weather Outlook ”or just  38 
“Weather”.To put as much information as possible into a    39  space,a weather report has
some  40 language.Words ale chosen not for their attractiveness, 41 for their simplicity and directness.
Most forecasts   42   with a“general situation”report of that day’s  43  and some
other useful information.People  44  a weather page rather than  45  a long time on it, so
writers do not need  46 sentences,but make use of verbs,adjectives and adverbs  47 
For example,“Brief sunny periods and heavy thunder showers later.”
48  general forecast is mole detailed information.In Britain,which is a small country,
and the US,which is  49 ,there arc geographical separations like Northern, East coast, and so
There are of course temperature forecasts.Depending On   50   you arc,they will be in Centigrade Of Fahrenheit(华氏).In Britain temperatures are given in  51 while in the US only Fahrenheit is used.
52  pollution becoming a big problem, many forecasts give the day’s pollution  53 
This may be important for people who are affected by air  54  levels.
There is usually information also On when the sun will  55 .111is is useful for farmers
and people who get up early.
36.A.know                       B.report                     C.tell            D.see
37.A.comes                     B.talks                        C.deals         D.faces
38.A.really                       B.simply                     C.easily       D.rapidly
39.A.clean                       B.dirty                        C.big              D.small
40.A.unusual                  B.strange                  C.common   D.recent
41.A.and                          B.except                    C.but             D.or
42.A.end                          B.begin                       C.close          D.open
43.A.direction                B.pollution                 C.climate     D.weather
44.A.turn                         B.cover                       C.miss           D.scan
45.A.take                         B.spend                      C.cost           D.find
46.A.broken                    B.short                       C.full              D.half
47.A.though                    B.inside                      C.instead     D.either
48.A.Following               B.Preferring              C.Developing        D.Designing
49.A.tiny                          B.large                       C.cold            D.warm
50.A.who                         B.what                       C.where       D.which
51.A.one                          B.all                             C.each                    D.both
52.A.With                        B.As                           C.like             D.Since
53.A.areas                      B.places                     C.limits         D.levels
54.A.energy                    B.strength                 C.quality       D.quantity
55.A.rise                          B.set                           C.burn           D.disappear
36-40 CABDA 41-45 CBDDB 46-50 CCABC 51-55 DADCA

试题【完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Come r】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
To understand the marketing concept it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the mass production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of
these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the sellers to produce
goods and then make money by selling them.
Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It beans with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and
dealers first try to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase. Every step -- design, production, distribution, promotion — is made according.
This concept does not mean that consumer satisfaction is given priority (优先) over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business activity — the firm and the customer —and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful businessmen and producers, however, recognize that the surest way to profit is through understanding customers. This concept has been recognized, such as "Have It Your Way," and "You"re the Boss." A good example of the importance of satisfying the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the taste of its drink. The non-acceptance of the new taste by a significant part of the public brought about a quick return to the Classic Coke, which was then marketed along with the new. King Consumer rules!
71. A good knowledge of the difference between marketing and selling leads to       .
A. the mass production of goods
B. a perfect command of salesmanship
C. a basic command of the marketing concept
D. the process of selling goods to earn money
72. Not too long ago, industries focused on        .
A. moving goods to the market
B. the demands of consumers 
C. the selling of new products
D. producing and selling goods
73. The focus of marketing lies in              
A. an understanding of consumer needs
B. the quick movement of goods
C. developing new wants for consumer goods
C. making goods readily available to customers
74. The last sentence of the passage suggests that          
A. the consumer should be allowed to do things in his way
B. the consumer should be treated like a king
C. the consumer should have the final say in selling products
D. the consumer should be advised on what to say
75. What will be discussed in the next paragraph?
A. How to make a profit for a company.
B. How to meet the demands of consumers.
C. How to persuade people into buying goods.
D. How to improve the quality of goods.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
To be able to motivate oneself, or self-motivate, occurs when a person has the willingness to do something and is internally(内在地) motivated to do it.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to get ourselves moving. The natural tendency is to postpone. Life just seems to get in the way! There is a job to go to, groceries to do, television to watch—whoops! I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise routine or reading a new book. The fact is that we are creatures of routine and habit. So what can we do to motivate ourselves to accomplish our goals? 
Here are some tips on how to get moving:
l Decide what you want. It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind. Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it. Then break it down into smaller sections so it’s easier to handle and less overwhelming.(势不可挡)
l Keep track of your progress. Keep a log or journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished. Looking at it can also motivate you to keep pushing ahead.
l Post motivating pictures or slogans within your sight. It is always inspiring to see pictures of people who have accomplished what you’re going for. It makes it attainable and realistic. Likewise, little slogans like “go for it” or “just do it” can give you the little support you need.    
Sometimes we forget what we set out to do and a little reminder is all we need to be revitalized (激活) and focus on the end result. If you remind yourself to go for the desired promotion, it will re-establish why you are doing what you’re doing.
l Make it a habit. Once you have accomplished your objective, e.g. becoming an early riser, keep it up so that it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think about it anymore.
64. According to the author, some people fail to achieve their goals because ________.
A. they don’t have enough desire
B. their life is filled with routine work
C. they benefit from the force of habit
D. they naturally put off forming new habits
65. It can be inferred from the underlined sentence that ________.
A. self-motivation needs repeated self-reminding of one’s goal
B. in modern society people tend to become forgetful
C. when we forget our goal, our life becomes meaningless
D. we can achieve our goal only by focusing on the end result
66. To get moving on your goal, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.
A. keep a diary to clearly judge your distance to your goal
B. make self-improvement your second nature
C. forget your aim and revitalize yourself with slogans
D. support yourself by hanging inspiring pictures in your house
67. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Set Goals in Your Life                                          B. Get Yourself Motivated
C. Get into Good Habits                                          D. Do Not Postpone
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Professional adventurer Mike Horn never met a challenge he didn’t welcome. In fact according to Horn, “The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible.”
As a child in Johannesburg, South Africa, Horn excelled at sports and loved adventure. But it wasn’t until he moved to Switzerland in 1990 that his life of adventure really began.
Horn had always loved sports and taking risks, and he was known for his crazy feats. He traveled in the South American Andes Mountains in the early 90s and then in 1997 crossed the entire continent on foot. He finished by floating 7,000 km down the Amazon River!
In 1999, H      orn began a solo trip around the world following the equator,without the use of any motor-powered transportation. When he finished successfully 17 months later, he became the first person to accomplish the feat.
Horn’biggest challenge to date came in 2006. He and a fellow adventurer walked from Russia to the North Pole in the sunless winter. Traveling through the winter darkness, he encountered polar bears and many other dangers.
In 2008, Horn began another unique adventure –one that will take four years to complete. Instead of trying to achieve more personal goals, Horn is now dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience with others.
He calls his latest expedition the “Pangaea Expedition.”with “Pangaea” standing for “a Pan Global Adventure for Environmental Action.”By the end of this expedition, Horn will have traveled 100,000 km and crossed all of the continents and oceans. But this time he won’t be going alone: He’s choosing young people from around the world, aged 13 to 20, to accompany him. Twelve young men at a time will participate in one of 12 different projects, ranging from studying glaciers to treating water sources.
The journey will take place onboard Horn’s 35-meter saiboat , the Pangaea which will become a floating science class . Along with a team of scientists, Horn plans to teach the young explorers about protecting and preserving the earth.
In perhaps his most important expedition, Horn will pass down his passion for Earth’s wonders to the next generation.
64.Which of the following is NOT ture?
A. He met with polar bears and many dangers in 2006 when Horn walked to the North Pole with another adventurer.
B. He loved sports, Earth’s wonders and taking risks.
C. It took Horn 17 months to complete his solo trip around the world without any Motor-powered transportation.
D. He really began his life of adventure in te 1990s.
65. The underlined sentence probably means____________.
A. He was afraid of challengers                          B. He never met challengers
C.He didn’t welcome challengers                       D. He was willing to meet challengers
66. In his latest “Pangaea Expedition”, Horn__________.
A. will have covered 100,000km and crossed only all the continents
B. will choose young men to take part in the 12 different projects
C. will be going around the world by himself
D. intends to teach the young men how to make expeditions
67. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Mike Horn-an adventurer with a cause           B. The Pangaea Expedition
C. How Mike Horn makes expeditions.               D. How to make expeditions.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.
It’s good to make mistakes. That’s not a typo, folks, and I have not lost my mind. It is good to make mistakes, and here’s why.
First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing.  If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you expand? How can you innovate? The simple answer is, “You can’t.” Look around you. With very few exceptions, either everything you see in your physical world or every single detail of every single thing is the result of someone trying something new.
Another good thing about mistakes is this, when you are making mistakes, you are learning. Consider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how he felt to fail that many times, he remarked that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.
Finally, when you make a mistake you are that much closer to success. Why? Because when all is said and done, you will have tried some finite number of things before you succeeded. Every time you made a mistake you eliminated(消除) one of those things and are one step closer.
But this all doesn’t mean that you should forge ahead with disregard for the consequences of a mistake. Quite the contrary, when you try something new you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that, in the event that it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you will be in a position to try again.
We all have limited resources in the form of time and money, so don’t blow them all on one approach to a problem. Realize that it probably won’t be perfect the first time and allocate these resources appropriately so you can learn, modify, and try it again. Only by embracing and using your mistakes in this way can you make significant advances in your business and your career.
There is an old axiom that goes, “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.”
So go forth and make mistakes. And learn. And grow, And prosper.
59. Which of the following isn’t suitable for the passage?
A. Mistakes suggest that people are trying something new.
B. People can draw lessons from their mistakes.
C. Mistakes mean that people are getting closer to success.
D. People can afford to make mistakes as long as they limit them.
60. The underlined word “typo” means ___________.
A. printing mistake B. computer error         C. poor handwriting    D. bad typing
61. It’s good to make mistakes as long as _________.
A. people use them positively             B. people avoid them quickly
C. they help people get well               D. they don’t have side effects
62. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage as far as mistakes are concerned?
A. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. They are unavoidable.
B. Try your best to make fewer mistakes. They are expensive.
C. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. They are beneficial.
D. The more mistakes you make, the more advances you’ll make.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Watching television more than two hours a day early in life can lead to attention problems later in adolescence, according to a study released on Tuesday.
The roughly 40 percent increase in attention problems among heavy TV viewers was observed in both boys and girls. The link was established by a long-term study of the habits and behaviors of more than 1,000 children born in Dunedin, New Zealand, between April 1972 and March 1973.
The children aged 5 to 11 watched an average of 2.05 hours of weekday television. From age 13 to 15, time spent in front of the tube rose to an average of 3.1 hours a day.
"Those who watched more than two hours, and particularly those who watched more than three hours, of television per day during childhood had above-average symptoms of attention problems in adolescence," Carl Landhuis of the University of Otago in Dunedin wrote in his report, published in the journal Pediatrics.
Young children who watched a lot of television were more likely to continue the habit as they got older, but even if they did not the damage was done, the report said.
"This suggests that the effects of childhood viewing on attention may be long lasting," Landhuis wrote.
Landhuis offered several possible explanations for the association.
One was that the rapid scene changes common to many TV programs may over stimulate(刺激)the developing brain of a young child, and could make reality seem boring by comparison. "Hence, children who watch a lot of television may become less tolerant of slower-paced and more mundane tasks, such as school work," he wrote.
It was also possible that TV viewing may supplant other activities that promote concentration, such as reading, games, sports and play, he said.
Previous studies have linked the sedentary固定不动的)habit of TV watching among children to obesity and diabetes, and another study in the same journal cited the poor nutritional content of the overwhelming majority of food products advertised on the top-rated US. children"s television shows.
Up to 98 percent of the TV ads promoting food products that were directed at children aged 2 through 11 "were high in either fat, sugar, or sodium," wrote Lisa Powell of the University of Illinois in Chicago.
56. The recent survey shows that _________.
A. watching TV can cause all kinds of diseases for children
B. TV sets have played an important part in our daily lives
C. Watching TV over 2 hours a day early in life can cause attention problems later in adolescence
D. watching TV has side effects on children’s future
57. People used to think that _________.
A. watching TV more than 2 hours every day did good to children’s health
B. the sedentary habit of TV watching among children could easily lead to obesity and diabetes
C. the children wasn’t patient with their homework because of watching TV too much
D. it was very important for children to watching TV early in life
58. The underlined word “Hence” means _________.
A. In that case    B. And yet    C. On the contrary    D. For this reason
59. In Landhuis’ opinion, _________.
A. attention problems caused by watching TV during childhood may be hard to get rid of
B. how to develop children’s attention problems is a lasting problem
C. the key of settling attention problems is not watching TV too much
D. there shouldn’t have many food products ads on children"s television shows
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