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Here are some of the most common causes of fatigue, and what you can do about them.
Inadequate Sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep you’ll be tired but it’s rare that busy people get enough sleep. When there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything, something has to give, and that’s usually sleep. Don’t fool yourself that you can get by on five or six hours of sleep a night. Most people need at least eight hours and some even more.
Hormone Imbalances. Thyroid disease is extremely common today, especially among young women and the elderly. As common as thyroid disease is, its symptoms are so similar to so many other ailments that it often goes unnoticed by both doctors and patients. If you’re suffering from fatigue, get your thyroid hormone levels checked.
Food Allergies. You may be allergic to common foods like dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, corn, chocolate, or coffee. If you suffer from coughing or wheezing, digestive problems, headaches, muscle aches or joint pain, itching and skin problems, in addition to fatigue, try cutting out each of these foods for a week to see if you feel better without it. Also, don’t eat excessive amounts of any particular food during any one day.
Environmental Toxins. Fatigue may result from our polluted environment. If, in addition to fatigue, you suffer from headaches, allergies or respiratory problems, you may be absorbing airborne toxins. Check the ventilation system in your home and office. Buy houseplants, air filters, and water filters for your home. If you’re working in a “sick” building you may have to look for another job.
Couch Potato Syndrome. Fifty percent of depression and fatigue can be caused by inactivity. For an energy boost, do anything that gets you moving for 20 to 30 minutes a day.
Anemia. Anemia can be a hidden disease in women. If you’re tired for no known reason, have your total iron count taken. Sometimes, even though your blood count may show a normal level of red blood cells, you may still be deficient in iron. If your iron count is low, you may need supplements.
Cigarette Smoking. Cigarettes are an enormous energy drain. They rob the body’s cells of oxygen and produce carbon monoxide poisoning.
Too Much Coffee. If you drink a lot of coffee in the effort to beat fatigue, in the long run you’ll be even more tired. Coffee gives you a temporary lift at the cost of long-term energy.
Poor Nutrition. The typical American diet, high in refined foods and animal fat, supplies inadequate nutrients and drains energy. Switch to a diet low in animal protein and saturated fat and high in fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Cut out highly processed foods. Take vitamins.
62. What does the underlined word “fatigue” mean?
A. tiredness        B. weakness         C. sickness          D. laziness
63. Couch potato syndrome has something to do with ______.
A. potato          B. couch            C. energy           D. inactivity
64. According to the passage, you can infer that ______.
A. you can always do with five or six hours of sleep a night.
B. fifty percent of depression and fatigue can be caused by inactivity.
C. it’s easier for women to catch thyroid disease or anemia.
D. the more coffee you drink, the less tired you are.
65. Which of the following is NOT one of the causes of fatigue according to the passage?
A. Polluted environment.          B. Cigarette smoking.           C. Low iron count.
D. A diet low in animal protein and saturated fat and high in fruits, vegetables, grains and beans.

试题【Here are some of the most common causes of fatigue, and what you can do about th】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off—and on again when you return. You will choose the temperature for each room, the lighting and the humidity. A sensor will find the presence of a human (and, with luck, ignore the dog!) and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave it will turn them off again.
The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will find faulty electrical appliances, plugs or switches, separate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect(发现) fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the fire brigade. It will not be too difficult because the locks on the outside doors will be electronic. You will open them using your personal card—the one you use for shopping—maybe using a number known only to you.
It will be impossible to lose the key, and a housebreaker will have to tamper(拨弄) with the lock or with a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering send a signal to the computer.
The computer will be more than a fireman-policeman-servant. It will be an entertainer, and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040 “entertainment” will mean much more. For one thing, you will be able to take part actively, rather than just watching.
46.   The author intends to tell us that _____.
A. in 2040 we will live without lights and heaters
B. in 2040 we will use much more lights and heaters
C. in 2040 there will be no switches of lights and heaters
D. in 2040 lights and heaters will be on and off automatically
47.   Which of the following statements is NOT true?
The sensor is multi-functional.
Without a computer, the sensor cannot do much.
The sensor will detect fire and make an emergency call.
You can be taken for a housebreaker if you tamper with the lock or with a window.
48.   According to the author, in 2040, new technology _____.
A. will free us from the keys we use today
B. will turn everything into sensors
C. will make the locks out of date
D. will get rid of all crimes
49.   Thanks to computers, in 2040 people _____.
A. will have no entertainment outside
B. will replace TV with computers
C. will be controlled by computers
D. will have more fun at home
50.   The best title for the passage might be _____.
A. Sensors and Computers
B. Life at Home in the Year 2040
C. The Development of Science and Technology
D. Lights and Heaters in the Year 2040
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What can be found in the two recent studies?
One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards.Researchers at Harvard University in the United States and the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden did the study, which appeared last month in the journal Science.They had about two hundred college students play a version of the game known as the Prisoner"s Dilemma.The game is based on the tension between the interests of an individual and a group.The students played in groups of four.Each player could win points for the group, so they would all gain equally.But each player could also reward or punish each of the other three players, at a cost to the punisher.Harvard researcher David Rand says the most successful behavior proved to be cooperation (合作).The groups that rewarded most earned about twice as much in the game as the groups that rewarded least.And the more a group punished itself, the lower its earnings.The group with the most punishment earned twenty-five percent less than the group with the least punishment.
The other study referred to children, which was presented last month in California at a conference on violence and abuse.Researchers used intelligence tests given to two groups.More than eight hundred children were ages two to four the first time they were tested.More than seven hundred children were ages five to nine.The two groups were retested four years later, and the study compared the results with the first test.Both groups contained children whose parents used physical punishment and children whose parents did not.The study says the IQs ?or intelligence quotients—of the younger children who were not spanked were five points higher than those who were.In the older group, the difference was almost three points.Murray Strauss from the University of New Hampshire" worked with Mallie Paschall from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.Professor Strauss has written extensively about physical punishment of children.He says the more they are spanked, the slower their mental development.He also looked at average IQs in other nations and found them lower where spanking was more common.
72.We can learn from the passage that ____.
A.the first study began last month at Harvard University in America
B.the Prisoner"s Dilemma is a game that can teach you how to be cooperative
C.the study on the IQs of children was carried out by Professor Murray Strauss
D.Professor Mallie has done lots of researches on family violence
73.What study method was adopted in the two recent studies according to the passage?
A.Observation.       B.Questionnaire.      C.Conclusion.D.Experiment.
74.The underlined word "spanked" in the third paragraph refers to ____.
A.scolded constantly      B.punished physically
C.praised frequendy           D.rewarded mentally
75.Which of the following charts is TRUE according to the passage?
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Many people say that the United States is a paradise for the children, a struggling field for the youth and a tomb for the aged. However, the situation is quite different in Australia. Different people have their own ways for enjoyment and their own worlds of pastime.
Most children often work hard in school since they have to face various exams. After school they do not want to confine themselves to books any more. Instead, they put aside their schoolbags at home and sneak quickly to some quiet street comers for their games. Bigger children like to shoulder their large kites to some steep cliffs, and jump to fly in the sky with their kites.
Some old people often get up early in the morning and go to parks to do newspaper reading. After breakfast, they come to horse races, dog races and sometimes car races for betting. If he wins, he will feed himself a good dinner. In the evening, they stay at home, watching TV sometimes with grandchildren. Some of the aged also enjoy fishing and gardening.
Young people prefer to go outing for holidays. At the weekends, they go to the seashore for swimming or to the forest for hunting and camping, or mountainous areas for picnicking. Then in the evenings on Sundays, they start their long bumper-to-bumper drive back on the highways. Nobody seems in a hurry.
The Australian government also encourages its people to have more relaxation after work. Sometimes, certain kind of financial help is distributed to people going on holidays and public holidays are purposely set on Monday or Friday so that Australians may have a longer weekend for enjoyment. They think people can word better only after they get a full relaxation. And it grows out of this idea that relaxation comes the top priority(优先权)for enjoyment in Australia.
60.According to many people’s opinion, which of the following is NOT true?
A.All people in the US live a desirable life.
B.The competition among American young people is fierce.
C.The life of the American old people is very terrible.
D.Children in America are extremely happy.
61.Australia is different from America because Australia_______.
A.is not a paradise for children
B.is not a struggling field for the youth
C.is not a tomb for the aged
D.has different worlds for different people
62.There is an idea of enjoyment priority in Australia because____.
A.enjoyment is more important than other aspects of life
B.a full relaxation will make people work better
C.enjoyment can make people happy
D.Australian people are lazy
63.The underlined part can be replaced by “ ______.
A.adjust themselves to                                      B.prevent themselves form
C.limit themselves to                                      D.satisfy themselves with
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Today most Chinese teenagers are happy to be favored by two parents and four grandparents
in their families. But have you ever thought about how to take care of four to twelve old people
when you grow up and get married? This could be a problem for most Chinese youths as China is
entering a new stage of an aging society.
An aging society refers to one where 10 percent or more of its population is over 60. By the end of 2007, Chinese over 60 years old have made up 11.7 percent of the nation’s total population.
“China is getting old before becoming rich,” said Cai Chuang, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The population increase that has powered Chinese growth for three decades will give way over the next ten years to a rapid aging of the society. This will lead to weaker economic growth, because of a lack of labor resources.
As a result of the family planning policy, it is expected that the country’s total working population will decrease after 2015.
China is not the only country getting old. More that 60 countries have become aging societies and one in three people in the European Union is a senior citizen.
However, experts said that China doesn’t have a highly developed social security network to support the old. Social security is an insurance program protecting those in need, including the old, the disabled and others.
56.An aging society is a society that        .
A.less that 10% of its population is over 60
B.10% or more of its population is over 60
C.there are four old people in a family
D.most of its population is over 60
57.If China enters an aging society,      .
A.there will not be enough labor resources
B.the family planning policy will be ended
C.everyone needs to take care of four to twelve old people
D.China will have a highly developed social security network
58.What does Cai Chuang mean by saying “China is getting old before becoming rich.”?
A.China will be an aging society, then be a developed country.
B.China will be a rich country before being an aging society.
C.An aging society will affect Chinese economy development.
D.China will stop developing because of its aging problem.
59.The passage mainly talks about         .
A.an aging society             B.Chinese social problem
C.family panning policy     D.aging problem in China
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Every summer a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the    26        are in seasonal work, mainly connected with wourism and    27         
The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the     28    of travel. You can pick grapes on farms in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are  29    jobs in hotels and restaurants.
But it is not easy now to find work. “    30   you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,” says Althea Ellis, an adviser in     31       for students.
“If you work with a family in Italy, you’ll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Pairs, the owner will expect you to speak   32    . British students only have a language     33     for jobs in the USA and Australia.”
    34     enjoys the experience. Sarah James was employed to help forty American children in Europe. The two teachers with the children had never been     35     .One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was      36      home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the      37      they made, and what’s worse, Sarah herself was robbed on her only    38    evening of the entire trip. “ I did visit a lot of new places,” she says,“ but it wasn’t worth it. The pay was     39     and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!”
“The troubles is, students expect to have a(n)     40    time of it.” Althea Ellis points out. “After all, they see it as a    41     .In practice,     42      ,you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual (临时的) work. You’ll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy. In the other words, you’ll work if it’s convenient for the company that     43    you. But you have      44    employment rights. As soon as the holiday season      45     ,they’ll get rid of you.”
A.health care
B.vacation work
C.language studies
D.tourist safely
A.No one
C.Not everyone

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