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As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.
Maybe it was the strange  26  things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 27  me so much. There was never total  28 , but a streetlight or passing car lights  29   clothes hung over a chair take on(呈现) the  30  of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 31 , I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no  32 . A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My  33  would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would  34  very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.
Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost,  35 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home .That was no  36 . After school, 37 , when all the buses were  38  up along the street, I was afraid that I’d get on the wrong one and be taken to some  39  neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn’t let the leaders out of my 40 .
Perhaps one of the worst fears  41  all I had as a child was that of not being liked or  42  by others. Being popular was so important to me  43 , and the fear of not being liked was a 44  one.
One of the processes(过程) of growing up is being able to  45  and overcome(克服) our fears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.


小题1:A 名词辨析。也许是晚上作者熟悉的房间里的物件看上去有些奇怪和发出奇怪的声响。这里已提及发生的时间(time)是在晚上,地点(place)是在作者熟悉的房间,作者无从知道其原因(reason),而是事情发生的方式(way)困惑着他。
小题2:D 动词辨析。前后照应前文出现了I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost.奇怪的外表和奇怪的声音使作者担惊受怕(frightened)。wound击伤,伤害; frighten使惊吓;destroy破坏, 毁坏;surprise使惊奇, 奇袭。
小题3:B 前后照应逻辑推理。没有完全的黑暗(darkness)。quietness寂静;emptiness 空虚;loneliness 孤独, 寂寞,此三项与文意不符。
小题4:C 词汇用法。 get sb. To do sth使/叫某人做某事;force sb. to do sth迫使某人做某事; cause sb. to do sth致使某人做某事;make sb. do sth使某人做某事,make的结构中不带to。
小题5:D常识运用。但是街灯或是驶过的车灯照在椅子上挂着的衣服上呈现出的是野兽的外形(shape),而不是野兽的灵魂(spirit),身高(height)和身体(body)。spirit灵魂, 幽灵;height 高度;body 身体,尸体;shape外形, 形状, 形态。
小题6:A固定搭配。注意与后面的saw一致。out of the corner of one"s eye从眼角往外看。
小题8:C 名词辨析。只要有一点点声音,作者就会胡思乱想(imagination),心跳也会加剧。belief 信任,信仰;feeling感觉, 情绪;imagination 想象, 空想;doubt怀疑, 疑惑。
小题9:D 动词辨析。作者就会一动也不动地躺着(lie),而不是躲藏(hide),睡眠(rest),以便不让"敌人"发现。lay放置,是及物动词,不合文意。
小题10:A 上下文串联。特别是在放学回家的路上怕走失。especially特别, 尤其;simply简单地,简直;probably大概, 或许; directly直接地, 立即。
小题11:B 上下文联系。早上去学校,就在家附近搭车,不怕走失,用不着讨论(discussion),不开玩笑(joke),不是什么大事(matter),自然没有什么问题(problem)。
小题12:A 语句连贯词汇用法。前后句之间表示转折关系,此空需要一个副词。此题四个选项都可表示转折关系,although是连词,后面需接从句;though作连词,后跟从句,与although差不多,他还可作副词,置于句末时,用逗号分开,置于句中时,前后用逗号分开,表示与前面的句子之间的转折关系,通常译为"虽然/即使如此";yet和still也可表示转折关系,但它们通常置于句首,用逗号分开。
小题13:C 逻辑推理常识。当所有的车子都沿街排列(line up)停靠时,作者担心会上错车。A. call up召唤,打电话;back up支持, 倒退;line up整队, 排列起;pack up打包, 整理。
小题14:D 常识运用逻辑推理。担心上错车,而被带到不熟悉的(unfamiliar)地方,因而走失迷路。
小题15:A 逻辑推理词义比较。作者总会跟着领队,不会让(let)他离开作者视线。let 让,允许;leave离开,留下;order命令;send遣送。
小题16:C 词汇用法固定搭配。 …of all所有之中……。
小题17:D 动词辨析。作者最担心的是不被他人喜欢或理解(accept)。后句的Being popular was so important to me有所暗示。注意句中的并列连词or所表示的意义"或者说,换言之",后面需跟一个与其前面的词意义类似的词。protect保护;guide指导,带领;believe相信,信任;accept接受, 认可,理解, 了解。
小题18:A 前后照应逻辑推理。当时,对作者来讲,重要的是受人欢迎的、爱戴。then指前文提到的作者做孩子的时候。there那儿;once曾经;anyway无论如何, 总之。
小题19:B 形容词辨析。作者很大(powerful)程度地担心不被他人喜欢。strict严格的, 严厉的;powerful强大的, 有力的; heavy沉重,繁重;right正确,合适。
小题20:C 逻辑推理。成长的过程就是认清恐惧并战胜恐惧。后文的Understanding the things that frightened us as children 已有所暗示。Realize意识到, 了解;remember回忆起,记得; recognize认清, 识别,认识到;recover重新获得, 恢复。
试题【As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
How to Be a Winner
Sir Steven Redgrave
Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals
“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病). Believing my career was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it — the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn"t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”
Karen Pickering
Swimming World Champion
“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success — you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”
Kirsten Best
Poet & Writer
“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological tool.”
小题1:What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?
A.Difficulties influenced his career.
B.Specialists offered him medical advice.
C.Training helped him defeat his disease.
D.He overcame the shadow of illness to win.
小题2:What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?
A.Her sports career.
B.Her achievements.
C.Her daily happenings.
D.Her training schedule.
小题3:What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?
A.Ways that help one to focus.
B.Words that help one to feel less tense.
C.Activities that turn one"s attention away.
D.Habits that make it hard for one to relax.
小题4:According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?
A.Self-confidence.B.Hard work.

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Dear Aunty,
After years of her crying, I finally gave in and allowed my daughter to have a cat. I now regret my decision. As someone needs to have a clean, tidy house, I no longer feel relaxed in my own home. If I tell her, “sorry, the cat has to go.” She will be heartbroken. What can I do?
-Feline Phobic
Dear Phobic,
I’m an animal lover and on your kid’s and cat’s side. Tell your daughter your problem. Ask her to help you come up with a plan. Perhaps you can agree to allow the cat only in certain areas of the house. This is a chance for your daughter to develop the sense of responsibility owning a pet requires.
Dear Aunty,
I got the highest grade on a biology test. Now the popular kids think I’m brainy, and want me in their lab group. I knew I was being used. Now, they want my homework. What should I do?
Dear Lily,
Popularity can come at a price, but it’s no excuse to cheat. Offer to help new friends with their homework, but don’t give them yours.
Dear Aunty,
I’m one of six assistants in a dental (牙科的)office. But I’m new there just four months. I’ve tried to join conversations, but they just ignore me. They go shopping together. No one invites me. How can I break into the circle?
Dear Crystal,
Humans run in packs like dogs. When a new dog enters the pack, a lot of discovery goes on. So bring cookies for everyone! Then try making friends with one co-worker. Invite her to lunch. When you get familiar with each other, tell her how hard you’re finding the situation at work. Chances are, she’ll take you under her wing.
小题1:Aunty thinks that Phobic should _____.
A.try to persuade her daughter to give in
B.spend more time cleaning the house
C.ask her daughter to help tidy up
D.find a better way to keep the cat
小题2:The underlined word “brainy” in the passage means _____.
小题3:According to the passage, _____.
A.Phobic can’t get along well with her daughter
B.Aunty is fond of animals like cats
C.Crystal’s coworkers are cheating her
D.Lily has no interest in lab experiments

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When newspapers and radio describe the damage caused by a hurricane(飓风) named Hazel, girls named Hazel are probably teased(取笑) by their friends. To keep out of trouble, the Weather Bureau says,“Any resemblance between hurricane names and the names of particular girls is purely accidental.”
Some women became angry because hurricanes are given their names, but many other women are proud to see their names make headlines. They don’t even care that they are the names of destructive storms. Because more women seem to like it than dislike it, the Weather Bureau has decided to continue using girl’s names for hurricanes.
In some ways a hurricane is like a person. After it is born, it grows and develops, then becomes old and dies. Each hurricane has a character of its own. Each follows its own path through the world, and people remember it long after it gone. So it is natural to give hurricanes’ names, and to talk about them almost if they were alive.
小题1:What happens to girls named Hazel according to the passage?
A.They suffer from hurricanes.
B.The Weather Bureau look for them.
C.Others often make fun of them.
D.They can’t find boyfriend.
小题2:The underlined word“resemblance”probably means ______.
小题3:Public opinions make the Weather Bureau ______.
A.consider the disagreement of some women
B.go on naming hurricanes after women
C.name hurricanes after men
D.look for a new method to name hurricanes

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Music died here last spring, or rather, it was killed by members of the school committee who ignored the importance of music and drama as part of the high-school curriculum.
The committee decided that teaching students how to take a standardized test is more important than a curriculum in which students can explore their interests in the arts as well as academics. Because the school system is running out of funding, it needs to make sure that students pass the mastery test or even more money will be lost. If students fail the state standardized test, it is not the fault of drama and music classes— they are failing because the “ academic” classes are not sufficient.
It is painful to think of how many students will be discouraged from singing, acting, and playing instruments because school programs are no longer offered. Many families cannot afford private music lessons, and many potential musicians and artists may not find their calling if they are not exposed to it in school. The fact that the school committee thinks the arts are not worth the investment will certainly make some students believe the arts are not worth their time or support and the cycle will continue.
Teaching for a test does not shape students into complete, well rounded people. It blocks the natural sense to create and express feelings through art— there is more to life than the analytical thinking that math and English provide. What happens after a test? Sure, a student might graduate, but they will have limited knowledge — certainly not a good preparation for the real world.
小题1:Music and drama are not included in the high-school curriculum mainly because________.
A.the school committee pays no attention to them
B.the school is afraid of losing financial support
C.the students are not interested in both of them
D.the state standardized test is more important.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The sufficiency of the classes determines students’ performance in the mastery test
B.students can be musicians and artists only if they can afford private music lessons
C.The school committee completely influences students’ attitude towards the arts
D.Quite a few students are discouraged from music and art in today’s school system.
小题3:We can learn that music and art can ________.
A.make students round-shaped people in future
B.provide students with analytical thinking
C.motivate students in creativity and expression
D.prevent students graduating from high school
小题4:The best title of the passage can be ________.
A.Who Killed Music and Drama?
B.Can Curriculum Go Without Music?
C.Why is Music So Important?
D.How To Prepare For the Real World?

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Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with doubts by many as being a major part of the “live now pay later” syndrome(综合症).Along with hire-purchase, rental and leasing schemes(租赁项目), they provide encouragement to spend more money.Of course, it is only the hotheaded who give way to the temptation to live, temporarily at least, beyond their means, and such people would no doubt manage to do so even without credit cards.
Advertising campaigns have, however, promoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small pieces of plastic. They prevent need to carry large amounts of cash and are always useful in emergencies.
All the credit card organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may work out as high as 25 per cent a year, yet sensible purchasing using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks, interest-free credit.Using the card abroad, where items frequently take a long time to be included on your account, can extend this period even further.
It is worthwhile shopping around before deciding on a particular credit card. It is necessary to consider the amount of credit granted; interest rates, which may vary slightly; the number and range of outlets(经销店), though most cards cover major garages, hotels, restaurants and department stores; and of course, what happens if your card is lost or stolen.A credit card thief may be sitting on a potential goldmine particularly if there is a delay in reporting the loss of the card.
However, if used wisely, a credit card can cost nothing, or at least help to tide you over a period of financial difficulty.
小题1:The hotheaded are people who ________.
A.spend more money than they have
B.spend less money than other people
C.save money
D.make money
小题2:The disadvantage of credit cards is ________.
A.to enable you to buy things without carrying large amount of cash
B.to encourage people to spend more money
C.to be always useful in emergencies
D.to help people tide over a period of financial difficulty
小题3:Deciding on a particular credit, you do not have to consider ________.
A.the amount of credit granted  
B.the number and range of outlets
C.the possibility of loss of money
D.the department stores where you are going to use your credit cards
小题4:The underlined words in the last paragraph probably means ________.
A.floating with the tide ofB.going through a difficult period of
C.rising and falling with the tide ofD.attempting to go against the tide of

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