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You may never connect the words “good” and “eco-friendly”with plastic.It’s time to do a rethink on that as we say hello to hemp(大麻)plastic.Traditionally,plastics have been made from petrochemicals,which are mainly poisonous.Plants,on the other hand,are also a source of cellulose(纤维素),which can be used to make biodegradable (生物所能分解的)plastic.As hemp happens to be one of the richest sources of cellulose,it is only natural that scientists will support its use,considering its ecological benefits.
Hemp plastic is biodegradable and recyclable.If you thought being eco-friendly reduced its solidity,you couldn’t be more wrong.The hard level of hemp plastic can match that of regular plastic.Hemp plastic is resistant to heat;however,the most outstanding feature of a few varieties of hemp plastic is that they are flame resistant too.Finally,if Henry Ford could imagine creating a car with this material,we can perhaps believe that it indeed is“ten times stronger than steel”.
It is a pity that with so many useful qualities,we don’t see hemp plastic being used in our everyday life,the way it ought to be.Hemp plastic can easily take the place of the exiting plastic in products like cell phone chargers(充电器),laptop covers,etc.Currently,hemp plastic is being used to produce audio(音响设备),video,toys,automobile parts and packaging materials.
Hemp fiber is one of the strongest natural fibers known to us.As scientists keep looking for ways to solve the ecological damage that traditional plastics have caused,here is a material that can be produced to be 100% biodegradable.Hemp plastic is known to be several times durable as compared to polypropylene(聚丙烯)plastic,and it comes without all the health and safety threats,It really has long useful life.
Plastics keep reminding us of the damage that we have done to our planet,all under the excuse of convenience.As hemp products have become a new choice into our daily life,Please take a green plan now and make your effort to protect the environment.
小题1:Plastics produced in the traditional way are______.
A.harmfulB.made from plants
C.good and eco-friendlyD.biodegradable
小题2:According to Para.2,hemp plastic_____.
A.is all resistant to flameB.doesn’t have enough solidity
C.will take the place of steelD.can be used again after being processed
小题3:What does the underlined word“durable”mean in Para.4?
A.Very useful of important.
B.Costing little money or less money.
C.Staying in good condition for a long time.
D.Existing in large numbers or in many places.
小题4:Which aspect of hemp plastic isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A.Features.B.Production costC.Applications.D.Advantages.
小题5:What can we know from the passage?
A.Using hemp plastic is inconvenient.
B.People haven’t made the most of hemp.
C.Hemp fiber is a kind of strong man-made fiber.
D.Scientists have already known how to solve ecological damage.



小题1:这是细节理解题。根据Traditionally,plastics have been made from petrochemicals,which are mainly poisonous.故选A。
小题2:这是细节理解题。根据the most outstanding feature of a few varieties of hemp plastic is that they are flame resistant too.并非所有的都耐火,故排除A;根据If you thought being eco-friendly reduced its solidity,you couldn’t be more wrong.故排除B;文中只是说了它的硬度有时比钢还硬,但并没有说它要代替钢,故排除C;根据Hemp plastic is biodegradable and recyclable.故选D。
小题3:这是细节理解题。根据it comes without all the health and safety threats,It really has long useful life.这里说的是Hemp plastic比polypropylene(聚丙烯)plastic的寿命长。故选C
小题4:这是细节理解题。根据the most outstanding feature of a few varieties of hemp plastic is that they are flame resistant too.故排除A;根据第三段可以排除C;根据As hemp happens to be one of the richest sources of cellulose,it is only natural that scientists will support its use,considering its ecological benefits.及全文来看,一直在说Hemp plastic的好处,故排除D,所以应选B。
小题5:这是细节理解题。根据As hemp happens to be one of the richest sources of cellulose,it is only natural that scientists will support its use,considering its ecological benefits.及全文来看,Hemp plastic还没有广泛应用到日常生活中。故选B
试题【You may never connect the words “good” and “eco-friendly”with plastic.It’s time 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The olive is one of the oldest planted crops known to man and is still widely grown in the Mediterranean.An olive tree can have a life of 500 years and is strong enough to continue to grow if ever chopped to the ground.It takes up four years before the olive tree is ripe enough to bear fruit.
Olive trees originated in the Mediterranean region where there is the perfect climate for the olive tree planting.It is characterized by abundant sunshine year-round and hot,dry summers with an average temperature of 80°F.In winter,it rarely drops below 50°F.Olive trees were first planted by humans around 4000 BC in an area known as the Fertile Crescent.Before the areas became desert,countries such as modern-day Turkey and Iraq had a lush environment with soil that plants grow well.Archaeological findings suggest that farming began in the Fertile Crescent before 7000BC.Instead of living as hunter-gatherers,these early humans settled down and harvested native plants.They selected olive trees that produced larger and oilier olives than the wild trees.
Olives and olive oil became valuable trade items between societies and civilizations.People who moved from one place to another and traders from the Fertile Crescent introduced olive oil to Syria and Crete,which spread to Egypt,Greece,and Rome.It continued to migrate westward until olive trees were first introduced to Califomia between 1769 and 1785.
The olive tree and olive oil have important symbolism in each religion.In Christianity,a dove(鸽子)brought an olive branch to Noah as a symbol of peace and new life after God flooded the Earth.The Prophet Muhammad suggested the use of olive oil for medicinal(药用的) purposes and massage(按摩).
Olive oil has medicinal benefits.Olive oil has been used for health benefits.Regular eating olive oil can reduce the risk of cancers.It was used during the Spanish Civil War from 1808 to 1813 to treat cases of fever.In 1960,oleuropein(橄榄多酚)was removed from olive leaves,which helps with food poisoning.
小题1:If an olive tree is chopped to the ground,______.
A.it can’t grow any more
B.it can produce more new ones
C.there is no doubt that it will die
D.it is able to grow back strongly
小题2:What does the underlined word “lush”in para.2 probably mean?
A.Of bad climate.B.Changeable or unstable.
C.Extremely disadvantaged.D.Growing thickly and strongly.
小题3:We can learn from the first two paragraphs that_____.
A.the olive tree can stand extreme cold
B.the olive tree enjoys the long sunshine
C.the olive is the oldest tree in the world
D.the climate of deserts suits the olive tree
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
①Olive trees bear fruits every four years.
②Olive oil was a food production before 7000BC.
③In Muhammad,olive oil was used as medicine.
④Olive trees were introduced to California in the 18th century.
A.②③④          B. ①②③           C. ①③④           D. ①②④
小题5:What is this passage mainly about?
A.The history of the olive tree.
B.The characteristic of the olive tree.
C.The origin and medicinal benefits of the olive tree.
D.The different symbols of the olive tree in each region.

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Starting college can be a difficult experience. You have to deal with new responsibilities and growing independence, a challenging course load and, of course, the social scene. When a roommate is thrown into the mix, it may feel like you’re struggling with all that stuff while living in a small box with a stranger.
But having a roommate doesn’t need to be one more thing to worry about. When students go into their living situations with realistic expectations and a willingness to compromise, things can work out just fine.
When you first meet your roommate, chances are you’ll be on your best behaviour. You want to get along, since this is the person who’s going to be sharing your living space for the next year. But try to think ahead to potential (可能的) worst cases, too.
For example, imagine it’s 2 a.m. and you’re working on a paper that should be finished in 8 hours. Your roommate comes in from a party and wants to continue the party in your room.
At times like these, you won’t be feeling good. That’s why talking about problems that might come up ahead of time -- and respecting each other’s wishes when the time comes -- is so important.
Talk about the things that are really important to you, and make sure your roommate understands. Then encourage him or her to do the same.
For example, does it make you angry when people take things without asking first? Let your roommate know your feelings about these types of things from the start, so that both of you have a feel for each other’s likes, dislikes, and habits.
小题1:The underlined word “compromise” in the second paragraph means “     ”.
A.make a decisionB.lend a handC.come to termsD.have a try
小题2:You should try to be polite to your roommate because       .
A.you are glad to share the room with him or her
B.you will live with him or her in the same room for some time
C.you will ask him or her for help in the future
D.strangers are very difficult to deal with
小题3: Which of the following is the best way to get along well with your roommate?
A.To stay silent when there are disagreements.
B.To spend more time doing things together with your roommate.
C.To have the same hobbies and living habits with your roommate.
D.To talk with your roommate in advance about possible future problems.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.It is really a worrying thing to have a roommate.
B.It is difficult to get along well with a roommate.
C.It is your duty to help your roommate in his or her daily life.
D.It is very important for you and your roommate to understand each other.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Monday: Here I am, in the middle of nowhere. This camping trip idea is not getting off to a very good start. It’s raining and the tent leaks (漏). The hiking seemed to take forever, and I still can’t understand how it could all have been up hill! How did I ever let my brother persuade me into doing this? When we get home—if we ever get home—he’s going to have to do something great to get back on my good side. Maybe he should sponsor (赞助) a shopping spree(狂购)at the mall!
Tuesday: Things are looking up. The sun came out today, so we were able to leave the tents and dry out. We’re camped at the edge of a small lake that I couldn’t see before because of the rain and fog. The mountains are all around us, and the forest is absolutely beautiful. We spent most of the day dragging out everything out of our backpacks or tents and putting it where the sun could dry it out. Later in the afternoon we tried to catch the fish for dinner, but the fish were smarter than we were. At night we built a fire and sang songs happily.
Wednesday: We hiked to the far side of the lake and climbed to the top of a small peak. From there we could see how high the other mountains were and how far the forest spread around us. On the way up we passed through a snowfield!
Thursday: I caught my first fish! We followed the stream that fed the lake. After about two miles, we came to a section (区域) that Carol said looked “fishy”. She had a pack rod (竿) , which can be carried in a backpack. I asked to cast (投掷) it, and I caught a fish on my first try. Carol caught a few more. But they were just too pretty to eat for lunch, so we put them back in the stream.
Friday: I can’t believe we are going home already. It will be nice to get a hot shower, sleep in a real bed, and eat junk food, but the trip has been wonderful. We’re already talking about another camping adventure next year where we canoe (乘独木舟) down a river. It’s hard to believe, but I think this city girl has a little country blood in her veins.
小题1:The writer went on this camping trip because ____________.
A.she enjoyed camping. B.she wanted to go fishing.
C.she was influenced by her brother. D.she was tired of staying home.
小题2: The whole morning of Tuesday, the writer ____________.
A.hiked along the lake. B.dried out her belongings.
C.climbed the mountain. D.caught the fish for dinner.
小题3:It can be inferred that Carol had a pack rod with her because ____________.
A.she could not afford to buy a regular fishing pole.
B.she needed it to get their food.
C.she thought the writer of the journal might need it.
D.she expected to go fishing while they were hiking.
小题4: It is likely that the writer will ____________.
A.go on another camping trip.
B.invite Carol to go fishing together.
C.make her brother buy her something.
D.persuade her brother to go camping.

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根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项. 请将答案涂在答题卡上.
 71  Because, from what I could see, it seemed that grown-ups often forgot. I never wanted to forget --- I wanted to be able to remind other adults and myself when the time came. I began consciously(有意识地) thinking this at quite an early age.
As soon as I was fully aware (意识到) of myself, I regarded me as a little person and liked adults who thought of and treated me the same way. I didn’t have a doll and I didn’t want one. I wanted animal toys, even a single animal. Why wouldn’t my parents give me the one thing I wanted?  72  
Instead, my dad somehow managed to buy me a full set of encyclopedia(百科全书) and books with maps and color pictures long before I could read. Well, guess what? I learned to read without realizing it! Later, I found out when I started school and it all came so easy especially geography.  73  Because of all the books my father bought me, I knew a lot of words that other children didn’t know at my age.
I love words. They opened up new worlds for me.  74  Parents, please make sure your kids have a computer. Let them explore — as safely as possible— let them do their own things and discover the world.
Now, most kids lead a happy life. They can get what they want from their parents. But children should learn to be independent.  75  Be independent to do your own things.
A.Because of them, I read and thought, and today, I write.
B.When I was a child, I promised myself to try to remember as much as I could.
C.I listened and heard everything, even if I didn’t understand everything.
D.I nearly knew every place on the map like the teacher.
E. But more than anything, it made me feel uncomfortable and I knew it wasn’t nice.
F. Later, I knew we didn’t have much money, but how expensive could a toy be?
G. Be independent to learn some useful knowledge.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Uncertainty spreads through our lives so thoroughly that it dominates our language. Our everyday speech is made up in large part of words like probably, many, soon, great, little. What do these words mean?Such verbal expression is not necessarily to be criticized. Indeed, it has a value just because it allows us to express judgments when a precise quantitative statement is out of the question.
We have been trying to pin down by experiments what people mean by these expressions in specific contexts, and how the meanings change with age. For instance, a subject is told “There are many trees in the park” and is asked to say what number the word many mean to him. Or a child is invited to take “some” sweets from a bowl and we then count how many he has taken. We compare the number he takes when he is alone with the number when one or more other children are present and are to take some sweets after him, or with the number he takes when told to give “some” sweets to another child.
First, we find that the number depends, of course, on the items involved. To most people some friends means about five, while some trees means about twenty. However, unrelated areas sometimes show parallel values. For instance, the language of probability seems to mean about the same thing in predictions about the weather and about politics: the expression “is certain to” (rain, or be elected) signifies to the average person about a 70 percent chance; “is likely to”, about a 60 percent chance; “probably will” about 55 percent.
Secondly, the size of the population of items influences the value assigned to an expression. Thus, if we tell a subject to take “a few” or “ a lot of” glass balls from a box, he will take more if the box contains a large number of glass balls than if it has a small number. But not proportionately more: if we increase the number of glass balls eight times, the subject takes only half as large a percentage of the total.
Thirdly, there is a marked change with age. Among children between six and fourteen years old, the older the child, the fewer glass balls he will take. But the difference between a lot and a few widens with age. This age effect is so consistent that it might be used as a test of intelligence.
小题1: What’s the right attitude towards the words like probably, many, soon?
A.They are inaccurate and we should avoid them.
B.They are necessary since we cannot be always precise.
C.They should be criticized because there are too many of them.
D.Their value is not yet clear since we don’t know their meaning.
小题2: Why do we do experiments with the words “many” and “some”?
A.To prove people are insensitive to these words.
B.To prove the words dominate our everyday speech.
C.To find out how the meanings vary with age and contexts.
D.To find out whether the words can mean a precise quantity.
小题3: Which of the expressions means a larger chance in weather broadcast?
A.PossibleB.ProbableC.Be likely toD.Be certain to
小题4: Which of the following will least definitely influence the number of items a kid takes out of a box when he is invited to take “some”?
A.Whether the quantity of items is large or small.
B.Whether the items are candies or toys.
C.Whether the kid is a toddler or a youngster.
D.Whether the kid is alone or accompanied by other children.
小题5: What will tell us about the intelligence of a child?
A.The consistency of picking up a certain glass ball.
B.How many glass balls he will take when he’s asked to.
C.The difference between a lot and a few when he takes glass balls.
D.Whether there are marked changes in his first pick and second one.

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