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Being that I worked in a grocery store for 7 years, I know quite a bit about impulsive purchases. In fact, I helped (sadly to say) push certain products by placing them in a certain fashion. Through said experience, I tend to know some of the best ways to counter the impulsive nature of buying things that are unnecessary.
The following is a 3- point list to counter the need to buy something shoved in your face…
Don"t bring the kids.
You wouldn"t believe (or maybe you parents would) how much more junk parents buy for their kids that is completely impulsive. Working as a checker at a grocery store, I quickly learned that most of the time kids were with their parents, the parents would buy something else within 10 feet of the check stand.
Bring exact cash.
I like to use my debit card because I am able to track every penny better, but holding and letting go of cash is much tougher for me personally. So, if I am going through a tough time budgeting properly, I will bring the allotted (限定的)amount of cash to the place of business and only allow that to be used.
Ignore salesman.
If you are at a department store and someone asks if you need help, try to ignore their push as much as possible. Sure, if you know nothing about laptops, get their advice, but even then I suggest doing your research pre-shop. Salesman could care less what you want. It"s all about what their quota or commission is. Ignore them.
小题1:Why does the author write the passage?
A.To talk about her own shopping experiences.
B.To give readers some advice about resisting buying unnecessary things.
C.To complain about some bad experiences.
D.To tell us she has the habit of buying things that are unnecessary.
小题2:Why does the author like to use debit card?
A.Because her debit card is convenient.
B.Because she has not much cash.
C.Because she can know where every her penny goes.
D.Because she has many debit cards.
小题3:Which statement about the passage is WRONG?
A.Parents always bring something else for their children.
B.The author will bring the exact cash to buy things when going through a tough time.
C.Salesmen care much about what you want, so you can follow their advice.
D.The author worked in a grocery store for 7 years.



小题1:细节题,由第一段最后一句I tend to know some of the best ways to counter the impulsive nature of buying things that are unnecessary可以知道答案,故选B。
小题2:细节题。由第二点第一句I like to use my debit card because I am able to track every penny better可以知道答案,所以选C。
小题3:细节题,由最后一段倒数第三行try to ignore their push as much as possible.可以知道答案,所以选C
试题【Being that I worked in a grocery store for 7 years, I know quite a bit about imp】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
If you like to hike during the warm months, you’ll probably like to hike in the winter. The landscape changes completely from summer to fall to winter, and the snow can make for some really beautiful photos. Be sure to bring your camera with you to capture all the awesome scenery. Because it’s cold out, you also have the added benefit of not sweating too much through your clothes, and it’s a great excuse to grab some hot chocolate when you finish your hike.
Cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing is great exercise and a great way to see the winter scenery at the same time. If you’ve never done cross-country skiing before, be sure to check with an expert before trying it yourself. Knowing what to expect can keep you safe and prevent an injury.
Snowball fighting
Everyone remembers going outside, building a snow fort(城堡),and having snowball fights when they were kids. The fun doesn’t have to stop when you’re an adult! Go outside with your friends, build a fort and start throwing snowballs at each other. If you have kids, get them in on the action. Throwing snowballs is a great way to use some extra energy and can be really fun for the whole family.
Lots of birds migrate during the winter months, and these quiet, cold hours can be a great time to see them like never before. Eagles, for example, migrate through central Illinois in February, and watching them fly through Starved Rock State Park is a breathtaking sight. Check your local parks to find out what birds you can see in your area and get out there to see them.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Outdoor winter activities
B.Popular winter sports around the world
C.Fun winter activities for children
D.Best ways to enjoy winter scenery.
小题2:As for cross-country skiing, the author suggests people_______.
A.try to do it on their own
B.ask an expert for advice
C.take a camera with them
D.take a rest whenever possible
小题3:Which of the following does the author suggest for those with kids?
A.Hiking       B.Cross-country skiing
C.Snowball fighting   D.Bird-watching
小题4:What can we know about Starved Rock State Park from the passage?
A.It’s the largest natural park in Illinois.
B.It’s a good place for bird-watching.
C.It’s well-known for its strange animals.
D.It is home to a lot of birds.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Visiting London can be an expensive trip, so establishing a budget and finding bargains when you arrive will help you get around London on the cheap. The following steps can help you find cheaper alternatives for transport for your London trip.
l Familiarize yourself with the city’s boroughs and specifically the area where you will be staying. You can use a street map, or an online map search engine, to establish where in the city you will be staying and the distance you are from the major tourist attractions you want to visit.
l Find a local provider of Transport for London tickets or travel cards, since your first bargain purchase will be an Oyster Card. Traveling around London with an Oyster Card will give you access to the cheapest option of transportation methods and the Oyster Card is accepted citywide on buses, boats and the London Underground, known by the locals as “the tube”.
l Seek out your nearest Tube Station. The Tube is the cheapest and most reliable form of transportation and runs from around 6 a.m. until around 1 a.m. ..., depending on the line or the station.
There are 287 tube stations in London that accept the Oyster Card, with a high concentration in central London. If you are staying anywhere in central London, there will be a tube station less than 10 minutes away.
The Transport for London website offers a tube station search facility to find the nearest subway station to any location in the city. When you find a tube station, you can easily locate the closest bus stop by using the comparison bus-tube maps at the station’s entrance.
l Follow the Transport for London Tube Guide to your destinations and always plan ahead. Making a plan for transport will save you unnecessary expenses, wasted trips on the tube and doubling back on your journey .
小题1:What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce the public transport system in London.
B.To show readers how to use the Oyster Card.
C.To prove the subway in London is easy to use.
D.To offer tips for saving transport costs in London.
小题2:Which of the following can help a traveler spend the least money on transport?
A.Trying different transportation methods.
B.Taking buses as much as possible.
C.Traveling with an Oyster Card.
D.Making a plan before your journey.
小题3:By visiting the Transport for London website, people can ________.
A.identify their own locationB.locate the nearest bus station
C.find the nearest subway stationD.use an online map to avoid getting lost
小题4:We can conclude from the passage that ________.
A.the subway is the cheapest means of transport in London.
B.only Tube stations in Central London accept Oyster Card.
C.subway lines in London run no less than 19 hours a day.
D.the transfer from subway to bus is very convenient.

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So there are four of them in this car heading north from Coleman in the heart of Texas to the town of Abilene (阿比林), some 53 miles away. It is a hot day, and the drive is dusty and boring. Someone has had the bright idea to interrupt a nice family game of dominoes (多米诺) to go on a four-hour round-trip to eat at a really not very good restaurant.
When they are back home again, one family member admits that she hasn’t enjoyed herself all that much. One by one they all confess that they would rather have stayed at home. “I only went along with it because I thought the rest of you wanted to go,” says everyone. No one wanted to go to Abilene. It had just happened.
This story was first told by Professor Jerry Harvey in an article published in 1974 called The Abilene Paradox (悖论) and other meditations on management. It offers a wonderful insight into the way that decisions can sometimes just emerge, without ever being consciously “made”.
Whether they mean to or not, groups exert a pressure to conform (顺从). A senior management team can find itself a long way down the track to a bad decision without realizing that the idea has very little support around the table.
Close-knit (组织严密的) teams are easily influenced by the pull of groupthink. The late Professor Janis suggested several ways in which teams can avoid it. Two key steps are to invite experts from outside into meetings, and to appoint at least one person to the role of “devil’s advocate” — a role that should be played by different people in different meetings.
小题1:The four family members have decided to go on a four-hour round-trip to the town of Abilene because _______.
A.they really like the restaurant they are going to
B.they are tired of the game they have been playing
C.they have not been to Abilene for a long time
D.everyone thinks all the other family members want to go
小题2:When they are back home, they find that______.
A.they have not really trusted each other
B.they have all enjoyed the trip except one family member
C.they would have had a better time if they had stayed at home
D.they have all had a good time although none of them wanted to go
小题3:A senior management team can make a bad decision because ______.
A.the idea has the support of everyone around the table
B.everyone on the team is too tired to think clearly
C.the group puts a pressure to conform
D.they understand what each member means
小题4:According to Professor Janis, at least one person should be appointed to the role of “devil’s advocate ” at each meeting so that _______.
A.the pull of groupthink can be avoided
B.each member will play a different role
C.team members can agree with each other more easily
D.experts from the outside can be invited into meetings

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The Body Temperature
The temperature of your body should be always just the same, no matter whether the weather is hot or cold. That is why the doctor uses his thermometer (温度计)when your are sick.
The body keeps the same temperature all the time ,because it balances the heat it produces and it gives off. It is always burning up food and , producing heat. It can produce heat faster when it needs to give off heat than when it becomes too warm. Let’s see how this happen.
The heat of your body is given off mainly through the skin. When you are cold, your skin is tight and shows “good flesh”. When you get chilly, you must dance around to keep warm or else you will shiver. Then your muscles begin to work, burn up fuel, and produce more heat. It is not pleasant to shiver, so you usually prefer to warm up by exercise, or put on more clothes to keep heat in.
When you are warm, the skin is loose and soft. It is so supplied with blood that heat is given off rapidly. If you get too warm, you begin to sweat ,and more body heat is used in evaporating the moisture(水蒸气) from your skin. You wear less clothing, too, in warm weather or warm room, so that warm can be given off freely. You feel less like exercising because your body is warm already, and the extra heat produced by exercise makes you uncomfortable.
You can see from the way you feel differently in different kinds of weather. In summer, when it is warm, you feel tired and lazy. You do not care to work or play, but enjoy lying and doing nothing. When you get out of doors in winter, the cold air makes you feel lively. You want to play.
小题1:Which is another title suitable of the passage?
A.The Patients’ Temperature
B.The Body Temperature Should Always Be the Same
C.The Body Temperature
D.The Temperature and Your Skin
小题2:How does the body keep the same temperature all the time?
A.It is always producing heat from food.
B.It gives off the heat produced in it.
C.It balances the heat it gets and loses.
D.It stops producing heat when necessary.
小题3:When one feels chilly, which of the following will he do?
A.His skin becomes tight in order to keep warm.
B.He does exercises to make his muscle produce more heat.
C.He puts on more clothes to keep heat in.
D.He keeps shivering to produce more heat.
小题4:When in summer, people prefer to_____.
A.workB.playC.do exerciseD.relax and do nothing

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Everyone has got two personalities(个性)—one shown to the world and the other secret and real. You don"t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You don"t like to upset people, so you never express your real feeling. You are quiet, shy and you aren’t very confident.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you are always easily upset. You"re very stubborn(顽固的), but you aren’t very ambitious(有野心的). You usually live for today, not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.
If you sleep curled(卷曲) up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself, so you are often defensive. You are shy and you don"t normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own. You are easily hurt.
If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced(通情达理的) personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you don"t often get depressed(沮丧的). You always say what you think even if it annoys people.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Two personalities.
B.Proper sleeping positions.
C.Sleeping positions and personalities.
D.Ways to tell your real personalities.
小题2:According to the text, you naturally show your secret  personality when_____.
A.you are awake
B.you are asleep
C.you can"t control your behaviour
D.you change your sleeping position
小题3:Tom is used to sleeping on his side. Which of the following can NOT describe him?
C.Selfish.D.Anxious sometimes.
小题4:If you are shy and often defensive, you are used to sleeping____.
A.on your backB.curled up
C.on your stomachD.on your side

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