当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > In the face of tragedy,you must of course let yourself feel: Cry without holding...
In the face of tragedy,you must of course let yourself feel: Cry without holding back, shake with fear, yell out in anger, accept and follow your feelings. This is part of the wise approach to tragedy: The Upward Path —the feeling of emotions, the acceptance of them, and the coupling of the emotional mind with wisdom. Along this path, you"ll take the experience —no matter how sad or upsetting —as a learning event, just as a11 other points on your journey will prove to be. While tragic, you must recognize this is still a chance for all involved to grow. You should let both sadness and joy, fear and courage, dark and light fill your world, and learn to find your steady, calm center in the midst of the opposing forces. This is the Upward Path. Use the event as a chance to gain balance and discover wisdom —the wisdom of love and of letting go, of non-attachment and non-resistance, and using this experience to eventually help others in need of guidance.
Being able to relate to others who have also experienced tragedy and inspire in them hope — of recovery, and of moving forward —is perhaps the greatest gift you can receive from tragedy. Turn the negative into positive, the pain into connection. After you"ve taken appropriate time to be sad, to feel your own pain, you should make it your work,your goal, your purpose to connect with others who need help. Show them how you"ve experienced feelings, achieved
balance,and gained wisdom that you would never have otherwise had the chance to learn.
FEEL, but do not FEED on tragedy. Rather, let it inspire you to go beyond the person who you were before. With demise comes renewal, so let this loss be also your rebirth. No matter how hopeless it seems, no matter how difficult this becomes, you have the power to transform yourself into someone greater than you ever knew you could be.
小题1:When following the Upward Path, the person facing tragedy should _______.
A.free his emotions
B.hold back his feelings
C.fill his world with positive ideas
D.give in to tragedy and all opposing forces
小题2:According to the author,the greatest gift one gets from tragedy is being able to _______.
A.seek solutions from others
B.forgive others and move on
C.stay calm and resist change
D.understand and help others
小题3:The purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.analyze the causes of tragedy
B.suggest a way of dealing with tragedy
C.tell people how to prevent tragedy
D.encourage people to build friendship after tragedy



小题1:A 细节理解题。根据第一段“While tragic, you must r………balance and discover wisdom — the wisdom of love and of letting go”可知:如果一个人沿着向上的轨迹;那么当他面对悲剧时,就会释放他的情绪,获得心理平衡,发现智慧。故A正确。
小题2:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Being able to relate to others who have also experienced tragedy and inspire in them hope — of recovery, and of moving forward”可知:能与那些经历过不幸的人相处,并鼓励他们去获得希望。故D正确。
小题3:B 主旨大意题。本文讲述了如何去面对不幸及解决方法;故B正确。
试题【In the face of tragedy,you must of course let yourself feel: Cry without holding】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
"He who can have patience can have what he wants," said Benjamin Franklin. They say patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men. This may or may not be true, but it"s fair to say that there is nobody on the earth who couldn"t benefit from more patience.
Patience is necessary for success.
It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". Many of the great scientists have remarked that their scientific discoveries came only through patient perseverance (坚持). Edison said, "Genius was 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration." Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.
Patience brings peace of mind.
When we desire certain outcomes (结果), we"ll have no peace of mind. Even if one desire is filled, the nature of desire is that more will appear in its place. There is no end to human desires. Patience means we will work with an attitude of detachment (超然).
Patience can transform suffering into joy.
Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience. Through being patient and accepting our situation, it"s quite possible for our suffering to be transformed.
Sri Chinmoy said, "If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy."
小题1:Whose saying supports the idea that patience makes a person joyful?
小题2:In the writer"s opinion, _____ .
A.human desires will easily be filled
B.patience is a virtue seldom found in a person
C.happiness can only be obtained through success
D.patience is the best medicine of suffering
小题3:How is the whole passage organized?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.We All Need PatienceB.Patience Means Success
C.Benefits of PatienceD.We Should Not Be patient

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Near the village, there is an old famous temple. Some people want to build new houses where the temple now stands, because they can find no other area to build them, while others disagree with them. They meet to decide how to solve the problem. Here are their opinions about it.
The expert wants to protect the temple and believes that there are some interesting things buried in the ground. If it is destroyed or moved, people may never learn about how people lived in the past.
The businessman thinks that the houses should be built. History is important, but we must think about the future. The village needs development and building new houses will offer jobs to hundreds of people.
Villager A says, “We should build the new houses because we need houses to live in.”
Villager B says, “We should protect the temple because it can attract many tourists to come for a visit. If the temple is destroyed or moved, we will lose a lot of business.”
The village leader thinks that he has a duty to make life better for the villagers. They need jobs and new houses. He also thinks the cultural site (遗迹) is important and they should be careful with it as well.
小题1:The expert doesn’t want to _______ the old famous temple.
A.rebuildB.protectC.pull downD.fall down
小题2:The businessman thinks building houses there can _______.
A.help the village develop
B.attract many tourists to come for a visit
C.help people learn about how people lived in the past
D.help people learn about the interesting things buried in the ground
小题3:_______ agree that they should build new houses there.
A.The expert and the village leader
B.The businessman and Villager
C.Villager A and Villager
D.Villager B and the businessman
小题4:The village leader thinks _______.
A.they should destroy the temple
B.they needn’t build new houses
C.They should build the temple to make life better
D.they should not only build new houses but also be careful with the temple
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?
A.It’s difficult to satisfy everyone.
B.The cultural site is not so important.
C.It’s easy to make a decision on the problem.
D.The villagers will lose their jobs with the development of their hometown

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The smartphone has become the centerpiece of many students" digital lives.
Yes, it can be a distraction(困扰,分心), but it is also an incredible tool that can transform classroom learning and late-night studying.
Professors and students are starting to explore what the smartphone can contribute to learning-and there is a whole host of apps(设备) to help that process along. There are also plenty of apps to help students with the less academic parts of college life.
To download any of these apps, search the iTunes App Store or Android Market. iOS apps are built for Apple"s mobile platform and can run on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.
Cost: Free
Platform: Android, BlackBerry, iOS
More and more smartphones now ship with front-facing cameras that make them great video chat tools.
There are several competitors here ---- including Apple"s FaceTime ----but Skype is still the best cross-platform tool for keeping in touch with faraway friends and family. Users on either end can be on a computer, smartphone.
Grades 2
Cost: Free
Platform: iOS
This app is a sophisticated tool for calculating grades. Students can use it to figure out what grade they"ll need on a test to achieve their target grade and also keeps track of overall GPA, weighted by each class"s credit count.
Students can also enter due dates for assignments as reminders.
The app is free and supported by ads, but users can pay $1 inside the app to turn them off.
Snoozerr Recordings
Cost: 99 cents
Platform: iOS
This is a great tool for logging long lecture classes or smaller study sessions(授课时间). It records audio and pairs that with time-stamped pictures that the student takes of presentations--- say, equations(方程)on a blackboard----or of his or her own notes.
When the student wants to review, he or she can use the pictures as a visual guide to what the instructor was saying and replay that section.
Cost: Free
Platform: iOS
This app is great for the student in everyone. It compiles(编辑)video from hundreds of presentations at technology, entertainment and design----a conference that features short speeches focused on new ways of thinking.
Presenters often speak about technology, social good or education and challenge societal norms.
It"s a great way to spend an hour or so hearing from some of the world"s leading minds for free. All of the videos are also available at www.ted.com.
Cost: Free
Platform: Android and iOS
This app uses a smartphone"s GPS to find nearby locations by category such as banks, gas stations, bars, coffee shops, restaurants and supermarkets---- all the college staples(主要产品).
小题1:In which section of a newspaper could you find this article?
A.Science & Tech.B.Entertainment.C.Life.D.Tourism.
小题2:What might be the best title for the text?
A.How to Improve College Students" Studies
B.How to Download Computer Games
C.How to Choose the Latest Smartphone
D.Five Tech Tools for College Students
小题3:Many college students use Grades 2 mainly for _____.
C.hearing speechesD.recording lectures
小题4:If you want to use your smartphone to find a nearby supermarket, you should download _____.          .
A.TEDB.AroundMeC.SkypeD.Grades 2
小题5:ios means _____.

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Nowadays the problem of the generation gap is becoming more and more serious. Poor relationship between parents and their children are very common.
Whether we like it or not, our parents are responsible for us at least until we’re out of high school. So rather than get upset about that fact, maybe we should focus on some ways to make our relationship better. The best way, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate with my parents.
When I find myself arguing with my mom and dad, I try to stop. If I can manage to stop myself from talking, I usually find that I can calm down quickly. I guess I’m usually acting out of emotion rather than logic(逻辑). But if I can stop arguing for a minute, it seems that my opinion changes and I start to realize that I’m a bit childish. Emotionally I may still be upset, but logically I understand that yelling(大叫大嚷) and fighting surely won’t make things better.
Once I’ve stopped arguing, I look at my parents in the eye. You’d be amazed at how much easier it is to communicate with your parents when you’ve actually looking at them. Looking away doesn’t do much of anything except for giving them the impression that I’m not listening or that I don’t care. It’s much easier to see things eye to eye when you’re physically seeing them eye to eye.
Finally, I listen to what they’re saying (or at least I try). Communication can’t happen unless both sides hear and listen to each other. There is nothing wrong with my hearing, but that doesn’t mean I always listen to the sounds that people are making. When I argue with my parents, I can physically hear what they’re saying without mentally listening to it.
Whether I admit it or not, my parents’ experience can actually help them give me some pretty sound advice at times. I don’t always agree with them, but I think it’s safe to say that it has truly helped our relationship in the long run.
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Listening is better than yelling and fighting.
B.It is impolite to see your parents eye to eye.
C.Be careful when you take your parents’ advice.
D.Parents are sometimes easy to get upset.
小题2: Parents and children can communicate only when_______.
A.both sides stop yelling and fighting
B.both sides start thinking what to say next
C.both sides agree with each other
D.both sides can listen to each other
小题3:Which of the following advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.LookingB.Smiling warmly
C.Listening D.Stopping arguing
小题4:The author thinks we should first _______ when arguing with our parents.
A.look at their eyesB.fight for the truth
C.stop arguing D.talk in a low voice

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As demand for power and fuel grows steadily in the coming decades, we must consider every possible energy source(来源)on hand if we"re to meet the world"s needs. And because clean natural gas is found in great plenty, there is little doubt that it will play a major role on the world energy stage in this century, much like oil did in the last. But, like oil, gas reserves are concentrated in just a few places in the world, usually far from where they"re needed most. And that"s only part of the challenge. The world has had well over 100 years to search for oil and to build the necessary facilities(设施)to bring it to market; the natural gas facilities, particularly when it comes to liquefied(液化)natural gas(LNG), are not nearly as developed.
So what needs to be done? On the supply side, producing nations need policies that allow for better development of their natural gas in an open, stable business environment, not one in which the rules of the game change without warning. The governments of consuming nations, on the other hand, must make policies for sustainable(可持续的)development to ensure they"ll have enough supplies in the future. That means building the related facilities, including LNG stations. This, in turn, will require coastal areas to allow these necessary, but not necessarily pretty, facilities to be built in their backyards. And energy companies have a responsibility to be good neighbors in those areas by operating these facilities responsibly and safely. They must also continue to put in the billions of dollars needed to build the complex transport and storage facilities required to bring more gas to market.
Expanding and diversifying(使多样化)energy sources by using more natural gas could lead to lower fuel prices and to greater energy security. We"ve taken some of the steps to get started, but we need your help to get the rest of the way.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Gas played a major part in the 20th century.
B.Natural gas facilities are far from satisfactory.
C.Gas reserves are widely spread around the world.
D.Necessary facilities are ready to bring gas to market.
小题2: The underlined word "one"(in Paragraph 2)refers to _____________.
A.a gas supply sideB.a business environment
C.a gas consuming nationD.a policy for gas development
小题3:Consuming nations of natural gas need to ___________.
A.change the rules of the game
B.open markets in their backyards
C.build pretty facilities along the coast
D.have long-term policies for gas supply
小题4: The main purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.warn people of the lack of power and fuel
B.discuss the importance of oil and natural gas
C.call for better use and development of natural gas
D.instruct people how to make use of energy sources
小题5: The passage might be followed by a paragraph about
A.what kind of help you can offer
B.where energy sources are concentrated
C.which countries are in great need of gas
D.what problems of energy sources we may face

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