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In a spelling contest (竞赛), an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her     voice the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E. They talked it over and finally decided to     ask her what she had said. By then, the girl knew she had     the word, but instead of lying, she told the truth that she had said the     letter—so she lost the contest.
As the girl walked off the   , the entire audience stood to their feet, clapping to praise her    . Later, dozens of newspaper reporters wrote about this girl’s honesty.     she lost the contest, she     the biggest contest that day: the contest of her     .
Probably the biggest test of our character is what we should do if we knew we would never get   . This young girl could easily have    and nobody would have known it   herself. However, that’s just it: she would know she did wrong. It’s been said, “If you cheat, you make yourself   .” This young girl was strong and smart enough to value her own character more than the    from a spelling contest. Her    for herself was more important than any respect others might give her for winning a contest. She knew she would have to    with herself and the    she made at that moment would have a long-lasting influence.
It’s so true that the choices you make today make     you are tomorrow. Our children will follow our behavior. So if we want them to     to be honest, we must be honest ourselves. Remember, our kids are     what we do even when we don’t know.
A.loudB.sweet C.deepD.soft
A.forgotten B.mispronouncedC.misunderstoodD.misspelled
A.correctB.wrongC.different D.same
A.bravery B.courageC.honestyD.cleverness
A.ThoughB.UnlessC.If D.Since
A.defeatedB.broke C.wonD.achieved
A.characterB.knowledge C.lifeD.ability
A.askedB.liedC.explained D.replied
A.except forB.butC.besidesD.as well as
A.cheapB.expensive C.pricelessD.brave
A.prizeB.giftC.skill D.review
A.whichB.that C.whatD.how
A.grow upB.bring upC.pick upD.come up



小题1:D考查形容词辨析A大声的B甜的C 深的D柔软的 从下文知,她的声音很轻(soft),以至于裁判不确定她说的是a还是e。其他选项都不符合语境 。
小题2:B考查副词辨析A罕见的B简单地C偶然地D完全地 句意,他们讨论一下最后决定简单的问她她所说的,根据提到ask her what she had said,听不清她所说,故简单的问问,所以选B项。
小题3:D考查动词A忘记B发错音C误解D拼写错误 从上下文可知,到此时,小女孩知道她拼错了(misspelled)单词。故选D项。
小题4:B考查形容词辨析A正确的B错误的C不同的D同样的。句意 她没有说谎她说实话,她说错了字母。根据下文提到 so she lost the contest ,故得知她说错了。故选B项
小题5:C考查名词辨析及语境理解。由常识可知,小女孩走下了舞台(stage)。其他选项都不符合语境 故选C项。  
小题6:C考查名词辨析及语境理解A勇敢B勇气C诚实D聪明 从上下文可知,观众为小女 孩的诚实(honesty)而鼓掌 故选C项。 
小题7:A考查连词辨析及语境理解。根据上文提到 so she lost the contest 失掉比赛,the entire audience stood to their feet, clapping to praise her courage,赢得赞扬,故虽然失掉比赛,但是记得人们的尊重。
小题9:A 考查名词辨析及语境理解A性格B知识C生命D能力 由语境可知,但她赢得了(won)最大的比赛,那就是人格(character)的比赛。
小题10:B考查动词辨析A支付B抓住C欢迎D受伤 get caught表示“被抓住,被发现”。这里是说:如果我们知道永远不会被发现,我们会怎么做 故选B项
小题11:B考查动词辨析A问B说谎C解释D回答 句意 这个小女孩,很容易说谎,没有人知道她在说什么,根据上文提到第一段the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E,评委也没有听清楚,所以很容易说谎,故选B项。
小题12:B考查介词及语境理解。根据上文,the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E ,除了她自己没有人会知道的,故选B项。
小题13:A考查形容词辨析A便宜的B贵的C无价的D勇敢的 句意 如果你人作弊,你会让自己变得很没有价值, 根据句意分析她不肯作弊,不想贬低自己的人格。
小题14:A 考查名词辨析及语境理解A奖赏B礼物C技巧D复习 。句意 这个小女孩非常聪明看重她的人格而不是比赛的奖品。根据语境得知选A项。
小题15:C考查名词辨析及语境理解句意 自尊比别人所给的尊重更为重要。根据下句话提到any respect,故得知自我的尊重。所以选C项。 
小题16:A考查动词辨析及语境理解 根据上下方得知,她不肯为奖品而向自己屈服,说出真相,得知她为自己而活。故选A项。
小题17:D考查名词辨析A计划B结论C发现D选择 。句意 她此刻所做的选择会产生一生的影响,考查固定短语 make a choice,做出选择,made分词做后置定语,故选D项。
小题18:C考查介词及语境理解 句意 这是如此真实的,以至于我们今天所做的选择决定明天的我们。What sb be ,你是什么样的人,故选C项。
小题19:A考查动词短语。A长大B抚养C拾起D出现。句意 我们的孩子会仿照我们的行为,因此如果我们想让他们长大了诚实,我们就必须诚实。根据语境得出A项。 
小题20:B 考查动词辨析A 记录 B 看 C 改正 D 接受。句意 切记,当我们没有意识到某些问题的时候,我们的孩子在看着我们的表现。上文提到Our children will follow our behavior,故选B项。
考点 日常生活类短文。
试题【In a spelling contest (竞赛), an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain wor】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
My interest in Chinese food started years a90, when l was a young reporter for the Washington Post. Our office wasn’t far from Chinatown, where I found some very good Chinese restaurants.
The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it. I noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables. When I learned more about the food, I began to understand why it has this special feature.
Many years ago, China had an energy crisis because it lost much of its wood due to over population and poor management of its forests. This loss was very bad for the country, of course, but it turned out to be very good for the food. Wood became very expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had to either find a substitute for their valuable wood,or learn how to use it better. There weren’t any substitutes so people found ways to economize.
In order to economize in cookin9, they had to use very little wood. So they started cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil.That way,the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel. The food prepared in this way kept its fresh flavor一and it"s this flavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking.
小题1:This text is mainly about________.
A.what caused Chinese food to taste fresh
B.how Chinese food is cooked in the US
C.when the author started to make Chinese food
D.why most foreigners like cooking Chinese food
小题2:The author mentioned the energy crisis to show________.
A.it is important to protect the forests
B.it is necessary to find substitutes for wood
C.why the Chinese changed their way of cooking
D.what problems a big population is causing China today
小题3:It can be inferred from the text that before the energy crisis Chinese food________.
A.was cooked in rather large pieces
B.was cooked in water but not oil
C.didn’t taste good
D.didn’t look fresh

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Buying insurance (保险) is a way in which people can protect themselves against large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay small sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only a few will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the small sums of money it has collected.
The first modern fire insurance company was formed in London, England, in the 1760s. A great fire had just destroyed most of the city, and people wanted protection against further losses. The first company grew rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.
Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752, and then a new kind of insurance for farmers was suggested. The new insurance would provide protection against the loss of crops from storms.
Later on another new insurance company was started in America. This company, which offered life insurance, collected small sums of money regularly from many different men. If a man died, his family was given a large sum of money.
Over the years, insurance companies have offered new kinds of insurance protection. The new kinds of insurance cover losses from such accidents as car and plane crashes. Today, most people have some kind of insurance.
小题1:Who helped set up the first company in America?
A.Benjamin Franklin. B.Businessmen.
C.The first insurance company in London. D.Farmers.
小题2:Insurance means ____.
A.Protection against the losses from the storms
B.protection against illness
C.Protection against accidents
D.all of the above
小题3:The first modern insurance company offered ____.
A.life insurance B.fire insurance C.a new kind of insuranceD.both A and B
小题4:Why do most people buy some kind of insurance today?
A.Insurance will keep their homes from burning.
B.People can protect themselves against large losses.
C.Insurance will pay for safety.
D.The insurance companies grow rapidly.

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Pottery is the name given to all kinds of useful or artistic objects made from clay. Pottery can be plates or water pots or baskets. Pottery can be large or small, fancy or plain. Pottery is part of the large family of ceramics(陶器).Ceramics are synthetic materials. For example, bricks and tiles (瓦片) are both ceramics.
How is pottery made? First, a potter takes some clay. Clay is a soft, red material from the earth. It looks a little like red dirt, but it"s very different. Clay is thick and rich. Wet clay can be worked into any shape. When the clay dries, it will keep that shape. The potters takes some clay and pushes and squeezes(挤压)it until it is soft and smooth. After that, the clay can be shaped into anything. There are several ways to shape clay. Sometimes potters use their hands. Sometimes they use a special wheel. They place the clay in the center of a round, flat wheel. The wheel moves very fast, and the potter shapes the clay.
After the potter has shaped the clay, it can be decorated(装饰). Potters use glaze, which is a kind of paint, to decorate their work. Some glazes are very simple. Other glazes have beautiful colors and designs. The glaze is not just beautiful. It is also useful. The glaze makes the pottery smooth and waterproof. Potters also make some decorative lines and designs on the surface. After it is decorated, the clay must be baked, or fired, in a special oven.
Baking the clay at very high temperature makes it hard and strong. Firing also makes the glaze stick to the pottery. When the firing is over, the potter carefully removes the pottery from the oven and lets it cool slowly. If it cools too quickly, it could crack and break.
Since pottery is waterproof, it is very popular for dishes. You can find examples of pottery in almost any home. But pottery can also be found in museums. Some pieces of pottery are valuable and beautiful pieces of art.
小题1:It is possible that ceramics are materials of _______ .
小题2:The word "waterproof" means _______ .
小题3:Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Plates, water pots and bowls are all examples of pottery.
B.Wet clay can be made into anything of different shapes by the hands or a special wheel.
C.The clay becomes smooth and waterproof because of the glaze.
D.After the firing in high temperature, pottery is easy to break.

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People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles, pushing your shopping cart. You probably hear soft, slow music in the supermarket. This kind of music is playing to relax you and make you walk slowly. Thus, you will probably stay longer and buy more food.
Where do you go in the supermarket when you first arrive? Many people go to the meat section first. This area of the store has many different kinds of meat. Some kinds are expensive and others are not. Usually, some kinds of meat are on sale. So it has a special low price. The manager of the store knows where the customers usually enter the meat section. The meat on sale is usually at the other end of the section, away from where the customers enter. If you want to buy this specially priced meat, you have to walk by the more expensive meat first. Maybe you will see something that you want to buy before you reach the cheaper, inexpensive meat. Then you will spend more money in the meat section.
The diary section sells milk that is low in fat. Some supermarkets sell three different containers(包装盒)of low-fat milk. Each container looks different, but each contains the same product. One says "1% fat", one says "99% fat free" and one says "low-fat" in big letters and "1%"in very small letters. If you look carefully you can see that all the milk has the same amount of fat, and each container is the same size. The prices of all these three should be the same. However, in many stores these three containers of milk would each have a different price. The store will make more money if a customer chooses the milk that costs the most.
Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. People often stop to look at the products in attractive containers. But remember, many products will say, "Buy me!". Stop and think which ones are the best value for your money.
小题1:The word "aisles" in the first paragraph means _______ .
A.the entrance of a supermarket
B.the place where you pay for your goods
C.the way between the shelves
D.the place where the special priced meat is on sale.
小题2:When you walk by the expensive meat, _______ .
A.maybe you will buy someB.you will not look at it
C.you will buy diary productsD.maybe it is on sale
小题3:The three different kinds of low-fat milk _______ .
A.contain three different amount of milk
B.contain three different kinds of milk
C.each have the same amount of fat
D.are all the same price
小题4:Supermarket managers make the food attractive so _______ .
A.it is cheap
B.the customers will buy more
C.it is expensive
D.it is in the diary section

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It was the end of the school term and my son Tom had less than three months left before he would finish his six years at high school. During this time he had developed a love for basketball. Sadly, because of my work over the last twelve months, I had only been able to attend a few of his games; however, I was determined to get to his last game for the school term.
Tom’s team came out in the first 10 minutes with a burst of goals that saw them leading by just over 20 points at the end of the first half. The second half changed as the other team quickly played themselves back into the game. Tom’s team started to miss an increasing number of shots. It was at that point that the coach called his first time out.
The noise of the spectators (观众) became quiet as the coach spoke to them. He had the team standing in a half circle, but he squatted (蹲) down, looking up at them and fiving some very calm and clear instructions on what they needed to do in the last couple of minutes. As he stood up to allow the team to return to the court, I saw him give some further words of encouragement to all of them.
You could see that he knew that the team was fighting to save the game and that he needed to lift them up. By squatting down he placed himself in a position where he was talking up to them, rather than down or at them, and as the players went back onto the court his words of encouragement served to lift their energy and spirits.
Well, Tom’s team went on to win the final by 5 points. As I drove away I thought about what can happen to us all in our everyday life. One of my favourite quotes is about the half filled glass of water --- “Is it half full or is it half empty?” Like the coach, the answer to this quote all depends on how you look at things.
小题1:Why did the writer come to see his son play basketball?
A.Because his son would graduate from high school.
B.Because he felt sorry for never watching his son play.
C.Because it was a final his son played a key role in.
D.Because he had a strong interest in basketball himself.
小题2:By squatting down, the coach wanted to _____ .
A.talk about what the players were doing wrong
B.make the players feel better
C.prevent spectators from hearing what he said
D.show his anger at the bad performance of the players
小题3:What is the writer’s attitude towards the coach?
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.A father should care about his son at school.
B.Playing hard is rewarded with a close match.
C.What a coach says has the most influence on players.
D.Looking at things positively is important in hard times.

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