当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern adv...
Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services. Today’s advertisements, or ads, try to get consumers to buy certain brands. Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can, sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing, eat a special kind of cereal, or see a movie. Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.
  For example, you probab1y do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket. There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. You may not have space on a shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box, you may want it.
Advertising must get attention. To be effective, it must be exciting, entertaining, or provide some pleasure. The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product. The idea is what the ad is really selling. One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports. That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.
小题1:What is discussed in this passage?
A.The content of modern advertising.  
B.The skills of modern advertising.
C.The results of modern advertising.  
D.The writing of modern advertising.
小题2:According to the passage, a good advertisement should     ____________.
A.be both persuasive and effective 
B.give people useful information
C.show people a product  
D.show people a new idea of a product
小题3:From the passage, we know that ___________________ .
A.modern advertising has less effect on customers   
B.once customers see ads about a new cerea1, they are sure to buy it
C.cereal can make people strong
D.cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people
小题4: What can we infer from the passage?
A.Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.
B.Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.
C.It’s impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.
D.Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.



小题2:细节题:由文章第一段第三句"Today"s advertisemens,orads,try to get consumers to buy certain brands"可知 一个好的广告既要有说服力也要有效,A 正确。
小题3:推理题:由文章第二段"you probably do not need the newest cereal in the to buy it supermarket. There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. You may not have space on your shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new ce real that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box, you may want it. "可以 推测出来 cereal 是一种受人们欢迎的食品。选D
小题4:推理题;由于本文主要讲述广告的介绍作用和劝诱作用,同时文章第二段的麦片的例 子就是一个暗示,可知人们很容易被广告说服,所以 A 为正确答案。
试题【Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern adv】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Do you know how to use a mobile phone without being rude to the people around you?
  Talking during a performance irritates (激怒) people. If you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the exit doors and set your phone to vibrate (振动). When your mobile phone vibrates, you can leave quietly and let the others enjoy the performance.
  Think twice before using mobile phones in elevators, museums, churches or other indoor public places—especially enclosed spaces. Would you want to listen to someone’s conversation in these places? Worse yet, how would you feel if a mobile phone rang suddenly during a funeral! It happens more often than you think. Avoid these embarrassing situations by making sure your mobile phone is switched off.
  When eating at a restaurant with friends, don’t place your mobile phone on the table. This conveys the message that your phone calls are more important than those around you.
  Mobile phones have sensitive microphones that allow you to speak at the volume you would on a regular phone. This enables you to speak quietly so that others won’t hear the details of your conversations. If you are calling from a noisy area, use your hand to direct your voice into the microphone.
  Many people believe that they can’t live without their mobile phone. Owning a mobile phone definitely makes life more convenient, but limit your conversations to urgent ones and save the personal calls until you are at home.
小题1:What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance?
A.Call back after the performance.B.Answer it near the exit door.
C.Talk outside the exit door.D.Speak in a low voice.
小题2: Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think_____.
A.you prefer to talk to your friends at the table
B.you value your calls more than your friends
C.you are enjoying the company of your friends
D.you are polite and considerate of your friends
小题3:When you are calling in a noisy area, you are advised to _____.
A.use a more sensitive microphone
B.shout loudly into your microphone
C.go away quietly to continue the phone call
D.use your hand to help speak into the phone
小题4:The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be_____.

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The Great Barn Adventure
One morning when I was 11, I explored the town’s abandoned round grain barn(谷仓). I found a chained sliding door that was wide enough for me to pass through.
Inside, there was a heavy smell of dead mice in the dark. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed a shaft (升降机井) that rose all the way to the top of the barn. On one side was a one-man elevator with a long rope and roller.
I stepped onto the platform and gave the rope a drag and the elevator began sliding up the shaft, but stopped halfway. After a brief panic attack, I noticed holes in the wall at regular intervals, forming a ladder. For reasons known only to an 11-year-old, I decided it would be better to go up than down. So, with shaking hands, I began climbing the wall.
After what seemed like forever, I reached the top of the shaft. I stood up, dusted myself off and found absolutely nothing of interest. It was just an empty room with a ladder leading up to the roof. I climbed all the way up here for this? Then I noticed a fire extinguisher(灭火器),which I’d always wanted to shoot off. So this was the chance of a lifetime. I tried it, and, much to my surprise, the thing worked! It shot out a thick cloud of powder that instantly filled the room. I couldn’t breathe. I was going to choke to death, and they’d probably never even find my body.
Luckily, I remembered the ladder to the roof. I climbed up, popped the straw roof and saw a bright blue sky.
I suddenly realized the dust and powder pouring out of the top could draw attention. So when the dust had settled, I climbed down and slipped out of the chained door. I’m not sure if I was more excited about being alive or about not being caught, but I ran all the way back home.
小题1:When the author got inside the barn, he _______.
A.noticed a man on the elevator
B.opened the chained sliding door
C.saw many dead mice in the dark
D.found a shaft leading to the top
小题2:Which of the following is the right order of the author’s adventure?
a. The elevator stopped halfway.
b. He entered the round grain barn.
c. He climbed to the top of the shaft.
d. He found a fire extinguisher and shot it off.
小题3:After getting out of the chained door, the author might feel _______.
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that the author was probably a boy full of _______.
A.passionsB.dreams C.curiosityD.imagination

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At the age of 11, Peter Lynch started caddying(当球童) at Brae Burn Country Club in Newton, Mass. “It was better than a newspaper carrier, and much more profitable,” the Fidelity vice chairman recalls. He kept it up during the summers for almost a decade. “You get to know the course and can give the golf players advice about how to approach various holes,” he says. “Where else, at age 15 or 16, can you serve as a trusted adviser to high-powered people?”
One of those people was George Sullivan, then president of Fidelity’s funds, who was so impressed with Lynch’s smarts that he hired him in 1966. “There were about 75 applicants for 3 job openings,” Lynch says now. “But I was the only one who had caddied for the president for 10 years.”
In between caddying and managing money, Lynch went to Boston College on a scholarship from a program called the Francis Ouimet Fund. Named after the 1913 winner of the U.S. Open, the fund launched in 1949 which is open to Massachusetts kids only. Ouimet executive director Robert Donovan says, “Help with college is a logical extension of friendly relation between golfers and their favorite caddies, because there is a close tie to train up them to be excellent that happens between the players and the kids who carry their golf poles. And for the teens, caddying is all about being around successful role models.”
It is obvious that caddies who are finally successful include all kinds of outstanding personnel, from actor Bill Murray, to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, to former GE chairman and CEO Jack Welch.
Of course, the great number of financial giants who caddied in their youth might be coincidence, but Dick Connolly thinks not. “Caddying life teaches you a lot about business, and about life,” he says. “You learn to show up early and look people in the eye when you shake their hand, and you learn how to read people -- including who’s likely to cheat and who isn’t.” Connolly is a longtime investment advisor at Morgan Stanley’s Boston office, a former Ouimet scholarship student and, along with Peter Lynch and Roger Altman, one of the program’s biggest supporters. He wants to share the most important lesson he learned on the links, so he says: “One golfer I caddied for told me that if you want to succeed in any field -- golf or business -- you have to spend a lot of lonely hours, either practicing or working, when you’d rather be partying with your friends. That’s true, and it stuck with me.”
小题1:Which of the following may Peter Lynch agree about caddying?
A.He could have a relaxing job as a caddie.
B.He could make more money from the golf players.  
C.His duty was to advise the players how to play golf.
D.His caddying experiences contributed to his later career.
小题2:Why was the Francis Ouimet Fund set up to support Massachusetts kids only?
A.Because of the advice from the rich golf players.
B.Because of those giants with caddying experiences.
C.Because of the great success the caddies have achieved.
D.Because of the friendly relation between golfers and their caddies.
小题3:According to Dick Connolly, caddying experience in your youth_____.
A.helps you learn to live with loneliness
B.teaches you a lot about business and life
C.makes it possible to meet with great people
D.offers you chances to communicate with others
小题4:Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
A.Legend of Peter Lynch.
B.An introduction of Golf Caddying.
C.Golf Caddying into Future Success.
D.Five Giants with Caddying Experiences.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It was a comfortable sunny Sunday. I was going to meet an old university friend I hadn"t seen for years, and was really excited to hear all his news.
My train was running a little late, but that was no big problem - I could text him to say I would be delayed. He would understand. But… where was my mobile phone? I had that familiar sinking feeling. Yes, I"d forgotten it at home.
No mobile phone. I"m sure I"m not alone in feeling anxious, on edge and worried when I don"t have my phone with me. In fact, I know I"m not alone: two-thirds of us experience ‘nomophobia’, the fear of being out of mobile phone contact.
That"s according to a study from 2012 which surveyed 1,000 people in the UK about their relationship with mobile phones.
It says we check our mobile phones 34 times a day, that women are more ‘nomophobic’than men, and that 18-24 year-olds are the most likely to suffer fear of being without their mobiles: 77% of them say they are unable to be apart from their phones for more than a few minutes.
Do you have nomophobia ?
· You never turn your phone off
· You obsessively check for texts, missed calls and emails· You always take your phone to the bathroom with you· You never let the battery run out
It"s funny to think that around 20 years ago the only people with mobile phones would be businessperson carrying their large, plastic ‘bricks’.   Of course, these days, mobile phones are everywhere. A UN study from this year said mobile phone subscriptions would outnumber people across the world by the end of 2014.
And when there are more phones than people in the world, maybe it"s time to ask who really is in charge? Are you in control of your phone, or does your phone control you?
So, what happened with my university friend? When I arrived a few minutes late he just laughed and said: "You haven"t changed at all – still always late!" And we had a great afternoon catching up, full of jokes and stories, with no interruptions and no nagging(唠叨的) desire to check my phone.
Not having it with me felt strangely liberating. Maybe I"ll leave it at home on purpose next time.
小题1:What does the passage talk about ?
A.The history of mobiles.
B.The story of meeting an old university friend.
C.The addiction of playing mobile phone.
D.The terrible feeling of being without their mobiles.
小题2:The underlined phrase “ on edge ”in the third paragraph probably means_______.
A. nervousB.energetic C.crazyD.surprised
小题3:Which word is used to describe old mobile phones according to the passage?
A.digital phoneB.cell phoneC.bricksD.smart phone
小题4:According to the passage, who is most likely to be addicted to mobiles ?
A.a successful managerB.a 21-year-old girl
C.a 21-year-old boyD.a lonely middle-aged person
小题5:What’s the author’s attitude towards the using mobiles ?

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Water is the most common substance(物质) found on the earth, but less than 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for drinking. More than 1,000,000,000 people around the world survive on just over 1 galon of water a day. Probebly more than 3,000,000,000 people may suffer from not having enough water by the year 2025. You are considered lucky if you live in a country where you can drink water out of your kitchen tap or bathroom tap. People in some countries have to pay for drinking water at home. So clean water is one of our most valuabe natural resources(资源).
In fact, peole waste so much clean water today. In factories lots of water is wasted. At home many people are not taking showers but still baths, and many are brushing their teeth with the tap turned on. Children are no longer taught how to save water….
You can save clean water in many ways. For example, if you keep gold fish, the tank water excellent for graden plants. And when you wash a milk bottle, pour the water on your house plants. Putting a brick or a water into your toilet tank many help use less water, saving many gallons over a long time.
Using rainwater is another simple way to save clean water. You can use rainwater to wash your hands after gardening, flush the toilet, and wash your car, your pet, your driveway when they are dirty.
For the same reason, people in Malaysia are encourageed to use rainwater. If one has a house with a small garden, he would buy a huge plastic tank to keep rainwater for their daily life.
小题1:We can learn from the passage ______.
A.when man can’t live without water
B.where there is no water resource
C.why there is less water on the earth
D.how important it is to save water
小题2:According to the passage, one of the ways to save water is _______.
A.to stop keeping gold fish
B.to pay much for drinking water
C.to use it in a clever way
D.to educate those who waste water
小题3:The underlined word “flush” in Paragraph 4 means “_______”.
A.clean something with water
B.pour water over something
C.make somehting wet with water
D.get water out of someghing
小题4:People are ecouraged to use rainwater _______.
A.so that is can make our life easier
B.so that clean water can be kept for other uses
C.because is it free and easy to get
D.because there is no claen water left for them

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