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The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full power of your memory to flow freely without “trying” to remember any one specific (特定的) thing.
I recently sat down to a relaxed and enjoyable dinner with some friends. At the beginning of the meal, a friend told us that his car had just been broken into and his briefcase (公文包) had been stolen. He was frustrated (懊恼的) because his diary and a number of other items important to him were in the briefcase. He said he could remember only four items that were in his stolen briefcase, that he knew there were many more, that he had to give a full report to the police within two hours, and that the more he tried to remember the more blocked he became.
Several of us at the table who were familiar with Memory Principles (规则) then took him through the following exercise; instead of continuing to allow him to think of what he could not remember, we asked him when he had last had his briefcase open. It turned out that it was at the office just before he left work, at which point he suddenly remembered that he had put two important magazine articles in the briefcase. We then asked him when he had last had the briefcase open before leaving home for work. It turned out to have been the night before, and he remembered having put in two more articles as well as a tape recorder, in preparation for the following morning. Finally we asked him to describe the inner (内部的) design of his briefcase, and as he went through a detailed description, he remembered pens, pencils, letters and a number of other items that he had completely “forgotten” before.
Within 20 minutes, he remembered 18 additional items. The secret is to “forget about” whatever you are trying to remember and “relive” all experiences that connect in any way with the item you are trying to remember. This method works at once almost in all cases, and takes the form of a created Mind Map around the “missing” center.
This memory method, like the others, improves your memory as well as your creativity, and in addition gives you confidence when you realize that, no matter what you have forgotten, there is still a chance to solve any memory mystery (谜团)!
小题1:Which of the following shows how the man remembered the items according to the passage?

小题2:What does the underlined word “relive” mean in the passage?
A.go through againB.get out ofC.get used to againD.pay attention to
小题3:What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Forgetting — You can never really forget
B.Drawing — The better way to remember things
C.Re-remembering — Remember what you have forgotten
D.Replacing — Forgetting something instead of remembering



小题1:细节题:从第三段的句子:It turned out that it was at the office just before he left work, at which point he suddenly remembered that he had put two important magazine articles in the briefcase. We then asked him when he had last had the briefcase open before leaving home for work. …可知这个人是通过公文包的内部结构和在办公室,家里发生的事情,回忆起里面的物品的,选C
小题2:猜词题:从文章第三段的句子:The secret is to “forget about” whatever you are trying to remember and “relive” all experiences that connect in any way with the item you are trying to remember.可知秘密是把你想记住的事情忘记,把事情的过程再经历一遍,所以relive =" go" through again ,选A
小题3:标题确定题:从第一段的句子:The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full power of your memory to flow freely without “trying” to remember any one specific (特定的) thing.和最后一段的内容:可知这篇文章介绍了一种re-remembering的方法想起忘记的事情,选C。
试题【The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full power of your memory to flow f】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Someday a stranger will read your email without your permission or scan the website you have visited. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.
In fact, it is likely that some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without permission? It might be a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss or a criminal. Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen-----the 21st century is the equal of being caught naked.
Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy and that it is important to reveal yourself to friends, families and lovers at appropriate time and places. But now few boundaries remain. The information you leave everywhere makes it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. Believe it or not, we live in a world where you simply can’t keep a secret. The key question is: does that matter?
When you ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it.
But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny part of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths(收费站) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few refuse to offer personal information like Social Security numbers to get supermarket loyalty cards.
But privacy (隐私) does matter—at least sometimes. It is like health: when you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it is gone do you wish you had done more to protect it.
小题1:What does the underlined sentence in Para 2 mean?
A.People’s personal information is easily accessed without their knowing it.
B.In the 21st century people try every means to look into others’ secrets.
C.People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.
D.Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.
小题2:Which of the statements will the psychologists probably agree with?
A.Friends should open their hearts to each other.
B.Friends should always be faithful to each other.
C.There should be a distance even between friends.
D.The closer they are, the deeper their friendship is.
小题3:In the last paragraph but one, the EZ-Pass system and Social Security numbers are used as evidence to show_________.
A.Americans talk a lot but do little about privacy protection
B.Americans use various loyalty cards for business.
C.Americans rely more and more on electronic devices.
D.Americans change behaviors that might disclose their identity.
小题4:Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?
A.Privacy and HealthB.Privacy Is Getting Lost.
C.Boundary and FriendshipD.Cherish What You Have

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A carefree summer vacation can be yours with these easy tips.
1.Fly into Alternate Airports
Most major destinations are served by more than one airport.Flying into a less popular one can result in cheaper tickets.Another added perk of quieter airports? Shorter check-in and security lines,and less waiting around.
2.Use Public Transportation for City Travel to Save Time and Money
When possible,take public transportation from the airport to your hotel.For example,the London-Heathrow express train takes just 15 minutes to get from airport to city and costs under 20 pounds.By contrast,“A taxi costs about 70 pounds and takes 40 minutes,"reports DiScala.
3.Eat Smart,Explore…and Save
Look for ways to take your order in pricey restaurants and you can avoid “Are we about to run out of money?”“Don’t order an appetizer.Don’t drink a lot of booze,” says DiScala.
Also,cover more ground by spreading out your snack places.“Have dessert at a café or ice cream stand, instead of at the dinner restaurant,” suggests DiScala.You’ll see more of the city and decisions about where to go for dinner will be less worrying.
4.Hit the Market
Much like reading the local newspaper,visiting a market gives context to a foreign country.
Even the smallest villages tend to have a weekly open-air market(often on Saturday mornings) , while in larger towns and cities,expect additional market days,as well as big supermarkets.
Markets also sell amazing,wallet-friendly souvenirs.Think about sea salt,local spices or sauces,and regional oils and vinegars. Eatable gifts are almost always appreciated,saving you the stress of finding the“perfect”gift for each person on your list.
小题1:The passage aims to tell the readers how to________.
A.take a plane without waiting for long
B.spend your holidays abroad economically
C.eat in a pricey restaurant at the smallest expense
D.save money to buy eatable gifts in a foreign market
小题2:What does the underlined word“perk” in Line 4 mean?
A.Special benefit.B.Strict standard.
C.Common scene.D.Extra trouble.
小题3:Which of the following will best help you save time and money?
A.Choosing a bigger airport.B.Visiting local markets.
C.Having dinner at the hotel.D.Taking an express train.
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Having coffee at a cafe will cost more money.
B.Souvenirs bought at local markets are expensive.
C.You will run out of your money if you eat out.
D.Markets help you understand your tourist destination.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
According to the US Geological Survey, about seven million earthquakes strike worldwide every year—but fortunately, only about 1500 of these are of a magnitude(震级) of 5 or greater on the Richter scale. Certain areas, such as California and Japan, are more prone to earthquakes than others. Although the chance of being caught in “The Big one” is remote, it’s wise to be prepared if you live in a region where earthquakes are common.
Educate your family about earthquakes before a big one strikes. For example, they need to know to take shelter in a doorway or under a strong object if indoors, and never to run outdoors if they are inside. If outside, they need to know to stay away from power lines and buildings where objects could fall.
Teach family members how to turn off gas or water lines or electrical power that may need to be shut off after a quake if severe damage occurs.
Develop a plan. Where will your family meet in the event of a disaster? What if some people are at work or school? How will you know if they are safe? Where will you all meet up?
Pack a preparedness kit(衣物装备) and keep it in a safe location. In a major earthquake, it’s possible that you won’t be able to get into your house. Keep supplies in your car trunk or an outside storage shed if possible. Pack whatever your family is likely to need, enough for three days to a week, including food, water, medication, first aid and personal hygiene supplies, flashlights, a portable radio, blankets, clothes and shoes, cash, or camp stove, candles, matches or lighters, and a whistle.
Consider earthquake insurance for your home if you live in an earthquake-prone area. Regular homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover earthquake damage.
小题1:The underlined words “prone to ” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by___________.
A.likely to sufferB.frequent to explore
C.regular to measureD.impossible to experience
小题2:According to the passage, if you are outside in an earthquake, you should_________.
A.stay where you areB.hide under a big tree
C.avoid power linesD.sit on the ground
小题3: We can learn from the passage that_________.
A.about 1,500 earthquakes happen every year
B.people should store some clothes in their houses in advance
C.family members should meet in their home after an earthquake
D.people suffering earthquakes often should buy earthquake insurance
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Keep Safe in an Earthquake
B.How to Prepare for an Earthquake
C.Who Can Help Us After an Earthquake?
D.Where Is an Earthquake-prone Area?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you know how much your children sleep?
According to the National Sleep Foundation,       should sleep twelve to eighteen hours       of every twenty-four. With a gradual        to twelve to fourteen hours for toddlers(初学走路的孩子) one to three; eleven to thirteen hours for        three to five; and ten to eleven hours for schoolchildren        five to ten.
But things get really      at adolescence. Not only do teenagers need more sleep than    __---eight and a half to nine and a quarter hours a night, according to the sleep foundation - but the times          which they get sleepy and are able to awaken         and feel rested shift in a       that does not match to the       times at most schools.
Sleep studies have shown that the typical teenager does not fall asleep readily before 11 p. m. or later.       many have to get up by 6 a. m. or         to get to school for a class         starts at 7:30 or 8 a.m. More than a few        off during that class, and often the         one as well. Even if awake, they"re in no condition to learn much of anything.
In one study, more than 90 percent of teenagers        they slept less than the          nine hours a night, and 10 percent said they slept less than six hours.
      _ James B. Maas, a Cornell University psychologist and Leading sleep researcher, has observed, most teenagers are "walking zombies(僵尸)"        they get far too little sleep.
A.adultsB.toddlersC.babies D.schoolchildren

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Valentine’s Day, for many couples, means cards, flowers, and candlelight dinners. For most couples it also means withdrawing money at the ATM to express their love. Fortunately, there are ways to save money by saving energy — even during the date — so you can spend the money you save on the things that really matter to your sweetheart. Here are five easy tips for those couples out there who want to save energy and save money:
A fireplace is always a perfect background to set up holiday decorations because of the space it provides, in addition to the grand role it plays in the house as being an important part of each room. If you plan on spending your Valentine’s Day near the fireplace, be sure to prevent the heat loss and make sure of the chimney efficiency. If you never use your fireplace, plug and seal the chimney flue.
If you plan on having a nice, romantic dinner at home and want to set the mood with proper lighting, use energy efficient light bulbs that save you money, and look for bulbs that are lower in lumens. Lumens tell you the brightness of the bulb. The lower the lumens, the weaker the light.
For those who plan to cook that romantic dinner, there are some simple energy efficient ways you can prepare that meal. For example, did you know that if you’re baking in a china or glass dish, you can typically set your oven for 25 degrees less than the recipe calls for? Learn more about saving energy while cooking.
For those couples who would like to have a movie night, plug your TV and DVD into an electronic power strip to save money on your gas of the car. By plugging in electronic devices into a power strip and turning it off when not in use, you can save up to $100 per year.
If you plan on going on a romantic “escape” from your house by car, be sure to check out these tips to reduce fuel consumption and costs.
小题1:How do most people spend their Valentine’s Day according to the passage?
A.They make green trips by riding bikes or walking dogs.
B.They go to visit their parents or grandparents together.
C.They stay at home making delicious food for lovers.
D.They spend money creating romantic environment.
小题2:What does the author advise you to do when you use a fireplace that night?
A.Try to burn less wood by covering the chimney.
B.Try to use more wood to produce more heat.
C.Try to hold more heat by using it effectively.
D.Try to make the room wetter than usual.
小题3:What does the author advise you to do if you choose to have dinner at home?
A.Choose the bulbs without lumens.
B.Choose the bulbs with lower lumens.
C.Choose the small bulbs with higher lumens.
D.Choose the colorful bulbs as many as possible.
小题4:How should you cook meals according to the author?
A.Adjust electricity amount according to different dishes.
B.Set the oven for 25 degrees higher than required.
C.Try to cook all kinds of food with a china dish.
D.Try to bake some cakes in a glass dish.
小题5:What is the greenest way for you to see a film on Valentine’s Day?
A.Just watch a DVD at home.B.Just see the film in the running car.
C.Go to the nearest theatre by bike.D.“Escape” from your house by car.

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