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When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be:
As described:
This includes the history of the car as well as its specification. For example, if the dealer described the car as previously having “one careful lady owner”, it shouldn’t turn out to have had several previous “boy racer” owners.
Of satisfactory quality:
It must meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as acceptable and be free from any quality problem. Also, bear in mind that a second-hand car will have a slightly different definition of what is considered “satisfactory, because there’s certainly an element of wear and tear.
Fit for the purpose:
It must be reasonable fit for any normal purpose and this includes any purpose that you specify to the seller.
●If any of the above is violated, then in theory, you may have the right to reject the vehicle and get your money back if you’re reasonably quick. Alternatively, the dealer might offer to replace or repair the car; reduce the price of offering a partial refund(退款). Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.
●If the rejection is not accepted, then it’s up to you to prove your case. You’ll need to pay for an independent assessment of the car and sue for damages. If you do choose a repair, insist the dealer provide you with a hire car or pay any reasonable traveling expenses thus produced while your new car is in the garage.
●If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. Using the small claims procedure to you may have to pay for legal representation. All this can be pretty daunting and expensive. You need to weigh up the pros and cons before rejecting a car. Would a repair do just as well? Selecting a dealer who offers a clear exchange policy may help.
小题1:After the above writing, you will be better at           .
A.choosing a carB.dealing with car sellers
C.making a claimD.suing for damages
小题2:According to the text, what is essential after you inform the dealer of your wish to reject the car________?
A.Suing for damages. B.Demanding traveling expenses.
C.Stopping using it. D.Proving your case.
小题3:If the dealer offers to repair the car you have bought, which of the following is acceptable_______?
A.Asking the dealer to provide you with a hire car.
B.Asking the dealer to provide you with repair tool sets.
C.Asking the dealer to pay all of your traveling expenses.
D.Asking the dealer to return all your money.
小题4:Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word “daunting” in the last paragraph________?
A.Different. B.Effective. C.Discouraging. D.Convenient.
小题5:What does the writer want to say in the last paragraph_________?
A.Buyers should select a dealer that offers to repair the car.
B.Rejecting a new car is not necessarily the best choice.
C.It’s necessary that a new car should be repaired.
D.Buyers should never reject a new car.



小题1:根据第一句“When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be”可知,与描述相符、保证质量这三个小标题主要讲的是买车时的注意事项,而不是教你如何买车,所以A项不正确,故选B。
小题2:根据“Once you’ve informed the dealer that you wish to reject the car, you must stop using the vehicle.”可知,一旦你通知经销商要退车,你就必须停止使用那辆车,故选C。
小题3:根据“insist the dealer provide you with a hire car or pay any reasonable traveling expenses thus produced while your new car is in the garage”可知,当汽车在修理期间,可以要求经销商提供暂时用车或支付出行的费用,故选A。
小题4:根据“it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. ...All this can be pretty daunting and expensive.”可知,如果是新车,进行索赔的诉讼可能花销会很大,往往会让人望而却步,A不同的;B有效的;C使气馁的;D便利的,故选C。
小题5:根据“If the car is new, it’s likely that the claim will be too high to be fought. ...You need to weigh up the pros and cons before rejecting a car. Would a repair do just as well?”可知,新车的话,没有必要退掉,修理一下就可以了,在作出决定之前,你需要权衡一下利弊,故选B。
试题【When buying from a dealer, the law says that a car must be:As described:This inc】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Debate: Can stricter gun control laws decrease the rate of crimes involving guns?
Yes, because with fewer weapons, you get fewer crimes.
Take a look at the crime rates of countries like the United Kingdom. Their crime rate is very low, compared to ours here in the United States. Just by simply putting stricter laws in place on who can own them, it will greatly reduce the crimes involving guns.
Posted by: 5h4yGlory
Past Practice
There was an assault weapon(攻击性武器) ban back in 1994 under Bill Clinton. Shootings and crime did not go down for the 10 years when this law was in effect. Criminals do not follow rules. The law only affects those who try to obey the law to arm them to protect themselves.
Posted by: jb1988
Wake up, you Americans!
It"s hardly surprising that America has one of the highest gun related murder rates of all countries! And of course guns don"t kill people, but the more people own guns, the easier it is to get access to one, the higher the chance of people using it to kill somebody is!
In Germany, we have really strict gun laws and only a few people own guns, and obviously we don"t need them. There"s no reason that a normal citizen would need a gun! Guns are made for one reason only: killing.
Posted by: cstephie13
More gun control laws, fewer shootings
On the same day as the Sandy Hook tragedy, a man in China entered a primary school with a knife and injured 22 students on December, 14. However, nobody was killed. Compare that to the 26 students and teachers killed at Sandy Hook in Connecticut with a powerful gun. We must learn something from this tragedy.
Posted by: Jasonx986
Gun violence goes up with more gun control
Criminals will take advantage of the situation. They will do whatever they want and take whatever they want and kill whoever gets in their way. They will get guns illegally. Crime rates go up as a result of more gun control, because criminals know you don"t have one, and they will kill you as they like. There is no point in banning guns!
Posted by: eebnflow
小题1:According to the first post, in the United Kingdom ___________.
A.the crime rate is higher than America"s
B.the crime rate is rising sharply
C.there is no gun control laws
D.buying guns is very hard
小题2:We can infer that jb1988___________.
A.is against gun control laws
B.was working under Bill Clinton
C.is in favor of gun control laws
D.has a gun
小题3:Which of the following does cstephie13 probably agree with_________?
A.The more people own guns, the more people will be killed by them.
B.The USA has one of the highest murder rates in the world.
C.People need guns to protect themselves in time of danger.
D.Guns are made to protect rather than kill.
小题4:What do we know about the Sandy Hook tragedy___________?
A.22 students and teachers were killed by a powerful gun.
B.22 students were injured without any deaths.
C.The tragedy took place on December 14 in Connecticut.
D.26 primary students were killed by a knife.
小题5:Which of the following thinks that guns should not be controlled___________?

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Some people will do just about anything to save money. And I am one of them. Take my family’s last vacation for example. It was my six-year-old son’s winter break from school, and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip. The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day. I had a meeting in New York, So I had to get back. But that didn"t mean my husband and my son couldn"t stay. So I took off for home.
The next day my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight. Yes, I encouraged一okay, ordered一them to wait it out at the airport, to "earn" more Delta Dollars. Our total take: $1,600. Not bad, huh?
Now some people may think I"m a bad mother and not such a great wife either. But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. And these days, a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.
I"ve made living looking for the best deals and exposing the worst tricks. I have been the consumer reporter of NBC"s Today show for over a decade. I have written a lot of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do what I believe in. I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your money’s worth. I’m also tightfisted(小气的) when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children, and expensive restaurants. But I wouldn"t hesitate to spend on a good haircut. It keeps its longer, and it"s the first thing people notice. And I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture. Quality lasts.
小题1:Why did Delta give the author"s family credits?
A.They took a later flight.
B.They had early bookings.
C.Their flight had been delayed.
D.Their flight had been cancelled.
小题2:What can we learn about the author?
A.She seldom makes a compromise.
B.She is very strict with her children.
C.She rarely misses a good deal.
D.She is interested in cheap products.
小题3:What does the author do?
A.She"s a teacher.
B.She"s a housewife.
C.She"s a businesswoman.
D.She"s a media person.
小题4:What does the author want to tell us?
A.How to spend money wisely.
B.How to expose bad tricks.
C.How to reserve airline seats.
D.How to make a business deal.

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There are many reasons that goals go unfulfilled. For many, goal setting is a never ending circle that starts, stops, and begins again. To help us succeed in reaching our goals, let’s examine the reasons why many people fail at reaching them. Here are 7 Reasons That You Won’t Reach Your Goals:
1. You Don’t Have Any Goals
Too many people are afraid to “set” their goals. Afraid of failing. Afraid of disappointment. Well, you definitely won’t complete them if you don’t try. Make a choice and set your goals. Otherwise you will end up wherever life takes you.
2. You Don’t Start
OK, so you have a goal. What have you done about it? Have you started it yet? What are you waiting for? Procrastination is responsible for the failure of many goals.
3. You Aren’t Willing to “Buy” Your Goals
Yes, you have to buy your goals. Why? Because every goal has a price. It has a cost. Time. Money. Sweat. Sacrifice. You will have to “pay” for your goals in some manner.
4. Your Goals Are Unrealistic.
Make sure that your goals are possible and that you set an adequate time frame for success.
5. You Won’t Stick With It
Over half of goals will be given up within 30 days. You set your goals .You started them. And then...you gave up. Are you using life’s daily happenings as excuses? Goals are not   reached through one effort. Rather, they are made in small steps over time.
6. You Will Fail...And You Won’t Get Back Up!
No one succeeds immediately. Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice. You have to fall down many times before you will succeed. Skill is learned by doing.
7. You Quit Before The Finish Line
Too many people stop...right before the finish line. It’s almost like they are afraid of succeeding. Often a life event is used as the reason for not finishing. Something always comes up before you finish.
Are you reaching your goals? Which of these is keeping you from succeeding? Set your goals. Stay the course. Always get back up when you fail. And make sure you cross the finish line.
小题1:What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To remind people of the importance of setting life goals.
B.To convince people of keeping to their life goals.
C.To clarify the reasons leading to the failure of achieving goals.
D.To persuade people to have big life goals.
小题2:What’s the probable meaning of the underlined word “procrastination” in the second tip?
小题3:According to the passage, you will not reach you goals, if you _______.
A.are not willing to spend money seeking helping hands.
B.do not take time to make plans for them.
C.do not let life take you where it goes.
D.are not afraid of succeeding.
小题4:What can be learned from the sixth tip?
A.He who has hope has everything.
B.Two heads are better than one.
C.Practice makes perfect.
D.Keeping up contributes to success.

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A brand is a name, word, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of a company or a group of companies. Another purpose of a brand is to contrast one company from another. The most important skill of professional marketers is the ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance the brands of their products and services. Branding has become so important that today hardly any company or product is without one. Therefore, brand management is an increasingly important element in marketing.
Brand power refers to the relative strength of a company’s brand in the minds of consumers, and can influence consumers’ choice of products. Brands are powerful to the extent that they give high brand loyalty and strong brand associations, name recognition, perceived quality and other assets to a company. A strong brand can be one of a company’s most important assets.
High brand power provides a company with many competitive advantages. A powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty. Because consumers expect stores to carry the brand, the company has more bargaining power when negotiating with retailers (零售商). And because the brand name brings high credibility, a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new products with the same brand name.
Many companies use the advantage of a strong brand power strategically to expand their business. When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavour, form, colour or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension. Another strategy is called brand extension. This involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category, thereby employing brand recognition in order to increase sales of new products.
Brand recognition is certainly important. Because consumers often hold long-standing perceptions about brands, high brand power ensure a company continued sales of its products.
小题1:What does the word “assets” in the 2nd paragraph mean?
A.points B.advantagesC.aspectsD.elements
小题2:All of the following statements are the advantages of a high brand power EXCEPT that______.
A.a high brand wins the loyalty of consumers
B.a high brand usually sets a much higher price
C.it’s easy for a high brand company to launch new products
D.a high brand company is more competitive when doing business with retailers
小题3:A brand extension ______.
A.happens when the company is developing a new product
B.means the expansion of a company’s business in its established field
C.takes place when the company introduces a similar item but with a new colour
D.refers to the use of an established brand name to promote a new product in a new category
小题4:What might be the best title of this passage?
A.Brand PowerB.Famous Brands
C.Company BrandsD.Brand Products

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Yesterday, I met a delightful woman at a work event. As we talked, she told me about her       in Manila, Philippines. She spoke about the     her culture values their elders,and she explained that children are         from the time of birth to respect and          people older than themselves.
It was       to hear that,so I enjoyed listening and learning. Here is her memory       I found so beautiful:
When she was growing up, her father had three jobs to       his family. She said her dad never      , and though he worked very hard, he always had       for them. One day, her father was        at his full-time job. For several months, he was mailed temporary disability checks       he was recovering.
When her father was able to return to his full-time job, he took all those disability        that were sent to him while he was recovering and handed them back to the        . He told them that he had two good legs and arms, and did not need this money. He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who        needed it.
The woman telling the story was a little girl at that time. She had        her father that very day when he went back to his company        all those unopened checks. "My father is my hero," she      . Lowering her voice, she said she would never forget what he did, and what an           and influential mentor(导师) he was on how to live a life.
From my communication with her, it was          that her father"s same sweet spirit had been       to this woman, and to her family. Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is for you too.
A.adoptedB.broughtC.attended D.educated
A.surprising B.refreshingC.convincingD.puzzling
A.depend onB.watch over C.take inD.care for
A.foodB.clothingC.space D.time
A.observed B.accompaniedC.supportedD.reminded
A.remarked B.reportedC.sighedD.announced
A.advanced B.effectiveC.inspiringD.honest
A.given inB.passed downC.held onD.handed out

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