当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > On Christmas, children are curious about what to be in the stockings (长筒袜). It m...
On Christmas, children are curious about what to be in the stockings (长筒袜). It might be safe to think children will ask Santa for an extensive list of toys, games and big dinners. But a survey of their lists for Father Christmas has shown many have more serious concerns, requesting "a dad" instead. Despite their material requests, a "dad" is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children who would be happy to give up the latest iPad, toy or new pet, a survey of 2,000 British parents has found.
Most children will put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list, closely followed by a request for a real-life reindeer (驯鹿). A "pet horse" was the third most popular choice, with a "car" at number four.
The survey also found children aged 3 to 12 years also wanted a dog, chocolate and a stick of rock. Traditional hopes for a white Christmas were represented by a wish for "snow" in ninth place, with sensible youngsters also requesting a "house". Of the top 50 festive requests, 17 related to pets and animals, with some imaginative children hoping for a chicken and an elephant. iPhones and iPads also appeared on the list, with some quirky children asking for the moon, a time machine, and a pond cover. A request for a "mum" reached number 23 on the list.

小题1: What’s the No.1 on the children’s Christmas list?
A.A new baby brother or sister.B.A real-life reindeer.
C.A pet horse. D.A house.
小题2: Which of the following is not included on the Christmas list?
A.A car. B.A chicken.
C.A stick of rock.D.A monkey.
小题3: What do quirky children in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Children with quick reaction.B.Children with wild ideas.
C.Children with cleverness. D.Children with good manners.
小题4:Which of the statements is Not True according to the passage?
A.Some children would rather request a dad than the latest iPad for Christmas.
B.Children of different character or ages may ask for different Christmas gifts.
C.A real-life reindeer is next to a car on children’s Christmas list.
D.According to the survey, a ‘dad” is tenth most popular Christmas list request.



小题1:A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Most children will put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list可知有一个弟弟或者妹妹是很多孩子们期望的,是孩子们位于榜首的愿望,故答案选A、
小题2:D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容A "pet horse" was the third most popular choice, with a "car" at number four. 和第三段内容可知在孩子们期待的礼物中没有猴子,答案选D。
小题3:B词义猜测题。由“quirky children”后面的修饰语 asking for the moon, a time machine, and a pond cover.可知这些孩子的愿望是古怪,疯狂的,由此判断这些孩子是有着离奇想法的孩子,答案选B。
试题【On Christmas, children are curious about what to be in the stockings (长筒袜). It m】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
If you, a man, are looking through this, congratulations: you are a survivor (幸存者). According to a survey, you are more than twice likely to die of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. If you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman.
There are many reasons for this. Men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke—but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.
“Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should.” says Dr. Gullotta,“This is particularly so for the over 40s, when diseases tend to strike.”Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45, it should be at least once a year. Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed(延迟) doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year. “When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer.”he says.“Earlier finding and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have made him live longer.”
According to a recent survey, 95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.
“A lot of men think they are strong enough. While some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know. Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies.” Dr. Gullotta says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be found out by check-ups. Regular check-ups for men would place strain on the public purse, Gullotta says. “But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to cure the diseases. Besides, the final/highest cost is far greater: it is called premature death(过早死亡).”

小题1: From the first paragraph, we can know that _________.
A.women are more likely to die of skin cancer
B.men are more likely to get some deadly diseases
C.men can live five years longer than women
D.men who live long are very lucky
小题2:What is a more important reason for man’s death?
A.Men take more risks than women.
B.Diseases tend to strike men easily
C.Men don’t go to doctors for check-ups.
D.Men like drinking and smoking.
小题3:Why does the author take a 50-old-man as an example?
A.To realize the importance of disease prevention.
B.To show he could have avoided death.
C.To prove smoking leads to lung cancer.
D.To think highly of the doctor’s work.
小题4:What can be drawn from the last paragraph?
A.Treatment would cost a lot of money.
B.Cars are more valuable than health.
C.Men are brave to accept the reality.
D.Check-ups are necessary and worthwhile.

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On a hot summer day, a soft drink can really take away your thirst. At home, at school, in the park or at the movies---you can find one almost anywhere.
You can see bubbles(泡沫) in these! Of all soft drinks sold, about 75 percent are carbonated(碳酸的). But be careful, carbonated soft drinks have lots of sugar and caffeine(咖啡因). Caffeine is not very good for you in the summer because it takes water out of your body. And the sugar can make you overweight if you drink too much.
Fruit juice
There are different kinds of juice. One kind is made only from fresh fruit. This kind of fruit juice may not taste sweet enough for some people, but it is nutritious(有营养的). Another kind of fruit juice tastes good but has lots of sugar in it. Many young people buy this kind because the advertisements are good. It is bad for your teeth and bones to drink lots of this.
Energy drinks
These kinds of drinks have caffeine and things that make people get excited in them. They are sometimes called “party drinks”. Doctors say that if you drink too much of this kind, you may have a heart attack.
Bottled water
We have lots of different kinds of bottled water, such as mineral water, purified water and distilled water(蒸馏水). They are clean and easy to drink. But it is best not to drink very cold water. It may make your stomach feel bad.
Sports drinks
Most of these have funny names like “Scream(尖叫)” and “G-Vital(激活)”. They have lots of vitamins and minerals in them. After you play sports, you may want to drink one of these.
But if you just spend your summer holiday sitting around watching TV, you won’t need them at all!
小题1:Which two types of drinks may make you overweight?
A.Carbonated and fruit juice.
B. Energy drinks and sports drinks.
C.Carbonated and energy drinks.
D.Fruit juice and bottled water.
小题2: Which one may lead to your heart disease?
A.Carbonated.B.Fruit juice.
C.Energy drinks.D.Sports drinks
小题3: After sports, you have sports drinks because______.
A.they can take away your thirst
B.they can put back minerals you’ve lost in sweat
C.they have funny names that sound very exciting
D.they have no sugar
小题4:The writer wrote this passage to______.
A.warn us to keep away from soft drinks
B.teach us some useful ways of keeping healthy
C.tell us how to choose a good one from all kinds of drinks
D.make the advertisements for soft drinks

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
More and more people take part in marathons these days – over 30,000 people will run the London Marathon this weekend, for instance. But it’s not just the 26 miles and 385 yards that could be a daunting prospect. “I have to admit to being completely frustrated by the blocking and for 18-19 miles was just keeping away from people and being held up,” one participant grumbled after the 2012 London Marathon. “I had to overtake a lot of people and ended up with bruised(淤肿的)forearms from all the elbows,” said another.
How do such crowding problems arise, and could they be reduced? Some researchers believe that we can find the answers through a more familiar system in which jams appear – road traffic flow. Martin Treiber, of the Technical University of Dresden in Germany, has previously developed models for traffic flow. One of the first attempts to model traffic flow was made in the 1950s by James Lighthill and his collaborator Gerard Whitham of Manchester University. They considered the traffic as a kind of liquid flowing down a pipe, and looked at how the flow changes as the fluid gets denser(浓稠). At first the flow rate increases as the density increases, since you simply get more stuff through in the same period of time. But if the density becomes too high, there’s a risk of jams, and the flow rate drops sharply.
Treiber’s model of a marathon uses this same principle that the flow rate first increases and then decreases as the density of runners increases, thanks to an sudden switch from free to crowded flow. He assumes that there is a range of different preferred speeds for different runners, which each maintains throughout the race. With just these factors, Treiber can calculate the flow rate of runners, knowing the “carrying capacity”(承载能力)at each point on the route.
This allows Treiber to figure out how blocking might depend on the race conditions – for example, for different starting procedures. Some marathons start by letting all the runners set off at once (which means those at the back have to wait until those in front have moved forward). Others assign runners to various groups according to ability, and let them start in a series of waves.
Treiber has applied the model to the annual Rennsteig half-marathon in central Germany, which attracts around 6,000 participants. The traditional route had to be changed in 2013, because the police were no longer willing to close a road to ensure that runners could cross safely. It could pass either over a 60m wooden bridge or through a tunnel. Treiber used his model to predict the likely blocking caused in the various options. The model predicted that a mass start would risk an overload of runners if the bridge were to be used. Only by moving the starting point further back from the bridge could the danger be avoided – and even then, if some of the numbers assumed in the model were only slightly inaccurate, there was still a risk of jams at the bridge. On the other hand, no dangerous blocking seemed likely for the tunnel route. The run organizers consulted Treiber’s team, and eventually chose this option.
小题1:What is the worst thing while running a marathon?
A.The long distance.B.Too many participants.
C.The dangerous blocking.D.Serious injuries in forearms.
小题2:Which of the following statements is true?
A.James Lighthill is the first expert trying to model traffic flow.
B.The denser the flow is, the faster the flow rate becomes.
C.The flow rate increases in the beginning because fewer people passed together.
D.The flow rate increases first and then decreases later when the flow is too denser.
小题3:What is NOT true about the Rennsteig?
A.It has much less participants than the London Marathon in 2014.
B.It has a shorter distance than the London Marathon.
C.The route was changed because the traditional one is not safe any longer.
D.The participants running this marathon will pass a tunnel because this choice is safer.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Make a comparison between marathon and road traffic.
B.Running a marathon is somewhat dangerous if it is not well organized.
C.Introduce a new technology to solve the blocking problem in marathon.
D.Some advice for people who are to run a marathon.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文 , 掌握其大意 , 然后从每题所给的 A , B , C , D四个选项中选出最佳答案 .
Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour.It is said that they can then get a full view of the places that _____them.Nonsense! What you see from the ___ of a moving bus is _____and completely removed from the real sights,sounds,and_____ outside.Be adventurous! The best ______to experience any place is on foot and with absolutely no travel plan.______ go wherever your feet and your interests______ you.You finally will get to the _____ sites as you are on the bus tour—the museums, the monuments,the city hall—but you will have seen much more.You will have______the present life of the city.
“But what if I get lost?” people might ask.No one ever gets ______lost in a major city.
At first, you can find your way back to a(n) ______location.If it ____ you to“lost”,just find a taxi and go back to where you started.However, ______ things can happen if you get lost.You can _____ at a sidewalk cafe to sit and relax.You can ask the local people at the next table about the directions.And _____they don’t speak your language.your trip becomes more memorable because of the _____.Here are a few more
ways to get the most out of your travel.
Know before you go.______a few hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination.This will help you understand what you’re seeing.
Move around like a local.Use the subways and buses of the city you’re _______.You’ll not only save money,but you’ll also learn how people really live.
Check the bulletin boards(布告牌).Sometimes you can find advertisements for free concert,and _____fun activities on bulletin boards around universities.
So next time you see a poster advertising an introductory  ______tour,save your money.Instead,wander on your own.I promise you a time you’ll remember with great pleasure.
A.invisibleB.uncertain C.uncommonD.unreal
A.suggestion B.thoughtC.way D.tip
A.move B.leadC.tellD.help
A.even ifB.as a resultC.in factD.in case
A.other B.anotherC.othersD.the other
A.plane B.car C.train D.bus

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
What could be cuter than your puppy giving his doggy friend a kiss on the nose? Nothing,really.But is your dog actually planting a kiss on his friend? Yes,but that’s only one of the reasons your dog may lick another dog’s nose.Here are some other reasons why your dog may lick another dog’s nose.  
During an introduction,a shy and lower-ranking dog will lower his head,avoid direct eye contact and gently extend his tongue to lick the nose of a more confident and high-ranking dog.The first dog licks the nose of the second dog to simply make it know that:he comes in peace.   
Dogs who are already friends will also trade kisses.Two strongly bonded dog pals will lick and clean each other.They give each other “dog kisses” showing friendship.
Puppies also “kiss” their mothers,but it"s not a gesture of love.When puppies stop suckling(吸吮)their mothers’ tits for milk and start to eat semisolid(半固体)food instead;they lick their mothers’ mouths and noses in the hope of getting the mother to regurgitate(反哺) some semi-digested food.
So how to help your bashful dog make friends with other dogs? You can carefully select confident-but-friendly and good-tempered dogs to play with your shy dog,to help him develop his social skills.Also consider taking him to a special training class that focuses on socialization and positive training technique.
Do not disturb them when your two dogs play “kiss” briefly with each other.Sit back and enjoy this display of friendship.Then call them over and have them do a command such as “sit’’ or “shake paws”.Offer them treats as a reward for being good to each other.
If you foster(收养)a dog and have three or more resident dogs,introduce the foster dog to your brood dog one at a time and let muzzle licking between them happen naturally.Start with your least reactive or most friendly dog.Never force an in production between the dogs because this can deepen the foster dog’s submissiveness or spark a fight.
小题1:We know a shy and lower—ranking dog licks the nose of a higher-ranking dog to        
A.ask the dog for helpB.show he is friendly
C.show his anger D.show his respect for him
小题2:What can we know about two dogs who are already friends?
A.They seldom give each other kisses.
B.They usually avoid direct eye contact.
C.They like keeping their friendship a secret.
D.They show their friendship by “dog kisses”.
小题3:What does the underlined word “bashful” in Paragraphs 5 mean?
小题4:What should you do if your two dogs play “kiss” briefly with each other?
A.Ask them to stay away from each other immediately.
B.Ask them to shake tails.
C.Ask them to have a fight.
D.Give them a reward for being friends.
小题5:The writer wrote this passage to_________.
A.tell us about a study he did recently
B.explain why a dog kisses other dogs
C.tell us how to raise dogs
D.help us to make friends with dogs.

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