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阅读理解。     The Mother Goose stories, so well known to children all over the world, are commonly said to have been
written by a little old woman for her grandchildren. According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her
real name was Elizabeth Vergoose. Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have
published the famous nursery stories and rhymes (押韵诗) in 1719. However, no copy of this book has ever
been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story-and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever
a real person. They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French "Mere L"oye". In 1697 the
Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used. The collection contains
eight tales, including"Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", and "Puss in Boots". But Perrault did not originally make
up these stories; they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them.
     In 1729 there appeared an English translation of Perrault"s collection, Robert Samber"s Histories or Tales
of Past Times, Told by Mother Goose (London, 1729), which introduced "Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding-
hood", "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella" and other Perrault"s tales to English-speaking audiences. These were fairy
tales(童话). John Newbery published a book of English rhymes, Mother Goose"s Melody, or, Sonnets for the
Cradle (London, undated, 1765), which switched the focus from fairy tales to nursery rhymes, and in English
this was until recently the primary meaning for Mother Goose. A book of poems for children entitled Mother
Goose"s Melody was published in England in 1781, and the name"Mother Goose" has been associated with
children"s poetry ever since. 1. What was thought to have happened in 1719?A. Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose stories.
B. The Mother Goose stories were translated into French.
C. Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose stories.
D. Elizabeth Vergoose collected the first Mother Goose stories. 2. The author of the Mother Goose stories is _____. A. Elizabeth Vergoose
B. Thomas Fleet
C. Charles Perrault
D. still uncertain 3. Which of the following is the correct order to describe the event according to the passage?
a. Charles Perrault published his book containing eight popular tales.
b. John Newbery switched the focus from fairy tales to nursery rhymes.
c. The book introducing"Cinderella" to English speakers came out.
d. A book of poems Mother Goose"s Melody was published in England.A. c-b-a-d
B. c-a-d-b
C. a-c-b-d
D. a-d-c-b 5. Today when people talk about Mother Goose, they refer to _____. A. the French "Mere L"oye"
B. children"s poetry
C. a kind of animal
D. a printer of Boston
1-4 ADCB
试题【阅读理解。     The Mother Goose stories, so well known to children all over the world】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     I remembered little of the journey which started so early in the morning. I only knew that the day seemed
extremely long, and that we appeared to travel over hundreds of miles. Calmed by the sound of the carriage
wheels, I fell asleep. But I had not slept long when the carriage stopped, the door was opened, and I saw a
servant standing there.
     "Is there a little girl called Jane Eyre here?" she asked. I answered "Yes," and was then lifted out. I looked
about me. I could see a house with many windows. There were lights burning in some of them. We went up
a wide path, and were admitted at a door. Then the servant led me through a passage into a room where she
left me I stood and warmed my frozen fingers at the fire and looked around. There was no candle, but the
light for the fire showed wails, a carpet, curtains and furniture. Then the door opened, and a tall lady entered
followed by another who looked younger. "The child is very young to be sent alone," said she, putting her
candle down on the table.
     Led by the younger lady, Miss Miller, through passage after passage, we came, at last to a long, wide room
filled with many voices. There were many tables, and seated all round on benches were a large number of girls
aged from nine to twenty. Seen in the dim (微弱的) light of the candles, their number appeared above eighty.
Each was dressed in a brown old fashioned dress of cheap material. It was their hour of study.
     Miss Miller signed to me to sit on a bench near the door, then walking up to the top of the long room she
cried out "Monitors, collect the lesson-books and put them away!"
     Four tall girls arose and went round, gathered the books and removed them. Miss Miller again ordered,
"Monitors, fetch the supper-trays (托盘)!" Then tall girls went out and returned soon, each carrying a big tray.
Food and water was in the middle of each tray. The food was handed round and everyone drank from the
same mug. When it came to my turn, I drank too, for I was thirsty, but I did not touch the food. From there
I was taken to my hard bed where I thankfully fell asleep immediately. 1. What is the best title for the passage? A. Jane Eyre"s First Day at School
B. Jane Eyre"s Long Journey to School
C. Jane Eyre"s First Meal at School
D. Jane Eyre"s First Impression of the School2. Jane remembered little of the journey partly because _____. A. she was asleep on the way
B. she traveled over hundreds of miles
C. the day seemed very tong
D. she was calmed by the sound of the wheels 3. Which of the following is TRUE?  A. Jane was led to the wide room by the tall lady.
B. Miss Miller helped put the books away.
C. The monitors were tall and strong.
D. There were about 50 girls in the room.4. We can learn from the passage that _____. A. the school accepted both boys and girls
B. the living conditions for students were poor
C. the classroom was also used as a meeting room
D. the students there needed to fetch food themselves
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阅读理解。     Some of my earliest childhood memories are of the beach-in the hot sun, building sandcastles, burying Dad
in the sand.
     Now the coast has a strangely-pleasant and relaxing attraction. I look forward to a windy clifftop (崖顶)
walk or a rainy day rockpicking just as much as those rare moments when I get to a short sleep in the sun. But
there"s nothing more pleasurable than turning up at a beach to find it deserted.
     These are my favorite secret beaches-ones either not well known or take a bit of effort to get to. Most of
those listed scored highly in the Marine Conservation Society Good Beach Guide 2009; the others are too secret
even for them.
     Sennen Cove is just a mile northeast of Land"s End, the westernmost point of mainland England. It"s a
beautiful spot, with white sands, deep green sea and amazing sunsets over the Isles (群岛) of Scilly, 28 miles
     The west-facing beach is popular with surfers, with bigger waves and winds often found at the Gwenver
end. There"s a beach restaurant with good views of the bay and the sunsets.
     The smallest of Isles of Soilly, Bryher is a mile long, half a mile wide-and a natural wilderness of unbelievable
scenery. Walk along the narrow sandy roads to the eastern seaboard and you come to two quiet beaches.
     Green Bay has views over to the palm (棕榈]) trees of Tresco"s Abbey Gardens, and a little further south is
Rushy Bay, a beautiful beach facing the deserted island of Samson.
     On Bryher, farm shops sell locally grown produce, and they trust you to leave the money in the pot. It"s that
kind of place. 1. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The author is a tourist guide in a tourist agency.
B. The author likes walking on a windy clifftop most.
C. The author wrote the article to advertise for the beaches.
D. The author loves beaches that are not known to most people. 2. Which of the following maps can correctly describe the geography position? (LE= Land"s End
    SC= Sennen Cove IS= the Isles of Scilly) A.  B.  C.  D. 3. From the passage we can know that _____. A. Bryher is the smallest island in the world
B. Samson is an island on which no man lives
C. Rushy Bay has views over to the palm trees
D. Green Bay is situated to the south of Rushy Bay 4. The best title for the passage is _____. A. Secret Beaches on the British Isles
B. The Beautiful British Isles
C. The Most Pleasurable Place in Britain
D. My Experience of Searching Beaches
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Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.      They say a country"s cuisine is a reflection of its culture. The UK has always been a diverse country,
since every region has its own traditional foods. For example, Scottish cuisine is famous for its haggis (肉
馅羊肚), Aberdeen Angus beef, shortbread and whisky. Wales is well-known for its lamb and leeks (韭菜).
     There are also dishes common to the whole UK as well. Almost everyone likes a full English breakfast
(fried eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, fried mushrooms and fried tomatoes) in the morning. Then there
is the Sunday roast (a roasted joint of meat, with roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy for lunch.)
     With such a range of foods, why then did British cuisine have a bad international reputation for about 50
years (1950-2000)? One reason is that during and after World War 11, cooks in the UK were limited by the
ingredients they had to work with and therefore lost some of their traditional skills. Another is that British
food tends to be "heavy" because of the colder climate-Britons need big meals to keep the body warm.
     Yet British cuisine has had a better reputation for tile last decade or so. One reason is that the wide range
of ethnic groups in the UK has given British cuisine new ingredients, flavors, "fusion (融合)" and techniques.
Sandwiches used to be the most popular. Curry, originally an Asian dish, is now the most popular food in
the UK.
     Another reason for the improvement is climate change. The UK is much warmer now than 10 years ago.
Today, farmers can grow new herbs like coriander, to meet the demands of increased curry sales. In addition,
there has been a boom in growing garlic in Scotland.
     One last reason is the large number of cookery programs on British television. British people are more
educated about food than ever before.
     So what are the results? In 2009, British restaurants received more Michelin stars than in any other
previous year. The Michelin Guide (first established in France) sets the international standard for restaurant
cuisine. With so much good food to eat, perhaps it is not surprising that the UK now has an obesity problem.

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阅读理解。     One Saturday afternoon in February, 1943, a farmer in Mexico stopped working for a moment and looked
across his fields of corn. Suddenly he saw a thin line of white smoke curling up out of his field, about 200 feet
from where he stood. As he went toward the smoke to see what it was, he heard a strange noise. The line of
smoke became bigger. It looked as if some great force were pushing it up into the sky.
     The farmer rushed home to get his wife. While he was urging his wife to hurry from the house, the earth
shook violently. When he stood up after the earth stopped shaking, he looked across the field and saw that great
flames were rising from his cornfield. A volcano was being born!
     They hurried across the shaking earth to the village of Particutin, which was toward their farm. They found
the village was seriously destroyed and the road from the village was filled with frightened people hurrying to
safety. Particutin did not become dark that night. The volcano lighted up the sky for miles around. Flames
rushed out of the ground. The volcano threw hot stones a thousand feet through the air. Great explosion shook
the earth and heavy black ashes fell from the sky, covering the roofs in Mexico city, 180 miles away.
     But that was not all. On the third evening a float of lava (火山岩) began to boil up from the centre of the
volcano. It came over the edge in a heavy flow, 2 000 feet wide, and travelled slowly across the valley, bringing
certain death to everything that could not move from its path. 1. From the passage we can conclude EXCEPT that _____. A. the volcano threw out a lot of ashes and hot stones
B. the volcano lasted several days
C. many people had to escape from the village
D. it caused many deaths and great loss 2. You can find the passage in a _____.  A. newspaper
B. government report
C. leaflet for travellers
D. handbook 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. At the beginning the farmer heard a strange cry.
B. The farmer was working in the field when the disaster happened.
C. The farmer"s wife was working in the field at that moment.
D. The village was badly damaged. 4. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. The damage of a volcano.
B. A terrible volcano.
C. An unforgettable memory.
D. A farmer"s experience.
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阅读理解。     Eragon: Benina the Scenes of the New Movie
     Eragon is just a regular farm boy in a land called Alagaesia-until he finds a dragon"s egg.
     In the new movie Eragon, based on the book by Christopher Paolini, evil strangers working for an evil
king come looking for the egg and kill Eragon"s family. With the help of dwarfs, and Saphira the dragon,
Eragon must learn how to defeat the king and save his laud.
     Designer Dragon
     Animators (动漫画家) couldn"t exactly model Saphira after a real dragon. So they got inspiration from
animals. Michael McAlister says when Saphira is on the ground, she walks a little like a lion. In the air, she"s
a cross between a condor (秃鹰) and a fighter jet. And her eyes are part lizard, part dinosaur, and part human.
     Success Story
     Author Christopher Paolini started writing Eragon when he was 15 years old. Now 23, Paolini gives you
tips to achieve your dreams before you grow up!
     -Research First
     "Learn about what you want to do," Paolini says. He read books about creating characters and plots before
he started writing.
     -Get Support
     Paolini kept his writing a secret from everyone but his parents. That way, no one could tell him he was too
young to be an author. "Find people who will support and encourage you," he says.
     Whether they"re writers, musicians or athletes, successful kids put lots of energy into their talent. "To rise
to the top, make your skill your daily focus," Paolini says.
     -Don"t Quit
     "So many times when I was writing Eragon, I was an inch away from giving up," he says, "I"m so glad I
didn"t." Instead, he spent three and a half years writing and rewriting until it was ready for publication. 1. The movie Eragon is about _____. A. the true friendship between a farm boy and some animals
B. the struggle between a farm boy and some bad people
C. a boy"s interesting experience
D. an imaginary story between a farm family and a king 2. Saphira the dragon was modeled after _____ kinds of animals. A. less than two
B. at most three
C. at least four
D. more than ten 3. Christopher Paolini"s experience tells us that _____. A. it"s important to learn about what we decide to do
B. we can only depend on ourselves to be a successful person
C. genius is more important than regular practice to successful people
D. failure is the mother of success
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