当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 信息匹配。     请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是一些风景名胜及古迹的简介:AKaiping Diaolou and Villages ...
Kaiping Diaolou and Villages is famous for the Diaolou, multi-storied defensive village houses in Kaiping, Guangdong Province, which shows a combination of Chinese and Western structural and decorative
forms. They reflect close links between overseas Kaiping and their ancestral homes.
Hongcun is unique among all Chinese villages for its water system. Water is the main characteristic in this
village. Its two large ponds are connected to a series of flowing streams which pass by every house,
providing water for washing, cooking, and bathing.
Xidi village is a very beautiful village lying near Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province. It is the perfect
place for visitors to see typical folk houses where villagers have lived as they have for centuries. It gives
visitors the rare opportunity to explore China"s ancient culture, and arts.
Tangyue Village lies near the southern foot of Huangshan Mountain famous for its memorial archways
(gates). More than 250 arches were constructed here during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-
1911) dynasties. Over 80 of these magnificent arches are still in good condition.
Tunxi Ancient Street is the major gateway to Huangshan. It has restaurants and many unique things to
offer. The restored part of the Tunxi Ancient Street is particularly beautiful at night when the red lanterns
lining the river are lit, and create a very festive atmosphere. Tunxi Ancient Street also has one of China"s
best antique markets.
The Old Summer Palace on the northwest of Beijing was rebuilt from ruins of Yuanmingyuan built in
1709. It was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860, partially rebuilt, and then destroyed
again by the forces of eight foreign powers in 1900. 以下是一些风景名胜及古迹的照片,请匹配照片及与其对应的简介:

Looking at the picture you can"t help thinking of the fairyland existing in your imagination

The white walls and black roofs looks like a traditional Chinese painting come to life

Diaolou and Villages, the unique residential and defensive buildings in Guangdong"s Kaiping

With the opening of the Jiuzhou scenery on Tuesday, about 80 percent of the Old Summer Palace will
be open to the public; visitors can take a boat ride from Fuhai Lake to Houhu Lake,

he seven Bao family arches have been a popular destination for centuries
1-5: BCAFD
试题【信息匹配。     请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是一些风景名胜及古迹的简介:AKaiping Diaolou and Villages 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     In the United States, a family has a mother, a father and their children. But this is not the only kind of
family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members. This kind of large
family is called an "extended family", or a "joint family".
     A joint family includes all living relatives of either mother"s or father"s side of the family. It is made up
of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. They live together in large dwelling(住所,寓所) or in huts built close together.
     Long ago , early man probably lived in joint families .He had to be part of a large group in order to
survive .The members of the group helped one another hunt They worked together to protect themselves
from dangerous animals and other enemies.
     In China, people lived in joint families. When a son married, he and his wife lived at his parent"s house .Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married .Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. Younger members of a joint family always took care of the older ones.
In India and Africa ,some people still live in joint families .The members of a joint family share their
earnings and property .If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck ,the others help him, as in
the past ,the member of the joint family offer one another help and protection .1. A joint family is a family that ________ .   A. only has father and mother  
B. has father, mother and their children
C. only has children            
D. has parents, children and other members2. People lived in joint families long ago because _________ .    A. they had to live together in order not to be killed by dangerous animals or other enemies
B. they didn"t build so many houses then
C. they thought it brought bad luck to live alone
D. they thought a large family could save grain (粮食)3. Whom did Chinese children feel very loyal to?             A. Married sons  
B. Unmarried daughters
C. Parents        
D. Younger members4. The best title for this passage is " ________ ".   A. A Large Family  
B. Joint Families
C. A Family with Father, Mother and Their Children
D. Small Families
题型:贵州省月考题难度:| 查看答案

     Hanukkah (光明节) is a Jewish festival. It is celebrated on the 25th day of the Jewish month of
Kislev (犹太教历), which is usually sometime in December. It is often called the festival of lights.
The festival celebrates the time, over 2,000 years ago, when the Jewish people fought against an
emperor who would not let them follow their own traditions and religion. When the Jewish people
won back their temple in Jerusalem, they found there was only enough holy oil to keep the sacred
light burning for one day. However, to their surprise, this small amount of oil kept the light burning
for eight days and nights, until the people had time to make more oil.
     At the center of the Hanukkah celebrations is a candlestick (called a Menorah) that holds nine
candles. On the first night of Hanukkah the first candle is lit, and each day this candle is used to light
another candle, until on the eighth day, the last day, all the candles are lit. During Hanukkah, people
go to the synagogue (犹太教堂) to pray and to remember the miracle (奇迹) of the holy oil.
Hanukkah is a time for family and friends to come together. People exchange gifts and greeting cards,
and children go to parties. Parents often give their children money at Hanukkah. Potato cakes,
called latkes, are a traditional Hanukkah food.

1. For how many days does Hanukkah last?A. 7.        
B. 8.          
C. 9.        
D. 10.2. According to the passage, what is necessary when celebrating Hanukkah nowadays?A. Oil.
B. Candles.  
C. Money.          
D. Cards.3. What does the Menorah remind Jewish people about?A. The war that they fought 2,000 years ago.
B. The God that they honored best.
C. The miracle of the holy oil that happened 2,000 years ago.
D. The church they built 2,000 years ago.4.The passage mainly tells us about _____.A. the history of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated
B. why Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah
C. why Jewish people protect their traditions
D. the miracle of the holy oil in the Jewish temple
题型:北京月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Teachers have been honored in Indian culture for centuries. In the past, the teacher-student
relationship in India was almost divine (神圣的). If a person wanted to become the student of a teacher,
he or she had to live with the teacher, serve the teacher, engage in activities and also acquire knowledge.
Even kings were expected to follow these rules.
     It was the second president of independent India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who raised the
Indian devotion to teachers to a new level. During his tenure (任期) as president he was once
approached by some citizens who wanted to celebrate his birthday. However, Dr. Radhakrishnan
declared that he would rather have his birthday observed as Teachers" Day. Since then, September 5h of
each year has been celebrated as Teachers" Day throughout India.
     All educational institutions honor teachers on September 5th in various ways. In some cases, senior
students give teachers a day of rest by taking charge of classes. Some schools have ceremonies to honor
exceptional teachers. Students also organize cultural events and recognize the efforts of teachers by
giving gifts, cards and flowers. Articles on teachers and their achievements feature in print and on the
     In addition to these efforts, the government of India has set up the National Awards for teachers, to
be distributed (分配) on September 5th every year. Teachers selected for the Best Teacher Award
received a medal, a certificate and 25,000 Indian rupees as award money. Several private organizations
and institutions have also come up with such awards to recognize the contribution of teachers to bringing
up future leaders of the country.
     Thousands of teachers are employed in Indian educational institutions. However, not every teacher
can qualify for the Teachers" Day awards. But the biggest reward that any teacher can get is the
recognition of students. And Teachers" Day is certainly that time in every year when pupils honor
teachers and let them know that their hard work and commitment is valued.1. What is the text mainly about?A. The social status of teachers in India.
B. The origin of Teachers" Day in India.
C. Teachers and education in India.
D. Teachers" Day in India. 2. What do we know about Teachers" Day in India?A. It is nationwide.
B. It has been celebrated in India for centuries.
C. It is related to a leader of ancient India.
D. It is a holiday for everyone in India except teachers. 3. People in India celebrate Teachers" Day in all of the following ways EXCEPT by ______.A. giving presents to teachers
B. holding ceremonies for teachers
C. publishing articles on students
D. giving teachers a day of rest 4. What is the biggest reward that teachers in India can get, in the author"s opinion?A. All kinds of awards.
B. Gifts given by students.
C. The recognition of students.
D. Ceremonies held by schools.
题型:山西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The Chinese word" Shanzhai" means a small mountain village, but now it becomes an accepted name
for fakes(假货) after" Shanzhai cell phones " produced by small workshops in southern China, became
popular in the mainland market over the past few years. 
     Besides" Shanzhai" electronic products, there are "Shanzhai" movies,  "Shanzhai" stars and even a
"Shanzhai" Spring Festival Gala, a copy of the 25-year-old traditional show presented by CCTV on
Chinese Lunar New Year"s Eve.
     "Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own, symbolizing anything that imitates something famous.
     The phenomenon has caused a public debate over whether it is healthy or sick being a copycat.
In southwestern China"s Chongqing Municipality, a "Shanzhai"-version"Bird"s Nest" woven by farmers
with bamboo attracts wide attention and the "Shanzhai"-version "Water Cube" is popular with tourists
too. Both are copies of the famous Olympics buildings in Beijing.
Xie Xizhang, a literature critic, said that taking the "Shanzhai" Gala as an example, when the traditional
CCTV program becomes less and less attractive to the audience, the "Shanzhai" version appears naturally
to attract people.
     "In spite of its poor techniques and operation, "Shanzhai" culture meets the psychological demands of
common people and could be a comfort to their minds," Xie said.
     Tian Huiqun, a professor at Beijing Normal University, said that "Shanzhai" culture never copies
classic things, only trendy products. In that sense, it"s like a computer virus, multiplying without meaning.
     Though controversial, "Shanzhai" culture is becoming a widely accepted phenomenon.
     "To the mainstream culture, the rise of "Shanzhai" culture is a challenge as well as a motivation," said
     Tian said different kinds of cultures developing together is an ideal situation and it is for the public to
choose. 1. The Chinese word "Shanzhai" may have its origin in          .A. fake cell phones
B. electronic products
C. Spring Festival Gala
D. Olympics buildings 2. The underlined word" imitates" is closest in meaning to         .A. steals
B. copies
C. advertises
D. cheats 3. According to the passage,"Shanzhai" culture refers to          .A .the action that a person imitates famous people
B. anything that imitates something famous
C. those similar names to famous brands
D. products with poor techniques and quality 4. We can infer that the mainstream culture          .A. will be held back by "Shanzhai" culture
B. will sooner or later be replaced by "Shanzhai" culture
C. may develop faster because of the challenging of "Shanzhai" culture
D. thinks nothing of the challenge of" Shanzhai" culture 5. The passage mainly tells us that ________. A. "Shanzhai" culture will definitely fade out
B. "Shanzhai" culture-the mountain village culture
C. "Shanzhai" culture-the mainstream culture
D. "Shanzhai" culture takes on life of its own
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Long long ago, human beings used to walk barefoot. A king happened to travel   1    into the
countryside. He was greatly troubled by the   2    roads where gravel (砾石) and broken stones pricked (使刺痛) and numbed (使麻木) his   3  . When he returned to his palace he issued an order that all the
roads be   4  with cattle hide (牛皮). He thought it was beneficial not only to  5   but also to his people
and hoped   6    would no longer be a painful thing
     But   7    all the cattle in the kingdom were killed there  8   not be enough hide to get the work done.
Evidently it was a stupid  9  . As it was an imperial order people could do nothing but shake their heads
and    10 . At this juncture a clever servant in the palace  11    to make a suggestion. "Your Majesty,
why don"t take an easier way? You don"t have to mobilize (调动) so many people, to have so many
oxen killed, nor so much money    12  . What you have to do is simply to cover each of your feet with a
piece of hide." Surprised and   13 , the king immediately changed his mind and adopted the   14  .
     This is said to be the origin of using   15    to make shoes. Though it sounds  16 and strange, it
inspires us to think. It is much easier to change oneself than to change the world.   17    it will be much
better for one to change oneself before one   18   an attempt to change the outer world. Why don"t try to
put yourself on the   19   of the person you deal with? You will find it easier to solve a problem    20   
you change your way of thinking.(     )1. A. much       
(     )2. A. smooth  
(     )3. A. body     
(     )4. A. crowded   
(     )5. A. others  
(     )6. A. walking    
(     )7. A. as well    
(     )8. A. would     
(     )9. A. comment    
(     )10. A. sigh   
(     )11. A. wanted   
(     )12. A. wasted   
(     )13. A. moved     
(     )14. A. decision
(     )15. A. leather    
(     )16. A. odd       
(     )17. A. Or       
(     )18. A. makes     
(     )19. A. direction
(     )20. A. before                       B. near   
B. rough  
B. arms   
B. filled
B. himself
B. swimming
B. even if
B. should
B. chance
B. sign   
B. ventured
B. borrowed
B. excited
B. plan
B. silk    
B. funny   
B. But      
B. tries   
B. situation
B. if     C. far       
C. long      
C. feet     
C. covered   
C. them     
C. singing  
C. as long as
C. must     
C. attempt   
C. cheer    
C. planned   
C. saved     
C. pleased  
C. suggestion
C. plastic  
C. amusing   
C. So       
C. takes     
C. occasion
C. while     D. a lot      
D. busy        
D. legs        
D. put        
D. themselves  
D. shopping    
D. when        
D. may        
D. opinion    
D. weep        
D. hoped      
D. loaned      
D. bored      
D. measure    
D. cloth      
D. surprising  
D. However    
D. gives      
D. position    
D. until      
题型:山西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
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