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阅读理解。     American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions.The
major factors contributing to the making of this flew nation and the forming of a new culture are
the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from
other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.
     The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of America.
From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west.The frontiersmen looked for a land of
rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom.Actually they looked for a better
life.So individualism(个人主义), selfreliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the
values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of America.
     In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to America three times.They
brought their own culture to America and later on,different cultures were mixed together.Thus
the unique American culture is formed,a common cultural life with commonly shared values.
The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the fight of individuals to practice
their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States.The great diversity
of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world
are now practiced in the United States.
     Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American
society.American family is typically parents and their unmarried children.Middleaged and elderly
people generally do not live with their married children.The people in America have a very strong
desire to start a new life in a new place.Quite a number of people change residences every year.
The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime.1.We can learn from this article that________.A.the frontiersmen left important society values for American culture
B.the early immigrants brought about the unique American culture
C.people in the world once rushed to America because of its unique culture
D.the American family members don"t get along well with each other2.What"s the author"s attitude towards American culture?A.He is critical of it.  
B.He admires it very much.
C.He just states the facts.  
D.He looks down upon it.3.The last paragraph is about________.A.the family structure in American society
B.the influence of the three elements in the current American society
C.the new life style of American family
D.the reason why American people like to change residences4.What might be the most suitable title of this article?A.The Immigrants in America
B.Why American Culture Is Unique
C.The Influence of American Culture
D.Plural Religion and American Culture
试题【阅读理解。     American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under ce】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     The Beatles were the most influential band in pop history. In their 8year, 12album history, Paul
McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr altered (改变) popular culture dramatically. And it wasn"t just the suits and changing lengths of hair the four Liverpool boys wore that had such an
impact, but what they seemed to stand for. The world saw them as the voice a new generation, one with
a very different attitude to life.
     Their influence was at its height in the 1960s, but their music continues to stir listeners today.
However, up until recently one aspect of The Beatles was struck in Yesterday: The music had never
been remastered (重新灌录). But on September 9 that situation came to an end, with the release of the
entire band"s music in a digital makeover. It is probably the biggest reissue (重新发行) in pop music
history, said British newspaper the Financial Times.
     The albums were remastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, the location where the band
produced much of their work. The cover of their last album, Abbey Road of 1969, featured the four
young men striding (大步行走) across a zebra crossing on Abbey Road itself. It is one of the most
famous of all Beatles imagines.
     Recently, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the album, hundreds of Beatles lovers gathered there
to show their appreciation.
     Pop groups come and go. The boy band pursued by screaming fans one year will be forgotten the
next. But The Beatles are one of the few groups whose music seems to have endured (持久). Why?
Paul McCartney"s biographer Barry Miles has an explanation: "They were the first rock band…
and they just happened to be the best. They were the first band to play stadiums, to have their own
products. They were groundbreaking in every way." he says.1. Why did The Beatles change popular culture?A. Because of the suits of the four Liverpool boys.
B. Because of changing lengths of hair the four Liverpool boys wore.
C. Because of their albums.
D. Because of their different attitude to life.2. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the second paragraph?A. The Beatles influenced people at its height in the 1960s.
B. Their music yesterday had never been remastered.
C. The entire band"s music in a digital makeover will be remastered.
D. On September 9, their music came to an end.3. What is not the reason why their music can endure?A. That they were the first rock band.
B. That they were the best one.
C. That they were the first band to play stadiums and to have their own works.
D. That they wore special suits.4. What"s the main idea of the passage?A. What is The Beatles?
B. Legendary band stays on top in digital times.
C. The origin of The Beatles.
D. Why is The Beatles popular with people?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Awardwinning author Emma Donoghue"s latest book,
Room, is a unique and amazing story about a boy"s
experience living in a small, windowless room with his mother.
The 11" X 11" space between the walls of the room is actually
all the boy knows because he was born there and has never
left. Room will horrify, surprise, sadden, and finally delight you.
Attracted from the start, readers of all sorts won"t want to put
Room down.
     First published in the U. S. in September 2010
     Publisher: Little Brown
     321 pages
     Literary master Ian McEwan returns with Solar, a novel about
a Nobel Prizewinning physicist. The physicist"s personal life is in
a mess as his fifth marriage breaks, but this time he actually loves
his wife and wants to make things better. Solar is a funny story,
completely unusual and as good as anything the writer has ever
     Published in March 2010
     Publisher: Knopf Doubleday
     304 pages
     One Day by David Nicholls was an international bestseller
before it was released in the U. S. in June. Although it is well
written and funny at times, don"t be fooled-this isn"t a goodfeeling
romantic comedy. If you decide to read it, be prepared for some
heavy moments.
     Published in the US in June 2010
     Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries
     437 pages
     Fall of Giants by Ken Follett is the first book in a new trilogy
(three books) that will take readers through the major events
of the twentieth century by following five families. In Fall of
Giants, most of the action centers on World War I and the
Bolshevik Revolution. Although Fall of Giants is more than
1000 pages and has many characters, the story is remarkably
     Published in September 2010
     Publisher: Dutton
     1008 pages
     One of the greatest sea tragedy that has ever occurred was that of the steamship Titanic. It was the
first trip of the giant ship. There were more than two thousand people aboard on their way to the United
States from England. On the night of April 14, 1912, the sea was calm. The, weather was beautiful.
People were dancing in the spacious salon. Music, laughter and singing could be heard everywhere. The
thought of danger was far away. Suddenly, just before midnight, the sailor on guard cried, " An iceberg!"
Before the ship could change her course, the iceberg had torn a huge hole in the bottom of the ship.
Nothing could be done. The ship began to sink and the passengers tried to escape, but there weren"t
enough lifeboats. Another ship was passing nearby. The Titanic fired rockets into the air in order to get
the, other ship"s help. It could have saved most of the passengers, hut it did not even stop. More than
two-thirds of the passengers went down with the Titanic. It was one of the greatest sea disasters of all
time. The new ship went down the sea. More than fifteen hundred people lost their lives.
1. According to the text, which of the following statements is right?   
A. The sea tragedy occurred in the nineteenth century.
B. All the passengers were killed in the sea accident except the captain.
C. The sea tragedy happened just because the thought of danger was far away.
D. The tragedy happened in such a hurry that the shipmen could do nothing to stop it.
2. Before the ship sank,            .    
A. the weather wasn"t fine
B. the people were enjoying the beautiful night
C. the sailors were not on duty
D. there had been a big hole in the bottom of the ship
3. Which do you believe is the best opinion?   
A. If the ship wasn"t new, the tragedy would not have happened.
B. In case the other ship gave a hand in time, more passengers would have been rescued.
C. If there had been more lifeboats on the ship, the ship would not have sunk.
D. On condition that there were no icebergs, then there must have been fewer passengers who lost their
      World" s Amazing Festivals El Colacho: The Baby-Jumping Festival
     In this festival, grown men jump over newborns, with their parents" permission. Wearing
scary costumes, the Spanish men attempt to "clean" babies of evil. The town has observed
the strange practice since 1620, and any onlookers (旁观者) who seem to be in need of a
quick exorcism(~) are pulled into the event, as well.
     Hadakamatsuri : The Naked (裸露的) Festival
     This is a Japanese festival where participants wear little clothing. Naked Festivals are
held in dozens of places throughout Japan every year, usually in summer or winter. Hidden
somewhere in these men is one fully naked man. Touching him is believed to bring good luck.
     The Monkey Buffet (自助餐) Festival
     Every year, about 600 monkeys are invited to eat fruits and vegetables during an annual
feast in Thailand. It is held in honour Rama, the greatest of the gods. It is said that Rama
once rewarded his friend Hanuman, the Monkey King, with some land. Organizers of the
annual Monkey Bullet use more than 3,000kg of fruits and vegetables to prepare for the
     The Cheese Rolling Festival
     This event is held in England. Though it might sound very gentle, cheese-rolling is
actually very dangerous. Running down a very steep hill behind a 7-pound wheel of cheese
can be very dangerous. In fact, the police have attempted to ban the event, but participants
have refused to carry out the ban. Men and their cheese wheels cannot be separated so
easily. So what happens during a cheese roll? Simple: The cheese is set rolling down the hill,
and the racers run down the hill after the cheese. However, as the cheese can reach speeds
of up to 70 miles per hour, it rarely happens that someone catches the cheese. The first to
reach the bottom wins the cheese.
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题型:新疆自治区模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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Names of

the Festivals
TimeNation                             Cebrations
El ColachoSince 16201.____In scary costumes, grown men jump over newborns
in an attempt
to drive    2.____ away.
HadakamatsuriUsually in summer or in 3.____4.____Find one fully naked man among many men who
are wearing
very  little clothing and touch him. It is believed to
bring 85.___ luck.

Buffet Festival
ThailandAbout 6.____ monkeys are invited to eat fruits and
during the annual feast made up of more than  7 ____
kg of fruits
and vegetables.
The Cheese

Rolling Festival
8.___A 7 -pound wheel of cheese is set rolling down a
9.___ and people
race down the hill after it. The first to reach the
bottom wins the 10.____
     In history,a real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback.He spent a long time a
day outdoors working with cows.The work was dirty,tiring and not very well paid.
     People in the western states had to __1__ cattle at low cost and send them by railway to the
eastern __2__.But someone had to __3__ the cattle and get them to the nearest railroad.This
was the job of a cowboy.Sometimes the __4__ was more than a thousand kilometers away
and it could take as __5__ as six months to move the cattle.The __6__ was long but the cattle
were driven __7__ as not to lose __8__.Then they could be sold at a good price.
     Most cowboys were young, __9__ men.A good horse _10__ their job of moving cattle
much easier.A good cowboy __11__ cows and knew how to control them.At night,he __12__
to the cows to keep them calm.
     In the late 1800s,America was changing from a nation of farm to one of __13__ and cities.The
cowboy seemed __14__ compared with other Americans doing ordinary jobs.
     Today,the __15__ of cowboys has __16__ greatly.One change is the use of trucks.The job
is not so hard __17__ it used to be.And cowboys are better __18__ now.They are _19__ to be
married.Some of them are farmers or teachers or truck drivers.Some work for big companies.
__20__ at night and on weekends,they become cowboys.These part-time cowboys increase the total
production of meat,keeping the beef price low.
(     )1.A.get        
(     )2.A.markets    
(     )3.A.deal with  
(     )4.A.road      
(     )5.A.good      
(     )6.A.journey    
(     )7.A.hurriedly  
(     )8.A.mind      
(     )9.A.unmarried  
(     )10.A.had      
(     )11.A.recognized
(     )12.A.whispered
(     )13.A.towns    
(     )14.A.free      
(     )15.A.manner    
(     )16.A.changed  
(     )17.A.that      
(     )18.A.known    
(     )19.A.afraid    
(     )20.A.Because  
B.find out  
C.look after
D.pay off  