当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 >       Tranquility, relaxation and the scent of incense (香烛香味), this is Guozijian...
      Tranquility, relaxation and the scent of incense (香烛香味), this is Guozijian Street, a street combining Beijing"s past and present. Housing the Confucian Temple in the east and the Imperial College in the west,
the street gradually took shape some 700 years ago.
      Guozijian Street connects to the Lama Temple in the east. There are many sandalwood incense shops at the street entrance. The air is full of scent. Yet gradually, the scent of ancient books takes advantage as one explores further down the street and towards the Confucian Temple and Imperial College. The
Confucian Temple is where the worships to Confucius were attended during the Yuan, Ming and Qing
Dynasties (1271-1911). Gnarled cypress trees outside the gate create thick shade from the sun. On each
side of the gate stands a huge stone pole written in Mandarin and Mongolian ordering all horse riders, even the emperor, to get off their horses. The glazed yellow tiles on the roof show the temple"s past dignity.
Beside the Confucian Temple is the Imperial College, the highest educational institution during the Yuan,
Ming and Qing Dynasties, which was once the dream destination for ancient scholars. The neighboring
Guanshuyuan Hutong is no different than other Beijing hutongs, except for its unique colors. The royal red of the Imperial College wall is a stark contrast with the typical grey of common people"s residences.
       Serenity is very common over Guozijian Street. The occasional noise aroused by visitors is quickly
absorbed by the quiet atmosphere. Even time slows down on this ancient street.
      The leafy and green cypress trees along the street protect it from the bother of the busy city. These tall and silent plants add to the dignity and elegance of the street. Living houses still preserve the ancient and
attractive style of old Beijing, which is hardly seen elsewhere nowadays. Looking through the red gate
where the paint has already started to come off, one may find some older people sitting leisurely in the sun
in the courtyards. It seems that living next door to the sage (圣人) has brought them the wisdom to
dismiss all kinds of worries.

1. The 2nd paragraph mainly talks about _______.

A. the Lama Temple                
B. the Confucian Temple  
C. a sight of a street                
D. a street of incense

2. The underlined word "serenity" in the 3rd paragraph roughly means _______.

A. being calm and peaceful            
B. being silent
C. being still but noisy                
D. being full of noise

3. It can be inferred from the 4th paragraph that Guozijian Street is _______   .
A. busy      
B. relaxing    
C. natural      
D. noisy

4. The air in Guozijian is fragrant because _______   . 

A. the shops give off a smell
B. incenses in the shop and ancient books give off lots of scent
C. there are many sandalwood trees there
D. there is the Confucian Temple

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?                  

A. The two huge marble poles were carved in two languages. 
B. Guozijian Street is the same in colors as other Beijing hutongs. 
C. Ancient scholars studied in the Confucian Temple and the Imperial College.
D. Ancient emperors ought to get off their horses at the gate of Guozijian Street
1-5: DABBA
试题【      Tranquility, relaxation and the scent of incense (香烛香味), this is Guozijian】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries
play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: international
contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some
truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that
sports encourage international brotherhood. Not only was there the incident of tragedy involving murders
of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national
     One country received its second-place medals with visible anger after the hockey final. There had
been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, as the losers disagreed with the final decisions. They
believed that one of their goals should have been allowed and that their opponents’ victory was unfair.
Their manager was in great anger when he said: “This isn’t hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished.” The president of the Federation said later that such behavior could result in the
suspension(停赛) of the team for at least three years.
     The American basketball team announced that they would not yield first place to Russia, after a
disputable(有争议的) end to their contest. The game had ended in disorder. It was thought at first that
the United States had won by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to
play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player
popped it into the basket. It was the first time the US had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An
appeal jury (评审委员会) debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result
would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.
     Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of
the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals or in non-national teams, might be
too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism (爱国主义).
1. According to the author, recent Olympic Games have ____.
A. created goodwill between the nations
B. hardly showed any international friendship
C. caused only false national pride
D. led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred
2. What did the manager mean by saying, “...Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are
A. Hockey and the Federation are ruined by the unfair decisions.
B. His team would no longer take part in international games.
C. There should be no more hockey matches organized by the Federation.
D. The Federation should be ended.
3. The basketball example implied that ____.
A. too much patriotism was displayed in the incident
B. the announcement to make the match last longer was wrong
C. the appeal jury was too hesitant in making the decision
D. The American team was right in receiving the silver medals
4. Which statement best summarizes this passage?  
A. Athletes should compete as individuals.  
B. Different teams often have disputes when fighting for the first place.  
C. Any team that has disrespectful behavior should be suspended.  
D. The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved.
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Some expressions in English can be really puzzling. Have a look at the following to see how it
challenges your brainpower.
Homeric laughter
     The "Homer" in this expression is the Greek poet. People laugh differently. Some laugh silently, while
others tend to laugh loudly. "Homeric laughter" refers to laughter of the latter kind. It is at times
uncontrollable, and the entire body shakes during the process. This kind of laughter is called Homeric
laughter because this is how the gods laughed in Homer"s classics.
A three-ring circus
     When you refer to a situation as being a three-ring circus, you are saying that it is a situation of
complete confusion. There are so many activities taking place all together that they leave you confused or
annoyed. The expression comes from the world of entertainment - the circus. The area where the artists
perform their acts is called the "ring". In the past, some of the circuses were so grand that they had three
acts taking place simultaneously in three different "rings". The audience had to decide which "ring" they
wanted to focus on.
In the swim (of things)
     When someone is in the swim of things, the individual is actively participating in the things happening
around him, as in "I"ve been ill, but soon I"ll be back in the swim of thing." In the world of fishing, fishermen use the word "swim" to refer to the section of the lake/river where fish can be found in plenty. So, if you
are a fisherman and wish to catch a lot offish, where would you be? You would be "in the swim".
Chickens have come home to roost
     The word "roost" refers to the place where birds rest. It could be anything - the branch of a tree, a
henhouse, etc. The expression is normally used to mean that the bad things that someone did in the past
have come back to bite or upset the individual. In other words, one has to face the consequences of the
deeds done in the past. The original form of this 700-year-old expression was "curses are like chickens;
they always come home to roost".1. Which of the following can best describe the picture? 
A. Homeric laughter                                                                       
B. A three-ring circus                                                                      
C. In the swim (of things)                                                                
D. Chickens have come home to roost                                                          
2. What does the underlined word "simultaneously"(Paragraph 3) mean?                        
A. At the same time.                                                                       
B. Step by step.                                                                            
C. All of a sudden.                                                                        
D. One after another.                                                                        
3. lf you want to know more about such expressions, which website will you probably visit?  
A. www.chinadaily.com.cn/sports/China.html                                                  
B. www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/university.html                                              
C. www.chinadaily.com.cn/culuture/language.html                                              
D. www.chinadaily.com.cn/entertainment/fashion.html                                          
4. The passage is written to_____.                                                        
A. tell readers some old and interesting stories                                            
B. indicate the development of English phrases                                              
C. correct some misunderstandings about words                                                
D. explain the meanings and origins of some phrases                                          
题型:浙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     YOUR mom might cook a bowl of noodles for you on your birthday. But in the US, a mom makes
a cupcake for her children on their birthday.
     Cupcakes are small, round cakes topped with frosting (糖霜). It has been an American tradition
that moms bring cupcakes to the classroom to celebrate their child"s birthday.
     But recently some doctors have called for this to be banned. They believe cupcakes contribute to
child obesity.
     Despite their good intentions, however, some people believe that experts are interfering (妨碍) with
American culture. The cupcake is seen as American as apple pie - only prettier.
     According to Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, the cupcake is the
most democratic (民主的) of desserts. As they are small enough for one person, you don"t have to share
your cupcake with anyone - it"s all yours. They are also all the same size, so there can"t be any cries of
"she got the bigger piece!"
     Each bite can taste different depending on how much icing you have. It is a lesson in self-determination. Some people eat only a little of the frosting every time, others have it all in just one bite.
     In recent years, eating a cupcake has become as trendy as having a cup of Starbucks coffee.
     Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton jokingly promised on a talk show that if she was
elected president, she would give everyone a cupcake on her birthday.
     Ruth Reichl, editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine, explains that the rise of the cupcake is very much
about going back to American national identity in food, which is all about comfort. "People want to think
about when they and their country were innocent," she said.1. According to the passage, it has been an American tradition that ___________.A. a party for children on their birthday
B. A mom cooks a bowl of noodles for her children on their birthday
C. A mom makes a cupcake for her children on their birthday and brings it to the classroom
D. parents go travelling with their children on their birthday2. Why do doctors ask people to ban cupcakes on children"s birthday?A. Because they themselves don"t like cupcakes.
B. Because they think cupcakes are not so delicious.
C. Because they believe cupcakes will cause cries of "She got the bigger piece".
D. Because they believe cupcakes are one of the causes to make children become fat.3. Which of the following is Not true according to Marion Nestle?A. The cupcake is more democratic than any other deserts in the US.
B. The cupcake is too small to share with others.
C. The sizes of cupcakes are the same so it"s equal to everyone.
D. Cupcakes will lead to child obesity so they should be banned.4. The underlined word "trendy" in paragraph 7 probably means ________.A. popular
B. gentle
C. delicious
D. different5. Why did the writer mention Hillary Clinton and Ruth Reichl?A. To arouse the readers" attention.
B. To show that cupcakes are becoming a popular to show kindness and comfort.
C. To make a comparison between them.
D. To give readers a general idea of cupcakes.
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案

     London is one of the most popular sites in the world for tourists to visit. If you are planning a trip to
London in the future, you"re lucky. There are a variety of attractions for you to enjoy.
     One of the most popular tourist attractions in London is the Tower of London. Founded more than 900
years ago, the Tower of London is one of the world"s most famous towers and has changer a lot. Here,
you can also find the seven raven(乌鸦)which live in the Tower. There is a story that says:If there are no
ravens in the Tower, the Tower and the kingdom will fall. There are also lots of tours, exhibits and special
events that you can enjoy throughout the year.
     Another popular place to visit is Westminster Abbey. It was set up in 1065 by Edward the Confessor.
Visitors to Westminster Abbey can enjoy its beautiful special Gothic architecture(哥特式建筑). There are
also lots of memorials of Kings and Queens to enjoy. Excellent transportation is available here by bus or
tube from many locations in London.
      Buckingham Palace is another place with a rich history to discover. It"s the official London residence(住处) of Queen Elizabeth II. During August and September, you can visit the State Rooms and see the
Changing of the Guards. The Queen"s Gallery is opened to the public daily. Checking the official timetable
before you make sure to visit the Palace is a must, because it is not open year round.
       If you"re expecting to enjoy one of London"s most beautiful landscapes, Hyde Park is the place for
you. There are many activities available here to enjoy, including guided walking tours, swimming, tennis,
and horse riding. In addition, many concerts are performed in Hyde Park. There"s also a playground
available for the kids. 
                                                          Tourist attractions in London

题型:江苏省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
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The Tower of

*Built (1) __________900 years ago, the Tower of London is world-famous.
* There are many ravens living in the Tower. (2) __________to an old story, if there are no
ravens in the Tower of London, the Tower and the kingdom will fall.
* During the (3) __________year, you can enjoy lots of tours, exhibits and special


(4) __________in 1065, Westminster Abbey is famous for its beautiful special Gothic
architecture and memorials of Kings and Queens.


* With a rich (5) __________to discover, Buckingham Palace is the official London
residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
*(6 ) __________August to September, you can visit the State Rooms and see the
of the Guards. The public can get (7 ) __________to the Queen"s Gallery every day.
* It"s (8 ) __________to check the official timetable before you visit the Palace.
Hyde Park
As one of London"s most beautiful landscapes, Hyde Park is the palace for you to
play tennis, (9) __________and ride horses. In addition, you can go to a (10) _____
that is performed in Hyde Park.
     Tourism was not always as important as it is today.In the past only rich people could afford costly
travel to other countries.But in 1976 one common person in twenty visited a country away from home.
     More people travel today than in the past mainly because there is a growing middle class(中产阶级)
in many parts of the world.People now have more money to travel.Airplane fares at a bargain price
(特价)for tourists make travel less expensive and thus more attractive than ever before.
     One person does not travel for the same reason as another.But more people enjoy seeing countries
that are different from their own.They also travel to meet new people and try new foods.
     Tourism causes many changes in a country and in people"s lives.People build new hotels and train
native men and women as tourist guides.There are new night clubs and other amusements.
International tourism is clearly a big business.
1.More people travel today than in the past mainly because ________.
A.more people get interested in traveling
B.traveling today is more popular than in the past
C.people now have extra money for travel
D.more people want to see other parts of the world with their own eyes
2.What makes travel more attractive than ever before?
A.Special telegraph lines make travel less expensive.
B.New hotels and restaurants are built now.
C.More guides are being trained for tourists.
D.Travel by plane to other countries is much cheaper today.
3.Which of the following is wrong?
A.People travel for different reasons.
B.Most people like to see foreign countries.
C.When people travel they like to make good use of the plane.
D.People like to learn from the people of other countries.
4.Which statement does this passage lead you to believe?
A.Tourism will bring no changes in people"s minds.
B.Tourism causes only some changes in food and in clothing of a country.
C.Tourism causes many changes in agriculture.
D.Tourism causes obvious changes in many ways of a country.