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When it comes to hard, noisy traveling, we’ve found that sometimes we’d rather read about it than actually go. Here are some bestsellers for armchair travelers.
The Station by Robert Byron. In 1928, the 22-year-old man made a journey to Mount Athos, resulting in one of the best travel books ever written, matched only by Byron’s own, much more famous The Road to Osciana.
In Darkest Africa by Henry Monton Stanley. It’s about his great efforts to save an unlucky German doctor Eduard Schnitzer, who had no desire to be rescued at all.
A Traveler’s Alphabet: Partial Memoirs by Sir Steven Runciman. A to Z and around the world. He provides priceless information of long-gone princesses, priests, and places.
South: A Memoir of the Endurance Voyage by Sir Ernest Shackleton. As the planet started the global war, Shackleton and his brave group of explorers made an unsuccessful but heroic journey to cross Antarctica from 1914 to 1917.
The Michelin Red Guide: France 2005 Reading through this final listing of all the nice hotels and wonderful restaurants in France is better than going there, listening to Chirac talk about the poisonous American culture, and spending the price of this book for a tiny cup of tea and a cookie the size of your thumb.
The Past Is a Foreign Country by David Lowenthal. This great book of an armchair exploration tells us what has happened in the past and shows the relationship between us and the past travelers.
小题1:This passage is written            .
A. to warn readers against traveling     
B. as an introduction to famous travelers
C to sell more books about travels
D. to tell people where to travel
小题2:The underlined phrase “armchair travelers” in the first paragraph refers to those who                .
A.like to read about travels instead of travel themselves
B.find fun teaching others how to travel to other places
C.like to write about their strange traveling experiences
D.can only travel with special equipment for the disabled
小题3: which of the books has a very low price according to the passage?
A.A Traveler’s Alphabet: Partial Memoirs.
B.South: A Memoir to the Endurance Voyage.
C.The Michelin Red Guide: France 2005.
D.The Past Is a Foreign Country.
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Henry Monton Stanley, was saved by a German doctor in Africa.
B.In his book, Lowenthal focuses more on history than the present.
C.It took Shackleton and his men 3 years to cross Antarctica.
D.The Station is no more famous than The Road to Osciana.



试题【When it comes to hard, noisy traveling, we’ve found that sometimes we’d rather r】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
As De Witt Wallace lay in bed recovering from injuries that he unfortunately came by in World War I, he found there was a wealth of interesting information to read. Realizing few people would have the time to get through all this information, he knew exactly what to do. In 1920, this young American submitted a sample magazine containing shortened articles to publishers across America. However, all turned him down.
Undeterred, De Witt and his new bride Lila Bell Acheson published the first issue of Reader’s Digest in February 1922. Working from home, the Wallaces printed 5,000 copies, which were sold by mail to 1,500 people and priced at 25 cents. From these humble beginnings grew the world’s most widely–read magazine.
The magazine became popular and, by 1935, sales topped one million. In 1938, the first international edition was published in the United Kingdom. During World War Ⅱ, editions were published for the first time in Latin America and Sweden. After the war Reader’s Digest moved into Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, South Africa and Switzerland. In 1950, Reader’s Digest published its shortened Books (now known as Select Editions in Australia). In 1959, music, the first non–print product line, was introduced. In 1962, Reader’s Digest revolutionized direct mail by introducing easy–to–enter Sweepstakes and a year later the first Reader’s Digest general book was published. In 1986, video was added to the Reader’s Digest product line.
In 1973, the Wallaces gave up active management of Reader’s Digest. De Witt died in 1981, aged 91; Lila in 1984, aged 94. With no heirs(继承人) to the Wallace empire to take control, Reader’s Digest became a public company in the early 1990s and is now headed by a Chief Executive Office and Chairman of the Board.
小题1:What is the purpose of De Witt Wallace creating the earliest magazine?
A.To become wealthy. B.To offer people information.
C.To heal the wounds from the war.D.To turn down uninteresting stories.
小题2:When did De Will make his first trial of the magazine?
A.Before World War I.B.In 1920.C.In 1922.D.In 1935.
小题3:What is mainly talked about in the first two paragraphs?
A.The first issue of Reader’s Digest.
B.The first trial of De Witt Wallace’s dream.
C.De Witt Wallace’s character and marriage.
D.The humble beginnings of Reader’s Digest.
小题4:Which of the following is the right order for the history of Reader’s Digest?
a.The Select Edition came out.
b.The Wallaces retired from the management of Reader’s Digest.
c.The magazine sold over million copies.
d.The product line was improved by means of videos.
e.Editions in other languages were published.
A.c — e — a — b — dB.e — a — c — b — d
C.c — e — a — d — bD.a — c — e — d — b
小题5:What can be known about Reader’s Digest from the passage?
A.Reader’s Digest only published shortened or general books.
B.After World War ⅡReader’s Digest was published all over the world.
C.Reader’s Digest was first private–owned and later public–owned.
D.Reader’s Digest has always been headed by a Chief Executive Office

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When Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it was a revolution in communication.Over the last two decades a new means of spoken communication has emerged: the mobile phone.
The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two-way radio.Traditional two-way radio was a very limited means of communication.As soon as the users moved out of range of each other’s broadcast area, the signal was lost.In the 1940s, researchers began experimenting with the idea of using a number of radio masts (天线杆)located around to pick up signals from two-way radios.A caller would always be within range of one of the masts; when he or she moved too far away from one mast, the next mast would pick up the signal.(Scientists referred to each mast’s reception area as being a separate "cell"; this is why in.many countries mobile phones are called "cell phones".)
The first real mobile telephone call was made in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper.As soon as his invention was completed,, he tested it by calling another scientist to announce his success.Within a decade, mobile phones became available to the public.They have changed the way we do a lot of things.One powerful feature is the Short Message Service (SMS) or text message.It’s the perfect communication method for the busy modern lifestyle.Going to be late? Send a text message! The text message has changed the way we write in English.The language construction became less strict.Traditional rules of grammar and spelling are much less important when you’re sitting on the bus, hurriedly typing "Will B 15mm late-C U @ the bar.(I will be 15 minutes late to see you at the
bar.) Sorry!".
Over the last few years mobiles have become more and more advanced.We have seen the instruction of cameras, global positioning system and Internet access.
Alexander Graham Bell would be surprised if he could see how far the science of telephone has progressed in less than 150 years.If he were around today, he might say: "That’s gr8(great)! But I’m busy rite now(I am very busy right now).Will call U2nite(I will call you tonight.)."
小题1:The writing style of the passage is a (an)___.
小题2:The article is intended to__     _.
A.warn people of the possible risks in using mobile phones
B.inform readers of the history and benefits of mobile phones
C.convince people of the uses of mobile phones
D.predict the applications of mobile phones
小题3:What do you think of the writer according to the last paragraph.

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On December 8, 1980, John Lennon –an English musician who rose to fame as one of the founding members of Liverpool pop band The Beatles – was shot dead outside his New York apartment.
In the 1960s and 70s, Lennon was one of the most iconic(偶像的)men on the planet. Some 30 years ago on from his death, he is still respected by many people in the West.
The Beatles, formed in 1960 in Liverpool, were one of the most commercial successful acts on the history of pop music, with, according to some estimates, global record sales over 1.1 billion.
The band conveyed the progressive ideals in which many young people of the time believed.
In the 1960s and 70s, widespread tension developed in both British and American society, regarding issues such as women’s rights and the Vietnam War.
Lennon in particular became known for his message of peace and for his opposition to the war in Vietnam. This led to an attempt by former US president Richard Nixon to drive him away from the US. Lennon’s second-wife Yoko Ono was also politically active.
Lennon was also hugely admired for his musical abilities. Along with fellow-Beatle Paul, Lennon and McCartney were the Beatle’s song-writing team.
After Lennon was shot by crazy fan Mark Chapman,one of his most iconic songs, Imagine, became a humanist anthem(颂歌).
Lennon’s legacy survived his death and continued till this day. In 2008, he was ranked the fifth greater singer of all time in US-based Rolling Stone magazine.
Former possessions of Lennon or furnishings from his homes continue to be sold for vast sums.
In an auction(拍卖) to be held next week in London, lines written by Lennon on the back of a demand for an outstanding bill are expected to sell for £350,000(3.7 million yuan).
In August, a bathroom from his last home in Britain, was auctioned for £9,500. And in 2009, a British film describing his early years before the Beatles began, was one of the most successful films of the years in the UK.
But do Lennon and his music continue to resonate(共鸣) with the young people of today?
小题1: The passage is written here to show that Lennon has _______.
A.lasting appealB.long historyC.exciting recordsD.great success
小题2:Which of the following is right about the Beatles according to the passage?
A.It was founded in the 1960s in London.
B.It had 1.1 billion sales in Britain.
C.It was commercially successful.
D.Many of today’s young people believe its ideals.
小题3:Lennon was forced to leave the US as a result of ________.
A.the tension between Britain and AmericaB.his wife’s political activity
C.his struggle for women’s rights D.his opposition to the war in Vietnam
小题4:We can guess that the rest of the passage will tell us ________.
A.why Lennon and his music are still popular with today’s young people
B.why Lennon and his music spoil today’s generations of young people
C.that today’s generations of young people don’t like Lennon’s songs
D.that today’s generations of young people like Lennon’s songs better

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Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for ― its stadium (露天大型运动场) and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii’s people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2000 years. Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano . Mount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not.
In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.
For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79. There were streets and fountains(喷泉), houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread ― a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today. Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye makeup.
Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One-fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.
小题1:Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?
A.To visit the volcanoB.To shop and eat there
C.To watch sports and playsD.To watch how Pompeiians lived
小题2:Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?
A.The city nearby offered all kinds of fun.
B.The area produced the finest wine in Italy.
C.Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.
D.The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass.
小题3:Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?
A.Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.
B.Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.
C.Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.
D.Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.
小题4:What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2000 years ago?
A.They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.
B.They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.
C.They enjoyed a good life with drinking and eating.
D.They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79.

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阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
This hotel in the trees is famous in the world. People, who know very little about Kenya, know of Treetops. When King George VI died, Princess Elizabeth was staying on the Treetops, and when she came down from there, “She succeeded him as the queen of the country”. This hotel in the middle of the forest shows the pleasure of Africa. When you visit it, you will be sent into the heart of the forest by hotel buses, and then a guide, with a gun to protect you against big game, will go with you to the Treetops. Before and after dinner, for the whole night if you wish, you can sit on the corridor (走廊), watching animals come to the water pool. The earliest hotel Treetops was built round a large tree on the opposite side of the water, but that was destroyed by fire and the new hotel Treetops, which is built round several trees, is much bigger.
The dining room at Treetops is small, and the waiters cannot walk round to serve guests, a clever “railway service” has been invented. Guests take their food as it passes slowly in front of them, along a line in the center of the table.
There are many animals around the Treetops. When you visit them, you can see:
— Animals and their babies are waiting to greet the guests.
— Animals, enjoying the Treetops pool in the daylight.
— A long bodied, long ring tailed very active cat-like animal is a special one coming out at night.
He hunts and eats anything he can overpower, and his teeth and claws can do you harm.  
— Some other animals that have a thick coating of fur to keep them warm in the cold forest nights.
— Many buffaloes (水牛) coming near to the Treetops for water and salt during the day or night.
小题1: In Paragraph One, “succeeded” means ______.
A.did what she was trying to do B.gained her purpose
C.got a position on the death of the King D.completed a difficult task
小题2: Which of the following description about “the cat-like animal” is NOT true?
A.It comes for food only at night. B.It lives in the trees at Treetops.
C.Its teeth and claws can do people harm. D.It can catch any other animal in the forest.
小题3:According to the passage. Treetops is famous in the world because ______.
A.it can show the pleasure of Americans living in Africa
B.Princess Elizabeth got to the crown when coming down from there
C.they are built round several trees to provide adventures for visitors
D.there are many animals that can be trained and become lovely pets
小题4:We can learn from the passage, that the guests ______.
A.should not play games on the Treetops B.could enjoy their dinner as usual
C.could not sit on the corridor at nightD.should keep off the cat-like animals

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