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In Asia, there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them. Although all kites have a similar structure (结构), they are widely different in size and shape. Kite-fighting competitions are also held, in which competitions us their kites to attack and bring down their opponents’(对手)kites or cut their strings(线).
For more than 15 years, the Big Wind Kite Factory has been giving kite-making and kite flying classes for the children on an island in Hawaii. In its kite-making lessons, students can make kites in as little as 20 minutes! Children as young as four years old can learn how to fly a kite. Jonathan Socher and his wife Daphne started the kite factory in 1980. Their kites are made of nylon(尼龙).Their designs are Hawaiian themes created by Daphne. The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite. 
The kite that is used to give lessons is regular diamond kite with a rainbow pattern. The difference between this kite and the ones they make during the lessons is that it is a two-string controllable kite. Big Wind employees fly the kite and for a few minutes show students how pulling on one line and then on the other controls the direction the kite goes in. Then the controls are given to the students.
Jonathan insists that it is not necessary to make a huge impressive kite to have fun making and flying kites. Even the simplest structure can work, and can give hours of fun. Go on, give it a try!
小题1:Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.A hot knife is used to iron the nylon.
B.Children never fly kites on their own in flying lessons.
C.Kite strings must not be cut in kite-fighting competitions.
D.Daphne designs kites for the Big Wind Kite Factory.
小题2:What is different about the kite used for flying lessons?
A.It has two strings.
B.It is simple in design
C.It has a rainbow pattern.
D.It is shaped like a diamond.
小题3:According to Jonathan, what do you need to have fun with kites?
A.A large kite.
B.Any type of kite.
C.A complex structure.
D.A kite that impresses others.
小题4:What is mainly described in the text?
A.A kite factory
B.Kite-flying lessons.
C.Special competitions.
D.The kite-making Process.


本文从第二段开始叙述The Big Wind Kite Factory的相关事情,它的创始人,创办的目的,员工及学生可以做的事情。
小题1:细节题。根据Their designs are Hawaiian themes created by Daphne.可知答案为D。根据The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite.可知,A是错误的;根据Then the controls are given to the students.可知,B项错误。根据第一段Kite-fighting competitions are also held, in which competitions us their kites to attack and bring down their opponents’(对手)kites or cut their strings(线).可知,C项错误。
小题2:细节题。根据The difference between this kite and the ones they make during the lessons is that it is a two-string controllable kite.可知,答案为A.
小题4:主旨题。本文讲述了The Big Wind Kite Factory的相关事情,故选A。
试题【In Asia, there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, some humans discontinued their wandering hunting and gathering and settled down to farm. Grain was the first domesticated crop that started that farming process.
The oldest proven records of brewing are about 6,000 years old and refer to the Sumerians. Sumeria lay between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers including Southern Mesopotamia. It is said that the Sumerians discovered the fermentation (发酵) process by chance. No one knows today exactly how this occurred, but it could be that a piece of bread or grain became wet and a short time later, it began to ferment.
The Sumerians were able to repeat this process and are assumed to be the first civilized culture to brew beer. They had discovered a “divine drink” which certainly was a gift from the gods. The word beer comes from the Latin word bibere, meaning “to drink”, and the Spanish word cerveza originates from the Greek goddess of agriculture, Ceres.
A vitamin-rich porridge, used daily, beer is reported to have increased health and longevity and reduced disease and malnutrition (营养不良). The self-medicating properties of alcohol-rich beer also eased the tensions and stresses of daily living in a hostile world. The use of yeast (酵母) was not yet known at that time. The success of the fermentation process was left to chance, as the brewers unknowingly relied on yeast particles in the air.
Considerable scientific research took place in breweries (酿酒厂) in the 19th century. A famous work from 1876 by Louis Pasteur was Studies Concerning Beer where he revealed his knowledge of micro-organisms. By establishing that yeast is a living microorganism, Pasteur opened the gates for accurately controlling the conversion (转换) of sugar to alcohol.
Another discovery in beer brewing was the work of Christian Hansen, a Danish scientist, who successfully isolated a single yeast cell and induced it to reproduce on an artificial culture medium. With the resulting yeast multiplication (繁殖) methods, the purity of the fermenting process has been improved.
小题1:According to the passage, who was the first to brew beer?
A.The Greeks.B.Christian Hansen.
C.Louis Pasteur.D.The Sumerians.
小题2:The last two paragraphs mainly talk about        .
A.the function of micro-organisms
B.the success of the fermentation process
C.two scientific discoveries about brewing
D.the results of yeast multiplication methods
小题3:According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Grain was the first crop used to brew beer.
B.There are some yeast particles in the air.
C.The word “beer” originates from Latin.
D.Modern beer contains more alcoholic.
小题4:Which would be the best title for the text?
A.The beer culture.B.The history of beer.
C.The earliest brewery.D.Methods of brewing beer.

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At present time, roller skating (滑旱冰) is easy and fun. But many years ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, people never tried skating on wheels. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making instruments (工具). In his free time he liked to play the violin. Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams. People called him a dreamer.
One day Merlin received an invitation to go to an important party. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think. He wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party. Merlin had an idea. He thought that he would attract a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.
Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll (滚动). Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skate shoes. Merlin was very proud of them. He dreamed of arriving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin. He was sure that everyone would be very surprised.
On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room, playing his violin. Everyone was really surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skating. He rolled on, playing the violin. Then, with all eyes on him, Merlin hit into a huge mirror on the wall. The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise.
Nobody forgot Merlin’s wonderful entrance after that.
小题1:The first paragraph tells us that people began to skate on wheels from 1750 because _______.
A.it is very easy
B.it is very exciting
C.Joseph Merlin’s instruments
D.it is very popular
小题2:People called Merlin a dreamer because ___________.         .
A.he slept and dreamed a lot
B.he was full of different ideas and dreams
C.he invented the first roller skates
D.he always made people’s dreams come true
小题3:___________ made Merlin think of skating on wheels.
A.Merlin’s workB.Merlin’s violin
C.A huge mirrorD.An important party
小题4:What was Merlin’s problem after he rolled into the room?
A.He couldn’t stop his roller-skating.
B.He couldn’t attract a lot of attention.
C.Everyone was surprised at him.
D.He couldn’t play the violin while rolling.
小题5:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Joseph Merlin’s Story
B.How Roller Skating Was Invented
C.A Surprising Entrance to the Party
D.Violin and roller skating

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The word doping is probably from the Dutch word dop, the name of an alcoholic drinks make of grape skins used by Zulu soldiers in order to encourage their bravery in battle. The term became current around the turn of the 20th century, originally referring to illegal drugging of racehorses. In 1928 the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) became the first to ban the use of doping. A reliable test method was finally introduced in 1974.
The practice of enhancing athletes’ performance through foreign substance or other artificial means, however, is as old as competitive sport itself. The most famous doping case of the 1980s concerned Ben Johnson, the 100-meter champion who tested positive for stanozolol(司坦咗醇) at the Olympic Games in Seoul, 1988.
The main front in the anti-doping war has rapidly shifted to blood doping since 1970s. Blood doping is the practice of adding red blood cells to the bloodstream in order to improve athletes’ performance. The blood is usually processed in order to create a concentration of red blood cells, and then freeze them until needed for transfusion(输血) back into the athlete shortly before the event. The extra red blood cells will deliver more oxygen and other essential elements to the athlete’s muscle tissues.
Just like any other problem, the only way to solve it is through education. Many high school sports programs now have people come in to talk to them about out the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs. Young players must be fully clear on the rules and what substances are banned. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) has an easily accessible list of what substances are banned, how they are tested for and why they are banned on its website. This way, young players are clear on what they can put in their bodies. This is also a good way to educate players on the danger of the substances they may be tempted to use.
小题1:The word “enhancing” in the first sentence of the second paragraph means “_____”.
小题2:What can we know from the third paragraph?
A.Blood doping is transferring one man’s blood into another
B.Only blood doping exists in the anti-doping war in the 1970s.
C.Blood doping is easy to be found and controlled by organizations.
D.More oxygen in the blood helps improve an athlete’s performance.
小题3:The word “people” in the second sentence of the fourth paragraph probably refers to _____.
A.teachers who teach P.E. lessons at school
B.experts who do research in doping
C.young people easy to be addicted to doping
D.athletes involved in doping
小题4:Which statement best matches the last paragraph?
A.Prevention is better than cure.
B.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
C.The best horse needs breaking, and the cleverest child needs teaching.
D.A little learning is a dangerous thing.

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About 12,000 years ago- long before the famous UFO crash make headlines in America—an alien spaceship crashed in China. And their descendants are still living in a faraway Chinese village today! That is the mind-bending claim made in the new book Out of Time and Place, a collection of reports from the files of Fate, a magazine edited by Terry O’Neil.
The story first came to light in 1937 when an expedition led by Chi Pu-Tei came across a group of caves deep in the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains. In the caves were found strange-looking skeletons with big heads and small, slender bodies—closely matching typical descriptions of space aliens. The explorers also uncovered 716 mysterious stone discs with strange hieroglyphics(象形文字) on them.
In Qinghai Province, where the mountains lie, ancient stories tell of small, skinny beings with oversize heads who came from the sky long long ago. And to this day, locals live in fear of attack from strange-looking creatures from above.
And there is more. In 1947, British scientist Karyl Robin-Evans led an expedition into the mountains and discovered a group of dwarfs(侏儒) who called themselves the Droza. “They told him that their ancestors came from a planet in the Sirius(天狼星)system and crashed in this mountain area a long time ago,” writes Hausdorf, “Many of them were killed, but survivors adapted to living on this rough planet far from home.”
For decades, Robin-Evans’ claims were dismissed as nonsense. But in 1995, the Associated Press reported that in the region a village named Huilong had been discovered—populated by 120 dwarfs ranging from 3-foot-10 to 2-foot-1tall.Hausdorf asks, “Could these people be the last living descendants of the survivors of the legendary UGO crash—the Chinese Roswell?”
小题1:Which of the following are the findings of Chi Pu-Tei?
a. strange-looking skeletons           b. UFO crash
c. stone discs                       d. dwarfs
e. strange hieroglyphics               f. skinny beings
A.a, c, dB.c, e, fC.a, c, eD.a, b, e
小题2:Paragraph 3 and 4 mainly _____.
A.introduce ancient stories in Qinghai Province
B.show evidence of the existence of aliens in Qinghai Province
C.express fears of attack from aliens
D.describe the spaceship crash in China
小题3:What can be safely concluded from the passage?
A.This passage is a piece of science news recently issued.
B.Chinese are descendants to the survivors of the alien spaceship crash
C.The UFO crash in the Byan-Kara-Ula Mountains has recently been seen
D.Many people are curious about aliens from outer space
小题4:What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?
A.Recent research about the Chinese Roswell.
B.News stories about Roswell UFO Crash.
C.Chi Pu-Tei’s discovery in China.
D.Robin-Evans’ claims.

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Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North American were simple structures that were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages.  During the first half of the eighteen century, however, houses began to show a new elegance.  As wealth increased, more and more colonist built fine houses.
Since architecture was not yet a specialized profession in the colonies, the design of buildings was left either to amateur (业余) designers or to carpenters who were engaged in translating architectural handbooks imported from England.  Inventories of libraries shows an astonishing number of these handbooks for builders, and the houses built during the eighteenth century show their influence.  Nevertheless, most household architecture of the first-quarters of the eighteenth century displays a wide divergence of taste and freedom of application of the rules laid down in these books.
Increasing wealth and growing sophistication (文化修养) throughout the colonies resulted in houses of improved design, whether the material was wood, stone, or brick.  New England still favored wood, though brick houses became common in Boston and other towns, where the danger of fire gave an impetus (推动) to the use of more durable material.  A few houses in New England were built of stone, but only in Pennsylvania and areas nearby was stone widely used in buildings.  An increased use of brick in houses and outbuildings is noticeable in Virginia and Maryland, but wood remained the most popular material even in houses built by wealthy landowners.  In the Carolinas, even in closely packed Charleston, wooden houses were much common than brick houses.
Eighteenth-century houses showed great interior improvements over the former ones.  Windows were made larger and shutters removed.  Large, clear panes replaced the small leaded glass of the seventeenth century.  Doorways were larger and more decorative.
Fireplaces became decorative features of rooms.  Walls were made of plaster or wood.  White paint began to take the place of blues, yellows, greens, and lead colors, which had been popular for walls in the earlier years.  After about 1730, advertisements for wallpaper styles in scenic patterns began to appear in colonial newspapers.
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The improved design of eighteenth-century colonial houses.
B.A comparison of eighteenth-century houses and modern houses.
C.The decorations used in eighteenth-century houses.
D.The role of carpenters in building eighteenth-century houses.
小题2:What was one of the main reasons for the change in architectural style in eighteenth-century
North America?
A.More architects arrived in the colonies.
B.The colonists developed an interest in classical architecture.
C.Bricks were more readily available
D.The colonists had more money to spend on housing.
小题3:According to the passage, who was responsible for designing houses in eighteenth-century
North America?
A.professional architectsB.customersC.interior decoratorsD.carpenters
小题4:The passage implies that the rules described in architectural handbooks were ____________.
A.generally ignoredB.broken by professional architects
C.not strictly stuck toD.only followed by older builders
小题5:The underlined word “divergence”欧 is closest in meaning to ________.

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